Appropriate SVM feature normalization for histograms? - normalization

I would like if there are work (publications, extensive results, recommendations) about the SVM feature normalization when the instance features are histograms.
Previous work:
In this question, they talk about the chi square distance (commonly used in histograms) and feature normalization but I don't know if the features are histograms. Moreover, this paper mention that chi square is sensitive to feature normalization (don't specify positive or negative performance).
I think that the common normalization between [0, 1] and [-1, 1] can affect the histogram information.


Machine Learning - one class classification/novelty detection/anomaly assessment?

I need a machine learning algorithm that will satisfy the following requirements:
The training data are a set of feature vectors, all belonging to the same, "positive" class (as I cannot produce negative data samples).
The test data are some feature vectors which might or might not belong to the positive class.
The prediction should be a continuous value, which should indicate the "distance" from the positive samples (i.e. 0 means the test sample clearly belongs to the positive class and 1 means it is clearly negative, but 0.3 means it is somewhat positive)
An example:
Let's say that the feature vectors are 2D feature vectors.
Positive training data:
(0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3)
Test data:
(0, 10) should be an anomaly, but not a distinct one
(1, 0) should be an anomaly, but with higher "rank" than (0, 10)
(1, 10) should be an anomaly, with an even higher anomaly "rank"
The problem you described is usually referred to as outlier, anomaly or novelty detection. There are many techniques that can be applied to this problem. A nice survey of novelty detection techniques can be found here. The article gives a thorough classification of the techniques and a brief description of each, but as a start, I will list some of the standard ones:
K-nearest neighbors - a simple distance-based method which assumes that normal data samples are close to other normal data samples, while novel samples are located far from the normal points. Python implementation of KNN can be found in ScikitLearn.
Mixture models (e.g. Gaussian Mixture Model) - probabilistic models modeling the generative probability density function of the data, for instance using a mixture of Gaussian distributions. Given a set of normal data samples, the goal is to find parameters of a probability distribution so that it describes the samples best. Then, use the probability of a new sample to decide if it belongs to the distribution or is an outlier. ScikitLearn implements Gaussian Mixture Models and uses the Expectation Maximization algorithm to learn them.
One-class Support Vector Machine (SVM) - an extension of the standard SVM classifier which tries to find a boundary that separates the normal samples from the unknown novel samples (in the classic approach, the boundary is found by maximizing the margin between the normal samples and the origin of the space, projected to the so called "feature space"). ScikitLearn has an implementation of one-class SVM which allows you to use it easily, and a nice example. I attach the plot of that example to illustrate the boundary one-class SVM finds "around" the normal data samples:

Relation between max-margin and vector support in SVM

I am reading the mathematical formulation of SVM and on many sources I found this idea that "max-margin hyperplane is completely determined by those \vec{x}_i which lie nearest to it. These \vec{x}_i are called support vectors."
Could an expert explain mathematically this consequence? please.
This is true only if you use representation theorem
Your separation plane W can be represented as Sum(i= 1 to m) Alpha_i*phi(x_i)
Where m - number of examples in your train sample and x_i is example i. And Phi is function that maps x_i to some feature space.
So, your SVM algorithm will find vector Alpha=(Alpha_1...Alpha_m), - alpha_i for x_i. Every x_i(example in train sample) that his alpha_i is NOT zero is support vector of W.
Hence the name - SVM.
What happens if your data is separable, is that you need only support vectors that are close to separation margin W, and all rest of the training set can be discarded(its alphas is 0). Amount of support vectors that algorithm will use is depends on complexity of data and kerenl you using.

Support Vector Machines understanding

Recently,I have been going through lectures and texts and trying to understand how SVM's enable use to work in higher dimensional space.
In normal logistic regression,we use the features as it is..but in SVM's we use a mapping which helps us attain a non linear decision boundary.
Normally we work directly with features..but with the help of kernel trick we can find relations in data using square of the features..product between them this correct?
We do this with the help of kernel.
Now..i understand that a polynomial kernel corresponds to a known feature vector..but i am unable to understand what gaussian kernel corresponds to( i am told an infinite dimensional feature vector..but what?)
Also,I am unable to grasp the concept that kernel is a measure of similiarity between training is this a part of the SVM's working?
I have spent lot of time trying to understand these..but in vain.Any help would be much apppreciated!
Thanks in advance :)
Normally we work directly with features..but with the help of kernel trick we can find relations in data using square of the features..product between them this correct?
Even using a kernel you still work with features, you can simply exploit more complex relations of these features. Such as in your example - polynomial kernel gives you access to low-degree polynomial relations between features (such as squares, or products of features).
Now..i understand that a polynomial kernel corresponds to a known feature vector..but i am unable to understand what gaussian kernel corresponds to( i am told an infinite dimensional feature vector..but what?)
Gaussian kernel maps your feature vector to the unnormalized Gaussian probability density function. In other words, you map each point onto a space of functions, where your point is now a Gaussian centered in this point (with variance corresponding to the hyperparameter gamma of the gaussian kernel). Kernel is always a dot product between vectors. In particular, in function spaces L2 we define classic dot product as an integral over the product, so
<f,g> = integral (f*g) (x) dx
where f,g are Gaussian distributions.
Luckily, for two Gaussian densities, integral of their product is also a Gaussian, this is why gaussian kernel is so similar to the pdf function of the gaussian distribution.
Also,I am unable to grasp the concept that kernel is a measure of similiarity between training is this a part of the SVM's working?
As mentioned before, kernel is a dot product, and dot product can be seen as a measure of similarity (it is maximized when two vectors have the same direction). However it does not work the other way around, you cannot use every similarity measure as a kernel, because not every similarity measure is a valid dot product.
just a bit of introduction about svm before i start answering the question. This will help you get overview about svm. Svm task is to find the best margin-maximing hyperplane that best separates the data. We have soft margin representation of svm which is also known as primal form and its equivalent form is dual form of svm. Dual form of svm makes the use of kernel trick.
kernel trick is partially replacing the feature engineering which is the most important step in machine learning when we have datasets that are not linear (eg. datasets in shape of concentric circles).
Now you can transform this dataset from non-linear to linear by both FE and kernel trick. By FE you can square each of the features in this dataset and it will transform into linear dataset and then you can apply techniques like logisitic regression which work best for linear data.
In kernel trick you can use the polynomial kernel whose general form is (a + x_i(transpose)x_j)^d where a and d are constants and d specifies the degree, suppose if the degree is 2 then we can say it is quadratic and likewise. now lets say we apply d =2 now our equation becomes (a + x_i(transpose)x_j)^2. lets the we 2 features in our original dataset (eg. for x_1 vector is [x_11,x__12] and x_2 the vector is [x_21,x_22]) now when we apply polynomial kernel on this we get we get 6-d vectors. Now we have transformed the features from 2-d to 6-d.Now you can see intuitively that higher your dimension of data better would svm work because it will eventually transform that features to a higher space. Infact the best case of svm is if you have high dimensionality, then go for svm.
Now you can see both kernel trick and Feature Engineering solve and transforms the dataset(concentric circle one) but the difference is we are doing FE explicitly but kernel trick comes implicitly with svm. There is also a general purpose kernel know as Radial basis function kernel which can be used when you don't know the kernel in advance.
RBF kernel has a parameter (sigma) if the value of sigma is set to 1, then you get a curve that looks like gaussian curve.
You can consider kernel as a similarity metric only and can interpret if the distance between the points is less, higher will be the similarity.

Text Classification - how to find the features that most affected the decision

When using SVMlight or LIBSVM in order to classify phrases as positive or negative (Sentiment Analysis), is there a way to determine which are the most influential words that affected the algorithms decision? For example, finding that the word "good" helped determine a phrase as positive, etc.
If you use the linear kernel then yes - simply compute the weights vector:
w = SUM_i y_i alpha_i sv_i
sv - support vector
alpha - coefficient found with SVMlight
y - corresponding class (+1 or -1)
(in some implementations alpha's are already multiplied by y_i and so they are positive/negative)
Once you have w, which is of dimensions 1 x d where d is your data dimension (number of words in the bag of words/tfidf representation) simply select the dimensions with high absolute value (no matter positive or negative) in order to find the most important features (words).
If you use some kernel (like RBF) then the answer is no, there is no direct method of taking out the most important features, as the classification process is performed in completely different way.
As #lejlot mentioned, with linear kernel in SVM, one of the feature ranking strategies is based on the absolute values of weights in the model. Another simple and effective strategy is based on F-score. It considers each feature separately and therefore cannot reveal mutual information between features. You can also determine how important a feature is by removing that feature and observe the classification performance.
You can see this article for more details on feature ranking.
With other kernels in SVM, the feature ranking is not that straighforward, yet still feasible. You can construct an orthogonal set of basis vectors in the kernel space, and calculate the weights by kernel relief. Then the implicit feature ranking can be done based on the absolute value of weights. Finally the data is projected into the learned subspace.

Why should we perform cosine normalization for SVM feature vectors?

I was recently playing around with the well known movie review dataset used in binary sentiment analysis. It consists of 1,000 positive and 1,000 negative reviews. While exploring various feature-encodings with unigram features, I noticed that all previous research publications normalize the vectors by their Euclidean norm in order to scale them to unit-length.
In my experiments using Liblinear, however, I found that such length-normalization decreases the classification accuracy significantly. I studied the vectors, and I think this is the reason: the dimension of the vector space is, say, 10,000. As a result, the Euclidean norm of the vectors is very high compared to the individual projections. Therefore, after normalization, all the vectors get very small numbers on each axis (i.e., the projection on an axis).
This surprised me, because all publications in this field claim that they perform cosine normalization, whereas I found that NOT normalizing yields better classification.
Thus my question: is there any specific disadvantage if we don't perform cosine normalization for SVM feature vectors? (Basically, I am seeking a mathematical explanation for this need for normalization).
After perusing the manual of LibSVM, I realize why the normalization was yielding much lower accuracy when compared to not normalizing. They recommend scaling the data to a [0,1] or [-1,1] interval. This is something I had not done. Scaling up will resolve the issue of having too many data points very close to zero, while retaining the advantages of length-normalization.
