Accessing streaming bluetooth data on iPad - ios

I am currently writing an app using XCode that will allow the streaming of medical data to the app. Using the Alive Heart Monitor which streams live heartbeats over bluetooth spp, I want to be able to receive those live streams into my app.
Currently, I am not able to discover the AHM device and am not sure about how to go about receiving the live stream.
Is there any way to do this?
I've seen this article:, however it seems to only work between 2 iPad/iPhones. I want to be able to just receive the live stream from a non-iOS device.
Any help would be appreciated!

I have consulted with developers on Apple forums and was made aware that this was not possible as iPad does not have support for the bluetooth SPP profile.


How to prevent recording of iOS screen using quicktime

So with iOS 8, we can now record the screen of iOS devices. I've searched extensively and cannot find a way to detect, let alone prevent, this recording. The app I'm working on deals with some potentially sensitive information and images and would like to prevent this if at all possible.
Thank you in advance for your responses and insights!
Apparently, there is some way to detect whether a display or QuickTime streaming is connected, because the Netflix app will show an error when that is the case (which also means you can't just use an iOS device and stream to your computer to watch it in big). The app works perfectly if QuickTime streaming is off with the cable is plugged in.
Maybe it just detects whether an external display is connected, and screen recording behaves like that, so basically you might have some success with these APIs and notifications.
Also, you could use an encrypted HTTP Live Stream according to Apple which would be blacked out in the stream / the recording.

How does Audiobus for iOS work?

What SDK's does Audiobus use to provide inter-app audio routing? I am not aware of any Apple SDK that could facilitate inter-app communication for iOS and was under the impression that apps were sandboxed from each other so I'm really intrigued to hear how they pulled this off.
iOS allows inter-app communication via MIDI Sysex messages. AudioBus works by sending audio as MIDI Sysex message. You can read details from the developer himself:
My guess is that they use some sort of audio over network, because I've seen log statements when our app gets started even on a different device.
Don't really know about the details of the implementation, but this could be a way of staying in the "sandbox" constraint.
The Audiobus SDK (probably) use the Audio Session rules to "organize" all the sound output from the apps using their SDK, as you can see on their videos (on bottom of the page), the apps have an lateral menu to switch back and forwards between apps.
The Audio Session Category states:
Allows mixing: if yes, audio from other applications (such as the iPod) can continue playing when your application plays sound.
This way Audiobus can "control" the sound and allow the session to be persistent between the apps.

Network sniffer on iOS

I need to do video streaming to iPhone.
However, I don't have a homebrewed application playing the H.264 stream yet.
I have to understand first, how much delay there's for iPhone to receive the first packet/frame.
Anyone knows how to get some "sniffer" like WireShark on iPhone? Is it possible at all?
You can configure Fiddler as a reverse proxy and monitor the traffic from mobile devices. I don't know if this will do exactly what you want (I haven't done it in a long time) but the company I work at has analytics products for the various mobile platforms and that was the method we used to monitor their network usage.

Realtime Voice chat between iOS devices in same network

I'm working in app where I need to implement a simple voice functionality between two iOS devices in same network.
My doubt is about how to get audio units from master device and send over wifi or bluetooth network directly to slave device in realtime.
Some things about network communication I have done, I can transfer any NSData between devices using TCP.
Is very important to not use GK framework, because I need to connect two clients without any notification. For example, when I use GK to connect two devices, the iOS display a alert with a connection request, I need to avoid this connection request.
Currently I can do this with video, is more simple than audio.
Any ideias about the implementation of this are welcome.
First of all, you need learn how to capture the audio using Audio Queue Services.
Then transmit the audio data it over wifi and bluetooth and play it at the other side.
The most obvious choice for you is to use bonjour.
GameKit framework is built on top of this. You dont have to build too much on top of this for your application though. Yours is a straightforward application of bonjour.
Please refer the code for chatty if needed. Incase you need some background theory, please refer to
I have used Audio Queue Services for the same sort of project.
For Networking I am using Bonjour and it has really solved the problem of transmitting text and video.
Did a lot of workarounds to make a voice chat in wifi using Audio Queue Services but have not succeeded. I will update once I find the solution other than this.

sending video by hand-made protocol

I'm going to develop an application, whose main task would be send video frames captured from device camera to server. Server uses protocol over TCP. I heard that Apple restricts developers from using any video streaming protocols, except HTTP live streaming. Is this information correct? Will be there any problems while approving my app in appstore?
After some digging into the topic, found some info, here is another topic. And for video broadcasting from device we cannot use HLS.
