Instrument fail to run GUI test script in real iOS device from Xcode 4.4 - ios

I have an UI automation script which run perfectly fine before I update Xcode to 4.4.
But after I update Xcode to 4.4, instrument hang after 2nd run on actual iOS device (runs ok on simulator).
Anybody have the same problem and found any work around?

I have seen the same behavior. You don't even need a script. All you need to do is start your app with Instruments, stop recording and attempt to start recording again. I have seen this with XCode 4.4 and 4.4.1 while running the app on iPads with 5.0.1 and 5.1.1.

I fixed this problem.
Here is the solution:
I moved xcode 4.3.2 to trash and had only xcode 4.4.1 installed on my machine.
This works like a gem.


Is there a way to run an app on iOS 12.2 with an outdated version of Xcode and macOS?

I'm developing a React Native application that I test and build on a real iPhone 7 using Xcode. However, the iPhone recently automatically updated to iOS 12.2, which requires Xcode version 10.2. The problem is that I can't update Xcode because my Mac is running on High Sierra 10.13.6 and is too old to get the Mojave update (2011).
So the question is: Is there any way I can still use the Mac to run the app on my real device, or am I forced to use the emulators/buy a new Mac from now on? Most importantly, is there I way I can still get the Mojave update on my old Mac?
You can download the support files that you want from this repo
Close your xcode, right click on xcode ->Show Package Contents->Contents->Developer->Platforms->iPhoneOS.platform->DeviceSupport, and unzip your file there.
Restart xcode and voilà, your device is supported.
check this for more info.
There is some trick for you to install Mojavae and so Xcode 10.2.
I hope that can help you, and think to deactivate the auto update.

Xcode 10 - App not updated after building and installing

after the latest update of Xcode 10 I have the problem that when I try to build and install the app to my IPhone 7, Xcode seems to install the app, but I cannot see any changes when I try to change for example a color or a constraint in Main.storyboard.
Try restarting the phone.
Different issue but I was having an issue running an XCUITest on device after upgrading to Xcode 10, and restart solved it.
Quit Xcode and the simulator and then Restart you computer.
If that doesn’t work try using a different simulator.

The iOS 8.1 simulator runtime is not available error in Xcode 6.1

I was using Xcode 6.0.1 till now and things were fine. Then I upgraded to Xcode 6.1 and tried running my application(which has a deployment target of 7.0) in iPhone 6 simulator. But it shows an error message :
The iOS 8.1 simulator runtime is not available. Download the iOS 8.1 simulator runtime from the Downloads section in Xcode's Preferences
I manually deleted the earlier Xcode (6.0.1) and installed 6.1 from a dmg.
I tried searching across but couldn't find related stuff. Any help would be appreciated.
It is a Mac problem, not an Xcode problem.
Logout the user, shutdown, restart or just reboot Mac. Your Xcode simulator will go back to normal.
For anyone still facing this issue, this command worked for me:
sudo killall -9
Rebooting did not help me.
Installing/Reinstalling Simulators worked!!
Look under (XCode Preferences-> Downloads -> Components)
Maintain an accurate list of iOS simulators
When upgrading, you may drag around old simulators no longer available with your current version of Xcode. You can clean these by running this command in Terminal:
xcrun simctl delete unavailable
Quit Xcode first just for good measures. From the documentation:
Delete a device or all unavailable devices.
Rebooting my computer fixed this exact issue for me. Same error was thrown for both iOS7 and iOS8 simulators. I'm on OS X 10.10 and Xcode 6.1.
Just had this problem with Xcode 8 beta 5. I downloaded ios8 and 9 simulators, but was not able to run my app. I simply deleted derived data and rebooted my computer. It worked for me.

“An error occurred while trying to run the script.” in the UI Automation instrument?

When I try to run a UI Automation script on iOS 6 with iphone simulator 6.0 I am getting the following error:
"An error occurred while trying to run the script."
Please Help!
While working fine with iphone simulator 5.1 with ios5.
It is a bug in Xcode. Some suggest the following (didn't work for me, no old iOS folder).
Assuming you have the latest iOS, now this would be iOS7, with latest version 7.0.3.
cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/iPhone\ Simulator/
mv 7.0 old7.0
ln -s 7.0.3 7.0
Some people claim this bug is fixed in different versions of Xcode (looks like it is back in Xcode 5.0.2 with Instruments 5.0.1), so you could try the latest Xcode beta or any version that you think worked on your computer (like Xcode 5.0.1 apparently)
What worked for me, however was to plug in a device and run my project on the iPod/iPhone instead of the simulator and it worked perfectly.

UI automation error using iOS 5.1 target

I use Instruments 4.3 with UI automation tool for sometime successfully.
Recently I upgraded my target iPhone4 to iOS 5.1 and UI automation is now giving following error :"An error occurred while trying to run the script" for the moment a script is started, no further info than that.
Even when Instruments is running independently from Xcode the problem is still their, also when "run on record" is ticked but no script is selected.
I even reinstalled Xcode 4.3.1 but without success.
Runs fine on simulator and previous iOS version though.
If anyone encountered this issue and has a solution, please reply.
