ASP.NET URL contains multi "dot" symbol -

I wrote the code in global.asax contain this
oRoutes.MapPageRoute("test-route", "home/{cURL}", "~/test.aspx");
everything fine, but had error when URL contains "." symbol. And I add the code below just can fix only one dot in URL.
<httpRuntime relaxedUrlToFileSystemMapping="true" />
For Example, when I call, the routing failed.
Is there any simple way to fix this problem? thanks.
P.S 1: please don't provide the way to remove last words like ".foo", because there could be occur in my URL like :-)
P.S 2: For some reason, I must be use "." symbol in URL. :'(

I guess based on several posts here in SO, you should encode your values
ASP.NET MVC: How to Route Search Term with . (Period) at the end
Semantic urls with dots in .net


MVC C# activation url redirects to other path

I have code that i used a year or two ago to create an activation link that is send by email, using a code as a parameter, i tried so many different ways, encoding, using other syntax, adding web.config settings <pages validateRequest="false" />
, annotations [AllowHtml], literally tried dozen of post on the internet but none of them worked.
So i am overseeing something here, that i am sure but i can't find the solution.
The error i get is:
A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (?)
The format i use is
Url.Action("action","controller", new { Id = guidValue }, Request.Url.Scheme)
My routing is the Default so this should work.
The Url is like this in the address bar once clicked:
While it should give me:
What is happening here?
Thank you for any feedback!
I removed the complete built in Authentication (NuGet packages & classes)
from my solution (since i didn't needed them) and this made the above case work as it was. I can't elaborate more on the what's and how's (i am sure other people can) but i think it has to do with routing that comes with the authentication.

Trailing dot in MVC 5 WebRequest URL causes 404

I am running MVC 5 and have a search API that produces the following link: /SearchedItem.?format=json where SearchedItem. is the user's input into search. This obviously causes a famous 404 due to a dot character. I've looked into all of the following solutions:
Dot character '.' in MVC Web API 2 for request such as api/people/STAFF.45287
Dots in URL causes 404 with ASP.NET mvc and IIS
ApiController returns 404 when ID contains period
However, neither adding a slash (tried both /SearchedItem./?format=json and /SearchedItem.?format=json/) nor RAMMFAR worked.
Looking for any new suggestions.
You have to change your web.config, the trailing dot let's iis think you are accessing an image.
Add the following within the system.webServer / handlers ( web.config)
<add name="ApiURIs-ISAPI-Integrated-4.0"
preCondition="integratedMode,runtimeVersionv4.0" />
Another suggest would be to set RunAllManagedModulesForAllRequests to true, but i wouldn't recommend that. All static assets would be handled through the .net code then :)
I see in your question that you checked related links. But are you sure? Because i have came accross this in the past and above was my solution...
Most suitable way is to encode once you route to url and decode in the respective action you can use HttpUtility to perform encoding and decoding
If you don't want to encode and decode then try adding relaxedUrlToFileSystemMapping config as explained Here

Tapestry "/" in parameters bug

If I add slash / to the parameter of a page, even in encoded form %2F I get an error.
Sample URL:
Input string 'dfgdfg/' is not valid; the character '/' at position 7 is not valid.
I am trying to pass whole URL as parameter (to later redirect user to that URL) so there are a lot of slashes in there.
Is this a bug? Is there any workaround?
I could theoretically replace all slashes with something else than %2F but that is something I would attempt after everything else fails...
As I've learned this happens on Jetty only, which I use for development...
This custom service override solved the problem:
Looks very hacky but works :).
See the Web Services More example on the JumpStart page. Works for me on Jetty.
The JumpStart page has many "how-to-do-this-in-Tapestry" examples.

Allow plus sign in URL with MVC 3

I need to be able to allow the "+" sign for certain actions in a controller. I am building a tag filtering engine that allows something like this (ie. stackoverflow) : /Stuff/Tagged/tag-name-1+tag-name-2+other-tag
I know I can set allowDoubleEscaping="true" in the web.config, but it is not best practices for security reasons.
I am guessing there is a way using maybe a custom filer or some other registry in the global.asax?
StackOverflow is probably treating the + as a whitespace. Most likely they map the route /Stuff/Tagged/{*tags} and call string.split() on the tags. This actually works out great if you don't allow whitespace in your tags.
+ means whitespace in an url. You should URL encode them:
You can use simple replace:
string url = Url.Action("Index", "YourController");
url = url.Replace("%2b", "+");


I've seen that IIS has a problem with letting colons into URLs. I also saw the suggestions others offered here.
With the site I'm working on, I want to be able to pass titles of movies, books, etc., into my URL, colon included, like this: Return
This would be consumed by my MovieController, for example, as a string and used further down the line.
I realize that a colon is not ideal. Does anyone have any other suggestions? As poor as it currently is, I'm doing a find-and-replace from all colons (:) to another character, then a backwards replace when I want to consume it on the Controller end.
I resolved this issue by adding this to my web.config:
<httpRuntime requestPathInvalidCharacters=""/>
This must be within the system.web section.
The default is:
<httpRuntime requestPathInvalidCharacters="<,>,*,%,&,:,\,?"/>
So to only make an exception for the colon it would become
<httpRuntime requestPathInvalidCharacters="<,>,*,%,&,\,?"/>
Read more at:
For what I understand the colon character is acceptable as an unencoded character in an URL. I don't know why they added it to the default of the requestPathInvalidCharacters.
Consider URL encoding and decoding your movie titles.
You'd end up with
As an alternative, consider leveraging an HTML helper to remove URL unfriendly characters in URLs (method is URLFriendly()). The SEO benefits between a colon and a placeholder (e.g. a dash) would likely be negligable.
One of the biggest worries with your approach is that the movie name isn't always going to be unique (e.g. "The Italian Job"). Also what about other ilegal characters (e.g. brackets etc).
It might be a good idea to use an id number in the url to locate the movie in your database. You could still include a url friendly copy of movie name in your url, but you wouldn't need to worry about getting back to the original title with all the illegal characters in it.
A good example is the url to this page. You can see that removing the title of the page still works:
Colon is a reserved and invalid character in an URI according to the RFC 3986. So don't do something that violates the specification. You need to either URL encode it or use another character. And here's a nice blog post you might take a look at.
The simplest way is to use System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode() when building the url
and System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode when interpreting the results coming back. You would also have problems with the space character if you don't encode the value first.
