Scrollview Delay / Lag in pageControl - ios

We are building an iPad catalog application with images. The image scrolling is very smooth (no delay) using scrollview, however the corresponding the pageControl (small dots at the bottom) take an extra 1.5 sec approximately. Please see attached screenshot.
Is there a way to minimize this lag/delay? Thank you for your help.

What I'm getting from your question is horizontal scrolling (using the Page Control) is lagging/choppy. Run your app on the simulator, and from the 'Debug' menu, click 'Color Blended Layers'. This option will highlight any transparent object in red. Optimally, everything would be green. Try making everything red green by setting its background color to the background color of its superview, if that is possible and setting the view's opaque setting to YES. Good luck. For more information: check out the the documentation.

What is happening, in your code, when you move to a new page? Are you pulling down any data, images, etc... ?
On a side note, I would look into both the ScrollView and PageControl to see how they rendered. It could be ScrollView is using Bitmap images once the views are rendered and PageControl is not.


Limit AutoresizingMask height stretch

I made this screen
Screen on iPhone 4s(9.3)
It looks fine on that device, however when i test this same screen with iPhone6(9.3) it looks like this. Since i cannot post more than 2 links, i merged the third image with the second one
Screen on iPhone 6(9.3) with the Third Image
As you can see, that gray view, doesn't fill the white space beetwen that same gray view and the first bottom button(lojas). Notice that i don't have the autoresizing height stretch on(that vertical arrow inside the blocks). If i turn that on, this happens
Third Image inside the Second Image
See that, the gray view goes over the buttons, i don't want that.
My question is, how can i solve this? Is there a way to make the gray view stop above the Lojas Buttom at the bottom? Thanks for your time!
OBS: I CANNOT use autolayout.
EDIT: Got the problem solved
I just changed the View as option in Interface Builder, changed it to 7.0 and later, so it gave me the "real appareance" of the app.
I changed the View as option inside the Interface Builder so i could see how the app really look like and set the iOS Deltas to 0, made the changes based on that.

UIWebView Rotation and Background Color

I've run into an interesting situation with a UIWebView. In Interface Builder, I set all four constraints to equal the margins and filled the webview with content. It works exactly as you'd expect.
An issue occurs when I rotate the webview. The webview rotates but in doing so, it reveals an grey background color. This isn't a color that I've set. In fact, I set the parent's view to have a black background color to match the webview content.
Here are my constraints for reference:
I'd appreciate any guidance on how to make my webview will the entire border or at least, manually change the grey color. Much thanks!
Note: This only occurs in the simulator. I haven't tried this on a device yet.
Ack ... it was the background view that was the culprit. The simulator didn't pick up my color changes. I never did a clean on them. I tested today and was able to change the grey color to the one of my choosing.

UIScrollView with a background set to the blurred image

I have a UIScrollView that shows certain images based on an index. When an image loads, I want to set the background of the UIScrollView to the blurred version of that image.
Right now I have a container view that houses the scrollView, and I've been trying to add a blurred subView to the container but it's not working out. If I just add the subview it gets rendered over the scrollView which id obviously no good, and If I add the subView and send it to back then I don't see any blurred effect at all.
Is this the right approach or is there a better way to achieve the effect I'm going for?
As you said "and If I add the subview and send it to back then I don't see any blurred effect at all."
To sort it out, You may try changing the background color of Scrollview to clearColor.

Add color to white bounce area of UIWebView

I'm trying to add a beige color to the bounce white space area that appears when dragging this WebView off screen. I've tried setting the WebView and WebView.ScrollView background colors manually and also setting them to transparent with opaque set to false having the ViewController's view background color set to beige - no luck. I also read in some of the objective-C iOS threads that adding a SubView with the background color I want to the WebView would do the trick, but could not get this to work in Mono.
The background of the Web content has been set in the HTML code of the document.
I wish I could post an example image, but don't have 10 rep yet. Feel free to ask for a better description.
Can anyone shed some light on how to accomplish this?
I set the background colour of my webView to clearColor in my nib file and for me it works fine:
Let me know if it still doesn't work for you.

Black line at bottom of elastic scrolling in uiwebview?

I have a hybrid iOS app that is essentially a uiwebview that loads HTML from our server. There's a fixed position top bar, a fixed position bottom tab bar, and a scrollable/draggable middle content section with content loaded via AJAX. However, sometimes a one-pixel, gray (#838383) line appears at the bottom of the middle content section when you scroll past the bounds of the content, ie, elastic scrolling. However, it's not consistent. In some tabs of the app, it doesn't show up at all, and I can't figure out what's causing it to appear or in some cases not appear. I've searched all the server-side CSS and HTML for "838383" but nothing turned up.
Normal state:
normal state
Elastic scrolling shows gray line:
scrolling with gray line
Elastic scrolling on different page does not have gray line:
scrolling on a different tab does not have gray line
Has anyone experienced this before, know why it's happening, or have a solution?
This may slow down rendering a bit, but try the following:
webviewView.opaque = NO
You have to adjust UIWebView: set opaque NO and clear background color simultaneously:
