Dynamic url_path in each loop - ruby-on-rails

I have a city page with a jQuery content carousel. The content of the carousel is filed by a each loop.
#events = #city.events.find_all_by_hot(true)
#activities = #city.activities.find_all_by_hot(true)
#sights = #city.sights.find_all_by_hot(true)
#hot = #events + #activities + #sights
Class city
has_many: events
class events
belongs_to :city
has_many :attachments, :as => :attachable
accepts_nested_attributes_for :attachments
Activities and sights models are the same
City view content slider:
#hot.each do |a|
a.attachments.each do |a|
= image_tag(a.file.url, :height =>"325px", :width =>"650px" ), url_path
I want to generate links (url_path) in my each loop...how can I realize this? It cannot place the url_path of the routes because they are dymanic based on which attachment (image) is loaded.

Although your syntax of image_tag is incorrect you can try this
#hot.each do |hot|
hot.attachments.each do |a|
link_to polymorphic_path(a.attachable) do
image_tag(a.file.url, :height => "325px", :width => "650px")
If I understand your problem correctly. Also check out the polymorphic_path helper, which is what you need.

Am I right that the link should point to the a which can be any of events, activities, sights? as
#hot = #events + #activities + #sights
I would try creating a special controller action in the CityController
def hottie
#duck = Kernel.const_get(params[:type]).find_by_id(params[:id])
redirect_to #duck
then add something like
match 'hottie/:type/:id' => 'city#hottie', as: 'hot'
which should give you a path helper that you can use as this:
<%=link_to("Open", hot_path(a.class.to_s, a.id)) %>
Addition: this is of course a bit dirty and needs some security things considered (e.g. limit it to show only special types). You could also consider moving the three classes Event, Activities and Sights into a Object Hierarchy using STI; that should eliminate the need of passing the type in the request.


Change pagination dynamically in ActiveAdmin or solutions for printing

I'm new to Activeadmin and rails and I need some help.
I have a model that is paginated and I want to allow the user to change the pagination value or disable it completely, so it can print (to a printer) all the records (or filtered ones) for instance.
I know I can set the pagination using #per_page in :before_filter, but I can't figure out how I can change this value during execution.
To solve the problem of needing to show all the unpaginated records I defined a custom page, but in this page the filter or scope don't work so it's kind of useless.
How can I create a Print button in Active Admin?
This is a workaround to do it, I know it is not the best solution but it works ! :)
This is the app/admin/mymodel.rb file
ActiveAdmin.register MyModel do
before_filter :paginate
#other code
controller do
def paginate
#per_page = params[:pagination] unless params[:pagination].blank?
index do
panel "Pagination" do
render partial: "paginate", locals: {resource: "mymodels"}
#other code
#other code
And for the app/views/admin/articles/paginate.html.haml
= form_tag do
= label_tag :pagination, "Number of " + resource + " per page : "
= text_field_tag :pagination
= submit_tag "Filter"
$("#pagination_form form").submit(function(e){
window.location = "/admin/#{resource}?pagination=" + $("#pagination").val();
Hoping that my answer can people with the same problem :)
I found a solution and I'm answering my own question for someone who has the same problem.
It may not be the best solution but it works, if someone has a better way please share:
ActiveAdmin.register mymodel do
before_filter :apply_pagination
# other code
index :download_links => false, :as => :table, :default => true do
if params[:pag].blank?
div link_to(I18n.t("text_for_the_link"), 'mymodel?pag=1', :class => "class_for_link")
div link_to(I18n.t("print.print"), 'mymodel', :class => "class_for_link")
# other code
controller do
def apply_pagination
if params[:pag].blank?
#per_page = 50
#per_page = 99999999
# other code
I found out you can define this by registering the following line on the resource:
ActiveAdmin.register MyModel do
config.per_page = [20, 50, 100, 200]
It automatically adds a select box in the index pagination with the preset values given in the array.

Rails Craiglist like list of items

So I have a state model and city model associated with has_many and belongs_to. I want to display a page with each state with its associated cities underneath.
I created a page controller and page called "Locations" and manually entered in
<%= link_to "Allentown", allentown_path %>
which then takes you to the allentown page.
On the allentown page I filtered the listings by adding this code to the pages controller
def allentown
#title = "Allentown Listings"
#tattoo_briefs = TattooBrief.where( :city_id => 1 ).find(:all, :order => "id DESC" )
I know this isn't DRY. Also can get very cumberson if I have 200 cities. Is there a better way?
You need to add a resource to your routes:
resources :city
That essentially gives you all the RESTful actions for the City model. Then, in your controller, use the show action to..wait for it..show your city page
def show
#city = City.find(params[:id])
#title = "#{#city.name} Listings"
#tattoo_briefs = TattooBrief.where( :city_id => params[:id] ).find(:all, :order => "id DESC" )
you can still modify this by studying more on routes and controllers from the rails api. With added knowledge, you can get to allentown by modifying your route to use the city name instead of the id.

Ruby/Rails: dynamically change attribute in shared partial

This should be a layup for someone...
I'm trying to change a form field's attribute depending on which controller/model is calling the partial containing the form fields...
The issue (below) is with parent_id... which references one of two columns in a dogs table. It needs to either be kennel_id or master_id depending on which view this partial is being rendered in.
Not comfortable enough, yet, with Ruby/Rails language/syntax/tools to dynamically change this without getting bogged down in if/else statements.
I'm calling a shared partial and passing in a local variable:
= render "dogs/form", :parent => #kennel
= render "dogs/form", :parent => #master
In the partial I'd like to:
= form_for ([parent, target.dogs.build]) do |f|
= render "shared/error_messages", :target => parent
= f.label :name
= f.text_field :name
= f.hidden_field :parent_id ### <= PROBLEM
= f.submit 'Save'
Just thinking out loud:
I don't know if the parent-models have the proper names for it, but you could do something like:
= f.hidden_field "#{parent.class.name.underscore}_id"
But that doesn't look right. So, why not pass it as an argument?
= render "dogs/form", :parent => #master, :foreign_key => :master_id
Or, create aliases on the dog model to handle some sort of dynamic delegation:
class Dog
def parent_id=(parent_id)
case parent.class
when Master then self.master_id = parent_id
when Kennel then self.kennel_id = parent_id
def parent_id
case parent.class
when Master then self.master_id
when Kennel then self.kennel_id
But that sucks too. Could the relation be polymorphic? Then you can leave out the switching.
class Dog
belongs_to :owner, :polymorphic => true
= f.hidden_field :owner_id
Just some ideas. Hopefully one of them makes sense to you...
Wow, my initial answer wasn't even close. I think what you'll want is a polymorphic association: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/association_basics.html#polymorphic-associations This way, the parent can be whatever class you need it to be.

Searching in Ruby on Rails - How do I search on each word entered and not the exact string?

I have built a blog application w/ ruby on rails and I am trying to implement a search feature. The blog application allows for users to tag posts. The tags are created in their own table and belong_to :post. When a tag is created, so is a record in the tag table where the name of the tag is tag_name and associated by post_id. Tags are strings.
I am trying to allow a user to search for any word tag_name in any order. Here is what I mean. Lets say a particular post has a tag that is 'ruby code controller'. In my current search feature, that tag will be found if the user searches for 'ruby', 'ruby code', or 'ruby code controller'. It will not be found if the user types in 'ruby controller'.
Essentially what I am saying is that I would like each word entered in the search to be searched for, not necessarily the 'string' that is entered into the search.
I have been experimenting with providing multiple textfields to allow the user to type in multiple words, and also have been playing around with the code below, but can't seem to accomplish the above. I am new to ruby and rails so sorry if this is an obvious question and prior to installing a gem or plugin I thought I would check to see if there was a simple fix. Here is my code:
View: /views/tags/index.html.erb
<% form_tag tags_path, :method => 'get' do %>
<%= text_field_tag :search, params[:search], :class => "textfield-search" %>
<%= submit_tag "Search", :name => nil, :class => "search-button" %>
<% end %>
def index
#tags = Tag.search(params[:search]).paginate :page => params[:page], :per_page => 5
#tagsearch = Tag.search(params[:search])
#tag_counts = Tag.count(:group => :tag_name,
:order => 'count_all DESC', :limit => 100)
respond_to do |format|
format.html # index.html.erb
format.xml { render :xml => #tags }
Tag Model
class Tag < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :post
validates_length_of :tag_name, :maximum=>42
validates_presence_of :tag_name
def self.search(search)
if search
find(:all, :order => "created_at DESC", :conditions => ['tag_name LIKE ?', "%#{search}%"])
find(:all, :order => "created_at DESC")
If I read your problem correctly, you want to return a row if the tag names for the row matches one of the words passed in the query string.
You can rewrite your search method as follows:
def self.search(search)
all :conditions => (search ? { :tag_name => search.split} : [])
If you need partial matching then do the following:
def self.search(str)
return [] if str.blank?
cond_text = str.split.map{|w| "tag_name LIKE ? "}.join(" OR ")
cond_values = str.split.map{|w| "%#{w}%"}
all(:conditions => (str ? [cond_text, *cond_values] : []))
Edit 1
If you want pass multiple search strings then:
def self.search(*args)
return [] if args.blank?
cond_text, cond_values = [], []
args.each do |str|
next if str.blank?
cond_text << "( %s )" % str.split.map{|w| "tag_name LIKE ? "}.join(" OR ")
cond_values.concat(str.split.map{|w| "%#{w}%"})
all :conditions => [cond_text.join(" AND "), *cond_values]
Now you can make calls such as:
Tag.search("Ruby On Rails")
Tag.search("Ruby On Rails", "Houston")
Tag.search("Ruby On Rails", "Houston", "TX")
Tag.search("Ruby On Rails", "Houston", "TX", "Blah")
Tag.search("Ruby On Rails", "Houston", "TX", "Blah", ....) # n parameters
The wild card LIKE searches are not very efficient(as they don't use the index). You should consider using Sphinx (via ThinkingSphinx) OR Solr(via SunSpot) if you have lot of data.
You can try to set up ferret, or if you are really bend on just using rails, try this:
# Break the search string into words
words = params[:search].blank? ? [] : params[:search].split(' ')
conditions = [[]] # Why this way? You'll know soon
words.each do |word|
conditions[0] << ["tag_name LIKE ?"]
conditions << "%#{word}%"
conditions[0] = conditions.first.join(" OR ") # Converts condition string to include " OR " easily ;-)
# Proceed to find using `:conditions => conditions` in your find
hope this helps =)
Sounds like you need a full text search. The best search integration right now is with Sphinx and the Thinking_Sphinx plugin. I have used it on several projects and it's super easy to setup.
You do need to install sphinx on your host so if you are using a shared host that could present some issues.
You could also use full text search in a MyISAM MySQL database, but performance on that is pretty poor.
Once you have your sphinx installed you just put what you want to index in your model and call model.search. The results will be a list of model objects. It supports will_paginate as well.
I'd suggest looking at Searchlogic if you don't want to use a separate fulltext search engine (Ferret, Sphinx, etc). It makes simple searches extremely easy, although you may not want to use it in a public facing area without lots of testing.
Also check out the Railscast on it: http://railscasts.com/episodes/176-searchlogic
1.You can do some coding in your controller post as such:-
def show
#post = Post.find(params[:id])
#tag_counts = Tag.count(:group => :name, :order => 'updated_at DESC', :limit => 10)
respond_to do |format|
format.html # show.html.erb
format.json { render json: #post }
2.Now make some changes in your view file:-
<%= join_tags(#post) %>
<%unless #tag_counts.nil?%>
<% #tag_counts.each do |tag_name, tag_count| %>
<tr><td><%= link_to(tag_name, posts_path(:name => tag_name)) %></td>
</tr><% end %>
3. And one important thing is that there should be many to many relationship between tags and post.

Helper method or Model or Controller?

Say I have a form_for with a select menu to assign a User on a belongs_to association:
form.select :user_id, #users, :prompt => "Select a User"
Currently I have #users in the controller as follows:
#users = User.all.map { |u| [u.full_name, u.id] }
I feel like this logic should maybe moved into a helper or even to the model.
But I am confused as to where to deal with this and how.
The general answer depends on how often you're going to use it:
helper: used often but only in views or controllers
model: used often anywhere the model can be used (other models)
controller: used rarely and only for specific actions.
However in your case, the answer is none of the above, and stop trying to reinvent the wheel. About 95% of the things people try to do with Rails are tasks that others have already done. There's a very good chance that it's either in the Rails Core or exist in either gem or plugin form.
What you're trying to do has already been done, and is built into the Rails core. It's a ActionView::Helpers::FormOpitionsHelper method called collection_select
collection_select does exactly what you want to do, it's also much more robust than a single purpose method.
It has the form of
collection_select(object, method, collection, value_method,
text_method, select_options = {}, html_options)
value_method and text_method are sent to each item in collection to get the select value and the display text for each select option. It is not required that either are column names.
Use it like this:
<% form_for #whatever do |form| %>
<%= form.collection_select :user_id, User.all, :id,
:full_name, :prompt => "Select a User" %>
<% end %>
You should put this in a model as it's logic oriented and by the way you should never do
#users = User.all.map { |u| [u.full_name, u.id] }
#users = User.all(:select => "full_name, id")
and if full_name is a method, something like that :
#users = User.all(:select => "last_name, first_name, id").map{|u| [User.full_name(u.first_name, u.last_name), u.id]}
That would be a model method since it has logic for the model. Helper methods should have UI level logic (whether to display a link or not) and HTML helpers (methods to generate links for example)
i think moving that to a helper is the best thing, since it just does help you with creating options for a select box, which is UI level.
But unless you would use that piece of code again, then to the model it must go! :)
The model:
def self.select_display
all(:select => "id, first_name, last_name").map { |u| [u.name, u.id] }
The view:
select :user_id, User.select_display
I had a similar problem and ended up using a module, in order to stay as DRY as possible (most of my models had a name and an id)
The module looked like this:
module AllForSelect
def all_for_select(permission = :read)
#used declarative authorization for checking permissions
#replace first line with self.find(:all, if not using it
with_permissions_to(permission).find( :all,
:select =>"#{table_name}.id, #{table_name}.name",
:order => "#{table_name}.name ASC"
On your model, you just extend the module:
class Client < ActiveRecord::Base
extend AllForSelect
On your controller, you can call Client.all_for_select. I usually do this on a before_filter
class SalesController < ApplicationController
before_filter :fill_selects, :only => [:new, :edit, :update, :create]
def fill_selects
#clients = Client.all_for_select
