UI automation error using iOS 5.1 target - instruments

I use Instruments 4.3 with UI automation tool for sometime successfully.
Recently I upgraded my target iPhone4 to iOS 5.1 and UI automation is now giving following error :"An error occurred while trying to run the script" for the moment a script is started, no further info than that.
Even when Instruments is running independently from Xcode the problem is still their, also when "run on record" is ticked but no script is selected.
I even reinstalled Xcode 4.3.1 but without success.
Runs fine on simulator and previous iOS version though.
If anyone encountered this issue and has a solution, please reply.


React Native iOS Build in Release configuration freezes on Launch Screen

I have an application built using React Native 0.58.6. The iOS build works fine in Debug configuration, but not when built in Release configuration. I can reproduce this on our build server and also locally using react-native run-ios --configuration Release.
This app worked previously in Release configuration before upgrading RN version. Does anyone have any tips for how to find out more information about what may be going on or how to fix this? The app does not crash or show any errors, just stays stuck on the LaunchScreen.xib.
Edit 1
The build works and progresses past the loading screen in the following configurations: Android/Debug, Android/Release, iOS/Debug. It is only the iOS/Release build that is failing. Also, we've tried various xCode versions including 10.1, 10.2, and 10.2.1. Still getting the same result with each version of xCode.
Any tips on how to debug something like this? With no crash, we aren't getting crash reports, and since it's a release build there is no debugging capability or console logging.
If you are using react-native-splash-screen you maybe forgot to hide it.
import SplashScreen from 'react-native-splash-screen'

MonoDevelop not hitting breakpoints when attached to iOS device

I've built my solution in MonoDevelop, then created an Xcode project in Unity with the following settings
I have then successfully deployed the app to the iPhone, stopped the Xcode project, reopened the app on the iPhone and then attached the MonoDevelop debugger
The problem is that when I set breakpoints, they show as unreachable and don't get hit at all.
Can anyone point me in the right direction with this? The stress of it is killing me..
Macbook Air Early 2015 - El Capitan 10.11.6
iPod Touch (MGG72BT/A) - iOS 9.3.1
MonoDevelop 5.9.6
Unity 5.3.4f1
I had the issue on Linux and I noticed that it started happening after I manually built the project in MonoDevelop, which gave me a bunch of build errors that were due to the fact that the version of .NET unity was targeting was 3.5 but the one came with MD was 4.5. So after I changed the target FW to 4.5 the build errors (in MD) cleared BUT the breakpoints stopped working.
What I did was I restarted both MD and Unity, Cleaned project in MD BUT DID NOT BUILD THEM IN MD. Just saved and switched to Unity which uses its own build. After that I switched back to MD and attached to Unity process WITHOUT BUILDING.
After this the breakpoints started working again. Conclusion - do not build the project in MD, just use it for editing scripts only and let Unity do the building.

Xcode 8 won't run my application

I'm trying to run a sample app; its source can be found here: https://github.com/bandwidthcom/catapult-reference-app-voice-ios
In commit c669271, before the app was migrated to Xcode 8 and Swift 3, I was able to run it in devices from Xcode 7 - the Simulator wasn't working since one of its dependencies wasn't built for x86_64.
But since it was updated, when I try to run the application on a Simulator from Xcode 8, I get the following error:
The operation couldn’t be completed. (Mach error -308 - (ipc/mig) server died)
There's a similar error when running on a device, but since I don't have one with me right now, I'll edit this question with further details tomorrow.
I saw it working thrice. The only thing that comes to mind is that I had a clean install of Xcode each time it worked. After something like a reboot, or just a restart of Xcode, I wasn't able to run it anymore.
I don't have a firewall enabled, so the accepted answer to this question (Swift Playground and Simulator Error (ipc/mig) server died, Unable to boot the iOS Simulator) doesn't solve my problem.
Any ideas?
OBS: You have to edit the Config.swift file to be able to build the project: any value in the place of "<replace me>" will suffice.
It seems the problem was related to a framework that was being embedded in the application via symlink.
I changed one of the build scripts to copy the framework and now everything is working as expected.
Not sure why it worked before, but that seems to be the answer!

Instrument crash at startup appium

Am trying to run appium tool for testing apps. While starting appium server i finished all setting right way. When appium running the app will start at time but suddently it get crash.
Yes.Am using Xcode 6.0 and Appium 1.3.4
Make sure the .app file you are using is build for simulator if you are running appium for simulator and a different build i.e the build for device if you want to run it into real device....This is one of the cause which causes the instruments to crash at start up.
When I create an new project with XCode then generate the app file, it is working fine - I can open the inspector.
But I have a problem when I use an already developed application and the build is coming from a developer profile : I can't open the inspector and instruments crash on startup.
While running the script please start xcode and go in the settings of the mobile device and find developer options. Make sure UIAutomation is enabled there. If it is not then enable it and after it try to run the script again. Surely it will work.

Instrument fail to run GUI test script in real iOS device from Xcode 4.4

I have an UI automation script which run perfectly fine before I update Xcode to 4.4.
But after I update Xcode to 4.4, instrument hang after 2nd run on actual iOS device (runs ok on simulator).
Anybody have the same problem and found any work around?
I have seen the same behavior. You don't even need a script. All you need to do is start your app with Instruments, stop recording and attempt to start recording again. I have seen this with XCode 4.4 and 4.4.1 while running the app on iPads with 5.0.1 and 5.1.1.
I fixed this problem.
Here is the solution:
I moved xcode 4.3.2 to trash and had only xcode 4.4.1 installed on my machine.
This works like a gem.
