Grails JQGrid 4.0 - grails

This problem also concerns my question regarding the multiple grouping inside the JQGrid using the <jqgrid:grid> tag. But as I later found out here in the changelog of JQGrid, there might be issues with the grouping feature of JQGrid version 3.8.0. I've tried using the scripting format of JQGrid presented here
So in theory, I would download JQGrid 4.0 and use it in the concerned project.
The question is how can I use the downloaded JQGrid 4.0 files to my project.

In the case that you can't find a Grails plugin that uses the version of jqGrid that you need, you could go the more direct route of downloading jqGrid.
Just put the js file in the webapps/js folder of your grails project and then include the source on whatever gsp pages you need. You wouldn't get whatever ease of use you get from the Grails plugin, but if you absolutely need the newest version of jqGrid without waiting for a Grails plugin update, then there ya go.


Use any Js Plugin in Umbraco 7.5

I'm new to umbraco, and just used a very limited range of Js functions and plugins on that.
So now I need to use some plugin like for one of my document types . But it seems doesnt work.
My question is : is it possible to use any js plugin we normally using in HTML , MVC in Umbraco ?
Is there any difference there?

Orbeon 4.7 $.browser is undefined

I have upgraded my application from orbeon 4.4 to orbeon 4.7. On loading forms, in the browser console I'm getting $.browser is undefined.
On debugging I found that orbeon 4.7 is using jQuery v1.11.0 and $.browser is removed from jQuery v1.9.
Any idea why it is still using removed/deprecated $.browser??
How to solve this??
Per the jQuery documentation, "This property was removed in jQuery 1.9 and is available only through the jQuery.migrate plugin. Please try to use feature detection instead.". So you could:
Add the JavaScript for jquery-migrate to your project.
Change your code to check whether the feature you want to use is available, rather than rely on knowing in which browser it is available. (Most front-end developers would recommend you try to use this first.)

Steps to be taken to implement JQgrid in MVC4 Razor,using Entity Framework

I am new to this MVC and JQuery, i started building small application using these, i am using MVC4 Razor ,with Entity Framework. i fallowed few online tutorials for the. but nothin is working out properly. i am able to get my Json data from my controller but the data is printing on my view as a java script array, jqgrid is not displaying, i guess my jqgrid itself is not called, or its not being referenced properly. please tel me what are all the things need to do, and directory structures to be fallowed.
Thanks in Advance
You can easily get jqGrid and other Grids like Telerik from Nuget Package Manager. Each of them must using their own inbuilt functions to handle the events. You will have to learn them to implement it. You can check demos from below link:

Telerik MVC controls still loading jQuery Validation even after setting it not to

I have a project I'm working on and I'm using the Telerik MVC controls. I have the newest open source version.
In my _Layout.cshtml, I have the following line:
#(Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar().DefaultGroup(group =>
I want to load jQuery and jQueryValidation myself by using Cassette. The above line keeps jQuery from loading in favor of the location and version I've specified.
My problem is that when I bring up a page with a grid on it, the jquery.validation.min.js that exists in the telerik script directory still gets loaded as well as the one I have specified from a different directory.
Why is the ScriptRegistrar still loading jQueryValidation?
There was a bug which caused this erroneous behavior. Try downloading the latest internal build.
Another approach is to replace the jquery.validation.min.js that exists in the telerik script directory with an empty file.

How can I change jslint(VS 2010 extension) to ignore files?

I have js lint installed in Vs 2010 as a extension through the extension manager.
It finds lots of errors but they are all from external plugins or from the jquery library. I am not going to go and fix stuff in an external plugin or jquery file. So how can I get it to not check these files?
I am also wondering how can I get it to ignore checking href links. I am using mvc so my links are like this
So it can't find this path as it is the path to the controller action method not a file. So how can I get it to not look at these?
You can exclude files (external plugins, jquery, etc.) from the JSLint validation process.
From here.
For the href issue, if you don't have any JS in your views, you could exclude those as well using the method above.
