Delphi 7 DLL to be called from Delphi XE - delphi

I need to wrap some legacy code in Delphi 7 for use within Delphi XE2. My question seems simple, but I tried ALL the examples I could find and they all fail. Basically, I need to be able to pass strings between D7 and DXE2, and as far as I can figure out, the safest approach is to use pchar (since I do not want to ship the borlandmm dll).
So DLL written in D7, to be called by Delphi XE2
My interface needs to be
function d7zipFile(pFatFile,pThinFile : PChar) : integer; stdCall;
function d7unzipfile(pThinFile,pFatFile : PChar) : integer; stdCall;
I need to pass BACK the pFatFile name in the unzipfile function.
In My calling code:
function d7zipFile(pFatFile,pThinFile : PChar) : integer; external 'd7b64zip.dll';
function d7unzipfile(pThinFile,pFatFile : PChar) : integer; external 'd7b64zip.dll';
Could someone please assist with the best way to implement these?
Obviously I am not looking for the actual zip/unzip code - I have that working fine within D7. I want to know how to declare and work with the string / pchar params, since the various types I tried (PWideChar, WideString, ShortString etc) all give errors.
So I would be happy to simply be able to do a showMessage in the d7zipFile function for both filenames.
And then be able to do a showMessage in delphiXE2 on the pFatFile variable, which means the strings went both ways OK?

By far the easiest way to do this is to use WideString. This is the Delphi wrapper around the COM BSTR type. Dynamic allocation of the string payload is done using the shared COM allocator. Since the Delphi RTL manages that, it is transparent to you.
In the Delphi 7 code you declare your functions like this:
function d7zipFile(const FatFile, ThinFile: WideString): integer; stdcall;
function d7unzipfile(const ThinFile: WideString; var FatFile: WideString):
integer; stdcall;
In your calling code you declare the functions like this:
function d7zipFile(const FatFile, ThinFile: WideString): integer; stdcall;
external 'd7b64zip.dll';
function d7unzipfile(const ThinFile: WideString; var FatFile: WideString):
integer; stdcall; external 'd7b64zip.dll';
The alternative to this approach is to use PAnsiChar or PWideChar. Note that you cannot use PChar because that alias refers to different types depending on which version of Delphi you use. In Delphi 7 PChar is an alias for PAnsiChar, and in XE2 it is an alias for PWideChar.
The big downside of using PAnsiChar, say, is that the caller needs to allocate the string which is returned from the DLL. But typically the caller does not know how large that string needs to be. There are a variety of solutions to the problem but the neatest approach is always to use a shared allocator. You state that you do not want to rely on borlandmm.dll and so the next most obvious common allocator is the COM allocator. And that's why WideString is attractive.


Delphi 10 Seattle changes to Win32 GetPath and redundant TPoint and _POINTL record types

I am trying to port some code that works in Delphi XE8 to Delphi 10 Seattle. This code calls the GetPath function in Winapi.Windows.
The new Win32 API function signature is:
function GetPath(DC: HDC; Points: PPointL; Types: PByte; nSize: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
In XE8, previously the function had "var Points,Types" which is known commonly as a "var untyped" parameter.
Fixing the code to work with Delphi 10 Seattle means "unifying" the arbitrary types in the application code to use exactly the types declared in the unit itself. However what is confusing me is that there are two types, PPointL, and TPoint, and when I get the GetPath function working, the data it populates is populated into an array of _POINTL records, declared thus in Winapi.Windows:
_POINTL = record { ptl }
x: Longint;
y: Longint;
PPointL = ^TPointL;
TPointL = _POINTL;
However, there is also another type TPoint, declared in System.Types:
TPoint = record
X: FixedInt;
Y: FixedInt;
Elsewhere, FixedInt is aliased to Longint for both 32 bit and 64 bit Windows, and so TPoint and _POINTL are equivalent, as far as I can tell, on the Windows platform at least.
If existing application component code is all using a type named TPoint, like this:
procedure AddPoint(const P:TPoint);
... What sense am I to make of the situation on the ground inside the RTL sources in Delphi 10? What should my approach to fixing this be? Alias TPoint to _POINTL at the unit level?
How do I fix this and proceed? Since this code is a commercial component, I'm thinking I'll wait until the vendor fixes this, but then, I think that understanding the _POINTL and TPoint in the RTL, and why these structures are redundantly/duplicated in definition, would help others porting low level Win32 Code from Delphi XE8 to Delphi 10 Seattle.
Update: As a workaround, I find I can re-declare an import of the function GetPath, and have it remain as var untyped in my own private unit implementation area import, and continue:
{$ifdef D23}
// Delphi 10 Seattle: function GetPath(DC: HDC; Points: PPointL; Types: PByte; nSize: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
// previously had "var Points,Types" untyped,
gdi32 = 'gdi32.dll';
function GetPath(DC: HDC; var Points, Types; nSize: Integer): Integer; stdcall; external gdi32 name 'GetPath';
There's not much to be said about this, beyond the fact that the change to Winapi.Windows.GetPath in DX Seattle is wrong. I mean, technically it will work, but it leaves any code that uses GetPath in an isolated silo.
This TPointL type is not new, but it is the wrong type for GetPath. The Win32 API function is:
int GetPath(
_In_ HDC hdc,
_Out_ LPPOINT lpPoints,
_Out_ LPBYTE lpTypes,
_In_ int nSize
And LPPOINT is POINT* and POINT maps to TPoint. There are some Win32 API functions that use POINTL, but the majority use POINT. Of course, Microsoft are not helping by having declared two identical types when one would suffice.
Very hard to see how the Embarcadero developer has managed to come up with POINTL in the new GetPath, but there you go. In my view you should submit a QP report and request that the declaration is changed from PPointL to PPoint.
In the meantime a simple cast will suffice because these two types are binary compatible. You wish to pass a PPoint, but the compiler wants PPointL. So pass PPointL(...) where ... is the expression that yields a PPoint.

Access violation at address 003B0E8E in module 'MpLib.dll'. Read of address 00120BF4

I've searched around Stackoverflow for the issue I was having, but they were all very specific for that particular access violation.
The piece of code I believe I am having trouble with is a function called MpqExtractFile, stored in a DLL.
function MpqExtractFile(var hMPQ: Integer; szToExtract, szExtracted: AnsiString): Boolean; stdcall; external 'MpqLib.dll' name 'B2';
if MpqExtractFile(hMPQ, 'war3map.j', AnsiString(tempDir+'\war3map.j')) = True
then ShowMessage('Success.')
else ShowMessage('Failed.');
Upon execution of this code my application throws the access violation error so the ShowMessage is not displayed at all.
I am unsure if the above is adequate to even estimate what the problem could be, but if there is anything else I should please tell me.
This is an extract of the VB.NET source code that I have been interpreting:
Declare Function MpqExtractFile Lib "MpqLib.dll" Alias "B2" (ByVal hMPQ As Integer, ByVal szToExtract As String, ByVal szExtracted As String) As Boolean
I am obviously not familiar with declarations in other languages, but I have found the below function in the same VB file where the VB functions were declared.
BOOL WINAPI MpqExtractFile(HANDLE hMpq, const char * szToExtract, const char * szExtracted);
Thank you in advanced!
AnsiString is the completely wrong type to use, unless the DLL was writting in Delphi/C++Builder and actually used AnsiString in its parameters. If that were the case, you would need to know which version of Delphi/C++Builder the DLL was written in, because the memory layout of AnsiString was changed in 2009.
In any case, it is very dangerous to pass non-POD data across DLL boundaries, so most DLLs do not do that. The parameters in question are most likely PAnsiChar instead, eg:
function MpqExtractFile(var hMPQ: Integer; szToExtract, szExtracted: PAnsiChar): Boolean; stdcall; external 'MpqLib.dll' name 'B2';
if MpqExtractFile(hMPQ, 'war3map.j', PAnsiChar(AnsiString(tempDir+'\war3map.j'))) then
Other points to consider:
1) not all DLLs use the stdcall calling convention. It is not uncommon for DLLs written in C, like many open-source libraries are, to use the cdecl calling convention instead:
function MpqExtractFile(var hMPQ: Integer; szToExtract, szExtracted: PAnsiChar): Boolean; cdecl; external 'MpqLib.dll' name 'B2';
2) C does not have a true Boolean data type like Delphi and C++ do. It is not uncommon for C code to use Byte or even Integer to mimic a Boolean.
In order to use a DLL in Delphi, you really need to know the actual proper declaration of its exported functions. This is less of an issue in C/C++ because most DLLs have an accompanied .h file that provides the declarations. Do you have such a .h file? If so, post it here so someone can verify your translation to Delphi.
Based on new information, the correct Delphi declaration is this:
function MpqExtractFile(hMpq: THandle; const szToExtract, szExtracted: PAnsiChar): BOOL; stdcall; external 'MpqLib.dll' name 'B2';
Your declaration is:
Declare Function MpqExtractFile Lib "MpqLib.dll" Alias "B2" (
ByVal hMPQ As Integer, ByVal szToExtract As String,
ByVal szExtracted As String) As Boolean
The equivalent Delphi import would be:
function MpqExtractFile(MpqExtractFile: Integer;
szToExtract, szExtracted: PAnsiChar): BOOL;
stdcall; external 'MpqLib.dll' name 'B2';
Delphi string types should not be used for interop. The p/invoke marshaller maps String to C++ char* which is PAnsiChar in Delphi.
This sort of task really should be carried out with the C++ header file. You say you have not got that. If the DLL is written in C++ then the header file surely exists. It would pay to track it down and work from that as your source.

Why can Delphi DLLs use WideString without using ShareMem?

David's answer to another question shows a Delphi DLL function returning a WideString. I never thought that was possible without the use of ShareMem.
My test DLL:
function SomeFunction1: Widestring; stdcall;
Result := 'Hello';
function SomeFunction2(var OutVar: Widestring): BOOL; stdcall;
OutVar := 'Hello';
Result := True;
My caller program:
function SomeFunction1: WideString; stdcall; external 'Test.dll';
function SomeFunction2(var OutVar: Widestring): BOOL; stdcall; external 'Test.dll';
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
W: WideString;
It works, and I don't understand how. The convention I know of is the one used by the Windows API, for example Windows GetClassNameW:
function GetClassNameW(hWnd: HWND; lpClassName: PWideChar; nMaxCount: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
Meaning the caller provides the buffer, and the maximum length. The Windows DLL writes to that buffer with the length limitation. The caller is allocates and deallocates the memory.
Another option is that the DLL allocate the memory for example by using LocalAlloc, and the Caller deallocates the memory by calling LocalFree.
How does the memory allocation and deallocation work with my DLL example? Does the "magic" happen because the result is WideString(BSTR)? And why aren't Windows APIs declared with such convenient convention? (Are there any known Win32 APIs that uses such convention?)
I Tested the DLL with C#.
Calling SomeFunction1 causes an AV (Attempted to read or write protected memory).
SomeFunction2 works fine.
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)]
static extern string SomeFunction1();
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
static extern bool SomeFunction2([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] out string res);
string s;
SomeFunction2(out s);
MessageBox.Show(s); // works ok
MessageBox.Show(SomeFunction1()); // fails with AV!
Here is a followup.
A WideString is the same as a BSTR, it's just the Delphi name for it. The memory allocation is handled by the shared COM allocator, CoTaskMemAlloc. Because all parties use the same allocator you can safely allocate in one module and deallocate in another.
So, the reason you don't need to use Sharemem is that the Delphi heap is not being used. Instead the COM heap is used. And that is shared between all modules in a process.
If you look at the Delphi implementation of WideString you will see calls to the following APIs: SysAllocStringLen, SysFreeString and SysReAllocStringLen. These are the system provided BSTR API functions.
Many of the Windows APIs you refer to pre-date the invention of COM. What's more, there are performance benefits to using a fixed length buffer, allocated by the caller. Namely that it can be allocated on the stack rather than a heap. I also can imagine that the Windows designers don't want to force every process to have to link to OleAut32.dll and pay the price of maintaining the COM heap. Remember that when most of the Windows API was designed, the performance characteristics of the typical hardware was very different from now.
Another possible reason for not using BSTR more widely is that the Windows API is targeted at C. And managing the lifetime of BSTR from C is very much more tricky than from higher level languages like C++, C#, Delphi etc.
There is an extra complication however. The Delphi ABI for WideString return values is not compatible with Microsoft tools. You should not use WideString as a return type, instead return it via an out parameter. For more details see Why can a WideString not be used as a function return value for interop?

Passing parameters from Delphi 5 to Delphi DLL XE

I have a Delphi 5 application in the application code calls a function in the DLL, passing integer and string parameters, this works well when the DLL is called in a static way, when I try to dynamically change does not work.
which is the correct way to pass parameters to function dynamically?
the code is as follows
main application
function Modulo_Pptos_Operacion(No_Orden : Integer; pathBD : string; PathBDConf : String) : Integer ; stdcall;
external 'LIB_Pptos_Oper.dll';
DmDatos.CiasPATHA.AsString, 'Alguna String');
Modulo_Pptos_Operacion function (No_Orden: Integer; PathDB: AnsiString; PathDBConfig: AnsiString): Integer; StdCall;
main application
TDLLPpto = function(No_Orden : Integer; PathDB : AnsiString; PathDBConfig : AnsiString) : Integer;
DLLHandle: THandle;
: TDLLPpto;
DLLHandle := LoadLibrary('LIB_Pptos_Oper.dll');
DLLHandle <> 0 then
#DLLPpto := GetProcAddress(DLLHandle, 'Modulo_Pptos_Operacion');
which is the right way?
The problem is probably that you are mixing different runtimes and probably different heaps. Delphi strings are not valid interop types because their implementations vary from version to version.
In this case you can simply switch to using null-terminated strings, PAnsiChar.
In the case of dynamically loaded dll you omitted stdcall; calling convention directive in the declaration of TDLLPpto. Still it is advisable to use PAnsiChar type to pass strings across executable boundaries.
The layout of ansistring has changed with Delphi XE: now there is also a codepage field at negative offset and D5 does not have that. EG: strings from D5 and DXE are utterly incompatible. Thus you should use PAnsiChar or PWideChar in your interface, either zero terminated (Delphi strings are always zero terminated) of introduce an extra parameter with the length if the string might contain #$00 bytes.
Also: the different Delphi versions both have different memory managers. If a string is allocated by the main app and freed by the DLL (strings are reference counted) the pointer get's passed to the wrong memory manager which usually results in corrupted memory and thus nasty Access Violations etc.
Another solution is to use WideString; this is both in D5 en DXE equal to a COM BSTR stringtype and managed by the OS and not the Delphi memory manager. They are compatible. The only problem is: they are slow compared to the Delphi strings and are not ref counted.
In all: when using DLL interfaces, try to avoid string, use PAnsiChar or PWideChar, or WideString

How can I pass a Delphi string to a Prism DLL?

We try to pass a string from a native Delphi program to a Delphi Prism DLL.
We have no problem passing integers, but strings are mismatched in the DLL.
We saw Robert Love's code snippet in response to another question, but there is no code for the native Delphi program.
How can we pass strings from Delphi to a Delphi Prism DLL?
The best way would be to use WideString.
For several reasons.
It is Unicode and works before D2009
It's memory is managed in ole32.dll, so no dependency on either Delphi's memory manager or the CLR GC.
You do not have to directly deal with pointers
In Oxygene, you could write it like so:
Sample = static class
method StringTest([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)]input : String;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)]out output : String);
method Sample.StringTest(input : String; out output : String);
output := input + "ä ~ î 暗";
"MarshalAs" tells the CLR how to marshal strings back and forth. Without it, strings are passed as Ansi (PAnsiChar), which is probably NOT what you would want to do.
This is how to use it from Delphi:
procedure StringTest(const input : WideString; out output : WideString);
stdcall; external 'OxygeneLib';
input, output : WideString;
input := 'A b c';
StringTest(input, output);
Also, never ever use types, that are not clearly defined, for external interfaces.
You must not use PChar for DLL imports or exports. Because if you do, you will run into exceptions when you compile it with D7 or D2009 (depending on what the original dev system was)
Strings in Delphi Win32 are managed differently from strings in .Net, so you can not pass a .Net string to Delphi Win32 or vice versa.
To exchange strings values you'd better use PChar type which is supported by both compilers. That is the same way you send string values to Windows API functions.
P.S. I am NOT Robert ;-)
