I have a Delayed Job that processes a bunch of S3 objects with aws/s3. It works locally via "rake jobs:work" but it fails on Heroku with the following error:
"{Job failed to load: uninitialized constant Net::HTTP::ConnectionPool..."
I am also able to fire up the Heroku console via "heroku run console" and run the job's method with out issue. The ConnectionPool comes from aws so I have attempted to force require 'aws/s3' but it didn't help. Any ideas?
aws-sdk (1.5.6)
rails (3.1.0)
delayed_job (3.0.3)
It turned out that I was reusing a s3 connection from a module. The module would return an existing connection if it existed, and it created a new one if it did not. I'm not sure why it worked in my local DJ and not on the Heroku Worker as I do not think there should have been an existing connection in either environment AND the job was kicked off with a rake task in both cases, as was the worker. Anyway, after creating a new S3 connection via AWS::S3.new within the job, the problem was solved.
Hope this helps someone.
In my Rails app (4.2.4), I have been trying to get asynchronous mail sending to work.
I installed delayed_job as my queue adapter, and set it as the adapter in several places: config/application.rb, config/environments/{development,production}.rb, and config/initializers/active_job.rb.
I added this to my Gemfile:
gem 'delayed_job_active_record'
Then, I ran the following commands:
$ bundle install
$ rails generate delayed_job:active_record
$ rake db:migrate
$ bin/delayed_job start
In config/application.rb, config/environments/production.rb, config/environments/development.rb:
config.active_job.queue_adapter = :delayed_job
In config/initializers/active_job.rb (added when the above did not work):
ActiveJob::Base.queue_adapter = :delayed_job
I've also run an ActiveRecord migration for delayed_job, and started bin/delayed_job before running my server.
That being said, any time I try:
UserMailer.welcome_email(#user).deliver_later(wait: 1.minutes)
I get the following error:
NotImplementedError (Use a queueing backend to enqueue jobs in the
future. Read more at http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_job_basics.html):
app/controllers/user_controller.rb:25:in `create'
config.ru:25:in `call'
I was under the impression that delayed_job is a queueing backend... am I missing something?
I can't get sucker_punch to work either. When installing sucker_punch in the bundler, and using:
config.active_job.queue_adapter = :sucker_punch
in config/application.rb, I get the same error and stack trace.
If you are having this issue in your development environment even though you are using an adapter capable of asynchronous jobs like Sidekiq, make sure that Rails.application.config.active_job.queue_adapter is set to :async instead of :inline.
# config/environments/development.rb
Rails.application.config.active_job.queue_adapter = :async
Provide you are following all the steps listed here, I feel you didn't start delayed_job running
bin/delayed_job start
Please also check you run
rails generate delayed_job:active_record
rake db:migrate
Try this:
in controller:
in your model
def welcome_email
UserMailer.welcome_email(self).deliver_later(wait: 1.minutes)
Figured out what it was: I typically start my server and everything associated with it using a single shell script. In this script, I was running bin/delayed_job start in the background, and starting the server before bin/delayed_job start finished. The solution was to make sure delayed_job start finished before starting the server by running it in the foreground in my startup script.
Thanks everyone for all the help!
I'm using ActiveJob in development (with delayed_job as a queuing backend but I think that is irrelevant) to do things like sending emails asynchronously or logging some events.
In development, in a terminal, I execute rake jobs:work to start the worker process, I use CTRL+C to kill it, and I use rake jobs:clear to empty the queue.
How do I do this in production (a droplet on DigitalOcean) and how do I know that my worker is running even though I'm not logged in on the server? I usually deploy with mina, can I script that in my deploy.rb?
I am trying to configure Sidekiq in a Rails 4.1.4 application that connects to an AWS Elasticache Node running Redis.
I set up my Redis server, and followed the directions in this AWS Guide:
And my Redis server was running properly and my app server could connect properly.
I followed these directions to set up Sidekiq to run on the external worker:
Whenever I visited my app server at the /sidekiq url to view the Sidekiq panel, I kept getting the error on screen saying "Internal Server Error".
My Unicorn error logs do not contain any relevant information, so I am not sure how to get this working. AWS support did not have any answers either.
Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
This problem is normally seen when assets are not compiled or are not configured to be served from your environment. Start your app/sidekiq in production mode (or whatever environment this is referring to) after changing the production config to point to your local resources (redis+db) and see if the pages are able to load then.
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec unicorn
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec sidekiq -c config/sidekiq.yml
I'm working on a project and I added a migration to add a project_page_description field to a Company Model. When I've ran the migrations,
#company = Company.first
works locally, but any time I attempt to access project_page_description after deploying, I get an undefined method error. Why does it work locally but not remotely?
I've deployed all code so the codebases are identical, I've ran all migrations, I'm using Bundler and Capistrano, and I'm deploying to a CentOS server.
Also, besides stop programming, what can I do to stop this from happening again?
Looks like the migrations have not been run. Maybe you ran them using the development environment? Try running them like so: RAILS_ENV=staging bundle exec rake db:migrate.
Check your bundler groups, application config, and environment initializer files, maybe you have something defined as being development-only and not staging? Also try opening a console up on staging and trying to manually load and invoke the module that's not found. Remember that require returns true if the module was not already loaded.
I have now my rails 3.2.1 app running on Heroku.
I've tried to upload the database to mongohq via the heroku mongo:push command, after installing the heroku mongo plugin.
I get the message asking me to confirm if I want to push, but once the push is done, there is nothing my db.
I'm not sure if it is a problem with heroku or if i'm missing a step.
Could it be that i need to put my app in production mode and migrate the database to production?
I'm not sure how to do that either.
does your local heroku connection conform to the plugins assumptions [in the readme's config section]? if not you'll have to set it via:
export MONGO_URL = mongodb://user:pass#localhost:1234/db
i'll also note, that even after doing this i had to uninstall the heroku plugin and reinstall it from this fork: http://github.com/fjg/heroku-mongo-sync.git
heroku plugins:install http://github.com/fjg/heroku-mongo-sync.git
Check out the MongoSync Ruby Gem
It's a gem I wrote for that very purpose when I had to constantly copy my Local MongoDB database to and from my Production DB for a Project (I know it's stupid). It's extremely easy to use. Once you've entered your DB details in the mongo_sync.yml file, you can push and pull DBs using these rake tasks:
$ rake mongo_sync:push # Push DB to Remote
$ rake mongo_sync:pull # Pull DB to Local
Note: It's also available as shell script for non-ruby apps: mongo-sync