BlueHost Rails Hosting - ruby-on-rails

I just finished a rails app that I want to host on BlueHost. Its given me issues. I am told I ve to apply for SSH Access but I am in Ghana. So I don't know! can anybody help me

I think you should consider SSH access and getting it to work. think also about the fcgi files

You can CHAT directly via Bluehost website to ask them for SSH. You will need extra money for SSH service.


Building a server to host rails app locally

I want to know how to build a rails server and host an app on it locally. I know I can use heroku or aws but in the case of this app I can’t, the database should be hosted locally in the company for security reasons; they do not want to store their data on servers that are not theirs.
How do I start?
What are the main things to consider?
Do I host on heroku and link the local database to the site or do I host them all in the same place?
How much power does the machine need for around 10-20k users?
What OS should I use Ubuntu or what?
Would really appreciate if you have any tutorials or article links.
You can just use ngrok. It doesn't require any side server deployments.

Can i host a rails app via hostgator and FTP

Can you deploy a ruby on rails application to hostgator via FTP. if you Can, Can you guys please Tel me how i do it :) do you have to put something inside your project or is there another Way to host via hostgator?
Greetings from Ludvig.
Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated :)
If you buy hostgator VPS you can deploy rails application. You can not deploy your rails app (like version 4) on the Shared hosting of hostgator.
FTP is not important issue. You can upload your source code via FTP or other way like cloning from git repo. To deploy the rails app your hosting server must install Rails, Ruby and other packages.

How to make Rails 4 work with Apache

I have a rails application that I would like to deploy on a Linux-based cloud hosting running on Apache server.
I have been searching for information online, it seems to me like using Phusion Passenger is an option.
However I have no idea how to set it all up locally and in production. The Linux-based cloud hosting has a cpanel interface. Do I ftp the whole rails folder into the file manager?
Could someone please guide me or point me to a useful guide with step 1, 2, etc. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
In order to install Passenger on a hosting service you will need SSH access.
If it's shared hosting you will most likely not get SSH, I would recommend they give you full access to your private server.
Here is a guide once you have SSH access:

Get Bitnami app to run in the root?

Apologies in advance for the newbie question. I've deployed a small instance running Discourse within the Bitnami console. I can now reach Discourse on the following domain:
I've also got a CNAME pointing to this server instance. But how can I make the Discourse app run within the root? So it can be accessed directly on:
Do I need to use Putty to get a terminal window and modify the host headers? Linux is foreign territory for me so any guides to help me achieve this would be much appreciated.
Recent versions of BitNami Discourse are configured to run in
For old versions you can find the documentation here:

Trying to run Redmine on Amazon EC2 with Bitnami- what to do after launching an instance?

So I followed these instructions here to install and run Redmine on EC2 using Bitnami.
I have now the instance running and I have a public DNS. However, I cannot still figure out how to access Redmine after this?
The other thing is I got the public key from Amazon when I signed up for the EC2 service, but so far nothing has asked me for the public key. When will that be used? Do I hvae to worry about it for running Redmine?
Im looking at the AWS console and my instance has a state of "running", everything is green. Yet when I place the public DNS in the browser and click go, the browser processes the request for a long time and eventually I get the message that "Google Chrome couldnot connect to the public DNS.
Im not sure what to do or where to look for help......
Any advice would be greatly appreciated
Did you follow step 4, which mentions that you need to open port 80 in your security group? If not, it is likely the default settings are likely blocking access to the web server.
