MiniMagick (+Rails): How to display number of scenes in an image - ruby-on-rails

I have a Rails app that uploads images for image processing, and I want to be able to 1) See how many pages/frames/scenes there are in an image, and 2) split multi-page images into single-page jpegs.
I'm having no trouble converting image types for single-scene images, but I can't quite puncture the ImageMagick documentation to understand exactly what I'm to do. The doc page I'm using is here:
For the most part, I would like the code to be as simple as
def multiPage?( image )
img =
numPages = img.format("%n") #This returns Nil
count > 1 ? true : false
Does anyone have a better idea of what to do than I do? Thanks in advance!

Ok, well this is a bit of a hack, but when I did:
numPages = img[:n]
I would get numPages resulting in a string of the letter 'n' as many times as there are pages in an image, so:
#img -> 4-page image
numPages = img[:n] # => 'nnnn'
Probably not the best answer, but at least it works.
Found a better way
numPages = Integer(img["%n"])


Avalonia: How to display PNG as image?

I haven't seen an F# example of accomplishing this, or any examples similar enough to what I am trying to do, so hopefully a solution here will be helpful to others.
I am using Avalonia with F# to build a simple UI. I want to include images in my UI, but have spent hours looking at documentation and examples and everything I've seen looks to be overcomplicated (maybe it really is just that complicated?).
I am creating an image like:
let b = (Avalonia.Media.Imaging.Bitmap #"C:\Images\icon.png")
Image.create [
Image.source b
This just displays nothing. What am I missing here?
To add more detail to my comment above, here's what works for me:
let view =
Component(fun ctx ->
let b = new Avalonia.Media.Imaging.Bitmap("Small.png")
Image.create [
Image.source b
Result is:

Extraction text as csv from scanned pdf file using tesseract

enter image description hereI need help to extract text from scanned pdf. I have tried to extract it using pymupdf and pillow and pytesseract, but I am not getting correct results, there are some text are returned incorrectly.
I tried to increase sharpness and brightness but still did not get a good result.
I have already checked many answers using OpenCV, but I am fairly new to OpenCV. Please help.
def pdf_to_text(pdf_file,text_file_name,rotate_pdf=False,adj_sharpness=False,adj_contract=False,adj_brightness=False):
doc =
mat = fitz.Matrix(zoom_x,zoom_y)
files = []
for n in range(doc.page_count):
#print(f'Extracting {n} image')
page = doc.load_page(n)
if rotate_pdf:
#pix = page.get_pixmap(dpi=600)
pix = page.get_pixmap(alpha=False,matrix=mat,dpi=300)
if not os.path.exists(folder):
fname = os.path.join(folder,"page-%i.png"%n)
im =
im = adjust_sharpness(im,2.5)
im = adjust_brightness(im,1.1)
im = adjust_contrast(im,2.8)
#im = im.filter(ImageFilter.SMOOTH)
#if n>1:
# break
print("Extracting Images Completed")
print("Now Extracting data from image file")
for file in files:
#file = "./images/page-0.png"
text = image_to_string(file, lang_code="eng")
#text = image_to_string(file, lang_code="fra+eng")
make_textfile(text, text_file_name)
print("Extracting and saving text files completed")
except FileNotFoundError:
print(f"File not available {pdf_file}")
return None
The image:
To process tables in Tesseract you are likely to need to remove table lines to help the OCR engine with the segmentation of the image. However, you may try this first to see how Tesseract will perform.
text = image_to_data(file, lang="eng", config="--psm 6")
This will treat your image as a block to avoid missing as much text as possible, but removing the lines and binarizing the image will lead to better results. This link would help you with the removal of lines.

Find PDF Form Field position

I realize this question has been asked a lot, but I could not find any information about how to do this in RoR. I am filling a PDF with form text fields using pdf-forms but this does not support adding images, and I need to be able to add an image of a customer's signature into the PDF. I have used prawn to render the image on the existing PDF, but I need to know the exact location to add the image on the signature line. So my question is how can I look at an arbitrary PDF and find the exact position of the "Signature" form field?
I ended up using pdf2json to find the x,y position of the form field. I generate a JSON file of the original pdf using this command:
%x{ pdf2json -f "#{form_path}" }
The JSON file is generated in the same directory as form_path. I find the field I want using these commands:
jsonObj = JSON.parse(
signature_fields = jsonObj["formImage"]["Pages"].first["Fields"].find_all do |f|
f["id"]["Id"] == 'signature'
I can use prawn to first create a new PDF with the image. Then using pdf-forms, I multistamp the image pdf onto the original PDF that I want to add the image to. But multistamp applies each page of the stamp PDF to the corresponding page of the input PDF so make sure your image PDF has the correct number of pages or else your image will get stamped on every page. I only want the image stamped onto the first page, so I do the following:
num_pages = %x{ #{Rails.configuration.pdftk_path} #{form_path} dump_data | grep "NumberOfPages" | cut -d":" -f2 }.to_i
signaturePDF = "/tmp/signature.pdf"
Prawn::Document.generate(signaturePDF) do
signature_fields.each do |field|
image Rails.root.join("signature.png"), at: [field["x"], field["y"]],
width: 50
[0...num_pages - 1].each{|p| start_new_page }
outputPDF = "/tmp/output.pdf"
pdftk.multistamp originalPDF, signaturePDF, outputPDF
You can use this gem 'wicked_pdf. You just write html, and this gem automatically convert it to pdf
Read more
Here's a pure ruby implementation that will return the field's name, page, x, y, height, and width using Origami
require "origami"
def pdf_field_metadata(file_path)
pdf = file_path
field_to_page = {}
pdf.pages.each_with_index do |page, page_index|
(page.Annots || []).each do |annot|
field_to_page[annot.refno] = page_index
field_metas = []
pdf.fields.each do |field|
field_metas << {
name: field.T,
page_index: field_to_page[],
x: field.Rect[0].to_f,
y: field.Rect[1].to_f,
h: field.Rect[3].to_f - field.Rect[1],
w: field.Rect[2].to_f - field.Rect[0]
pdf_field_metadata "<path to pdf>"
I haven't tested it particularly thoroughly but the snippet can hopefully get you most of the way there.
Also -- keep in mind the above coordinates calculated are in points from the bottom left of the pdf page rather than the top right (and are not in pixels). I believe there's always 72 points per inch, and you can get the total page points by calling page.MediaBox in the pdf.pages loop above. If you're looking for pixel coordinates, you need to know the DPI of the resulting rendered document.

Process Maker default tables

I am new to process maker.while I am exploring the process maker I got an employee on boarding process.while understanding the process I understood the dynaforms but I faced problem with trigger forms. In trigger forms they mentioned tables to get data but i didn't find the tables in my work space. Please let me know if anyone know the answer.
##hrUser = ##USER_LOGGED;
//Get image
$sqlSdocument = "SELECT *
$resSdocument = executeQuery($sqlSdocument);
$dirDocument = $resSdocument[1]['APP_DOC_UID'];
$httpServer = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) ? 'https://' : 'http://';
##linkImage =
Judging by the your code, you want to query the uploaded file but base on the commend, you want to get the image?
Well if employee onboarding is what you want, I am guessing that you uploaded the picture on the first dynaform and you want it to be shown. Well this is your luck because ProcessMaker Documentation already have that
If you want a code that let you see the image immediately after upload, you might want to signup for a enterprise trial and test their Employee Onboarding.

Automate Photoshop to insert text from file

I have a multilanguage website and need automate the process of updating textlayers in psd-files from a csv-source.
I know that there might be glitches in the psp because of changed widths, but anyway it would help a lot to have the text inside the documents.
What are my options?
Murmelschlurmel has a working solution. Here is the link to the Adobe documentation.
The format of the csv-file is not so nice: you need a column for each variable. I would expect a row for each variable.
It works with Umlaut (ä, ö etc)
Another solution is to use com to automate Photoshop. Thats nice if you have a couple of templates (buttons) that need changed text. Here is my script in python that might get you startet.
You need to have an excel file with columns:
TemplateFileName, TargetFileName, TargetFormat, Text
(ie template.psd, button1 , gif , NiceButton) .
The first row of the sheet is not used.
The psp template should only have 1 textlayer and can not have layergroups.
import win32com.client
import xlrd
spreadsheet = xlrd.open_workbook("text_buttons.xls")
sheet = spreadsheet.sheet_by_index(0)
psApp = win32com.client.Dispatch("Photoshop.Application")
jpgSaveOptions = win32com.client.Dispatch("Photoshop.JPEGSaveOptions")
jpgSaveOptions.EmbedColorProfile = True
jpgSaveOptions.FormatOptions = 1
jpgSaveOptions.Matte = 1
jpgSaveOptions.Quality = 1
gifSaveOptions = win32com.client.Dispatch("Photoshop.GIFSaveOptions")
for rowIndex in range(sheet.nrows):
if(rowIndex > 0):
template = sheet.row(rowIndex)[0].value
targetFile = sheet.row(rowIndex)[1].value
targetFileFormat = sheet.row(rowIndex)[2].value
textTranslated = sheet.row(rowIndex)[3].value
psApp.Open(r"D:\Design\Produktion\%s" % template )
doc = psApp.Application.ActiveDocument
for layer in doc.Layers:
if (layer.Kind == 2):
layer.TextItem.Contents = textTranslated
if(targetFileFormat == "gif"):
doc.SaveAs(r"D:\Design\Produktion\de\%s" % targetFile, gifSaveOptions, True, 2)
if(targetFileFormat == "jpg"):
doc.SaveAs(r"D:\Design\Produktion\de\%s" % targetFile, jpgSaveOptions, True, 2)
You can use "Data Driven Design" to do this. There is also a concept of data driven design in computer science, but as far as I can see this is not not related to the use of the word in Photoshop.
Here is how to proceed:
Load your image in Photoshop and define your variables with Image > Variable > Define.
Then convert your csv to a format Photoshop can read. I had the best experiences with tab delimted text.
Finally load the text file in Photoshop with Images > Variables > Data Set and let Photoshop save all iterations.
When I tried this first, I found that the Photoshop help file didn't provide enough details. I searched the Internet for photoshop "data set" and found some good tutorials, e.g. this one from digitaltutors.
It might be little bit off too much, but I have used Adobe AlterCast/Grphics server to handle exactly same issue.
Also if its just Text GIF/JPG image, you can use Python+PIL (Python Imaging Library).
Here is a sample code (works on Windows OS with Arial and Osaka fonts installed.)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import ImageFont, ImageDraw, Image
#font = ImageFont.truetype("/usr/share/fonts/bitstream-vera/Vera.ttf", 24)
#font = ImageFont.truetype("futuratm.ttf", 18)
font = ImageFont.truetype("arial.ttf", 18)
im ="RGB", (365,20), "#fff")
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
draw.text((0, 0), "Test Images", font=font, fill="#000")"TestImg_EN.gif", "GIF")
font = ImageFont.truetype("osaka.ttf", 18)
im ="RGB", (365,20), "#fff")
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
draw.text((0, 0), u"テストイメージ", font=font, fill="#000")"TestImg_JP.gif", "GIF")
