Exoclick adult ads on mobile website with JQuery Mobile - jquery-mobile

I'm having an issue using Exoclick adult advertisement to advertise on a mobile website using JQuery UI.
I don't know how much I can disclose here until it goes too far into "adult" that I can't post it here anymore.
The Exoclick banners show, but only once! Navigating inside the site doesn't the same ad again (we have two ads, bottom and top. Each is only loaded ONCE per site traversal). If you refresh using the refresh function of the browser ("F5"), they will load again... But only once.
Alright, Exoclick gives me a snippet like this:
<!-- BEGIN ExoClick.com Ad Code -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://syndication.exoclick.com/ads.php?type=300x50&login=<username>&cat=110&search=&ad_title_color=0000cc&bgcolor=FFFFFF&border=0&border_color=000000&font=&block_keywords=&ad_text_color=000000&ad_durl_color=008000&adult=0&sub=&text_only=0&show_thumb=&idzone=<zone id>&idsite=<site id>"></script>
<noscript>Your browser does not support JavaScript. Update it for a better user experience.</noscript>
<!-- END ExoClick.com Ad Code --></div>
The thing is, this works perfectly on static sites, but due to the nature of JQuery Mobile to fetch everything using AJAX, the scripts would be loaded many times over into the browser's execution context (at least this is what I suppose happens!) and in the end... not even execute anymore?
What I already thought of:
Cache the output of the Exoclick ad script (is there something like "outputcache" for JS?)
Deactivate Ajax
I tried deactivating Ajax requests but for some reason this didn't do anything:
$(document).bind("mobileinit", function(){
$.mobile.ajaxEnabled = false;

Deactivating Ajax should work:
$(document).bind("mobileinit", function () {
$.mobile.addBackBtn = false;
$.mobile.ajaxEnabled = false;
$.mobile.ajaxLinksEnabled = false;
On the other hand, you can refresh/reload your script on each ajax success
$('html').ajaxSuccess(function() {
//reload your script using js, plenty of that on google

I did it... #bobek indirectly brought me to this answer.
What I did is create an invisible div which contains the ads at first. Then, on pageinit, I steal the div and remove it from DOM. The div will now have an iframe inside made by Exoclick.
Then, without the script by exoclick, I insert it back into the dom on each page init event...
To prevent that the script gets inserted back into the dom, on the server side I check for the X-REQUESTED-WITH header. If it's XMLHttpRquest, I don't send the ads.
This is how it looks in code:
The temporary ad placement, ANYWHERE on the site:
<div id="ads">
<div style="display: none" id="topad">
<?php require("./_topbannerb.php"); ?>
<div style="display: none" id="bottomad">
<?php require("./_bottombannerb.php"); ?>
The two PHP files contain the tags by exoclick. Nothing else.
A script in the head tag:
ads = "";
first = true;
$(document).bind('pageinit', function() {
if (first) {
ads = $("#ads");
first = false;
$.each($(".adt"), function(i, v) {
$.each($(".adb"), function(i, v) {
Then, where the ads are supposed to be placed in the end:
<div class="adt"> </div>
The script automatically inserts into each ad placement. Here I have two different ad regions: Top and bottom. Both have no differences except how exoclick handles them in the back.


IOS10 above system, mixed content,background-image inserted picture does not display

IOS10 above system, mixed content(html by https,img by http), when the call of geolocation.getCurrentPosition, background-image inserted picture does not display
<div id="aaa" style="background-image:url(http://xxx.jpg);height:200px;"></div>
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function (res) {
It is correct behaviour. On https page all http content must not be shown as it is insecure. Even if it is inserted through JS. Browser simply doesn't make request for such content.

How to fix Meteor being unreliable on mobile

I'm not even sure where to start. I have a relatively simple meteor app (http://www.vertexshaderart.com). It's using iron router for routes. The main route / seems like a pretty normal situation. Show the 8 newest posts. Show the 8 most liked posts sort: {likes: -1}.
When I try to view on my phone it only works about 1 out 5 times, maybe less. The site shows up, the main template is clearly rendered and at least one child rendered but the templates waiting for data never show up. They have {{#if Template.subscriptionsReady}} wrappers. Or rather the parts inside the wrapper never show up. I'm guessing the subscriptions never complete on mobile for some reason. In fact the entire 10+ minutes I've been typing and editing this response I've had my phone sitting beside my computer trying to load the page. It's been sitting there loading for > 10 mins, the data spinner in the iOS status bar spinning constantly.
But, when I try to debug it it always works (or at least so far). It works fine in the iPhone Simulator. It works fine if I connect directly to my dev machine over WiFi. Like I said it works fine 1 or of 5 times or so on mobile. I've tried connecting to a debugger USB and then remote debug Safari but it always seems to work when I do that.
You might think it's a bad mobile connection but every other site I view seems to work just fine. Slashdot, Ars, Hackernews, GMail (the website), Facebook's website (not app), Reddit. Etc.
Any idea how I can debug this? Or is this a known issue?
Here's my code
Router.route('/', {
template: 'front',
<template name="front">
<div class="buttons">
{{> userinfosignin}}
{{> logo}}
<div class="container">
<div class="gallery">
{{> artselection sort="newest" limit="8"}}
{{> artselection sort="popular" limit="8"}}
<template name="artselection">
<div class="sortcriteria">
<div class="title">
<div>{{sort}}:</div><div class="right"> see all</div>
<div class="artgrid">
{{#if Template.subscriptionsReady}}
{{#each art}}
{{> artpiece}}
<template name="artpiece">
<div class="artpiece">
<a href="/art/{{_id}}">
<img class="thumbnail" src="{{screenshotLink.url}}" />
<div class="galleryinfo">
<div class="galleryname">
by: {{username}}
<a href="/art/{{_id}}">
<span class="views">{{views}}</span><span class="likes">{{likes}}</span>
I can see all of that gets rendered except the part inside the {{if Template.subscriptionsReady}}
Here's the code for that template
// in a client section
Template.artselection.onCreated(function() {
var instance = this;
instance.autorun(function() {
var sort = getSortingType(instance.data.sort);
instance.subscribe('artSelection', sort, parseInt(instance.data.limit));
art: function() {
var instance = Template.instance();
var sortField = getSortingType(instance.data.sort);
var sort = {};
sort[sortField] = -1;
var options = {
sort: sort,
limit: parseInt(instance.data.limit),
return Art.find({}, options);
// in a sever section
Meteor.publish("artSelection", function(sortField, limit) {
var find = {
private: {$ne: true},
var sort = {};
sort[sortField] = -1;
var options = {
fields: {settings: false},
sort: sort,
limit: limit,
return Art.find(find, options);
function getSortingType(sort) {
switch (sort) {
case "mostviewed":
return "views";
case "newest":
return "modifiedAt";
case "popular":
return "likes";
Note: Art is a collection that's pretty much the same as Posts in any tutorial. The data is small. Just _id, username, owner, title, createdAt, modifiedAt, likes, views, hasSound. That's about it and one field settings which is a string which is at most 2-3k but I'm excluding that field in the publish method. In fact, checking the frames in the Chrome debugger when viewing on desktop it looks like only about 12k of data is sent down over the websocket before the front page is completely rendered. In other words, this isn't an issue of sending lots of data.
I'm on Meteor 1.2.1.
I figured out the issue is actually Chrome's Data Saver feature. I made the bad assumption that since both are WebKit under the hood that remote debugging on Safari would help me find the issue but Chrome is doing fancy networking behind the scenes of it's embedded WebKit view. Turning off the data saver feature and it started working.
According to Google you can disable the data saver feature on the server side by adding the header
Cache-Control: no-transform
So for now I'll try adding that header to my site. Otherwise I'm pretty sure google wants it to just work so I've filed a bug
I am absolutely not sure that it will solve your problem, but have you try the "waitOn" feature of iron router (just to help you to locate the problem) ?
Apparently, you would like to be sure that your subscription to your data has been fully established with this block:
{{#if Template.subscriptionsReady}}
{{#each art}}
{{> artpiece}}
Could your try to create a route pointing to your template having the issue, and check if the data are loading on this route ?
Something like the following code and see if the problem persists ?
Router.route('/art_selection', {
name: 'artselection',
waitOn: function () { return Meteor.subscribe('artSelection'); },
data: function () {
return {
art: Art.find(),
If it is working well on the route and not on your main page, then I guess your template is not waiting your subscription to be ready the first time it renders, and do not re-render after the subscription has been completed.

jQuery mobile and Google Analytics - single-page template

I didn't find an answer to my question anywhere and I know nothing about javascript, so I can't figure it out myself.
If I have jQuery mobile website built so that every single page is in separate html file (single page template). May I use standard asynchronous Google Analytics code with it, or do I have to make modifications similar to those used in multi page template?
Would be very thankful if someone could answer this question.
Yes, you can use the standard Google Analytics code. You will however, need to "push" certain page views to Google Analytics because of the way jQuery Mobile handles page navigation.
For example, if you have a Contact form on your site at contact.html that, once submitted, goes to a process.php page, and then after completing, the user arrives at thank-you.html, you will need to call some JavaScript to "push" the pageview to Google Analytics.
For example, if your jQuery Mobile page element (data-role="page") has id="thank-you", then I'd use this:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).delegate('#thank-you', 'pageshow', function () {
//Your code for each thank you page load here
_gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-XXXXXXX-X']);
_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/thank-you.html']);
I would put this in your script.js file which is included in the head after you load jQuery and jQuery Mobile. This fires on each data-role="page" pageshow event, and is currently working on my live projects just fine.
$('[data-role=page]').live('pageshow', function (event, ui) {
try {
_gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-XXXXXXX-X']);
hash = location.hash;
if (hash) {
_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', hash.substr(1)]);
} else {
} catch(err) {

When twitter goes down, elements on my site breaks as well. How to prevent this?

As we know Twitter.com was down in yesterday(2012/07/26) some period of time. In that time my website home page somewhat unresponsive. The homepage was trying to load the twitter feed and failing, and thus other page elements in my site appears broken, like a jquery slider has trouble loading correctly, because its trying to load the twitter API.
Hove to fix this to homepage ignore twitter feed if the site notices that it is down, and displaying a short error notice in place of the feed?
I am using following customize twitter widget (got from here) to show latest 2 twitts in Home page.
<div id='twitter_div'>
<ul id='twitter_update_list'>
<script type='text/javascript' src='http://twitter.com/javascripts/blogger.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
// to filter #replies in twitter feed
function filterCallback( twitter_json )
{ var result = [];for(var index in twitter_json)
{ if(twitter_json[index].in_reply_to_user_id == null) {result[result.length] = twitter_json[index]; }
if( result.length==2 ) break;}twitterCallback2(result); }
<script type='text/javascript' src='http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/DUOBoots.json?callback=filterCallback&count=10'></script>
You should delay load your twitter feed. The rest of your page will load right away and if/when twitter goes down it won't block the rest of your page. It's good practice to do this anyway.
See https://dev.twitter.com/discussions/3369 for a discussion with some examples on using jquery to do this.

jQuery UI dialog form, not sending correct variable

I'm loading a customer info page using jQuery. There's a list of customers with a link next to it:
That triggers this function:
function load_customer(id) {
$("#dashboard").load('get_info/' + id);
That works perfectly. On the page I'm loading, I have a jQuery UI modal dialog form for adding new information.
<div id="addinfo">
<form><input type="hidden" name="customer_id" value="<?php echo $c->id; ?>" /></form>
My javascript:
return false;
modal: true
When you select a customer the first time, it populates the hidden field correctly, but then it stays the same even after selecting other customers.
I thought that by loading a new customer page, the form would reset as well... but apparently it's being stored/cached somewhere. If I echo the ID anywhere else in the page, it shows correctly... just not in the "addinfo" div.
Any help/suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks!
JQuery dialog's dont reload the content for you when you open them. I tend to have an AJAX call replacing the content of the div that the dialog is on (or tweakng some values in it) when the dialog is opened.
If you want a hidden field, then I wouldn't put it within the dialog, you should be able to retrieve the value from outside the dialog.
After some more researching, it seems the dialog is being cached client-side after it's called. So to get around that, I just added the customerId to the end of the popup div's ID name... so each customer page will have a unique dialog ID.
However, if it's caching each of those dialogs, won't there be a performance loss if you open quite a few? How can you clear them without having to do a full page refresh?
I guess if the #addinfo div is updated it should capture the new content...anyway this would destroy the dialog after closing it to insure a new instance will be created:
return false;
function openDialog(elm) {
modal: true,
close: function() {
