Black line at bottom of elastic scrolling in uiwebview? - ios

I have a hybrid iOS app that is essentially a uiwebview that loads HTML from our server. There's a fixed position top bar, a fixed position bottom tab bar, and a scrollable/draggable middle content section with content loaded via AJAX. However, sometimes a one-pixel, gray (#838383) line appears at the bottom of the middle content section when you scroll past the bounds of the content, ie, elastic scrolling. However, it's not consistent. In some tabs of the app, it doesn't show up at all, and I can't figure out what's causing it to appear or in some cases not appear. I've searched all the server-side CSS and HTML for "838383" but nothing turned up.
Normal state:
normal state
Elastic scrolling shows gray line:
scrolling with gray line
Elastic scrolling on different page does not have gray line:
scrolling on a different tab does not have gray line
Has anyone experienced this before, know why it's happening, or have a solution?

This may slow down rendering a bit, but try the following:
webviewView.opaque = NO

You have to adjust UIWebView: set opaque NO and clear background color simultaneously:


White area in UITableViewCells iOS

What could possibly be causing this white area to show on my iPad simulator?
this is just a snippet of the table view and ONLY shows like this on the iPad. I've seen this before on my actual iPad app but only when the user selects the row it would highlight that weird white rectangle.
I'm about ready to submit a new build but afraid this will show like this on an actual iPad.. Anyone else seen this before?
Here's how my storyboard is set up:
And my folder/view hierarchy:
I realize I have a lot of views within views but I've never had this behavior before and the weird thing is i don't have any views that have the same dimensions as the mysterious white area..
Fixed it by making the tableView background color and the cell background color clear.

UIWebView Rotation and Background Color

I've run into an interesting situation with a UIWebView. In Interface Builder, I set all four constraints to equal the margins and filled the webview with content. It works exactly as you'd expect.
An issue occurs when I rotate the webview. The webview rotates but in doing so, it reveals an grey background color. This isn't a color that I've set. In fact, I set the parent's view to have a black background color to match the webview content.
Here are my constraints for reference:
I'd appreciate any guidance on how to make my webview will the entire border or at least, manually change the grey color. Much thanks!
Note: This only occurs in the simulator. I haven't tried this on a device yet.
Ack ... it was the background view that was the culprit. The simulator didn't pick up my color changes. I never did a clean on them. I tested today and was able to change the grey color to the one of my choosing.

A blank space of about height 20pts displaying at bottom in iOS7 when red banner at top hides

If we navigate to another page and if microphone is listening then a red colour banner will be shown at top this is normal behaviour in iOS7. But in my case when that red colour banner hides then a blank space is showing at bottom. I got struck with this weird issue for long when I google it I can't able to find similar issue anywhere. Any help will be appreciated.

UIWebView scrollsToTop and ignores UIEdgeInsets in iOS

I basically have a Title bar with a UIWebView behind it. I have set the UIEdgeInsets of the UIWebView.scrollView to be such that the top of the Web page is at the bottom of the Title bar. Everything works as I expect except when the web page loads it moves the top of the UIWebView and ignores the UIEdgeInsets.
The behavior is particularly strange because while a web page is loading, parts of the web page are shown and are in the correct position (with the top of the web page just below the Title bar as it should be because of the UIEdgeInsets). However, once the web page completes loading it suddenly jumps up to the top of the UIWebView and ignores the UIEdgeInsets.
The workaround I am currently using is to set the contentOffset to the correct position immediately after the page loads, but this is not ideal because you can see it jumping to the top of the UIWebView then jumping back down to the bottom of the Title bar.
Does anyone know if there is something I can do to stop it jumping to the top of the UIWebView, either by forcing it to ignore the message to scroll to CGPointZero, or by setting the 'Start Position' to be the at the bottom of the title bar (please note, I have tried setting the origin to this point and it did not resolve the issue)?
Any help would be much appreciated.

Scrollview Delay / Lag in pageControl

We are building an iPad catalog application with images. The image scrolling is very smooth (no delay) using scrollview, however the corresponding the pageControl (small dots at the bottom) take an extra 1.5 sec approximately. Please see attached screenshot.
Is there a way to minimize this lag/delay? Thank you for your help.
What I'm getting from your question is horizontal scrolling (using the Page Control) is lagging/choppy. Run your app on the simulator, and from the 'Debug' menu, click 'Color Blended Layers'. This option will highlight any transparent object in red. Optimally, everything would be green. Try making everything red green by setting its background color to the background color of its superview, if that is possible and setting the view's opaque setting to YES. Good luck. For more information: check out the the documentation.
What is happening, in your code, when you move to a new page? Are you pulling down any data, images, etc... ?
On a side note, I would look into both the ScrollView and PageControl to see how they rendered. It could be ScrollView is using Bitmap images once the views are rendered and PageControl is not.
