Using WIF, what is the difference between audienceUris and realm? - wif

We have an ASP.NET application using WIF. Our web.config file has a section like this:
<add value="" />
<wsFederation passiveRedirectEnabled="true" issuer="" realm="" requireHttps="true" />
<cookieHandler requireSsl="false" />
Every example I see both the audienceUris and realm are the same value. What is the difference between these two? Do we need them both?

The realm is the unique identifier of the application -- the identity that's sent to the STS when logging in. However, the audienceUris element is used to limit from what applications the token will be accepted.
For example, a user could sign-on and receive their token from a different relying party and then navigate to your application. If that application's realm is listed in the audienceUris, the token will be accepted and they can access the site (assuming that the application can also read the cookie).
If you think of a token as a passport, it's like saying that Great Britain will let in people with a US or British passport.
In answer to your question, you should include them both, but they can be the same.


Cookie expires or session timeout too soon

I have code like this which is run when a user is authorized:
FormsAuthenticationTicket authTicket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(
string encTicket = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(authTicket);
HttpCookie faCookie = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, encTicket);
faCookie.Expires = authTicket.Expiration;
I then redirect to a controller/Action that has the Authrize attribute:
public class ProductsController : Controller
I have the following in web.config:
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="~/Home/Unauthorized" timeout="2880" />
<sessionState timeout="120"></sessionState>
However users are complaining of session timing out or redirecting Home/Unauthorized after a couple of mins of inactivity.
what could be causing this, what else should i check?
A couple of thoughts before I go into a possible solution of why your logins are expiring. First, the FormsAuthentication cookie and SessionState are two different things completely. You can have one or the other, or both or neither. As a result, the timeouts for these two items are also not related.
The FormsAuthentication cookie is an encrypted cookie that contains some basic information such as the user name and an expiration value. The .NET application uses this cookie once a user has authenticated to know if the user is authorized for certain resources.
What controls the encryption and decryption of the FormsAuthentication cookie is the MachineKey for that web application on IIS. The MachineKey is a set of keys used to encrypt and decrypt the cookie. By default, a web application on IIS is set to AutoGenerate the machine key. What this means is that when an application starts, a random machine key is generated. If an application recycles, you get a new machine key. Additionally, if you are hosting on a shared provider, the web host will typically have your application load balanced, meaning hosted by more than one server. Each one of those servers will auto generate a machine key.
If your web application is on a load balanced scenario, then each machine in the web farm cannot decrypt the other's encrypted cookie. This will give the appearance of "being logged out". The example of this is logging in on web server A, then a subsequent request goes to web server B. Web server B does not share a machine key with web server A and cannot decrypt the cookie, sending the user back to the login page.
The solution is to define the MachineKey section in your web.config so each instance of IIS will use the same keys as well as if the application pool recycles, you still have the same machine key.
Here would be an example machine key (use the .NET 2.0 version) that you could place in your web.config
<machineKey validationKey="EBC1EF196CAC273717C9C96D69D8EF314793FCE2DBB98B261D0C7677C8C7760A3483DDE3B631BC42F7B98B4B13EFB17B97A122056862A92B4E7581F15F4B3551"
validation="SHA1" decryption="AES" />
Additional thoughts are that your expiration in your web.config (2880) and what you are actually setting the expiration to be (120) do not match. You may want them both to match.
If you are running behind a load balancer you will want to ensure that the web farm is using a consistent key as pointed out by Tommy's answer.
Other things to check will be that the IIS metabase settngs for each server are identical. They need to have the same path and ID.
You will also want to look at holding session out of proc (your web.config looks like in proc) which is susceptible to network outage and random app recycles.
Basically a summary of this link.
If you can post more of your config if possible and give more detail about your environment setup it will be easier to point you in a more focused direction.
Try This one:
web.config Code:
<httpRuntime maxRequestLength="40000000" useFullyQualifiedRedirectUrl="true" executionTimeout="600000" />
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="~/Home/Unauthorized" timeout="2880" cookieless="UseCookies" />
This will help you.

After adding the SessionState tag in web.config file, URL gets changed.

I am developing MVC application.
I have added the below code in web.config to handle session.
<sessionState mode="InProc" cookieless="true" timeout="30" />
after adding this code , when I run the application , I get the following url in browser.
I am confused about (S(egpaesodxcoii0dxtczyi10c)) this part.
if I remove this SessionState tag
<sessionState mode="InProc" cookieless="true" timeout="30" />
from web config then it start appearing normal like below
whats the issue ?
There is no issue.
When you use Cookieless sessionstates, the user's sessionId is embedded in the url. If you do not want this embedded you should consider setting Cookieless to false.
I recommend you have a read of this documentation it should outline the differences between the two.
Hope you find this useful.
There are two ways that session state can store the unique ID that associates the client with a server session: by storing an HTTP cookie on the client or by encoding the session ID in the URL. Storing the session ID in the cookie is more secure but requires the client browser to support cookies.
For applications that allow clients that do not support cookies, such as a variety of mobile devices, the session ID may be stored in the URL. The URL option has several drawbacks. It requires that the links on the site be relative and that the page be redirected at the beginning of the session with new query-string values, and it exposes the session ID right in the query string, where it can be picked up for use in a security attack.
You are encouraged to use the cookieless mode only if you need to support clients that lack cookie support.
So setting : cookieLess to False will work for you
<sessionState mode="InProc" cookieless="false" timeout="30" />

Why my session state in MVC4 suddenly loses data?

I was reading in the following page that continualy WindowsAzure recycle store sessions
Why do my instances recycle when trying to store sessions in co-located Azure cache?
This is my webconfig setting:
<sessionState mode="InProc" timeout="2880" />
I was reading that maybe I have to change the Mode to maintain the session alive, because when I'm using the program, suddenly happens that. Let's going to see later than one hour.
What can I do to avoid this bad user experience?
If you are running multiple instances, then you are losing session data as the load balancer bounces users between instances. The "InProc" setting stores the session data on each individual instance and NOT across instances - read more.
If you want to use co-located cache then your config should look something like:
<!-- Windows Azure Caching session state provider -->
<sessionState mode="Custom" customProvider="AFCacheSessionStateProvider">
<add name="AFCacheSessionStateProvider"
type="Microsoft.Web.DistributedCache.DistributedCacheSessionStateStoreProvider, Microsoft.Web.DistributedCache"
Read more.
UPDATE: Finally, check that you are using a REAL BLOB connection string in your ServiceConfiguration.cscfg file. If the connection string says "UseDevelopmentStorage=true", the deployed role will never be able to create/connect to the cache - it will work locally in the emulator though.:
<Setting name="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.Caching.ConfigStoreConnectionString" value="UseDevelopmentStorage=true" />

spring security - mutiple authentications for differnt URL patterns

my application currently has one authentication defined for a specific URL, with a custom filter, where user is authenticated by extracting the user details from the URL (in the query string). This is working fine.
Now I want to add a new authentication using an identity certificate for a different URL pattern (the authentication is completely different from the first one, it has a differnt user details service etc). I saw there's already support for x509 cert authentication in spring security. I want to understand what is the best configuration I should do considering the following:
I want users access the different URL patterns to be authenticated by the relevant authentication, and not try first with one authentication and if that fails then try the other one. This is why I think I may need 2 different authentication managers?
My application must be in HTTPS for all URLs
I need to configure tomcat in a way where client authentication is required only for the specific URL pattern, not to all the application.
Here is what I have so far for the first authentication, any help would be appreciated:
<sec:http pattern="/urlAuth1" auto-config="false" entry-point-ref="url1EntryPoint">
<sec:intercept-url pattern="/**" access="IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY" requires-channel="https" />
<sec:custom-filter position="PRE_AUTH_FILTER" ref="urlPreAuthFilter"/>
<bean id="urlPreAuthFilter" class="">
<property name="authenticationManager" ref="authenticationManager" />
<bean id="urlPreAuthProvider" class="">
<property name="preAuthenticatedUserDetailsService" ref="urlUserDetailsService" />
<sec:authentication-manager alias="authenticationManager">
<sec:authentication-provider ref="urlPreAuthProvider" />
EDIT - 30.01.13:
I added the following section to my security context.xml. When I debug my app when accessing both URLs patterns, I see that for first URL pattern (/urlAuth1) the getProviders() in the authenticationManager returns just one provider which is the urlPreAuthProvider, and for the second URL pattern (/certAuthTest) it returns two providers - the anonymous and preauthenticatedprovider which I guess are registered by default. For me this is OK since it means each pattern goes through the correct providers. I want to make sure I am not missing anything, does it seem right to you?
<sec:http pattern="/certAuthTest" auto-config="false">
<sec:intercept-url pattern="/**" access="IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY" requires-channel="https" />
<sec:x509 subject-principal-regex="CN=(.*?)," user-service-ref="certUserDetailsService"/>
regarding the web.xml configuration for clientAuth, I'll do some more reading and see if this works. Thanks!
You can declare separate authentication manager beans for each URL pattern you want and then assign them to the individual filter chains using the authentication-manager-ref attribute on the <http /> element.
<http pattern="/someapi/**" authentication-manager-ref="someapiAuthMgr">
You can use the standard ProviderManager bean for the individual authentication managers.
To enforce HTTPS for all requests, you can use standard web.xml settings.
Client certificate authentication takes place when the SSL connection is established. So you either have it or you don't. Investigate the clientAuth tomcat connector setting. You can set it to "want" to ask for a client certificate but not require one for the SSL connection to succeed.

Session ID embedded in URL's is very annonying

I have an ASP.NET 4 site with url's having session string embedded in them. Due to this Google index the same page multiple times, all with different session id's. This is affecting my ranking. Earlier i also had the aspautodetectcookie string appended to the url. But i was able to remove it, however the session id embedded in the url remains a problem still.
If my url is, it shows up like this I want it to show like all the time.
Here are some settings in my web.config that may help you help me
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms cookieless="UseCookies" loginUrl="~/AccessDenied.aspx" name="FORMAUTH" />
<sessionState mode="InProc" cookieless="false" timeout="15" />
<anonymousIdentification cookieless="AutoDetect" enabled="false" />
Now one user asked to change cookieless="true" to fix the problem. However in the artcle the guy says that by adding cookieless = "true" session id 'will be' embedded in all page URLs.
Can anyone tell me how remove this session from the url - forever.
I am running on IIS 7 but do not have much access to the admin features.
If you set cookieless="false" that will solve the problem you are seeing with Google.
However this means that any browser, which doesn't support cookies, will get a new session per request. If you want more help, please tell us how you are using the sessions.
