select itemName() from amazon simpledb using boto - amazon-simpledb

I'm trying to get itemName() from a simpleDB select query using boto, but doing select itemName() from domain where attribute = 'foo' limit 10 gives me an result set with 10 items but they are all empty.
I've also tried select `itemName()` from domain where attribute = 'foo' and select itemName from domain where attribute = 'foo'.

The Item objects returned are empty because you are not asking for any attributes in the query. The itemName is not really an attribute. It is stored as a special value on the Item object that is accessible as


Influxdb query on tag returns nothing

I have an Influxdb with lots of fields and a single tag:
> show tag keys
name: rtl433
Now, I want a list of all possible values for model, so I run
SELECT model FROM rtl433
-and it returns nothing. Why? There's lots of data in model if I select *.
You are trying to use classic SQL solution, but InfluxDB is not classic SQL DB. You should check InfluxDB doc and you will find solution:

Migrate PropertyData to a new PropertyType

We have an existing PropertyType called IsPublic which uses a Umbraco.TrueFalse property editor.
Requirements have changed and this value now needs to be represented by multiple checkboxes that are driven from an Enum with the Values Public, Group1, Group2.
This all works as expected but with 10's of Thousands of documents we want to save our content editors from manually populating them all.
Saving a document in Umbraco, I can see that it creates an entry in the table cmsPropertyData with the value [ "Public", "Group1", "Group2" ] in the dataNvarchar column.
I've written a script to insert a row into this table based on the value of the original IsPublic flag.
However following running this, when opening a document in Umbraco the changes aren't displayed.
The script used to update is
DECLARE #HasPublicFlag NVARCHAR(50) = '[ "Public", "Group1", "Group2" ]'
DECLARE #NoPublicFlag NVARCHAR(50) = '[ "Group1", "Group2" ]'
DECLARE #feature INT = (SELECT nodeId FROM cmsContentType WHERE Alias = 'Feature')
--Existing IsPublic flag
DECLARE #featureIsPublic INT = (SELECT id FROM cmsPropertyType WHERE Alias = 'IsPublic' AND contentTypeId = #feature)
--New PropertyType
DECLARE #featureRoleRestriction INT = (SELECT id FROM cmsPropertyType WHERE Alias = 'documentRoleRestriction' AND contentTypeId = #page)
--Get feature document versions that are either newest version or published
;WITH FeatureDocumentsToUpdate AS
SELECT d.*, pd.dataInt
FROM cmsDocument d
JOIN cmsPropertyData pd ON pd.versionId = d.versionId
LEFT JOIN cmsPropertyData pd2 ON pd2.versionId = d.versionId AND pd2.propertytypeid = #featureRoleRestriction
WHERE (d.newest = 1 OR d.Published = 1) AND pd.propertytypeid = #featureIsPublic AND IS NULL
--INSERT INTO cmsPropertyData based on value of existing flag
INSERT INTO cmsPropertyData(contentNodeId, versionId, propertytypeid, dataNvarchar)
SELECT s.nodeId, versionId, #featureRoleRestriction,
CASE WHEN s.dataInt = 0 THEN #NoPublicFlag ELSE #HasPublicFlag END AS NewValue
FROM FeatureDocumentsToUpdate s
Is there another table(s) that will need updating or is there a better way to do this?
My guess would be that you need to republish all of the affected pages for the caches etc to update and populate with the new values properly.
With 10,000 plus documents, doing a full republish of everything might be quite slow.
You could also try and update the XML for each page in the cmsContentXml table to have the correct values, and then rebuild the Examine indexes for the site, which should do the trick and be a bit quicker. This is because the contents this table is used to rebuild the indexes to save on speed.
Another option would be to write an API Controller task that you can run once and then remove to update all of the values using the Umbraco Services, but again, that'll be quite slow I think on the volume of pages you're talking about.

ActiveRecord PostgreSQL querying an Array

I have setup a PostgreSQL array field identical to this example on edgeguides. I am querying on these fields like:
Book.where("'fantasy' = ANY (tags)")
But what I need is to query the inverse of this; all records where tags does not include 'fantasy' (in this example).
Anyone have any guidance? I cannot find much documentation on working with a PostgreSQL array field outside of the aforementioned guide.
You can negate your condition
Book.where("NOT('fantasy' = ANY (tags))")
So you can modify query to get records with NULL records also:
Book.where("NOT('fantasy' = ANY (tags)) or tags IS NULL")
Also you can run these queries in psql and check results
SELECT * FROM book WHERE NOT('fantasy' = ANY (tags));
SELECT * FROM book WHERE NOT('fantasy' = ANY (tags)) OR tags IS NULL;
SELECT * FROM book WHERE 'fantasy' = ANY (tags)
Maybe there is no records without tag 'fantasy'?
Try this:
Book.where.not('tags #> ARRAY[?]', "fantasy")

Retrieve database records in Rails

My model named Person contains 3 columns namely name,age,gender.
Now how to get all the rows if the gender = "male". I try to
fetch the data as shown below.
p = Person.find_by_gender("male")
The above statement properly worked. But it returns only 1 record. Because, the statement is converted to like following query.
SELECT "persons".* FROM "persons" WHERE "persons"."gender" = $1 LIMIT 1 [["gender", "male"]]
Due to limit is set to 1 it returns only 1 record. So, how to unset the limit? My requirement to get all the records in table if gender
matches "male".
use where
Person.where(gender: "male")
find method always returns only one record
In rails find methods always return single record that's why it returning single record.
Use Where which give you array of matching records(which is ActiveRecord::Relation)
Person.where(:gender => "male")

Entity Framework: LINQ Include() does not work after DB update, why?

I am new to Entity Framework and LINQ and have run into a rather odd scenario.
I have been using the following query to return account information:
var account = ((from acct in _entities.Account
join m in _entities.Item on acct.Id equals m.Account.Id
where acct.Id == accountId && m.ItemNumber.EndsWith(itemNumber)
select acct) as ObjectQuery<Account>).Include("Item.ItemDetails");
We recently made some changes to the database and generated a new edmx file. Following the change the above query still returns the account and associated Item but the ItemDetails is no longer being included.
I have validated the SQL returned by the query and there doesn't seem to be anything wrong as the correct data is being returned.
Furthermore I don't see anthing different in the edmx file between the Item and ItemDetails objects as these were not changed and the navigation property is there.
Has anyone seen this before?
In Include(...) is used the name of the navigation property so it will be good to check the exact name of the property from the .edmx (especially if it is singular or plural).
Also you can try to change the query like this:
var account = from acct in _entities.Account.Include("Item.ItemDetails")
join m in _entities.Item
on acct.Id equals m.Account.Id
where acct.Id == accountId && m.ItemNumber.EndsWith(itemNumber)
select acct;
You have one of two possible scenarios:
Item has a relationship to Account (expressed in your Entity Model as a EntityAssociation and in DB as a foreign key):
There is no relationship between Item set and Account set, hence, you must specify a join in LINQ as you have done.
Case 1: if this is the case, then you don't need a join statement... by selecting Acount.Item will naturally give you all items where Item.AccountID is equal to Account.ID
So your join statement: join m in _entities.Item on acct.Id equals m.Account.Id
has basically told Item to loop back onto Account to check the ID. If they were not already connected, then you could not have gotten m.Account.ID
Case 2: If there is no relationship between Account and Item, then the .Include() will definitely not work because the navigational property DOES NOT exist in your model.
Conclusion: Check your new model to see if a relationship exists between Account and Item. If yes, then remove the Join. If no relationship, then you've done something wrong.
Here is a select statement assuming scenario 1 and that Account.Item is not a collection:
var account = from acct in _entities.Account.Include("Item.ItemDetails")
where acct.Id == accountId && acct.Item.ItemNumber.EndsWith(itemNumber)
select acct;
