Mobile app rotates only 3 directions on Ipad - ipad

When the ipad is portrait and the home button at the bottom and the camera at the top, the app does not rotate.
But all other directions rotate perfectly, landscape and the other portrait (when the camera on botton and home button on top)
I don't know what causes this problem.
By the way the app is HTML5/Css3 and the Ipad is ipad2

Did you selected upside down orientation?
It's in the project targets - iPhone/iPad Deployment Info - Supported Device Orientations


Prevent display rotation on iPad

In Xcode in Device orientation section only "Portrait" is selected. On iPhone it works properly, when phone rotated to landscape mode it still works as portrait, so no changing. But on iPad (6th generation) when display is rotated to landscape mode actual screen in my app is also rotated, but without autoscaling. But I don't want that it will be possible to rotate screen on iPad. Do I need to fix it by code or some other settings on Xcode besides "Device Orientation" settings
So in the info.plist for your app you just gotta go to "Supported interface orientation (iPad)" open that section up with the disclosure triangle and delete the items you don't want to rotate to for the iPad!

IOS Launch screen storyboard shows up in different orientation

I have an IOS app built with XCODE 11 which is landscape only(right+left).We are trying to move from Legacy launch images to Story board Launch screen.
The issue seems to be that the new launch screen appears as expected in landscape mode but when the device is in portrait orientation, the launch screen also appears in portrait , which looks weird because the image is meant to be in landscape to match the app orientation.
Note: The app launches in landscape after the launch screen irrespective of how the device is held.
Is there a way to lock the launch screen orientation to match the app (Landscape left+right)?
Been stuck on this issue for a while, appreciate any inputs :)
Have you tried set Supported interface orientations landscape in your info.plist only ?

How to rotate an iPhone app when used on an iPad in landscape

Devices is set to "iPhone" under Deployment info. In my Info.plist I have iPhone as Portrait only, and iPad as all 4 options. My app works fine on iPhone (no rotation as expected). It behaves the same on an iPad (no rotation) but of course then to view the app properly I have to hold the iPad like an iPhone with the Home button at the button. I don't want to have to do that. What I want is when the iPad is in landscape, e.g. with a keyboard, for the app to rotate but maintain its iPhone-like appearance, smaller, in the center of the display. How to achieve this?

How to disable portrait orientation for Ipad in swift 2 and xcode 7

I have been having this issue with the layout orientations specifically with ipads. In xcode, I clicked on the project itself in the left panel and disabled portrait layout. This worked for iphones and ipods but not ipads. The application is run on any ipad, the portrait mode is enabled. When turned to the portrait orientation in an ipad, my layout gets squished together and looks very bad. Is there anyway I would be able to only allow the devise orientation to be landscape on every device?
Here is a screenshot of the settings I have

Device orientation settings not effecting iPad devices

Why is it that iPads are not effected when un-ticking the device orientation check boxes? Could it be that I'm using the simulator?
In your info.plist file you need to add Supported interface orientations (iPad) to specify iPad orientations.
Options are
Portrait (bottom home button) Portrait (top home button) Landscape (left home button) Landscape (right home button)
The deployment info section in Targets only shows iPhone orientations for Universal app targets... bit dumb on Apple's part, but there you go!
