Looking for jQuery mobile image slideshow compatible with PhoneGap - jquery-mobile

I'm looking for a jQuery Mobile image slideshow that is compatible with PhoneGap.
I checked out this one: http://www.photoswipe.com, but there doesn't seem to be an active community around it, e.g. the issues I registered never got answered.
I also had a look at this one: http://tympanus.net/codrops/2010/05/27/awesome-mobile-image-gallery-web-app/
But that makes use of an external XML file, and I don't want to write an XML file for each slideshow that I want to show.
Now, is there a proven image slideshow for jQuery Mobile that is compatible with PhoneGap?

You can go for http://www.photoswipe.com/ which is best one.
People have successfully used it with jQuery Mobile.
also you can Try http://swipejs.com/


Can i use Modernizr on my Phonegap ios app?

I'm just playing with an app i'm making, but i just wanted to know if it's ok to use Modernizr for my ios app using Phonegap. My reason being that i need to find a way to handle what resolution images to serve, and someone suggested Modernizr has a solution for this.
Sure, I think Modernizr would be some kind of "Oversized" (1.), but as plain JavaScript library you can deliver it in your www-folder.
If you simply want to load different images for different screensizes you may also use css-mediaqueries.
Oversized, because you can be sure, you have a modern (webkit based) browser.
You have a geolocation API and you won't need IE polifils.

Meteor + jQuery Mobile + Phonegap

How to connect jQuery Mobile (meteor add ...)? I understand that you can connect by adding the head, but I do not want to.
I know about how to use Meteor + Phonegap, however, advise which option is better?
Outdated information:
jQuery-Mobile Meteor sample integration and/or integration guidelines
I created a new jQuery mobile (jqm) demo app at jqmdemo.meteor.com
because the "old" demo app (jqm.meteor.com) wasn't working as expected.
You can create a package in your local lib folder to use jqm in meteor (see source code on bitbucket, link is on the demo page).
There's no meteorite package for this at atmosphere yet (mrt add ...). I haven't created one, because I think there are still many things that can be improved in the demo (e.g. popups are not working in the demo).
Also event binding needs to be re-checked because I added the event to the rendered function of the templates with jQuery.on(...).
Attaching the jquery mobile events to the template.[yourtemplate].events({}) handler would be better, but I don't know how to do this.
I can not say anything to phonegap at the moment. Because I haven't tested it.
But at the moment I think that jqm and meteor is a bit slow in performance. If you have a look at the fontawesome-demo inside of the jqm demo you'll notice that it takes quite long to render the >300 icons. Maybe a server side rendering would be better, but I think that's not ready in meteor.

jQueryMobile / bootstrap / both

Today we got one version of the system for desktop and we got one version with jQueryMobile.
The goal is to only have one system/page for desktop, tablets and mobiles.
I know that bootstrap is a good css/js framework and it is responsive. That will soulve the todays problem with the desktop version of our system.
As I said we have one mobile version as well. But today it gives us some "double work". And it is made in webforms.
My thought was to use bootstrap for both desktop and mobile. But my boss like jQuerymobile look and functionality.
We belive that our main users will be mobile/tablet users. So the best solution will perhaps be to remake the jquerymobile page and build it with MVC?
The main content of the system is for eployees to check their scheme, accept work-suggestions from their bosses and so on... This is in a calender.
There will be some more functionality in this calendar futher on.
Ofc there is some other stuff in the system but this calendar is the biggest.
My question is what direction we will go with this. The goal is to have one page/system for both mobile and desktop users.
If you are using JqueryMobile, I normally use another kind of windows events, but i have tried those events in normal pc browser and they tend to work okay. So why dont you build the system base on jquery mobile and just change the layout depending on who is making the request with a agent request.

Twitter Bootstrap for mobile

If I want to develop an web application on mobile, so should I use Twitter Bootstrap or Jquery Mobile? Twitter Bootstrap good for mobile or not?
As of version 2.0, Bootstrap is fully mobile compatible. There actually has been another question about it.
One thing you may want to keep in mind, is the purpose they're build for. jQuery mobile was created and is maintained with mobile compatibility in mind whereas Bootstrap offers it as an addition (meaning that it won't be it's main priority). If there is nothing in bootstrap that you are particularly interested in, I would go for jQuery mobile.
Depends what you want to do..
Twitter bootstrap is a CSS framework with some javascripts on it. While jquery Mobile is javascript to create native mobile feel..
So basically they are quite different..
Bootstrap 3 is built group up for mobile first, you may want to take a look at the 3.0 branch on GitHub. I didn't use jquery mobile in my app Django Market b/c I would have to change the backend and didn't want to invest. Bootstrap 3.0 IMHO will provide a lot of "competition" for other frameworks due to its power and simplicity
From my experience, i've using jQuery Mobile for a simple informative application. I spent some days on the base code, then i tested it on tablets, handsets using PhoneGap and the results wasn't good. There are still some troubles on transitions for Android and iOS devices.

Is there a dojo or a Jquery just for Firefox add on development?

Started working on Firefox add ons, which is done with JavaScript and XUL, and I find myself sorely wanting to use Dojo or someother kind of JavaScript like library, but I can't find one that exists. So I was thinking of starting a library by porting Dojo over to a Firefox add on specific fork. Get rid off the cross browser stuff, use array comprehension and other nice stuff available in Firefox's JavaScript engine. I worry about whether or not there's enough of a userbase who'd take advantage of this, but more than that I guess I'm wondering if there's already something like this? Google finds nothing.
Mozilla Corp developed a JavaScript library for this purpose: FUEL.
it is developed by John Resig the creator of jQuery.
To know how to use jQuery inside FF extension look at this similar question
jQuery, at least, functions perfectly well when embedded in a Firefox addon. I can't quote you names, but I've heard that several popular addons are already using jQuery.
Here's an article discussing using jQuery within XUL and some of the hoops you may need to jump through.
It is fairly common to embed jQuery in firefox extensions.
