SVNServ deny write access to a directory via wildcard match - path

We have a requirement that every piece of code that makes it into production will be reviewed by a senior developer.
The way I have envisioned this working is by a naming convention for branches that regular developers cannot check code into.
Following the SVN recomended directory structure this translates into something like.
So in the authz file I would like to have something like the following
#developers = rw
#developers = r
#senior_developers = rw
However I can't find any evidence that SVN supports * (or any other wildcard character).
Is such a thing possible or do I need a pre-commit hook?

It is possible to do a directory structure of
and deny access to releases but that still leaves you having to do one denial listing per project and worse its not adhering to the SVN standard project structure.

It is not possible to have wildcards as you like to use them. For this purpose you should take a look at script (just google for it) it will match exactly this purpose.


Consuming contents of declare_directory

I have rule A implemented with a macro that uses declare_directory to produce a set of files:
output = ctx.actions.declare_directory("selected")
Names of those files are not known in advance. The implementation returns the directory created by declare_directory with the following:
return DefaultInfo(
files = depset([output]),
Rule A is included in "srcs" attribute of rule B. Rule B is also implemented with a macro. Unfortunately the list of files passed to B implementation through "srcs" attribute only contains the "selected" directory created by rule A instead of files residing in that directory.
I know that Args class supports expansion of directories so I could pass names of all files in "selected" directory to a single action. What I need, however, is a separate action for every individual file for parallelism and caching. What is the best way to achieve that?
This is one of the intended use cases of directory outputs (called TreeArtifacts in the implementation), and it's implemented using ActionTemplate:
However, this is not exposed to Starlark, and has only a couple usages currently, in the Android rules and C++ rules The Android rules and C++ rules are going to be migrated over to Starlark, so this functionality might eventually be made available in Starlark, but I'm not sure of any concrete timelines. It would probably be good to file a feature request on Github.

Bazel - best documentation for which providers are used by any given rule?

I am writing a custom rule that takes inputs from cc_library, cc_binary, apple_static_library, and a few other platform-specific rules. I'd like to view each API given to me via referencing inside the custom rule's implementation function.
There is a list of providers here but it doesn't say which rules are using them.
Is there a best practice for viewing what these rules are providing me, or does it require going through the source for each one?
This is how you get all providers and output groups from a target:
bazel cquery my_target --output=starlark --starlark:expr="providers(target)"
You can get a list of providers for a given target with dir. Something like this is helpful for debugging:
def _print_attrs_impl(ctx):
for target in ctx.attr.targets:
print('%s: %s' % (target.label, dir(target)))
Printing from inside a rule you're developing is often helpful too, to verify targets are actually what you expect them to be.
You can also apply dir to the providers themselves, to see what fields they have.

Difference between App.Path and using a ShellObject.Self.Path

I am converting a VB6 application to VB.NET. In the code I am converting, it seems that the developer found the applications path two separate ways. However, it appears that he expects the two methods to produce different results.
Simple question:
What is the difference between calling these two lines of code:
strAppDataPath = CreateObject("Shell.Application").
strAppDataPath = App.Path
This is the code in question:
strAppDataPath = CreateObject("Shell.Application").
strAppDataPath = strAppDataPath & "\DataFolder\"
If (Not objFileSystem.FileExists(strAppDataPath & strAppDataFile)) Then
If (objFileSystem.FileExists(App.Path & strAppDataFile)) Then
End If
End If
The application's path is appended with \DataFolder\, and stored in the String strAppDatapath.
We check if the file strAppDataFile does not exist in strAppDatapath. Followed by checking if the file does exist in App.Path.
The concept behind what is going on makes sense to me: If the file doesn't exist in the subfolder, and if the file exists in App.Path, then do .... What I do not understand is why they didn't use one of the method for finding the application's path exclusively.
They don't point to the same path.
App.Path: Path where the currently executing EXE/DLL resides.
CreateObject("Shell.Application").NameSpace(ssfLOCALAPPDATA).Self.Path: Will point to the local (non-roaming) app data user folder. Same as the value in (user) environment variable LOCALAPPDATA.
Since Windows XP, the roaming & local app data paths are preferred places to store user settings and files (instead of the probably rights-restricted app folder).
So what the code does, is:
Look for strAppDataFile in %LOCALAPPDATA%\DataFolder\ (e.g. where "%LOCALAPPDATA%" could point to "C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\" on Windows Vista/7)
If not found, look for the same file in the application folder.
Please note that preferably applications should create an application specific sub-directory in local/roaming app data, e.g. use something like:
strAppDataPath = strAppDataPath & "\" & App.ProductName & "\DataFolder\"
' NOTE: Make sure to set the "Product Name" entry in the version information
' of the project settings
that could resolve to something like
"C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\My Application\DataFolder\"
My guess is that when the program is installed per-machine, a per-user location under LocalAppData is used. However during development or when installed per-user or as a portable application the application folder is used.
Some programmers use something like the code in question, while others make the decision by comparing App.Path against the ssfPROGRAMFILES path to determine the environment. The latter is probably preferable for a number of reasons but in the degenerate case where only one instance of the program exists on a machine they're equivalent.

How can I move multiple Pylons Applications into a single Composite Application?

We have several single Pylon websites running but would like to make these more easily reusable.
There is a concept of a "Composite Application" inside pylons, but there seems to be limited instructions on how to achieve this.
Has anyone done this or is aware of a good tutorial on "How to convert multiple pylons apps into a composite app?" ?
I've tried - perhaps too optimistically - to simply copy an existing app into another app and fiddle with the development.ini file, but this does not seem to work. (I'm getting the error "pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: wiki" in that case)
This is done by modifying the WSGI pipeline to dispatch a request to different applications based on request properties (usually URL). The simplest way to modify the pipeline is by PasteDeploy (the package that controls your INI files).
use = egg:Paste#urlmap
/foo = foo
/bar = bar
/ = baz
use = myapp#main
use = yourapp#main
use = myapp#baz
This creates a composite application that dispatches to different endpoints based on the URL prefix.

Why should I use #Url.Content("~/blah-blah-blah")?

I can't understand the benefit(s) that I can get from Url.Content() method in ASP.NET MVC. For example, you see src='#Url.Content("~/Contents/Scripts/jQuery.js")'. Why should I use it? What reasons might exist for using it? What benefits, advantages, etc. over using plain old simple references like src='/scripts/jquery.js?
Update: Based on the answers, I'd like to know if there is any other reason for using it, other than handling virtual folders? Because I haven't seen using virtual applications that much (which of course doesn't mean that it hasn't been used that much).
Usually, your web application is published as: The ~ character matches the root of the site /.
However, if you publish your site withing a virtual directory, the the ~ character would match "/mywebapp/".
Hard-coding Urls with "/" character would cause wrong page references.
Mapping virtual paths is it's only purpose.
If you do not ever need to map them and are sure your app or it folders will not sit under other apps then it won't serve you any purpose.
From the docs note if you don't use ~ you get no change in the result anyways:
If the specified content path does not start with the tilde (~) character, this method returns contentPath unchanged.
It is usefull if your applications root path is not the root path of your server. Url.Content("~/") returns the root folder of your application.
