What exactly are GLib and GObject? - glib

I have been looking into the source code of python-mpdor and it mentions that it is
gobject-based, for easy event handling (in the high-level client
Can someone explain to me in simple terms what exactly are Glib and GObject and how do they interact with each other and what role it plays in event handling.
I tried searching for Glib and GObject but I didn't found any basic explanation for it. All the explanations I found are very technical and by technical I mean not suitable for a beginner.
Also, can someone point to some beginner tutorials/articles about Glib and GObject.

GLib and GOBject are 2 separate C libraries from which the GTK+ GUI toolkit is built (among other things).
Since C is a lower-level language, GLib provides a lot of basic functionality like those utilities similar to what is built-in with Python (file input/output, string manipulation, memory management, threading, etc.).
Since C is not an object-oriented language, GObject provides a C-based object system which includes properties and inheritance (again, built into Python already). In Python, you rarely use GLib directly (because Python has most of that functionality built-in) but GObject is dependent upon GLib.
All GObject-based libraries are designed to support language bindings to other languages such as Python.
To the point of your question, GObject provides an event system known as "signals". Any object derived from GObject can "emit" signals to send notifications of an event occurring. The MPDProtocolClient class in python-mpdor is derived from GObject and thus it can emit signals. Applications "connect" functions to these signals. F
For example, the README shows this example:
import gobject
import mpdor
def notify(client, vol):
print "mpd volume is at ", vol + "%"
client = mpdor.client.Client()
client.connect("mixer-change", notify)
In this case, the function named notify is "connected" to the "mixer-change" signal which means that function will be called any time the client "emits" that signal. The gobject.MainLoop().run() call enters a "main event loop" (basically an infinite loop) which is a standard concept in event-driven programming.
You probably won't find a lot of GObject/Python tutorials, however, if you learn a little bit of Python/GTK+ basics then you'll likely get a grasp of the concepts of the event loop, signals, and signal callbacks. (It looks like python-mpdor is using GTK+ 2 which would be PyGTK as opposed to newer GTK+ 3 which is PyGObject).
Good luck.

GObject is an implementation of COM - Component Object Model. It means that you can call "methods" of this object - signals without "including" methods declaration in header file and linking.
Initially it was created as a system to create language bindings for different PLs, but also it's used as a base for plugin systems


What makes libadalang special?

I have been reading about libadalang 1 2 and I am very impressed by it. However, I was wondering if this technique has already been used and another language supports a library for syntactically and semantically analyzing its code. Is this a unique approach?
C and C++: libclang "The C Interface to Clang provides a relatively small API that exposes facilities for parsing source code into an abstract syntax tree (AST), loading already-parsed ASTs, traversing the AST, associating physical source locations with elements within the AST, and other facilities that support Clang-based development tools." (See libtooling for a C++ API)
Python: See the ast module in the Python Language Services section of the Python Library manual. (The other modules can be useful, as well.)
Javascript: The ongoing ESTree effort is attempting to standardize parsing services over different Javascript engines.
C# and Visual Basic: See the .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn").
I'm sure there are lots more; those ones just came off the top of my head.
For a practical and theoretical grounding, you should definitely (re)visit the classical textbook Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs by Abelson & Sussman (1st edition 1985, 2nd edition 1996), which helped popularise the idea of Metacircular Interpretation -- that is, interpreting a computer program as a formal datastructure which can be interpreted (or otherwise analysed) programmatically.
You can see "libadalang" as ASIS Mark II. AdaCore seems to be attempting to rethink ASIS in a way that will support both what ASIS already can do, and more lightweight operations, where you don't require the source to compile, to provide an analysis of it.
Hopefully the final API will be nicer than that of ASIS.
So no, it is not a unique approach. It has already been done for Ada. (But I'm not aware of similar libraries for other languages.)

Can Vala be used without GObject?

I'm new to Vala. I'm not familiar with GObject. As I understand it, GObject was spun off from the GLib project from GNOME. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I do like the syntax and implementation of Vala very much, yet it is not in my intentions to write desktop applications for GNOME.
I also know (think I know) that Vala does not have a standard library other than GObject itself.
So my question is: Can Vala be used without GObject and if it can, is it usable (are there optimal and maintained base libraries for common things like type conversions, math, string manipulation, buffers, etc... available)?
There is some other Vala profiles like Dova and Posix.
TLDR: I recommend using Vala with GLib/GObject, because it was designed on top of them.
While there may be alternative profiles for valac they are either unfinished or deprecated.
The whole point of Vala is to reduce the amount of boilerplate required to write GLib and Gtk+ applications in C.
It also adds some nice other improvements over C, like string and array being simple data types instead of error prone pointers.
It mostly wraps all the concepts present in GObject like:
async methods
reference counting (which is manual in C + GObject, and automatic aka ARC in Vala)
type safety of objects
probably much more ...
All of these concepts can be implemented without using GObject/GLib/Gio, but that would mean to basically rewrite GObject/GLib/Gio which doesn't make much sense.
If you don't want to write GUI applications GLib can be used to write console applications as well, using GIO or GTK+ is optional in Vala, applications work on a headless server as well.
I think that there is even some effort in Qt to eventually switch to the GLib main loop, which would make interoperability of Qt and GLib much easier.
A good example of a framework that uses GLib is GStreamer which is used across different desktop environments as well.
In summary:
GLib is a basic cross platform application framework
GObject is the object system used by the GLib ecosystem
GIO is an I/O abstraction (network, filesystem, etc.) based on GLib + GObject
GTK+ is a graphic UI toolkit based on GLib + GObject + GIO + others
GNOME is a desktop environment based on all the "G" technologies
Vala is a high level programming language designed to reduce the boiler plate neded to use the "G" libraries from the C language.
GTK+ originally came from GIMP and was since split into the different "G" libraries that are the basis for GNOME today.
Vala also has very powerful binding mechanisms to make it easy to write so called "VAPI" files for any kind of C library out there.
With the correct VAPI bindings you don't have to worry about manual memory management, pointers, zero termination of strings and arrays and some other tedious things that make writing correct C code so difficult.
Here is another profile that you can use Aroop. (Note it is still under heavy development). What I hope is it is good if you need high performance. Please check the features here.

Is glue code just emulating the desired behaviour in "native" code?

I'm not that familiar with glue code (multiple language bindings) and I can't seem to find a very detailed description of how it is usually implemented (if there is such a way, it may be one of those problems that can be solved so many ways).
Let us take OpenGL as an example while it is written in C there are also java bindings, this is probably not the best example since java is a virtual machine and probably just maps your calls to the native interface. So how about Python (which I know almost nothing about) it has OpenGL bindings, but is not in the C family so how does it link against GL?

Binding generator (like SWIG) that handles C-style callbacks?

I recently wrote a binding for a C library using SWIG. While a good deal of it was straight forward and used only basic SWIG functionality, I ran into trouble when I needed to support one function which took a C callback as an argument, which is not supported for SWIG. I solved this by writing Python-specific code to provide a custom callback in which I called the Python 'eval' function to evaluate a supplied Callable.
While this worked nicely, it was unfortunate for me.. I had been hoping to use SWIG to take advantage of its support for tens of languages, but now I'm stuck having to figure out callbacks in every single language I wish to support. This makes my binding work magnitudes less useful, as I now have to solve the same problem many times, manually--the opposite of the point of using SWIG.
Are there any tool like SWIG that also handles C callbacks?
It's a bit rounadabout but if you recompile the C project in C++ or create a C++ extension, then you can take advantage of virtual function overloading.
Most SWIG language module have support for directors which allow a class in the target language to derive from a class in the C++ library. This way any overridden virtual function act as a callback.

Scripting languages that support fibers/coroutines?

I'd like to start a new network server project in a language that supports concurrency through fibers aka coroutines aka user-mode threads. Determining what exactly are my options has been exceedingly difficult as the term "coroutine" seems to be used quite loosely to mean a variety of things, and "fiber" is used almost exclusively in reference to the Win32 API.
For the purposes of this question, coroutines/fibers:
support methods that pause execution by yielding a result to the calling function from within a nested function (i.e. arbitrarily deep in the call stack from where the coroutine/fiber was invoked)
support transferring control to another arbitrary coroutine at its current point of execution (i.e. yield to a coroutine that did not call your coroutine)
What are my language options? I know Ruby 1.9 and Perl (Coro) both have support, what else? Anything with a mature gc and dynamic method invocation is sufficient.
greenlet extension meets your requirements in Python (regular one, not Stackless).
Greenlet API is a bit low-level, so I recommend using gevent that gives you API suitable for an application. (Disclaimer: I wrote gevent)
Lua supports coroutines, see http://lua-users.org/wiki/CoroutinesTutorial , give it a try!
Tcl 8.6, currently in beta, will support coroutines. For more info see the Tcl Wiki coroutine page
Stackless Python is another option that meets your requirements. If Python, Ruby and Perl are all unsuitable for your purposes (despite all meeting your stated requirements), you presumably have other unstated requirements or preferences -- care to spell them out?-)
Scheme has call-with-current-continuation which is a building block on which all kinds of flow control can be built. It definitely can support the two uses you mentioned.
There are many robust, widely available implementations of Scheme such as PLT Scheme and Chicken Scheme.
