in my App i have a Longpress Gesture on my TableCell. On Lonpress a Popover opens. The Popover inerhits a NavigationController.
Here is the code:
var navigationController = new UINavigationController();
//Page 1
var contPage1 = new UIViewController();
this._movePicker = new UIDatePicker();
var btnPage1 = new UIButton();
btnPage1.Frame = new RectangleF(0,260, 300,40);
//Page 2
var contPage2 = new UIViewController();
var btnPage2 = new UIButton();
var textField = new UITextField();
textField.Frame = new RectangleF(0,35,300,150);
btnPage2.Frame = new RectangleF(0,260,300,40);
// startPopover
this.PopoverController = new UIPopoverController(navigationController);
this.PopoverController.PopoverContentSize = new SizeF(300,340);
//Navigate on the first site
navigationController.PushViewController(contPage1, true);
btnPage1.TouchUpInside(s,e) => navigationController.PushViewController(contPage2, true);
this.PopoverController.PresentFromRect(locationinView, btn, UIPopoverDirection.Any, true);
Okay. This works fine. A popover appears. on the FirstView i click on the button and it navigates me to the second page. After that the keyboard appears and i can write something in the textField. If i close the keyboard the popover changes his size. It now takes the entire height of the iPad´s display.
But why does it resize. I set the size of the Popover to 300, 400
I have an application that from the main app "hamburger" menu, if an option is selected I want to show a PickerView for the user to select a number from.
Because it's needs to be accessible throughout the app from this menu I built the UIPickerView in the AppDelegate.cs (as that's where the UINavigationController code is and from that the menu).
Everything shows up correctly: User selected menu button -> menu displays -> User selects "Show Picker" button -> Picker displays with all items. But once the picker displays, you can't scroll the options, nor does the "Done" button I've added register clicks. In fact text fields from the ViewController behind this popup can be clicked on through the popup.
I'm not sure why this UIPickerView is non interactive, does anyone have some thoughts?
public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)
// create a new window instance based on the screen size
window = new UIWindow(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);
// instantiate the navigation controller
nav = new UINavigationController(new SplashController());
vwNav = new UIView(nav.NavigationBar.Bounds);
var pickerView = new UIPickerView(new CGRect(275f, (UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Size.Height / 2) - (375f / 2), 275f, 375f));
pickerView.ShowSelectionIndicator = true;
var myPickerViewModel = new PickerViewModel(itemList);
pickerView.Model = myPickerViewModel;
myPickerViewModel.PickerChanged += (sender, e) => {
var temp = myPickerViewModel.SelectedItem;
// Set up toolbar
var toolbar = new UIToolbar();
toolbar.Hidden = false;
UILabel titleLabel = new UILabel();
titleLabel.Text = "Select an Item";
titleLabel.Frame = new RectangleF(75, 13, 200, 20);
UIButton doneButton = new UIButton(UIButtonType.Custom);
doneButton.Frame = new RectangleF(40, 335, (float)200, 30);
doneButton.SetTitle("Done", UIControlState.Normal);
doneButton.TouchDown += (sender, e) =>
pickerView.Hidden = true;
pickerView.Hidden = true;
btnMenu = new UIButton(UIButtonType.Custom);
btnMenu.Frame = new CGRect(vwNav.Frame.Right - 45, 0, 45, nav.NavigationBar.Bounds.Height);
btnMenu.SetImage(imgMenu, UIControlState.Normal);
btnMenu.SetImage(imgMenu, UIControlState.Selected);
btnMenu.TouchUpInside += (object sender, EventArgs e) =>
UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView();
alert.Title = "Settings";
alert.AddButton("Open PickerView");
alert.Dismissed += delegate (object alertSender, UIButtonEventArgs args)
if (args.ButtonIndex == 0)
pickerView.Hidden = false;
vwNav.AddSubviews(btnMenu, pickerView);
nav.NavigationBar.Layer.BorderWidth = 2f;
nav.NavigationBar.Layer.BorderColor = (UIColor.FromPatternImage(imgNavBar)).CGColor;
// If you have defined a root view controller, set it here:
this.window.RootViewController = nav;
return true;
I removed some of the unrelated code (a few nav.PushViewController() for different screens and other menu options) to keep it as clear as I could.
From your code, the frame of vwNav is nav.NavigationBar.Bounds, and the frame of pickerView is new CGRect(275f, (UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Size.Height / 2) - (375f / 2), 275f, 375f), if you add pickView to vwNav, the pickerView is out of bounds of vwNav.
Remember that views don't receive touch events where they're outside the bounds of their superview.
That's the cause of your issue.
I don't think you should built the UIPickerView in the AppDelegate.cs, create it in your ViewController instead.
You can also add buttons to Navigationbar in ViewController :
UIBarButtonItem btn = new UIBarButtonItem();
btn.Image = UIImage.FromFile("Image");
btn.Clicked += (sender, e) => { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("show picker"); };
NavigationItem.RightBarButtonItem = btn;
And remember to add picker to the View of Viewcontroller.
Refer: uinavigationitem and add-uibarbuttonitem-to-navigation-bar-in-xamarin-ios
Feel free to ask me any question:).
I'm using Xamarin Auth via dependency services which presents a new view where the user authenticates However, when the modal page appears and is fully visible, it jumps up and down revealing this black bar
It quickly disapears and the page loads like so: where the top of the page is hidden. Thanks in advance
I've tried the following:
UIWindow window = UIApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow;
UIViewController viewController = window.RootViewController;
UIViewController AuthVC = auth.GetUI();
AuthVC.EdgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdge.None;
AuthVC.ExtendedLayoutIncludesOpaqueBars = false;
AuthVC.AutomaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets = false;
viewController.EdgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdge.None;
viewController.ExtendedLayoutIncludesOpaqueBars = false;
viewController.AutomaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets = false;
viewController.PresentViewController(AuthVC, true, null);
The UIViewController from Auth.GetUI() comes from this package:
Here is my temp fix, It still flashes but it looks correct after if has loaded. Does anyone know what would cause the black bar flashing?
viewController.PresentViewController(AuthVC, true, new Action(() =>
var MainUIView = AuthVC.View.Subviews[0];
var MainNavBar = AuthVC.View.Subviews[1];
var NavBarHeight = MainNavBar.Frame.Y + MainNavBar.Frame.Height;
MainUIView.Frame = new CoreGraphics.CGRect(0, NavBarHeight, MainUIView.Frame.Width, MainUIView.Frame.Height - NavBarHeight);
Try this one
viewController.NavigationController.PresentViewController(AuthVC, true, new Action(() =>
var MainUIView = AuthVC.View.Subviews[0];
var MainNavBar = AuthVC.View.Subviews[1];
var NavBarHeight = MainNavBar.Frame.Y + MainNavBar.Frame.Height;
MainUIView.Frame = new CoreGraphics.CGRect(0, NavBarHeight, MainUIView.Frame.Width, MainUIView.Frame.Height - NavBarHeight);
I need to implement a picker like in this image. How can I do this? I'm using Xamarin.iOS but I can use an answer with native code and translate it myself.
use an ActionSheet
actionSheetButton.TouchUpInside += ((sender, e) => {
// Create a new Alert Controller
UIAlertController actionSheetAlert = UIAlertController.Create("Action Sheet", "Select an item from below", UIAlertControllerStyle.ActionSheet);
// Add Actions
actionSheetAlert.AddAction(UIAlertAction.Create("Item One",UIAlertActionStyle.Default, (action) => Console.WriteLine ("Item One pressed.")));
actionSheetAlert.AddAction(UIAlertAction.Create("Item Two",UIAlertActionStyle.Default, (action) => Console.WriteLine ("Item Two pressed.")));
actionSheetAlert.AddAction(UIAlertAction.Create("Item Three",UIAlertActionStyle.Default, (action) => Console.WriteLine ("Item Three pressed.")));
actionSheetAlert.AddAction(UIAlertAction.Create("Cancel",UIAlertActionStyle.Cancel, (action) => Console.WriteLine ("Cancel button pressed.")));
// Required for iPad - You must specify a source for the Action Sheet since it is
// displayed as a popover
UIPopoverPresentationController presentationPopover = actionSheetAlert.PopoverPresentationController;
if (presentationPopover!=null) {
presentationPopover.SourceView = this.View;
presentationPopover.PermittedArrowDirections = UIPopoverArrowDirection.Up;
// Display the alert
You can assign a PickerView to TextField's InputView property and assign a Toolbar to InputAccessoryView, like this:
UIToolbar toolBar = new UIToolbar(new CGRect(0, 0, 320, 44));
UIBarButtonItem flexibleSpaceLeft = new UIBarButtonItem(UIBarButtonSystemItem.FlexibleSpace,null,null);
UIBarButtonItem doneButton = new UIBarButtonItem("OK",UIBarButtonItemStyle.Done,this, new ObjCRuntime.Selector("DoneAction"));
UIBarButtonItem[] list = new UIBarButtonItem[] { flexibleSpaceLeft, doneButton };
toolBar.SetItems(list, false);
UIPickerView pickerView = new UIPickerView(new CGRect(0, 44, 320, 216));
pickerView.DataSource = new MyUIPickerViewDataSource();
pickerView.Delegate = new MyUIPickerViewDelegate();
pickerView.ShowSelectionIndicator = true;
textField.InputAccessoryView = toolBar;
textField.InputView = pickerView;
After you implement your DataSource and Delegate of the pickerview, it can work like this:
Thanks Kevin Li for the answer, just wanted to give a simplified version in case anyone needs this. Not exactly what was originally asked for, but does the job.
var pickerView = new UIPickerView();
var sports = new string[] { "baseball", "basketball", "wiener dog" };
var model = new PickerModel(sports);
model.PickerChanged += (sender, e) =>
txtSport.Text = sports[e.SelectedValue];
pickerView.Model = model;
pickerView.ShowSelectionIndicator = true;
// setting picker view to your textfield
txtSport.InputView = pickerView;
I tried to put the toolbar(with text field) above the keyboard. Initially, the toolbar was at the bottom.
I tried to use "inputAccessaryView" on the text field. The toolbar just disappear after I clicked inside the text field. I know this will work if I created a new toolbar for it. But like in the chat window, I want the same textfield/toolbar.
Here is the code
public override void ViewDidLoad ()
base.ViewDidLoad ();
NavigationItem.Title = "Name";
ChatInput = new UITextField (new RectangleF(0,0,View.Bounds.Width - 104f,30f));
Toolbar = new UIToolbar (new RectangleF(0, View.Bounds.Height - 44.0f, View.Bounds.Width, 44f));
ChatInput.BorderStyle = UITextBorderStyle.RoundedRect;
Toolbar.SetItems( new UIBarButtonItem[] {
new UIBarButtonItem(UIBarButtonSystemItem.Refresh, (s,e) => {
Console.WriteLine("Refresh clicked");
, new UIBarButtonItem (ChatInput){Style = UIBarButtonItemStyle.Bordered,Width = View.Bounds.Width - 104f}
, new UIBarButtonItem(UIBarButtonSystemItem.Reply, (s,e) => {
Console.WriteLine ("Reply clicked");
}, false);
ChatInput.ReturnKeyType = UIReturnKeyType.Send;
ChatInput.ShouldBeginEditing = delegate {
ChatInput.InputAccessoryView = Toolbar;
return true;
ChatInput.ShouldReturn = delegate {
return true;
View.AddSubview (Toolbar);
I don't know if there's a way to pin the toolbar on top of the keyboard, but what you could do it create some kind of method to move the toolbar (edit its .Frame property) when the keyboard pops up. I use this method to move an entire UIScrollView up. You can find the method I used here: (
This may not be the most "clean" solution, but if implemented correctly, it does its job. Another advantage is, is if you put the entire "moving of the keyboard" in a separate class-file, you can re-use it in other views.
Hope this helps. Good luck!
Love and regards,
I want to implement a flyout navigation in Xamarin.iOS. For this purpose I am using the FlyoutNavigationController, which works good so far.
But now I have to display some additional content underneath the navigation list inside of the flyout-menu (basically an image, some labels and buttons). For this purpose, I wanted to use the FooterView property of the "section" control that holds the menu items.
When I set
section.Footer = "Test";
it will work (I can see the text), but when I use the 'FooterView' property, nothing shows up:
public class ViewController : UIViewController
FlyoutNavigationController navigation;
private const string PageNamePage1 = "The first page";
private const string PageNamePage2 = "The second page";
readonly string[] pages =
public override void ViewDidLoad()
navigation = new FlyoutNavigationController
View =
Frame = UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds
var elements = pages.Select(page => new StringElement(page) as Element);
navigation.NavigationRoot = new RootElement("Induserv App");
var section = new Section();
var uiTextView = new UITextView {Text = "--> This won't show!"};
section.FooterView = new UIView
navigation.ViewControllers = new UIViewController[]
new UINavigationController(new Page1Controller(navigation, PageNamePage1)),
new UINavigationController(new Page2Controller(navigation, PageNamePage2)),
Does anyone have an idea what it needs to display this footer here? Is there another way to put some controls in this panel?
Set a frame for both the footer view and uiTextView, like so:
var uiTextView = new UITextView(new RectangleF(0, 0, 10, 10)) {Text = "--> This won't show!"};
section.FooterView = new UIView(new RectangleF(0, 0, 10, 10))