What iOS component is this? (Look at the picture) - ios

Hi guys I've trying to figure out which iOS component is the one in the picture below (the one pointed by the arrows), its like a cell separator that gets stuck at the top while the bottom keep scrolling, you can also find it in the address book with the alphabet. If you happen to know any tutorial any tutorial also post it too. Thank you very much!

That is the section header in a UITableViewController or a subclass of UITableViewController (subclasses are used so you can write your own custom code). You can check out the Stanford cs193P course for more information. Table Views are covered in the 9th week.

Thats the TableView's section header


Horizontal scrolling in section of UICollectionView in iOS, Swift

I develop an app for online shop that should has some design features that I don't know how to implement. Lurking for it second day, but no profit. I suggest, that it should be the simple CV with some custom cells for different needs (banners, products).
Problem - design has scrollable horizontally content in each section and I see no simple way to implement it instead of writing custom flow layout.
I tried to make a tableView with collection view in its rows, but its not working correctly.
May be you know some examples of implementation of same thing in swift or a good way to make such feature without flow layout?
Refer mention link May be help you from this link:- https://ashfurrow.com/blog/putting-a-uicollectionview-in-a-uitableviewcell-in-swift/

Swift-How to add a parallax header like the one in Spotify?

I was wondering if anyone knew what the best way of creating a similar tableview header effect to the one in Spotify was. I have looked at libraries such as CSSStickyHeaderFlowLayout, but they are written in Obj-C and are for CollectionViews. What's basically got to happen is that as the user scrolls to find more tableview cells at the bottom, the header stays in the same place and the top cells start covering it. This is seen in the example section of the git page of the library above.
Thanks in advance for any help!
Try using the solution found here
The original example uses Obj-C but the asker's response uses Swift. They also make use of TableViews rather than CollectionViews

Placing The Section Header Above the Cell Contents of UITableView

**You may want to go 'Edit 2' section directly (at below), there you can find the last and current situation.
I can't explain the problem just with the words properly, so I'll try to explain with pictures. Here is the situation I have:
As you can see in the picture, the allignment of the header titles doesn't match with the contents of the TableViewCell. I want section header to be at the top of the values. Like, "Alış" string to be at the beginning of the values. To be specific, I want something like that:
Alış Satış
654.000 666.000
313.757 321.921
157.370 160.960
... ...
And so on.
I was referring to this link to make section headers. Of course, it is a simple doc, so I moved myself using "auto layout" and "update frames" and "add the missing constraints" from the Resolve Auto Layout Issues segment that storyboard has. Well, clearly I failed. Here is the tableView that refers to this problem:
So here, the second cell is used for the header, as suggested in the link I gave.
I'm not familiar with using constraint, that is making the issue more complicated to me.
Any help / suggestion would be appreciated.
Waiting for your assistance.
Here is the code I have to write header.
EDIT 2: Now, I'm really close and just need a little assistance
I was trying 'til the morning on this, I know it is a bit much time. Anyway. So eventually I figured it out and tried in iPhone 4s to 6 plus, they give the correct result, with a minor mistake. The answer was simple: playing with the autolayout to understand with reference. I recommend Apple's doc and Ray's doc.
Back to last problem, as you can see in the first picture, my last row of tableVieWCell's alignment is right which I want it to be left. So the last situation is at below:
**I worht mentioning that I know that the alignment may not be what is my topic, but I didn't want to ask another question. If it is really unappropite, you can warn me, so I can ask in another topic.
Please make seperate xib file with class file .h & .m and it's superview is UIView for section header. And design the same view which you have design for table cell. You can use autolayout also in xib file. This will work :-)

IOS table view inside of a table view

I have a table view with expanding cells for each of them. I want to make every expanding cell be a new table inside of the bigger one. Is that possible? I've done the research, someone said that duplicate UITableView cannot put in one file.
For example
dish order1
dish order2
dish order3
which every "dish order #" is a cell of a table, and when you expand one cell, there will be a smaller table appears. I've done all the expanding stuff. But don't know how to put a small table into a bigger one. Thanks
Well if i understand your question correctly, what you search is called nested tableView, here's some examples:
Good luck.
It would likely be impossible to put one table view inside of another table view, and if you did manage to do it, it would be awful. Ask yourself, have you EVER seen this in a commercial app? If not, as a novice iOS developer, you are out of your depth trying to invent new UI paradigms.
Master the existing UI tools first. Don't try to use the UI elements in totally novel ways until you have a strong feel for the standard way to use them. Expect this to take 6 months or more.
Others have suggested a sectioned table view where initially only the first element of a section is visible, but when you tap on it, it expands to add other rows. This works quite well.
Another approach would be to use a master/detail UI, where tapping on one table view cell pushes a new view controller the uses a new table view to display detail information about the previously selected item. There are some use cases where you might have several levels of increasing detail.
I really do not think you want two instance of UITableView, instead what you want is a sectioned UITableView which expands when it's header is tapped. Apple has a good sample code for this here:
UITableView expand/collapse
i have demo for you , just got from github..
i hope this is helpfull for you...
Have you considered using one UITableView with multiple sections? You can accomplish what you are depicting above with only one tableView.
Since this was a problem for many people in the past, iOS 9 has a thing called Stack View, it does exactly what you are saying.
Check out this article.

ios coverflow displaying many items like three instead of one at a time

I want to implementing coverflow like the one on the below image show below (instead of showing 1 at a time it can show many like 3 at a time). Can someone help me on the approach, or lead me to any tutorial will be appreciated
Thank you in advance
what i understood from your question is that you want to implement coverflow.
so u can achieve this using by adding UIScrollView to UItableView Cell, if you want only one row then just play with our few tableView delegate methods.
This tutorial help you to proceed. revert back if you need any help.
also take a look at this post: Check here
