How to establish a remote desktop connection to an iPad? - ipad

Actually i am developing stuff for the iPad, but fiddling with Firebug lite is no fun and is limited.
I would like to remotely control an iPad from my pc or mac - if possible without jail break.
Something like "windows desktop remote connection" to remotly control another OS - but for the iPad.
How can i achieve that?
Update: Why do i get downvotes here? Please clarify!

As far as I know I don't think there is anything available yet. But I just saw a forum with some info about this topic:
I think you need this
Chrome Extension is Also available


Mirror MacBook Desktop on iPhone?

I was wondering if anyone have any ideas of how you could mirror a MacBook desktop on to an iPhone. I'm not looking for an app to install but a way to program it myself. What would be the best approach?
And to clarify, I'm not looking for a way to mirror my iPhone to my computer, but the other way around.
Thanks for any answers you might have
What you are talking about can be achieved in a number of ways. You need a server component running on the MacBook, which vends a video stream of the MacBook display(s) over a suitably secure network connection, and your app on the iPhone behaving as a client to this video stream. VNC (Vertual Network Computing) is the established, open, system for doing this. Conveniently macOS has a built in VNC server (Screen Sharing in the Sharing preference pane), so the server side is already done. Your app will need to implement the VNC client. I suggest you start by looking for existing open source implementations for this functionality,

Enable iPhone (with iOS7) debug console from Windows

I'm trying to debug my website, but Apple are douches. What do I do to enable the debug console if I don't have a Mac?
I installed Safari and the latest iTunes, but my iPhone doesn't show up in Safari developer thing.
You can try option of using Telerik AppBuilder (Windows client) as a replacement on Windows for Safari debugger on Mac when remote debugging. There's a nice blog post about the steps to do it in link below. I'd rather not repost the info as there are also screenshots and it's a lot of text. But essentially, you install app, open it, connect device via USB, then you can find it in the app and open up the developer tools/debugger for it. For non-public websites, you'll have to open up port 80 with some firewall configs documented in the post.
The tool requires a license or you can use the trial, which becomes a basic edition afterwards. I think the basic edition will still allow you to do the debugging. I'm going to try it out myself.
You can also try these iOS apps too, you can find them in the iTunes App store. They give you a built in developer tools feature (right on iOS no remote debug) that mobile Safari doesn't offer.
MIH Tool - basic edition
HTTPWatch Basic
I gave them a try and they're at least better than the mobile Safari you get on iOS, unless one needs to target full mobile Safari compatibility. I'm guessing the pro/paid editions of those apps give you more/better features.
iOS Debugging with Safari is a featuere of the new Safari. As Safari for Windows is a outdated Version of Safari, debugging is not Implemented.
So debugging with Safari is only possible on a mac!
min requirements are: OS X 10.8 iOS 6
More Infos:
Safari Remote Debugging on Windows
Since that Question was asked i found another neat way to debug stuff on a not accessible Platform:
It works like this:
You add the weinre.js to your project
You set up weinre on your main platform (pc)
Starting your project results in sending the Debug Information from your project to your Platform
It's not that easy to run and understand, but once it works its pretty nice.
Did you set up your phone to allow remote webview inspection?
As an alternative to Weinre, you can try Vanamco's Ghostlab as well, it supports JS console and parallel testing on multiple device.

How to debug a Safari 6 (iOS) connection bug?

The problem i have is really anoying. Basically if I put "" in Safari on an iPad 3, I get a message that the server did not respond. But if I put the same URL on Opera in the tablet, the page get's displayed correctly.
Also if I put a PROXY between the iPad and the server, the page get's displayed correctly. My current guess is that the Safari browser cannot resolve the domain correctly or there is some problem with the SSL certificate, but only on Safari.
Chrome has the same behavior that Safari, and I presume sinche both browsers are implemented based on WebKIT.
Finally, I did monitor the Safari browser from a Macbook, but there is no information there that could be usefull to debug this problem.
Any tips or suggestions would be appreciated.
PD: English is not my native language, so sorry for any mistakes :)
Finally we where able to debug the problem and we had to use a network sniffer to follow the HTTPS connection flow. The problem was that at some point after the latest iOS upgrade the iPad did not work well with the server side encryption algorithms we had defined, and the HTTPS negotiation didn't go all the way through.
Changing the server side to newer algorithms (and disabling the older ones) did the trick and after that all is working ok.
It was quite difficult to manage this, but we where able to replicate this solution:
Basically it's about putting a computer between the network and the iPad to sniff the network packets. We didn't use a computer tho, we just connected to the communications switch to see the traffic and redirected the port traffic to the one where we had Wireshark installed (, but I guess this is not common solution for everyone.
I hope this helps if anyone has the same or similar problem.

BlackBerry - MDS simulator init calls

I debug my BlackBerry apps on device emulator, using the MDS simulator for access to the web.
Today I ran a Wireshark trace to catch my app's calls. I saw 2 calls made by the MDS simulator before my traffic started, and hope someone can explain them to me.
They seem to return some settings possibly for the simulator.
What are these calls for?
I also wonder if these calls are somehow related to the poor performance of the MDS simulator that I deal with regularly - will the MDS simulator continue to work if this server does not respond?
Hope this makes sense to one of the BB experts here - thx.
Well, I have noticed this before, from my opinion i think it's a kind of request for blackberry server to open a port according to the proxy setting. Or it maybe as a log for connections. That is just my opinion I'm not an expert ...

Can custom USB devices be made to work with an Apple iPad?

I make LED glow toys for a living and am in the process of porting the windows drivers over to MAC and Linux O/S's. I'm making some headway on the MAC front (I'm using libusb) but now I'm wondering if it could be made to work on an Apple iPad as well?
I've seen some reports of people getting other devices working (keyboards, usb flash drives etc.) which gives me some hope but has anyone tried anything like this?
