JQuery Mobile small checkbox - jquery-mobile

Is it possible to create a small checkbox / toggle like button using JQuery Mobile?
Placing them in a field set and set class=custom sort of does what I want, but I can't find a way to stretch the set so it fills 100% of the client width.
placing individual checkboxes in a grid with data-iconpos=center also sort of does it, but checkboxes don't quite support this mode.
Need 7 checkboxes horizontally. no text, just check or toggle.

Yes it is possible.
Make a sprite for the checkbox.
So when the image is "checked" showed checked sprite, and if it not, show the unchecked sprite.


Weird behavior for textarea in diagrams.net (draw.io) format panel

I'm facing a very weird (& blocking) issue using diagrams.net webapp.
I'm trying to add some nodes in the Format Panel. I created a new tab in this panel & added in it some new inputs.
There are text inputs, checkbox inputs & textarea.
But the behavior is absolutely not the expected one.
For text & cb inputs, everything works fine, but textareas behavior is... at least very weird:
The field can't get focus by mouse clicking (remember that click works on other inputs). The only way to set the focus on it is by using JS focus() method.
Text inside the tag can't be selected by mouse. If element has the focus, text can be updated. Moreover, even if text can be changed, text cursor cannot move from the end of the text.
Textarea box is not resizable. There is the bottom-right arrow to resize it & I added the "resize" value to be sure but the feature doesn't disable but I juste can't. BUT ! If I set the attribute "disabled" then I can resize the box. Unfortunately, I can't disable the textarea since I want to put it because I need to write in it.
I can't show you code for now (it's just a new node creation using document.createElement) but you can easily test this: go to drawio webapp & when the webapp is loaded, use the Inspector in the developer tools to add a new textarea node in the format panel (div with ".geFormatContainer" class) : element is not focusable with the mouse, text inside it is unselectable & box is not resizable as long as "disabled" attribute is not set.
I added a click listener in the component to check if click did something & it does, but it doesn't give the focus to the element (document.activeElement says that body is focused -_-) so I think there is something in mxgraph which avoids the element's classic behavior. But what ?

Is there are way to dynamically hide a setting in kivy?

I have a Kivy app that uses a slightly modified Settings as a data record editor.
I want to hide or show an item after the setting panel has been created (depending on user interaction with some other setting item).
Is there a simple way of dynamically hiding a setting item, so that it doesn't take up any space?
I can set the opacity to 0 and disabled to True and the items disappears, but still takes space.
Setting the size to (0,0) (to hide) and resetting it to the original value (to show it) corrupts the view.
What is the correct way of doing this?
Removing the SettingItem seems complicated, because the items to hide a somewhere in the middle of the items.

In Xcode Interface Builder - why are the options in the Editor--->Arrange menu (containing Send to Front, Send to Back) often disabled?

What I'm trying to do is simple: bring a label in front of an image within a subview.
But all of the options for arranging are disabled/un-selectable when my label is selected. I find this happens often.
What could be the reason that I'm almost never allowed to change the z-axis of my objects in the Arrange menu? Is it a better practice to avoid this feature and set the order of views programmatically?
It can depend on how you have selected the label (similar to how the label can only be moved with the keyboard when selected in some ways).
A simple alternative is to look at the list of view in the pane on the left and to drag the views up and down to change the order.
It happens sometimes. In that situation, click the view or image you want to send back then you will see little square box at the edges of image from which you can re size your image, Just click on it once and then go to Editor > Arrange > Choose option according your need.

data-placeholder and jQueryUI autocomplete

Is there a simple way to have a default text in the textbox using jQueryUI's autocomplete ?
I have tried using data-placeholder but it doesn't seem to work.
I have searched online, and people suggest using the textbox value to display the text, and clear it on focus. But then I would need to change the font style just for the default text, and check onKeyUp when the text is manually erased etc...
Is there no easier way to do this ? or am I missing something ?
A lot of people will use a span that is positioned to be over the text box. When the text box gets focus then you hide the span. When the text box blurs and has a value, you don't show it. If it doesn't have a value then you can show it again.
You can style the span however you want independently of the text box so you would not have to change the font style on the text box itself. You would have to subscribe to the focus and blur events, but it would be much easier if you created a jQuery plugin to do this. In fact, I'm sure there are ones that already exist that do this.

jQuery-UI Dialog: How to make NONE of the action buttons "default"

In jQuery-UI dialog box, the first button appears to be the default, therefore having focus set to itself.
But, this causes a frustrating effect, especially in Safari. Even in IE, you will see a rectangular selection mark around the button. Moreover, the hover effect will not be seen.
How can I set NONE of these buttons as default and therefore NOT having focus set on any of them?
Examples can be seen at jqueryui demo pages and a snapshot using Safari is below.
I want to get rid of this blue selection.
I think it could be an css-class, that turns the button to "default".
Check with the Firebug Element Inspector what classes are applied to these buttons, and append the standard css class to all buttons of the form.
