How best to aggregate site statistics (especially search demand) - ruby-on-rails

I am working on a rails application that uses sunspot solr for search. I have been asked to log (or capture in some way) each search that happens on the site; the query, the user that did the search, the result count that resulted from their search...etc, so that the company can report on what people are searching on (demand), and other things.
Before I go and make a table, that will receive an ever-growing number of rows of search data, I'm wondering if anyone has done this in a better way? Can I use analytics (google?) in some way for this? Is there some kind of service I can send this information too, such that we could easily pull reports, or create reports from?
In short, is there some better/smarter way than creating my own table and storing this all in our own DB?

I had never done this, but here are some thoughts.
If you just need to store that data I think you should do it yourself.
If you need to also provide a way to analyse the data yes, see if there is anything already done (I'm not sure but it seems google analytics only support internal search using their search bar).
If your client already have some BI tool they just need a way to access the data, and it would be easier to have it in a owned DB wich you can easily be query instead of using a provider api.


Import data from another source into Adobe Analytics

I’m trying to tie data from another product with my data inside of Adobe Analytics.
We have Adobe Analytics javascript on our website collecting data and we use a third party tool to track how users interact with certain parts of the website. We’re trying to use the Adobe API to tie the data together.
So far we’ve gone down the path of using the Data Insertion API, but it wasn’t quite right as it’s meant to be used as a replacement for the JS, from what I can tell.
We also explored using the Data Sources API. Now the documentation for this suggests you can use a transaction ID to tie offline data with the data collected from the JS, we’ve tried this and it doesn’t match the data up. We’re now exploring using Visitor ID to tie the sessions together but we’re having problems uploading any rows with the Visitor ID column, Adobe just returns the error “Column header: ‘visitorid’ is not a valid column header”. We’ve tried several different variations of visitor id, such as “visitor_id”, “visitor-id”, “vistor id”, etc and still no luck.
The end goal is for us to be able to upload data to Adobe that will update/add eVars for already existing sessions earlier that day. How would I go about doing this? Is there something I'm missing or doing wrong?
Edit: I managed to solve this problem by using the Adobe SAINT API. When a user arrives at the site, we push an eVar for that user with a unique ID and then the day after we use the SAINT API and the unique ID in the eVar we pushed previously to add the additional data we needed.
It could be a good idea to look back at the Data Insertion API and combine it with the visitorId approach where you tie existing/old visitorID's to new eVars and use the timestamp to "update" the dataset.
Although this is experimental, it might be worth a try.
Best regards,

Is there a programmatic way to gather JIRA search term data for analysis?

I would like to analyze the search terms submitted by our JIRA users so we can formalize best practices for creating subjects and descriptions.
I'd like to avoid having to pull the search terms out of log files, where I believe they live if the right log levels are set.
I am familiar with jira-python and server-side JIRA customization, but this one's stumping me.
Is there a programmatic way to generate a list of the search terms submitted to JIRA? (Client-side/API is ideal, but server-side is okay too.)
Appreciate any advice folks can share, pointers to references, and so forth!
There is no API for this, but you can get this information from the webserver logs or by looking at saved_searches directly in the database. Clearly these would be only the saved filters, not all queries performed.
What about catching everything that is submitted to search field (client-side) and log it on server side (POST to servlet).

Facebook Search in Graph API

I'm developing an iOS application that let the user to search for a person throught the Graph API.
What I want is the SAME behavior that it's present on the Facebook website. You know when you begin to search for a person in the top text input? The first results will be mostly your friends AND some people you MAY know or people you already looked for.
The problem? Try to use the same search pattern here to search a person: Graph Api Explorer
The Graph Api returns DIFFERENT results than the search input on the Facebook website.
Does anyone knows why? Is there a way to achieve the same results?
Facebook are using many algorithms to display search result like Relevance Indicators, Complexities of User-Centric Search and The Product.
One of the algorithm to display result on their page as below.
Personal Context:
Unlike most search engines, every Facebook search involves two key elements - a query and a querier.
Just as we need to understand the query, it’s as essential to understand the person behind the query.
People are more likely to be looking for things located in their own city/country or for people who share the same college/workplace.
We consider this information and much more when ranking results. The more we know about you, the better your search results will be.
In Graph API, they are not using this algorithm.They are just displaying the queried result. Hence you can not achieve same result using graph search API.
To achieve this you can use following apporach -
Get the friend list of user using me/friends?limit=1&offset=1
Get the user list using search api
merge both the result
show result(s) to user
For more information(approach/algorithm) you can check Intro to Facebook Search
Is there a way to achieve the same results? - NO
Does anyone knows why? - NOT REALLY
(Edit: Seems in another answer, someone does actually, but it doesn't change the answer for "If you can achieve it")
But its safe to presume that Facebook does not allow all functionality through the API, why would they after all ? They need to keep the people coming to their own platform. So I can't give you a straight forward response on WHY, but IF ? Not possible, there is zero documentation about more specified search for type user. When you request user friends, you will only get the user friends who are using the same app starting v2.0
Am afraid that you will have to drop the functionality you want to achieve.
It is not just the graph search. When you refresh your TimeLine. The order of posts gets changed every time because Facebook takes a Pull on Demand approach. Which means whenever you login, the data from your friends is fetched. Which is why facebook has a limit to maximum number of friends.
Talking about the Graph search and Graph API. They are not same and the Graph Search cannot be accessed through the Graph API. So, you would have to change your approach.
To explain why the graph search gives different results on same search term. I would guess that it follows the game Pull on Demand model ( although it is not open and we cannot know for sure ). Following that model makes sense though.

iOS app without API, alternatives?

Im thinking about learn to develop app for iOS. I had a lot of ideas, but most of them i would need the API of that website. For example:
The point is: is there any other possibility of collect/use information of a site without the API, anything else without the typical parsing or scraping?
Thanks you
To get the most up to date information to your users, you would need to use the API. If you want to store the data locally, you could do some initial scraping and build up your own database and distribute it within your app. This approach is not ideal because your data may become out of date quickly (unless you have a database update mechanism) and the owners of the sites you are scraping may not take too kindly on the matter

Search Engine Help

I have a mediawiki installation that I've customized with some of my own extensions. Here is the basic platform, pretty standard LAMP install.
Ubuntu Server
Apache 2
Mediawiki 1.15
PHP 5.2.6
MySQL 5.0.67
For the actual MW search I use Lucene (EzMwLucene). I also have custom extension that displays tabular data from a separate database within a MW page. Lucene doesn't index this info (which, in my case is actually good because it would clutter your expected search results). For this installation I didn't do anything to Lucene other than install it and wouldn't know how to customize it for my needs and it may be "too powerful".
At any rate, I need to create a search for the data in my other database. I have a master table that is updated daily based on data stored in other (normalized) tables. At the moment it is one of these searches that basically creates a SQL query based on the criteria you enter. This is a lot of work, though. I would like it to be more of a "type and submit" type search.
I don't think I need a comprehensive "cut & paste" type answer, but if anybody has something that I can google I would be very appreciative. I don't need to recreate the wheel, which is what I would be doing if I followed what I see in google.
If you would like to see my master database, let me know, I would want to sanitize it to make me more anonymous (whatever that means). Also, if you're familiar with MW and would like to see any of my extension code, again, let me know.
TL;DR: need to make a custom search feature with LAMP (displayed in Mediawiki). Any guidance appreciated.
Thanks SO!
Why do you need to add custom search? This will relate to the best answer.
For simplicity, you could use the Google Search Engine -
Otherwise it sounds like you need to write a full-text query for the database.
