Trying to run Redmine on Amazon EC2 with Bitnami- what to do after launching an instance? - ruby-on-rails

So I followed these instructions here to install and run Redmine on EC2 using Bitnami.
I have now the instance running and I have a public DNS. However, I cannot still figure out how to access Redmine after this?
The other thing is I got the public key from Amazon when I signed up for the EC2 service, but so far nothing has asked me for the public key. When will that be used? Do I hvae to worry about it for running Redmine?
Im looking at the AWS console and my instance has a state of "running", everything is green. Yet when I place the public DNS in the browser and click go, the browser processes the request for a long time and eventually I get the message that "Google Chrome couldnot connect to the public DNS.
Im not sure what to do or where to look for help......
Any advice would be greatly appreciated

Did you follow step 4, which mentions that you need to open port 80 in your security group? If not, it is likely the default settings are likely blocking access to the web server.


How to access rails server in a remote VM

I set up a Virtual Machine (VM) on OpenStack remotely. The VM is running Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.
I ssh into the above VM using ssh vm-url, and then I setup a rails server during that ssh session and get it running using rails server -b vm-url
Now, I try to access the rails website above from my local Chrome browser by typing the URL vm-url:3000 into Chrome's address bar (the Omnibox), but I get:
This site can’t be reached took too long to respond.
Why Can't I access the rails website, what have I done wrong?
Please correct me if any terminologies I used are incorrect.
Thank you.
Two things to check,
The ip attached to the VM is public and accessible
Http port is enabled to be accessed from outside
The port accessed is handled in security groups which is generally configured while creating the instance. Either add new security group with enough privileges or update the same with new added ports.

run rails app with an ubuntu server with global ip

Currently, we are running our rails app, on AWS but we tried to move it to Heroku, which didn't work at all, now We are trying to run the app on Virtual Machine on hetzner. I can run the app on local server easily, my question is that, How can we run our rails app with a specific IP and then we can access that app anywhere in the world from that ip? is that possible to do so? We are using PUMA for server.
Yes, you can access to to your site with specific IP.
In description of hetzner Virtual Server says that server have 1 specific IP. So than you deployed and run you application y can access to app with or another port.
If i understand you. Also what happened with heroku?

Connect to rails server remotely from raspberry pi

I have ssh'd into my rasberry pi and built a rails application.
Now how do I load the rails app from another machine?
I have tried IP:port in a web browser, but this fails.
Can I use ssh from a web browser to load the rails server process?
Are there gems I need to install to do this?
Is there any good documentation that I have missed?
use ngrok to tunnel
Maybe the problem is with the IP address you're trying to use. Servers don't necessarily forward their public IP traffic to localhost automatically.
Perhaps you could configure the IP address somehow, I don't know (others might?). Alternatively, you have a use a "local tunnel" service like ngrok or localtunnel. What these do is create a public URL for your localhost (i.e. your "loopback" address), so anyone can access it.
I spoke with a Ngrok author via email. He ensured me that I shouldn't need to expect any downtime from the service or to have to manually restart it. Although keep in mind that if you're on the free plan, whenever you restart Ngrok you're going to get a different URL. He also described it as kind of like a "souped up SSH -R"

BlueHost Rails Hosting

I just finished a rails app that I want to host on BlueHost. Its given me issues. I am told I ve to apply for SSH Access but I am in Ghana. So I don't know! can anybody help me
I think you should consider SSH access and getting it to work. think also about the fcgi files
You can CHAT directly via Bluehost website to ask them for SSH. You will need extra money for SSH service.

"getaddrinfo: Temporary failure in name resolution" in RoR application

I'm trying to retrieve emails from gmail using pop3 to my rails applicaiton. I get the error - "getaddrinfo: Temporary failure in name resolution" when i try to retrieve the email.
the weird thing is, it works when i try it at home but not at my university. i'm guessing it has something to do with the internet connection.
please help!
I had the same problem just started getting this error out of the blue in a RoR application that connects to an API using a RestClient running on a local virtual machine using Vagrant that I have as a development environment.
The only thing that fixed the issue was simply restarting my virtual machine. Just done a vagrant down & up command, then rackup and back in the game.
This generally means you aren't getting a response from DNS. Your university connection is probably behind a proxy preventing you from directly accessing the Internet. If so, this proxy must be specified in your code. Check your POP3 library documentation, or failing that, you may be able to use a library like socksify that redirects TCP connections through your SOCKS proxy.
Simple. You may be directed through a proxy server. Set up a new connection ,set up your college settings,restart your server and it should work.
ssh into your server and check if the machine is able to resolve the domain.
ping <your_site> should resolve the domain name to IP.
If its not resolving correctly, then there is some problem in your hosting service.
quick fix: You can manually map domain-to-ip in the etc/hosts file of your server.
