Simulating race conditions in RSpec unit tests - ruby-on-rails

We have an asynchronous task that performs a potentially long-running calculation for an object. The result is then cached on the object. To prevent multiple tasks from repeating the same work, we added locking with an atomic SQL update:
UPDATE objects SET locked = 1 WHERE id = 1234 AND locked = 0
The locking is only for the asynchronous task. The object itself may still be updated by the user. If that happens, any unfinished task for an old version of the object should discard its results as they're likely out-of-date. This is also pretty easy to do with an atomic SQL update:
UPDATE objects SET results = '...' WHERE id = 1234 AND version = 1
If the object has been updated, its version won't match and so the results will be discarded.
These two atomic updates should handle any possible race conditions. The question is how to verify that in unit tests.
The first semaphore is easy to test, as it is simply a matter of setting up two different tests with the two possible scenarios: (1) where the object is locked and (2) where the object is not locked. (We don't need to test the atomicity of the SQL query as that should be the responsibility of the database vendor.)
How does one test the second semaphore? The object needs to be changed by a third party some time after the first semaphore but before the second. This would require a pause in execution so that the update may be reliably and consistently performed, but I know of no support for injecting breakpoints with RSpec. Is there a way to do this? Or is there some other technique I'm overlooking for simulating such race conditions?

You can borrow an idea from electronics manufacturing and put test hooks directly into the production code. Just as a circuit board can be manufactured with special places for test equipment to control and probe the circuit, we can do the same thing with the code.
SUppose we have some code inserting a row into the database:
class TestSubject
def insert_unless_exists
if !row_exists?
But this code is running on multiple computers. There's a race condition, then, since another processes may insert the row between our test and our insert, causing a DuplicateKey exception. We want to test that our code handles the exception that results from that race condition. In order to do that, our test needs to insert the row after the call to row_exists? but before the call to insert_row. So let's add a test hook right there:
class TestSubject
def insert_unless_exists
if !row_exists?
def before_insert_row_hook
When run in the wild, the hook does nothing except eat up a tiny bit of CPU time. But when the code is being tested for the race condition, the test monkey-patches before_insert_row_hook:
class TestSubject
def before_insert_row_hook
Isn't that sly? Like a parasitic wasp larva that has hijacked the body of an unsuspecting caterpillar, the test hijacked the code under test so that it will create the exact condition we need tested.
This idea is as simple as the XOR cursor, so I suspect many programmers have independently invented it. I have found it to be generally useful for testing code with race conditions. I hope it helps.


ActiveRecord and Postgres row locking

API clients in a busy application are competing for existing resources. They request 1 or 2 at a time, then attempt actions upon those record. I am trying to use transactions to protect state but am having trouble getting a clear picture of row locks, especially where nested transactions (I guess savepoints, since PG doesn't really do transactions within transactions?) are concerned.
The process should look like this:
Request N resources
Remove those resources from the pool to prevent other users from attempting to claim them
Perform action with those resources
Roll back the entire transaction and return resources to pool if an error occurs
(Assume happy path for all examples. Requests always result in products returned.)
One version could look like this:
def self.do_it(request_count)
Product.transaction do
locked_products = Product.where(state: 'available').lock('FOR UPDATE').limit(request_count).to_a
Product.where(id: 'locked')
It seems to me that we could have a deadlock on that first line if two users request 2 and only 3 are available. So, to get around it, I'd like to do...
def self.do_it(request_count)
Product.transaction do
locked_products = []
request_count.times do
Product.transaction(requires_new: true) do
locked_product = Product.where(state: 'available').lock('FOR UPDATE').limit(1).first
locked_product.update!(state: 'locked')
locked_products << locked_product
But from what I've managed to find online, that inner transaction's end will not release the row locks -- they'll only be released when the outermost transaction ends.
Finally, I considered this:
def self.do_it(request_count)
locked_products = []
request_count.times do
Product.transaction do
locked_product = Product.where(state: 'available').lock('FOR UPDATE').limit(1).first
locked_product.update!(state: 'locked')
locked_products << locked_product
Product.transaction { do_something(locked_products) }
This gives me two completely independent transactions followed by a third that performs the action, but I am forced to do a manual check (or I could rescue) if do_something fails, which makes things messier. It also could lead to deadlocks if someone were to call do_it from within a transaction, which is very possible.
So my big questions:
Is my understanding of the release of row locks correct? Will row locks within nested transactions only be released when the outermost transaction is closed?
Is there a command that will change the lock type without closing the transaction?
My smaller question:
Is there some established or totally obvious pattern here that's jumping out to someone to handle this more sanely?
As it turns out, it was pretty easy to answer these questions by diving into the PostgreSQL console and playing around with transactions.
To answer the big questions:
Yes, my understanding of row locks was correct. Exclusive locks acquired within savepoints are NOT released when the savepoint is released, they are released when the overall transaction is committed.
No, there is no command to change the lock type. What kind of sorcery would that be? Once you have an exclusive lock, all queries that would touch that row must wait for you to release the lock before they can proceed.
Other than committing the transaction, rolling back the savepoint or the transaction will also release the exclusive lock.
In the case of my app, I solved my problem by using multiple transactions and keeping track of state very carefully within the app. This presented a great opportunity for refactoring and the final version of the code is simpler, clearer, and easier to maintain, though it came at the expense of being a bit more spread out than the "throw-it-all-in-a-PG-transaction" approach.

Rails 3.2 has-and-belongs-to-many update association unit test

In my 'notification' model I have a method (notification and contact models both has and belongs to many):
`def self.update_contact_association(contact, notification)
unless contact == nil
c = Contact.find(contact)
notification.contacts << c
that updates the association between a specific notification and contact. It takes a notification object(row) and a list of contact ids. The method works fine, given a single contact id 1 and a notification with the id of 4 updates the table should and will look like this:
notification_id contact_id
4 1
The problem comes in when trying to write a unit test to properly test this method. So far I have:
'test 'update_contact_association' do
notification = Notification.find(4)
contact = Contact.find(1)
Notification.update_contact_association([], notification)
Running the test method causes no errors, but the test database is not updated to look like the above example, it is just blank. I'm pretty sure I need to use a save or update method to mimic what the controller is doing, but I'm not sure how. I just need the unit test to properly update the table so I can go ahead and write my assertions. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated for I need to test several methods that are very similar/the same as this one.
Tests will generally run any database queries inside of a transaction and rollback that transaction when finished with each test. This will result in an empty database when the tests complete.
This is to ensure a pristine starting point for each test and that tests are not interdependent. A unit test is supposed to be run in isolation, so it should always start from the same database/environment state. It also runs on the smallest amount of code possible, so you don't have to worry about code interaction (yet!).
When you're ready to worry about code interacting, you'll be wanting to build out integration tests. They're longer and will touch on multiple areas of code, running through each different possible combination of inputs so touch as many lines of code as possible (this is what code coverage is all about).
So, the fact that it's blank is normal. You'll want to assert some conditions after you run your update_contact_association method. That will show you that the database is in the expected state and the results of that method are what you expect to happen.

Do rails Transactions blocks exit after all actions have been committed?

Related to Run rails code after an update to the database has commited, without after_commit, but I think deserving its own question.
If I have code like this:
my_instance = MyModel.find(1)
MyModel.transaction do = "bar"!
new_instance = MyModel.find(1)
Is this a guarantee that will always output "bar" and not its previous value? I'm looking for a way to ensure that all the database actions that occur in a previous statement are committed BEFORE executing my next statements. Rails has an after_commit hook for this, but I don't want this code executed every time... only in this specific context.
I can't find anything in the documentation on Transactions that would indicate if Transaction blocks are "blocking". If they are blocking, that will satisfy my requirement. Unfortunately, I can't think of a practical way to test this behavior to confirm my suspicions one way or another.
Still researching this, but I think a transaction does block code execution until after the database confirms that it has written. Since "save!" is automatically wrapped in a transaction by Rails, the relevant code should run synchronously. The extra transaction block should be unnecessary.
I don't think Rails returns as soon as it hands off the call to the DB when the DB calls are within a transaction. The confusion I had was with after_save callbacks. After_save callbacks suffer from race conditions because they are in fact part of the transaction that saves are automatically wrapped in, so any code called by an after_save callback is not race condition safe, it is not protected by the transaction. Only after_commit calls are safe. Within the transaction Rails will hand off to the DB and then execute after_save callbacks before the DB has finished committing.
Studying this for more insights:
Changing my answer to "no". It doesn't appear that save! or save blocks execution. From these two resources, looks like this is a common problem:

Database lock not working as expected with Rails & Postgres

I have the following code in a rails model:
foo = Food.find(...)
foo.with_lock do
if bar = foo.bars.find_by_stuff(stuff)
# do something with bar
bar = foo.bars.create!
# do something with bar
The goal is to make sure that a Bar of the type being created is not being created twice.
Testing with_lock works at the console confirms my expectations. However, in production, it seems that in either some or all cases the lock is not working as expected, and the redundant Bar is being attempted -- so, the with_lock doesn't (always?) result in the code waiting for its turn.
What could be happening here?
so sorry to everyone who was saying "locking foo won't help you"!! my example initially didin't have the bar lookup. this is fixed now.
You're confused about what with_lock does. From the fine manual:
with_lock(lock = true)
Wraps the passed block in a transaction, locking the object before yielding. You pass can the SQL locking clause as argument (see lock!).
If you check what with_lock does internally, you'll see that it is little more than a thin wrapper around lock!:
lock!(lock = true)
Obtain a row lock on this record. Reloads the record to obtain the requested lock.
So with_lock is simply doing a row lock and locking foo's row.
Don't bother with all this locking nonsense. The only sane way to handle this sort of situation is to use a unique constraint in the database, no one but the database can ensure uniqueness unless you want to do absurd things like locking whole tables; then just go ahead and blindly try your INSERT or UPDATE and trap and ignore the exception that will be raised when the unique constraint is violated.
The correct way to handle this situation is actually right in the Rails docs:
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique
("find_or_create_by" is not atomic, its actually a find and then a create. So replace that with your find and then create. The docs on this page describe this case exactly.)
Why don't you use a unique constraint? It's made for uniqueness
A reason why a lock wouldn't be working in a Rails app in query cache.
If you try to obtain an exclusive lock on the same row multiple times in a single request, query cached kicks in so subsequent locking queries never reach the DB itself.
The issue has been reported on Github.

when is a pessimistic lock released in rails?

Assuming I'm doing something like this (from the Active Record Querying guide)
Item.transaction do
i = Item.first(:lock => true) = 'Jones'
Is the lock automatically released at the end of the transaction? I've looked at the Active Query guide and the ActiveRecord::Locking::Pessimistic docs, and couldn't find where it explicitly says where the lock is released.
Locking is not a function of rails, it is just adding the lock statement to the query, which will vary depending on the database that you are using. Pessimistic Locking takes a "pessimistic" view in thinking that every query is subject to corruption. So it is going to lock selected rows until you are finished with the transaction. so Lock > query > unlock. While these are fairly consistent database to database, it might be good to read up on the database documentation that you using for any database-specific things you should know.
Here is a good thread on optimistic vs. pessimistic locking that explains it better than I can. Optimistic vs. Pessimistic locking
Yes, the lock automatically released at the end of the transaction because this kind of lock is applicable to transactions only. It does not make sense to lock the record this way (pessimistic lock) outside the transaction.
Pessimistic locks are enforced on DB level.
Below is a description with examples for mysql:
I acknowledged the problem with pessimistic lock within transaction during rspec tests.
For some reason on different systems (I found this because of CI failed to run spec) record is still locked and cannot be fetched.
So code and rspec example are below.
class FooBar
def foo
Model.with_lock do
model.update(bar: "baz")
red example
it "updates with lock" do
expect { }.to change { }.to("baz")
but correct green example should look like this
it "updates with lock" do
expect( eq("baz")
I believe you'll want an "ensure" block to be certain the lock is released. has:
def synchronize
end seems to suggest, however, that the block structure of that method will automatically unlock.
