How and where is the slidechange event raised? - jquery-ui

I have a custom binding for Knockout which attaches to the "slidechange" event on a jquery UI slider.
What I can't figure out is where this event is raised - a text search for "slidechange" within the jquery UI source code pulls up nothing!
So I'm guessing this is a convention based approach - the question is:
What is the convention with jquery UI for events?

The slidechange event is fired whenever the position of the slider is changed by the user. In the code if you look in the _change method in jquery.ui.slider.js this is the line of code that triggers the event.
this._trigger( "change", event, uiHash );
_trigger is a method in jQuery UI's widget factory that will prefix the first parameter with the widget's defined widgetEventPrefix (in this case slide). Therefore when that line of code is invoked all handlers bound to the slidechange event will be triggered.
There are two ways to subscribe to the event. One is by passing in a function in when creating the slider.
change: function() {
The other is to subscribe to the slidechange event using jQuery's bind or on method.
$('my-selector').on('slidechange', function() {
You can see both of these events being fired in this example -
jQuery UI's API site documents all events that each widget fires as well as provides examples how you can subscribe to them. For example, here's the documentation on the slidechange event -


Syntax for using a plugin's custom event method

I'm having trouble figuring out the correct syntax to use when a plugin/widget requires using a custom 'event' method instead of the standard jQuery events.
The jQuery UI MultiSelect Widget doesn't support the change method, and instead provides a click event which is fired when a checkbox is checked or unchecked. I'm trying to use the syntax supplied in the widget's documentation for the click event so that I can replace several change functions including the one shown below, but I'm having trouble figuring out the correct syntax. The structure for the click event is:
$("[name=Item]").on("multiselectclick", function (event, ui) {...});
I've tried inserting the function in between the curly brackets, and I've also tried .on("multiselectclick", function () {...}); without success, so I'm assuming that I need to insert something here: (event, ui)
I've managed to get the functions partially working by using a slightly different method $("[name=Item]").multiselect({ click: function (event, ui) {...}, but I'd really like to understand how to use the plugin's custom event so that I can get the functions working properly. I posted a fiddle with a very simple example here, and included notes to indicate what wasn't working properly.
One of the functions where I'm trying to replace a change event with the widget's click event:
$("#Styles1, #Styles2").hide();
$(".accordion").accordion("option", "active", false);
if( $("[name=Item]").val() === "Dresses"){
$(".accordion").accordion("option", "active", 0);
else {...}
First issue about not hiding the Styles element when dresses is unchecked is straightforward. There is nothing in code to check state of the checkbox, only the value
Fix with:
if ((ui.value) === "Dresses" && ui.checked)
Using the ui object within a jQuery UI patterned widget is usually best source for your data or state , rather than using jQuery selector to look for the same thing.
I have never used this plugin, so to figure out what was available to me, I simply used console.log(ui) within the click handler so I could inspect the ui object to see what properties it contained, and found the checked property to add to above if conditional
If you do the same on a more complex widget like jQueryUI datepicker will see quite a significant number of ui properties , some of which are also method functions
DEMO (using custom event)

Zeptojs on() not triggering

I have build a plugin (pluginA) based on zeptojs and inside this plugin I fetch data using ajax and attach a list of
How do I bind an event to these anchors? I was going for something globally like and then use $('[data-key]').pluginB() and then inside pluginB() have something like
$(this).on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); ... }); but I am not able to bind the click event to anchors created dynamically.
I tried adding $('a').on('click', ...) before I call pluginA() but it's not firing.
What I really would like would be to use the bind() trigger() approach in order to decouple the two plugins, but I am having trouble finding a good example.
Use the delegating form of on to bind all desired links in a particular area (in this example, the entire body):
$(body).on('click', 'a[data-key]', function(e) {e.preventDefault();...});
Now all links with data-key will trigger your function, regardless of whether or not they were present at the time you called on; subsequently-added links will automatically get the behavior, and removed links won't leak memory by holding dangling handler references.

jQuery UI widget 'change' event

I'm trying to maintain a widget that triggers events using one of these two lines of code:
this.element.trigger('change'); // or...
stop: function (event, ui) { that.element.change(); }
The word 'change' occurs only 4 times in the code, in one of the 2 forms above. However, I've got no idea what's going on here. There's no event handler in the change call, and there are no bind, delegate, on, or live calls, so something external is presumably setting this up. Can anyone fill me in? Are there any docs on this? Thanks.
Those two lines of code simply trigger a change event to this.element using two different allowed syntax.
Using .trigger():
Or using a shorthand method .change():
You can actually bind an event handler to the element represented by this.element to handle this event.
Without knowing your plugin, it is difficult to answer you precisely on what is this.element.
But take the example of the autocomplete plugin. In this one, this.element is actually the input field the autocomplete plugin is applied to. If the change event was triggered like supposedly done in your question, you could bind an event handler to the input like this:
.bind('change', function() { });
Now if this plugin relies on the jQuery UI Widget Factory, it is advisable to use the method _trigger() to trigger events instead of the jquery .trigger().
Using _trigger() will make sure to execute any callback defined in the plugin's option with a correct context and also trigger that event for this.element (like above). So you could have:
change: function(e, someData) {
// "this" here will be `this.element´
.bind('change', function() { ... });
The answer turned out to be simple - there was no event handler, there were no bind/etc calls, jQuery does nothing behind the scenes, so the trigger calls did nothing. I commented them out and the widget behaved exactly the same. Doh.

How can I add on to default events in jqGrid?

I have common code that I want in various events for our standard jqGrid configuration.
I use $.extend($.jgrid.defaults, { }); to set some code for the following:
Now, when I define an instance of my grid, there is a potential that I would like to execute more code in any of these events.
My initial solution was to have global variables, e.g.: loadCompleteEx() and if they are defined, call them at the end of the default method calls. This was great if I only had one grid on the page, but I am trying to implement a solution that would work regardless of how many grids are on the page.
Is there some way to hook in and add a method to execute when any of these events are fired? I'm using jqGrid 4.1.2 and jQuery 1.6.
Thanks in advance for your help!
You can .bind() your own functions to events, so that your function executes with the event. You could use this to bind different events to each grid, or bind one function to every grid at once.
.bind() also allows binding to standard javascript events, custom events, or even undefined strings which you later call with .trigger().
It needs to be attached after a selector, which can select a specific grid or multiple grids in your case.
$('#Your-Grid-Selector').bind('eventToBind', functiontoBind() {
alert('Triggered eventToBind');
jQuery Documentation
Edit: This question may be a duplicate of this SO Question, which has a good solution you can use for this very issue.

Backbone.js focus event fires two events focus and focusin

The view part of my code using Backbone.js is something like this:
var myView = Backbone.View.extend({
events: {
'focus .cell input' : "updateCurrentCell"
updateCurrentCell: function(event) {
console.log('updateCurrentCell called');
// Update the current cell.
Whenever the input element gets focus, the function is called twice. I tried printing the stack trace using console.trace(). It shows that once the function call originated from focus event while the next time from focusin.
My attempts to find out how to prevent one of these events getting fired lead me nowhere.
How can I fix this?
Backbone.View uses delegateEvents to bind the events listed in your events object. If you take a look at the source, you'll see that delegateEvents uses jQuery.delegate to do so.
There's a note in the jquery docs for .focus() that's probably relevant:
The focus event does not bubble in Internet Explorer. Therefore,
scripts that rely on event delegation with the focus event will
not work consistently across browsers. As of version 1.4.2, however,
jQuery works around this limitation by mapping focus to the focusin
event in its event delegation methods, .live() and .delegate().
In theory, this should just work fine, but since you're getting both, perhaps you could try to just listen for the .focusin() event, as it supports the kind of event bubbling .delegate() listens for and is what jQuery is trying to map 'focus' to anyway.
