JsonSerializer field order (don't want alphabetical) - Java - field

I'm using JsonSerializer to convert an Object to a JSON String but the order is wrong. The attributes are automatically sorted alphabetically but I want them in the order they have been listed in the class (e.g. "endPoint" should not appear before "startPoint").
When I call JsonSerializer. I only see 4 methods (toJava or toJson). I tried doing includes with the order but it doesn't work/I'm not doing it right. The way I'm doing it is like this:
return new String[]{"errorDescription", "searchResultRecord.billOfLadingNumber",
"searchResultRecord.bookingNumber", "searchResultRecord.advancedManifest",
"searchResultRecord.inboundCustomsClearanceStatus", "searchResultRecord.cargoReleaseStatus", "searchResultRecord.freightChargeReleaseStatus",
"searchResultRecord.container.containerNumber", "searchResultRecord.container.latestEvent.event",
"searchResultRecord.container.latestEvent.location", "searchResultRecord.container.latestEvent.time"};
As you can see there is obj.obj.attr parts being included. But when I try to run this code I only see "errorDescription" in the output string. I then tried "searchResultRecord" without attributes but it only showed 2 of the attributes in the output :x
Any idea how to fix the order so its not alphabetical? All examples online seem to be from an older version of the class with more accessible methods~ Thanks for any info.

You can try using
#XmlType(propOrder={"startPoint", "endPoint"})
on the class you defined as #XmlRootElement. Those attributes and any other you want will sorted as you defined on propOrder.


ExtJs6: Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#autogenerated_id') returns an empty array if the component has an itemId

I have some ExtJs component.
I set itemId for it, but id is autogenerated.
Now Ext.getCmp('autogenerated-id') returns my component.
But Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#autogenerated-id') returns an empty array.
Ext.ComponentQuery.query('[id=assets-information-form-1918]') again returns my component. :)
I use ExtJs 6.5.3 classic.
It seems like itemId config property hides autogenerated id from Ext.ComponentQuery, so they become mutually exclusive.
I don't need other means for search or advice to set id for the component, to write letter to Sencha support or to write post on their forum.
I need:
Means to force my Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#autogenerated-id') to
find the Component for which getId() returns 'autogenerated-id'.
If it is not possible by design, I need a link to some documentation
describing this behavior, a link to some bug report, or a filename and line number in ExtJs sources + a little snippet copy/paste from there.
From the documentation
Summary Provides searching of Components within Ext.ComponentManager
(globally) or a specific Ext.container.Container on the document with
a similar syntax to a CSS selector. Returns Array of matching
Components, or empty Array.
Ext.ComonpentQuery.query('#itemId') returns and array. Your cold above is using the auto-generated id of the component. The # indicates to query based on the component itemId and not the component id.
which will return an array, as noted in the documentation.
This is shorthand reference to Ext.ComponentManager#get. Looks up an
existing Ext.Component by id
Therefore it returns the component object.
Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#itemId')[0] would return the first object in the array.
Ext.ComponentQuery is the Sencha preferred method because it is more powerful when used as it does return an array so you an also query items by xtype and other attributes.

How to update value in angular ui typeahead directive if no matching option is found

I've an array of objects containing title and salary which is used in typeahead directive.
I display department name and get entire object as value.
If none of the options match, I want user entered string to be converted to object still. Is there any way to update that?
This answer is pretty late, but I would just use ng-blur (to trap the end of the users input) along with a variable bound to typeahead-no-results. Then test if the variable is true in the method bound to ng-blur, and, if so, make an object out of the String supplied by the user and push it to your data source. Simple example found here.

Find pages with tag

In a Umbraco 7 solution, i have a Tags Content picker on all pages. Pages can with this, set tags on each page.
I then want to get alle pages, within the intire site, that has, lets say tag 111 (id, not name).
I have tried with:
var ids = Model.MacroParameters["tags"]; //the tags to show
CurrentPage.AncestorOrSelf(1).Descendants().Where(x => ids.Contains(x.tags.ToString()));
But that gives me the error:
Cannot use a lambda expression as an argument to a dynamically dispatched operation without first casting it to a delegate or expression tree type
Whats the correct way?
Solved it with;
Umbraco.Content(rootId).Descendants().Where("tags.Contains(#0)", ids);
You have a few options, depending on whether you prefer a dynamic or strongly typed view model.
Strongly Typed API
Umbraco.TypedContentAtRoot().Descendants().Where(x => x.tags.Contains(ids));
Dynamic API
Umbraco.ContentAtRoot().Descendants().Where("tags.Contains(#0)", ids);
Please note that the Contains statement may give you inconsistent results, as the tags property seems to be returning a comma separated list. In that case you can try splitting the string or install the Core Property Value Converters package and get the tags as IEnumerable<IPublishedContent>
Always try to avoid using Descendants, especially on the root node.
To get the tags for a property:
ApplicationContext.Current.Services.TagService.GetTagsForProperty(Model.Content.Id, "propertyname")
To find content with a specific tag:

Grails: query or criteria against a string/value pairs map property

Grails gives the possibility of creating simple string/value map properties section "Maps of Objects", first paragraph.
I was wondering, is there a way to later query the domain class (using Gorm dynamic finders, criterias or HQL) using the map property as part of the query (i.e adding a condition for the key X to have the value Y)?
After playing with it a bit and almost give up, I discovered the map syntax to (surprisingly) work in HQL. Assuming the class looks like:
class SomeClass {
Map pairKeyProperty
You can build queries that look like the following:
select * from SomeClass sc where sc.pairKeyProperty['someKey'] = 'someValue' and sc.pairKeyProperty['someOtherKey'] = 'someOtherValue'
Pretty neat! I still would prefer to use criterias as they are much cleaner to compose, but they seem to not support the same syntax (or I couldn't find it).
I created a sample app in GitHub:
It can be visisted at:
The form above uses a cross join. To enforce an inner join use
join sc.pairKeyProperty pk1 on index(pk1) = 'someKey'
where 'someValue' in elements(pk1)

Determine Data Type

I have this code in my controller:
def cols = grailsApplication.getDomainClass('com.archie.Build').persistentProperties.collect {it.name}
The code above will allow me to list all the property names I have in Build class. Now, I would like to include also the properties data type, ie. boolean, String etc...
Somewhat like the output is:
[floorType:String, floorWidth:Float, ......]
Maybe not exactly like that, or maybe similar, but as long as I can return their data type. Can someone help? Thank you.
Each entry in persistentProperties is a GrailsDomainClassProperty, and this provides access to the type of the property as a Class object:
def props = [:]
).persistentProperties.each {
props[it.name] = it.type.name
Or just pass the persistentProperties array itself through to the GSP, then extract .name and .type there.
You may also wish to consider using constrainedProperties instead of/in addition to the persistentProperties. The constrainedProperties map lists only those properties that are mentioned in the domain class constraints block, but the iterator over this map is guaranteed to return the properties in the order they are listed in the constraints. This is how the default scaffolding operates, as I'm not aware of any way to control the order of the persistentProperties array.
