I read the following type definition. What does it do?
type StreamCell<'a> =
| Nill
| Cons of 'a * Stream<'a>
and Stream<'a> = Lazy<StreamCell<'a>>
I tried to define the value with the type.
let x = Lazy(1::2::Nill) // Type is Lazy<list<int>>
let y = Lazy(Nill::1) // Lazy<StreamCell<obj>>
I thought the type of x and y should be StreamCell?
The and in F# exists to define recursive types. In most other languages there exists no order. Once you define a class, function and so on. You can access it. But in F# order is important. You only can access thinks that are already defined.
Because of this, usually it would not be possible to define recursive types, or in generall circular types. What i think is a good idea. But sometimes, you want this, and in this case, you must define the types that should be recursive with an and.
A simple example would be
type A = A of B
type B = B of A
and this will fail. Because when you define A, there is no B. So B must be defined before A. But you cannot define B before A because it depends on A.
So instead of using type you use and instead.
type A = A of B
and B = B of A
You cannot create a value of this type because it would be infinite, but it's only for understanding the problem. Next, your example is not the best, because.
and Stream<'a> = Lazy<StreamCell<'a>>
is only a Type Alias. Here you define Stream<'a> as an alias to Lazy<StreamCell<'a>>. But the compiler will usually not use Stream<'a>. This only helps if you would write the type manually in your function definitions. Your definition could also be.
type StreamCell<'a> =
| Nill
| Cons of 'a * Lazy<StreamCell<'a>>
In your example
let x = Lazy(1::2::Nill)
You use :: and this IS NOT the Cons you define with your stream. You will use the cons operator that is defined with F#, and that is the built-in list. This is the reason why you see Lazy<List<int>> as a type.
If you want to define your stream with two values you need to write.
let x = Cons(1,lazy Cons(2, lazy Nill))
As a general note i would rename Cons to Next or something else. To avoid confusion and create helper function to create Nill and Next values.
and can also be used to change the Order of definition, and make it more obvious, which types belong together.
type Person = {
Name: string
Sex: Sex
and Sex =
| Male
| Female
let person = { Name="David"; Sex=Male }
Here is a full-blown example how i would do a Stream type on what you provided.
type Stream<'a> =
| Nill
| Next of 'a * Lazy<Stream<'a>>
let nill = Nill
let next h t = Next(h,t)
let rec unfold gen state =
match gen state with
| None -> Nill
| Some(x,state) -> next x (lazy unfold gen state)
let rec fold f acc xs =
match xs with
| Nill -> acc
| Next(h,t) -> fold f (f acc h) (t.Force())
let rec rev stream =
fold (fun acc x -> next x (lazy acc)) nill stream
let toList stream =
fold (fun acc x -> x::acc ) [] (rev stream)
let rec take x stream =
if x > 0 then
match stream with
| Nill -> Nill
| Next(h,t) -> next h (lazy take (x-1) (t.Force()))
let fromTo start stop =
unfold (fun acc -> if acc<stop then Some(acc,acc+1) else None) start
let x = next 1 (lazy next 2 (lazy next 3 (lazy nill)))
let y = next 1.0 (lazy next 2.0 (lazy next 3.0 (lazy nill)))
printfn "%A" (toList (take 2 x))
printfn "%A" (toList (take 2 y))
printfn "%A" (toList (take 2 (fromTo 1 100)))
printfn "%A" (toList (take 5 (fromTo 1 1_000_000_000)))
I found the following piece of code in the fantomas library for F#. I am having a hard time understanding this as an F# noob. From what I understand, it's a custom operator that takes 3 arguments, but why would an operator need 3 arguments? And what exactly is happening here?
/// Function composition operator
let internal (+>) (ctx: Context -> Context) (f: _ -> Context) x =
let y = ctx x
match y.WriterModel.Mode with
| ShortExpression infos when
|> Seq.exists (fun x -> x.ConfirmedMultiline)
| _ -> f y
Here's an example of how fantomas uses this operator in ther CodePrinter module.
let short =
genExpr astContext e1
+> sepSpace
+> genInfixOperator "=" operatorExpr
+> sepSpace
+> genExpr astContext e2
Operators behave a lot like function names:
let (++) a b c d =
a + b + c + d
(++) 1 2 3 4
One difference is that operators can be used infix. An operator with more than 2 arguments allows infix only for the first 2 arguments:
// the following is equal:
let f = (++) 1 2 // like a function name
let f = 1 ++ 2 // with infix
f 50 60
I did not find how fantomas uses the operator you mention, would be curious, in particular since fantomas is a high profile f# project.
It might be instructive to compare this to the regular function composition operator, >>. The definition for this is:
let (>>) (f : a' -> b') (g : b' -> c') (x : a') =
g ( f x )
Esentially, it applies f to x, and then applies g to the result.
If we have the following functions:
let plusOne i = i + 1
let timesTwo j = j * 2
And apply it the following way:
let plusOneTimesTwo = plusOne >> timesTwo
What we're really doing is something like this:
let plusOneTimesTwo = (>>) plusOne timesTwo
When you don't supply all of the necessary arguments to a function (in this case, x), what you get is a function that takes the remaining arguments and then returns what the original function would return (this is partial application.) In this case, plusOneTimesTwo's function signature is now x : int -> int.
The example you've listed is essentially the same thing, but it's performing additional logic to determine whether it wants to apply the second function to the result y or to return it as-is.
I would like to test whether all of elements in a list/sequence equals something
For example,a sequence of integers.
I would like to test if ALL element of the sequence equals to the same number.
My solution so far looks like imperative programming solution.
let test seq =
if Seq.forall(fun num -> num =1) then 1
elif Seq.forall(fun num-> num = 2) then 2
else None
Your solution is fine! Checking that all elements of a sequence have some value is not something you can nicely express using pattern matching - you have to use when clause, but that's doing exactly the same thing as your code (but with longer syntax). In cases like this, there is absolutely nothing wrong with using if.
You can extend pattern matching by definining custom active patterns, which gives you a nice option here. This is fairly advanced F#, but you can define a custom pattern ForAll n that succeeds when the input is a sequence containing just n values:
let (|ForAll|_|) n seq =
if Seq.forall (fun num -> num = n) seq then Some() else None
Note that success is represented as Some and failure as None. Now, you can solve your problem very nicely using pattern matching:
let test = function
| ForAll 1 -> Some 1
| ForAll 2 -> Some 2
| _ -> None
This looks quite nice, but it's relying on more advanced features - I would do this if this is something that you need in more than one place. If I needed this just in one place, I'd go with ordinary if.
You can rewrite it using pattern matching with a guard clause:
let testList = [2;2;2]
let isOne x = x = 1
let isTwo x = x = 2
let forAll = function
| list when list |> List.forall isOne -> Some 1
| list when list |> List.forall isTwo -> Some 2
| _ -> None
let res = forAll testList //Some 2
Instead of the function you could use partial application on the equals operator.
> let yes = [1;1;1];;
val yes : int list = [1; 1; 1]
> let no = [1;2;3];;
val no : int list = [1; 2; 3]
> yes |> List.forall ((=) 1);;
val it : bool = true
> no |> List.forall ((=) 1);;
val it : bool = false
Maybe this looks more functional? And I think you should return Some 1 in your code, otherwise you'd get type errors since Option and int are not the same type...
If you want to check if all elements are equal (not just if they equal some constant), you could do this:
> [1;2] |> List.pairwise |> List.forall (fun (a,b) -> a = b)
val it : bool = false
> [1;1;1] |> List.pairwise |> List.forall (fun (a,b) -> a = b)
val it : bool = true
There you split your list into tuples and checks if the tuples are equal. This means transitively that all elements are equal.
I want to simplify expression if(x == 1 || x == 2).
I wish I could write if(x == 1 or 2) but there is no syntax for that.
Other possibility is to use Contains or Any method like: if([1,2].Contains(x)) but this involves unnecessary call.
Can I create some operator which allows me to do this ?
In Nemerle language I can write macro:
macro #|||(left, right)
match (left)
| <[ $x == $y ]> => <[ $x == $y || $x == $right ]>
| _ => Message.Error("Error"); <[ ]>
And then usage:
if (x == 1 ||| 2) { .. }
Can I create operator in such way in F# ?
I agree with Brian's comment that constructing a macro in order to save three characters is probably not a good idea. This will only make the program harder to read (for those who do not know your custom macros or changed meaning of operators).
Moreover, it is quite likely that you could write the same logic in a more concise way using standard F# constructs like pattern matching. For example:
match x with
| 1 | 2 -> printfn "yes"
| _ -> printfn "no"
The idiomatic solution will depend on the concrete case, which is hard to judge from the example you gave.
You could use |> to accomplish this, borrowing from a common use of one of the haskell monoid instances.
let appendResults f g = (fun x -> f(x) || g(x))
let f x = x=1
let g x = x=2
let inline (>>||) x y = (appendResults f g) x y
let x = 1
if(x |> (1 >>|| 2)) then printfn "true" else printfn "false"
For arbitrary numbers of arguments, just mimic the relevant mconcat method from haskell for the same effect, perhaps like this:
let rec concatResults = function
| [] -> (fun x -> false)
| (x:xs) -> appendResults x (concatResults xs)
Honestly though, you may as well just use Contains. If there is any special overhead doing that I doubt it really matters.
I agree with Brian and Tomas; it makes a little practical sense to invent your own macros that might be used just a few times.
However, I do find it very interesting from the point of studying the internals of functional languages.
Consider this:
// Generic
let inline mOp1<'a> op sample x = op sample x, sample
let inline mOp2<'a> op1 op2 (b, sample) x = op1 b (op2 sample x), sample
// Implementation for (=) and (||)
let (==) = mOp1 (=)
let (|=) = mOp2 (||) (=)
// Use
let ret1 = x == 1 |= 2 |> fst
You may find more details, other operators, and performance measurement here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/11552429/974789
This is slightly hackish, but it does work
let x = 1
let inline (|||) a b = [a;b]
let inline (==) a b = b |> List.exists (fun t -> t=a)
if x == (1 ||| 2) then printfn "true" else printfn "false"
It requires a custom operator for both or and equals. It would not be hard to modify this to support arbitrary or chains
Of course if you only need 2 numbers you can do
let x = 1
let inline (|||) a b = (a,b)
let inline (==) a (c,d) = a=c ||a=d
if x == (1 ||| 2) then printfn "true" else printfn "false"
This works by converting a tupple to an array, so do not expect the best performance.
let inline (==) a b =
|> Array.exists((=) a)
3 == (1,2) // false
3 == (1,2,3) // true
I have a sequence of contiguous, time-stamped data. The data-sequence has gaps in it where the data is not contiguous. I want create a method to split the sequence up into a sequence of sequences so that each subsequence contains contiguous data (split the input-sequence at the gaps).
The return value must be a sequence of sequences to ensure that elements are only produced as needed (cannot use list/array/cacheing)
The solution must NOT be O(n^2), probably ruling out a Seq.take - Seq.skip pattern (cf. Brian's post)
Bonus points for a functionally idiomatic approach (since I want to become more proficient at functional programming), but it's not a requirement.
Method signature
let groupContiguousDataPoints (timeBetweenContiguousDataPoints : TimeSpan) (dataPointsWithHoles : seq<DateTime * float>) : (seq<seq< DateTime * float >>)= ...
On the face of it the problem looked trivial to me, but even employing Seq.pairwise, IEnumerator<_>, sequence comprehensions and yield statements, the solution eludes me. I am sure that this is because I still lack experience with combining F#-idioms, or possibly because there are some language-constructs that I have not yet been exposed to.
// Test data
let numbers = {1.0..1000.0}
let baseTime = DateTime.Now
let contiguousTimeStamps = seq { for n in numbers ->baseTime.AddMinutes(n)}
let dataWithOccationalHoles = Seq.zip contiguousTimeStamps numbers |> Seq.filter (fun (dateTime, num) -> num % 77.0 <> 0.0) // Has a gap in the data every 77 items
let timeBetweenContiguousValues = (new TimeSpan(0,1,0))
dataWithOccationalHoles |> groupContiguousDataPoints timeBetweenContiguousValues |> Seq.iteri (fun i sequence -> printfn "Group %d has %d data-points: Head: %f" i (Seq.length sequence) (snd(Seq.hd sequence)))
I think this does what you want
|> Seq.pairwise
|> Seq.map(fun ((time1,elem1),(time2,elem2)) -> if time2-time1 = timeBetweenContiguousValues then 0, ((time1,elem1),(time2,elem2)) else 1, ((time1,elem1),(time2,elem2)) )
|> Seq.scan(fun (indexres,(t1,e1),(t2,e2)) (index,((time1,elem1),(time2,elem2))) -> (index+indexres,(time1,elem1),(time2,elem2)) ) (0,(baseTime,-1.0),(baseTime,-1.0))
|> Seq.map( fun (index,(time1,elem1),(time2,elem2)) -> index,(time2,elem2) )
|> Seq.filter( fun (_,(_,elem)) -> elem <> -1.0)
|> PSeq.groupBy(fst)
|> Seq.map(snd>>Seq.map(snd))
Thanks for asking this cool question
I translated Alexey's Haskell to F#, but it's not pretty in F#, and still one element too eager.
I expect there is a better way, but I'll have to try again later.
let N = 20
let data = // produce some arbitrary data with holes
seq {
for x in 1..N do
if x % 4 <> 0 && x % 7 <> 0 then
printfn "producing %d" x
yield x
let rec GroupBy comp (input:LazyList<'a>) : LazyList<LazyList<'a>> =
LazyList.delayed (fun () ->
match input with
| LazyList.Nil -> LazyList.cons (LazyList.empty()) (LazyList.empty())
| LazyList.Cons(x,LazyList.Nil) ->
LazyList.cons (LazyList.cons x (LazyList.empty())) (LazyList.empty())
| LazyList.Cons(x,(LazyList.Cons(y,_) as xs)) ->
let groups = GroupBy comp xs
if comp x y then
(LazyList.consf x (fun () ->
let (LazyList.Cons(firstGroup,_)) = groups
(fun () ->
let (LazyList.Cons(_,otherGroups)) = groups
LazyList.cons (LazyList.cons x (LazyList.empty())) groups)
let result = data |> LazyList.of_seq |> GroupBy (fun x y -> y = x + 1)
printfn "Consuming..."
for group in result do
printfn "about to do a group"
for x in group do
printfn " %d" x
You seem to want a function that has signature
(`a -> bool) -> seq<'a> -> seq<seq<'a>>
I.e. a function and a sequence, then break up the input sequence into a sequence of sequences based on the result of the function.
Caching the values into a collection that implements IEnumerable would likely be simplest (albeit not exactly purist, but avoiding iterating the input multiple times. It will lose much of the laziness of the input):
let groupBy (fun: 'a -> bool) (input: seq) =
seq {
let cache = ref (new System.Collections.Generic.List())
for e in input do
if not (fun e) then
yield !cache
cache := new System.Collections.Generic.List()
if cache.Length > 0 then
yield !cache
An alternative implementation could pass cache collection (as seq<'a>) to the function so it can see multiple elements to chose the break points.
A Haskell solution, because I don't know F# syntax well, but it should be easy enough to translate:
type TimeStamp = Integer -- ticks
type TimeSpan = Integer -- difference between TimeStamps
groupContiguousDataPoints :: TimeSpan -> [(TimeStamp, a)] -> [[(TimeStamp, a)]]
There is a function groupBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]] in the Prelude:
The group function takes a list and returns a list of lists such that the concatenation of the result is equal to the argument. Moreover, each sublist in the result contains only equal elements. For example,
group "Mississippi" = ["M","i","ss","i","ss","i","pp","i"]
It is a special case of groupBy, which allows the programmer to supply their own equality test.
It isn't quite what we want, because it compares each element in the list with the first element of the current group, and we need to compare consecutive elements. If we had such a function groupBy1, we could write groupContiguousDataPoints easily:
groupContiguousDataPoints maxTimeDiff list = groupBy1 (\(t1, _) (t2, _) -> t2 - t1 <= maxTimeDiff) list
So let's write it!
groupBy1 :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
groupBy1 _ [] = [[]]
groupBy1 _ [x] = [[x]]
groupBy1 comp (x : xs#(y : _))
| comp x y = (x : firstGroup) : otherGroups
| otherwise = [x] : groups
where groups#(firstGroup : otherGroups) = groupBy1 comp xs
UPDATE: it looks like F# doesn't let you pattern match on seq, so it isn't too easy to translate after all. However, this thread on HubFS shows a way to pattern match sequences by converting them to LazyList when needed.
UPDATE2: Haskell lists are lazy and generated as needed, so they correspond to F#'s LazyList (not to seq, because the generated data is cached (and garbage collected, of course, if you no longer hold a reference to it)).
(EDIT: This suffers from a similar problem to Brian's solution, in that iterating the outer sequence without iterating over each inner sequence will mess things up badly!)
Here's a solution that nests sequence expressions. The imperitave nature of .NET's IEnumerable<T> is pretty apparent here, which makes it a bit harder to write idiomatic F# code for this problem, but hopefully it's still clear what's going on.
let groupBy cmp (sq:seq<_>) =
let en = sq.GetEnumerator()
let rec partitions (first:option<_>) =
seq {
match first with
| Some first' -> //'
(* The following value is always overwritten;
it represents the first element of the next subsequence to output, if any *)
let next = ref None
(* This function generates a subsequence to output,
setting next appropriately as it goes *)
let rec iter item =
seq {
yield item
if (en.MoveNext()) then
let curr = en.Current
if (cmp item curr) then
yield! iter curr
else // consumed one too many - pass it on as the start of the next sequence
next := Some curr
next := None
yield iter first' (* ' generate the first sequence *)
yield! partitions !next (* recursively generate all remaining sequences *)
| None -> () // return an empty sequence if there are no more values
let first = if en.MoveNext() then Some en.Current else None
partitions first
let groupContiguousDataPoints (time:TimeSpan) : (seq<DateTime*_> -> _) =
groupBy (fun (t,_) (t',_) -> t' - t <= time)
Okay, trying again. Achieving the optimal amount of laziness turns out to be a bit difficult in F#... On the bright side, this is somewhat more functional than my last attempt, in that it doesn't use any ref cells.
let groupBy cmp (sq:seq<_>) =
let en = sq.GetEnumerator()
let next() = if en.MoveNext() then Some en.Current else None
(* this function returns a pair containing the first sequence and a lazy option indicating the first element in the next sequence (if any) *)
let rec seqStartingWith start =
match next() with
| Some y when cmp start y ->
let rest_next = lazy seqStartingWith y // delay evaluation until forced - stores the rest of this sequence and the start of the next one as a pair
seq { yield start; yield! fst (Lazy.force rest_next) },
lazy Lazy.force (snd (Lazy.force rest_next))
| next -> seq { yield start }, lazy next
let rec iter start =
seq {
match (Lazy.force start) with
| None -> ()
| Some start ->
let (first,next) = seqStartingWith start
yield first
yield! iter next
Seq.cache (iter (lazy next()))
Below is some code that does what I think you want. It is not idiomatic F#.
(It may be similar to Brian's answer, though I can't tell because I'm not familiar with the LazyList semantics.)
But it doesn't exactly match your test specification: Seq.length enumerates its entire input. Your "test code" calls Seq.length and then calls Seq.hd. That will generate an enumerator twice, and since there is no caching, things get messed up. I'm not sure if there is any clean way to allow multiple enumerators without caching. Frankly, seq<seq<'a>> may not be the best data structure for this problem.
Anyway, here's the code:
type State<'a> = Unstarted | InnerOkay of 'a | NeedNewInner of 'a | Finished
// f() = true means the neighbors should be kept together
// f() = false means they should be split
let split_up (f : 'a -> 'a -> bool) (input : seq<'a>) =
// simple unfold that assumes f captured a mutable variable
let iter f = Seq.unfold (fun _ ->
match f() with
| Some(x) -> Some(x,())
| None -> None) ()
seq {
let state = ref (Unstarted)
use ie = input.GetEnumerator()
let innerMoveNext() =
match !state with
| Unstarted ->
if ie.MoveNext()
then let cur = ie.Current
state := InnerOkay(cur); Some(cur)
else state := Finished; None
| InnerOkay(last) ->
if ie.MoveNext()
then let cur = ie.Current
if f last cur
then state := InnerOkay(cur); Some(cur)
else state := NeedNewInner(cur); None
else state := Finished; None
| NeedNewInner(last) -> state := InnerOkay(last); Some(last)
| Finished -> None
let outerMoveNext() =
match !state with
| Unstarted | NeedNewInner(_) -> Some(iter innerMoveNext)
| InnerOkay(_) -> failwith "Move to next inner seq when current is active: undefined behavior."
| Finished -> None
yield! iter outerMoveNext }
open System
let groupContigs (contigTime : TimeSpan) (holey : seq<DateTime * int>) =
split_up (fun (t1,_) (t2,_) -> (t2 - t1) <= contigTime) holey
// Test data
let numbers = {1 .. 15}
let contiguousTimeStamps =
let baseTime = DateTime.Now
seq { for n in numbers -> baseTime.AddMinutes(float n)}
let holeyData =
Seq.zip contiguousTimeStamps numbers
|> Seq.filter (fun (dateTime, num) -> num % 7 <> 0)
let grouped_data = groupContigs (new TimeSpan(0,1,0)) holeyData
printfn "Consuming..."
for group in grouped_data do
printfn "about to do a group"
for x in group do
printfn " %A" x
Ok, here's an answer I'm not unhappy with.
(EDIT: I am unhappy - it's wrong! No time to try to fix right now though.)
It uses a bit of imperative state, but it is not too difficult to follow (provided you recall that '!' is the F# dereference operator, and not 'not'). It is as lazy as possible, and takes a seq as input and returns a seq of seqs as output.
let N = 20
let data = // produce some arbitrary data with holes
seq {
for x in 1..N do
if x % 4 <> 0 && x % 7 <> 0 then
printfn "producing %d" x
yield x
let rec GroupBy comp (input:seq<_>) = seq {
let doneWithThisGroup = ref false
let areMore = ref true
use e = input.GetEnumerator()
let Next() = areMore := e.MoveNext(); !areMore
// deal with length 0 or 1, seed 'prev'
if not(e.MoveNext()) then () else
let prev = ref e.Current
while !areMore do
yield seq {
while not(!doneWithThisGroup) do
if Next() then
let next = e.Current
doneWithThisGroup := not(comp !prev next)
yield !prev
prev := next
// end of list, yield final value
yield !prev
doneWithThisGroup := true }
doneWithThisGroup := false }
let result = data |> GroupBy (fun x y -> y = x + 1)
printfn "Consuming..."
for group in result do
printfn "about to do a group"
for x in group do
printfn " %d" x