Xcode referencing old framework - ios

I'm trying to add the newest version of a framework to my Xcode project but can't seem to get Xcode to ignore the old one.
I have deleted the framework from the project and removed its listing in "Link Binary With Libraries" section. I then delete every instance of the old framework from my Mac and reset content and settings within the simulator. I clean my project and delete derived data. I then download the new version of the framework and drag and drop it in as usual. Everything appears to link up normally and the project builds without errors again. I go to the view that uses components from the new framework and a big "Trial Version" watermark is still on it and querying the frameworks own [getInfo] function returns the old framework version.
How do I go about completely deleting all reference to this framework? How is it still being built into the project when it no longer exists on my hard drive and I have wiped all the cached data from previous builds and linked a completely new framework from a different location?

I had a similar problem to this and the fix was to look in the Build Settings for my project's target. Under Framework Search Paths was an old entry, pointing at an old copy of the framework. Removing this ensured that it used the latest framework.

It turned out to be the automatic framework searching that Xcode does locating the old framework in other versions of the project in other directories. What a headache.


Xcode 7 is using my framework after I deleted it

I'm in the process of developing a framework. My problem is that the changes I make to my framework are not being reflected in my app. My app seems to be linked to the original framework I created and isn't updating when I update the framework. Even when I delete the framework from my project, xcode still seems to think it's there.
I created a separate xcode project intending to make an app that uses the framework. I copied the root folder of my framework project into my app project root folder and I drag and dropped the .xcodeproj into my App's xcode project. I added the framework from my nested xcode project in each of the following steps:
Build Phases>Link Binary With Libraries
Build phases>Target Dependencies
General>Embedded Binaries
I tried removing the framework from each of these locations.
I tried cleaning the framework project and App project.
I tried deleting the derived data in my app project and framework project in Window>Projects
I tried using a previous version of my app project that doesn't contain the framework in any way (not in the xcode project or root folder)
The ghost of my framework continues to haunt my project! Any help?
I suppose you must have tried deleting it from build phases as well... just in case though:
Go to Build phases -> Link Binary with libraries
Select the one you want to remove, press minus button down there.
Do it for all modules: as in Debug, Release.
You can also try deleting the older framework and emptying trash to be on the safer side.
I just made a mistake.
I was using the classes I built my framework out of rather than the framework itself. I thought deleting these classes and selecting 'Remove Reference' would stop Xcode from using them. I deleted these classes completely and Xcode told me they couldn't find the class I was looking for-- indicating it was using those files rather than the framework.
Also, in my AppDelegate I used
import "ExternalClass.h"
Which I believe is for classes that are in the project. I changed this to
import <ExternalClass/ExternalClass.h>
to import the header file from the framework instead.

Building a Swift Framework with Xcode 7 (Beta 3) to use as an Embedded Binary

Ever since Embedded Binaries were introduced in iOS 8, I have been wanting to port a lot of my common code into frameworks. I decided to wait one year before doing it and this year, with Xcode 7 Beta and iOS 9, I'm starting to do that just that.
I have started a Cocoa Touch framework project in Xcode 7 and I want to compile it into a usable framework. I can get it to compile my project into a .framework, but there's a few issues; namely, the framework doesn't appear to be importable into new projects (I will describe the steps I did for that shortly). Because of that, I'm not sure if my framework has any visible symbols.
This is what I have done to create the Framework:
Created my Framework as a Cocoa Touch Framework.
Went to my target's Build Phases, went to Headers, and added all my Swift files to the "Public" section, in hopes that will export all my simbols without having to mark them as public.
I tried to archive my project as a framework. Currently, it looks like Xcode 7 Beta 3 has a bug (going to report it later today) in which it generates corrupted archive files. For this reason I couldn't get my framework from the Organizer Window. To work around this, I changed the schema of the Run action in Xcode from Debug to Release, built it and grabbed it's generated .framework from my project's build/iphoneos-release directory. This was a quick test so I didn't need the frameworks generated for emulators.
And this is what I did to try to add the framework to a new project:
Created a "Frameworks" group (for organizational purposes) and dragged the framework there, selecting "yes" when it asked me if I want to copy the file to my project's directory.
Went to my target's settings, removed my framework from "Linked Libraries" (it was added there automatically), added it to Embedded Binaries instead. This added the framework to Linked Libraries again, so I had to remove it from there twice. Leaving the framework in Linked Libraries causes a linker error (can't find the framework - no idea why but I think it's irrelevant to my problem and something I should report to Apple as well), but once you remove it from there it seems to compile fine when you add it to Embedded Binaries.
Tried to import my framework in a file. Xcode complains there is "no such module".
Unfortunately, despite the fact that embedded frameworks have been around for around a year, I can't find much writing on the topic.
So my question is: Am I creating the framework correctly, making it possible that my framework/anything else is failing due to an Xcode 7 Beta bug? Or is there a different procedure to create a framework that I want to use as an Embedded Binary? I should probably mention that I want to make this library open source, and I think distributing a plain .framework file to the people who want to use it would be neat.
I Had the same issue on Xcode 7.
I solved it by editing the build settings of the project (the one which includes the framework).
By setting the Framework Search Paths field to $(PROJECT_DIR) or to the path to the directory that contains the .framework file it should help Xcode finding the module.

XCode not finding Firebase v2.1.2 (Framework not found error)

I've been using v1 of Firebase in an iOS project just fine for a little over 6 months now, so I know I've got everything set up correctly as far as dependencies and other linker flags go, but for some reason I cannot seem to simply update Firebase when I try and 1) remove the old Firebase framework from the project and then 2) drag and drop the new one in. I get the old "Framework not found" error...
I know the search paths are fine because I'm putting it in the same exact directory as the old framework, and I can remove/replace the old framework ad nauseam and it builds just fine. I've also made sure it appears in the "Link Binary With Libraries" just like the old version, so I'm not forgetting that. The only valid architecture I have set is armv7.
What am I missing here? Are there any extra steps involved with updating to v2?
I just ended up downloading the XCode templates, starting a new Single View Firebase project, and the dragging and dropping the same .framework folder from that template project into my actual project and it worked!

Cannot add embedded binaries (other projects) to project dependencies in XCode

I have an XCode workspace created with XCode 6.0.1. It constains 2 (Swift) libraries and one iOS app (Swift) that depends on those 2 libraries. I had stable setup that allowed me to run the iOS app on both iPhone and simulators: The 2 library projects were added as Embedded Binaries (see picture) of the app.
Now, I have XCode 6.1. Recently, I deleted DerivedData folder in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode folder while XCode was running. After that my workspace did not work - the iOS app would fail to compile and I got linker error saying it cannot find the library projects.
I tried to solve it by removing my the 2 libraries from Embedded Binaries of the app project - and I cannot add them back. Clicking + button under Embedded Binaries in project settings displays workspace projects correctly but selecting and adding my library project does not add them to the list of Embedded Binaries. I have solved the linker error by creating new workspace. The app compiles but how it links the libraries is a mystery to me: They are not in listed Embedded Binaries or Linked Frameworks and Libraries not in the Frameworks search path. There appears to be no link between the app and the libraries it needs (and obviously have as it compiles) except that libraries projects are in the same workspace.
Why I cannot add library projects to Embedded Binaries? Is it normal in XCode 6.1 that dependency projects just compile and gets embedded into an app without being listed or linked anywhere?
This is a summary of my answer to the question Xcode won't add “Embedded binary” after deleting “DerivedData”, see the original question and answer for more context and information:
Remove all framework projects from the workspace
Perform a "clean build" and/or remove the "DerivedData"
Add project back into the workspace
Build the project (possibly optional)
In the General tab of the app target click the + under "Linked Frameworks and Libraries", select the framework.
Build and run in the Simulator (there should be no issues building or running)
Build and run for device (this might cause a crash due to the framework not being correctly linked, ignore this crash)
Click the + under "Embedded Binaries", select the framework. This should add it to the project (possible duplicate under "Linked Frameworks and Libraries")
Repeat for all required frameworks
Once building and running (on device) is confirmed you can remove any duplicate (and/or red) frameworks in the Project Navigator or target General tab
Ok, I ran into the same problem as you. After deleting the derived data, I could not re-link my binaries again. I think the reason is because the derived data is where the binaries are written to and linked against in your project.
What I did to solve was to select my Framework as my build target. After building it, the Framework target turned from red to black. I can see in your screenshot it is red, meaning it has not been compiled into a binary and written on disk.
Once I did this, I was able to re-link the Framework to my Project because there was a reference to it on disk. Hope this helps!
Clean your projects & build your framework first. Thereafter you can embed it.
Here is how I solved the problem:
Build the framwork.
Open the build folder and drag built framework into the app project (so it uses the path to DerivedData).
Add the framework to the list of embedded frameworks.
In the Finder, do a Show Contents on the app's xcodeproj file, then open project.pbxproj in your favorite text editor.
Find the line with the long DerivedData path. Change it so there is no name, the path is the framework name, and source tree is BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR
Xcode should notice the change and the library in the app project will be black instead of red and will now build and run properly.
I have a very similar issue and fixed it just last night. Decided to come back to this thread and offer my workaround, as rjstelling's solution above did not help my case.
I have a workspace that contains two frameworks and one application. The App was making use of both frameworks happily for a while until I got hit by a mysterious compile eror where it decided that adding a property access to an instance variable called "cube" of a class type found in one of the framework, made access to "_cube" impossible (complaining it was not declared, while it had actually worked previously in a setter method).
Long story short, after a clean, somehow the workspace/app project lost track of the embedded framework of my iOS 8+ project. Removing the embedded framework was the last straw in that line of failure, causing my project to no longer allow be to select any frameworks for embedding.
Reverting the project & workspace to an earlier version did not get rid of the voodoo.
I ended up adding the to-be-embeded framework projects in the main app project (as files) and introduced target dependencies on the frameworks.
I was then able to re-embed the frameworks and link.
As for the _cube thing, I had to specify a getter for the property and #synthesize the property to a different name. I dont have an explanation for this one.
It's probably because your framework is a separate project and not a separate target. Try watching carefully Session 416: Building a Modern Framework at around minutes 34-36. It will show you how to set it up correctly.
This makes it a bit confusing if you wanted to share a framework across multiple projects by the way

How to update a framework in an iOS app?

I'm writing an app using Nuance's SpeechKit framework. I've just downloaded a newer version of the framework that contains new methods in some of the classes. To upgrade, I deleted the framework and the re-added the new one. When I right-click on the framework in Xcode and click "reveal in finder", it shows the new framework. When I open up the "Headers" subfolder of the framework in Xcode, I see the new methods.
The problem is that my class seems to still be referencing the header file in the old location, as the new methods are not visible within my application.
How do I upgrade a framework properly? Is there somewhere else in Xcode that contains a path reference to the SDK?
You need to delete Derived Data for the project - it is an option of the project in the XCode Organizer, on the projects tab. It will remove the cached build of the framework, forcing XCode to use the new one.
Choose Window/Organizer from the top menu
Click "Projects" pseudo-tab-thing, along the top of organizer window (icon looks like an XCode project file"
Select the project from the list on the left
Click "Delete" next to "Derived Data" in the area immediately below the project info header.
List item
EDIT: as of XCode 12 (should work with Xcode 8 and above), you can delete derived data like this:
Go to File > Workspace Settings if you are in a workspace environment or File > Project Settings for a regular project environment.
Then click over the little grey arrow under Derived data section and select your project folder to delete it in Finder.
I found what cause this issue for us.
When you build a new version you must update "Current Library Version".
There is also a "Compatibility Version"
In Xcode selector your framework target and in build settings search for linking and you will se this setting there.
We created a build script to bump this version number every time we build.
Xcode caches the frameworks and uses the cache if possible. That's why you need to change this number.
If you are using CocoaPods, run pod update [PODNAME].
