How to undefine an environment variable in ant - ant

I am running Ant to exec another process. This other process has problems with some environment variables that are present. I want these environment variables to be undefined when I exec the other process.
Of course I can undefine the environment variable prior to running Ant. However I am interested in undefining the variable within Ant prior to execing the other process.
So I have at the time of calling Ant an environment with:
And I have in my build.xml:
..<exec exacutable="program.exe>...
And my program.exe chokes on the fact that SOME_VAR is defined.

The exec task has a newenvironment attribute which when set to true clears the current environment. Use together with nested env elements.


Specify environment variables for bundle exec

I have seen two different ways to specify environment variables when execute bundle exec. Which one is correct on Linux? Maybe both? I am looking for general answer, I know that in this particular case (updating Redmine) specifying RAILS_ENV may be even unnecessary.
bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:migrate
Both options are possible to define environment variables for rake tasks. However, for other executables (such as the rails executable), only the variant to define the variables before the executable is supported.
What is happening here is that when you specify the environment variables at the start, your shell (bash, zsh, ...) set those environment variables for the newly started process. This can be done for any process. processes also inherit the environment variables defined earlier in the shell. A third option could thus be to run this in your shell:
export RAILS_ENV=production
bundle exec rake db:migrate
Now, if you specify the variables as arguments to the rake executable, the shell does not affect, read, or write those. Instead, rake itself inspects its given process arguments and sets the environment variables for its own process before handing control to the actual rake task (db:migrate in this case).
To be more consistent in your ability to define environment variables for the various executables, I personally tend to stick to the option to set environment variables in the shell, rather than using the rake feature to parse its arguments.
Finally, regarding your remark that the RAILS_ENV environment variable might not be necessary here: that is likely not true. Rails applications such as Redmine define different behavior based on the loaded environment, including the database they connect to (as defined in the config/database.yml file), other settings (as defined for Redmine in config/configuration.yml) and internal parameters such as logging verbosity and handling of exceptions. As such, you most likely want to always use RAILS_ENV=production everywhere since Rails (and Redmine) default to the development environment if nothing is specified.

Node-config custom-environment-variables not Picking Docker environment Variables

Working on Windows OS.
My node app using node-config isn't using docker environment variables. It's always using the default config.
I am using node-config custom environment variables as described here:
Everything is working well when running the app locally. The config by passes the default ones and takes the ones defined in my User variables when set.
I start a docker instance with all required Environment variables
I verify the env variables by running docker exec container_name env
However, the node app still uses the default config, instead of the environment variables.
I am not sure what setup I may be missing.
I'm a maintainer of node-config. I don't test with Docker or Heroku, but this most be an ordering problem. As long as the environment variables are set before require('config') happens, they will work-- at that point Docker or Heroku doesn't matter. The activity is happening inside the Node.js JavaScript engine at that point.
Try this simple test: Just before your line where you require('config'), use console.log or an equivalent to print out the environment variables that you care about. I expect you'll find that when it's not working it's because the environment variables are not set before node-config is loaded.

Best place to check for env variables in Rails

I use ENV variables for all environments to set up different components of the stack, i.e. Redis, Memcached, etc.
I load all of these in the config/application.rb file, and before that I ensure that all environment variables are present.
I'm running into a problem now where I run a rake task before these variables are set, and so it fails my test. Rake seems to doing it's share correctly. This leads me to believe all of these variables initializations are in the wrong spot.
Now I'm at a loss as to the best place to instantiate all these services or check for their existence.
Init them right after Bundler.require(*Rails.groups) in your application.rb like this
You can check env variables in Rails console, for example:

How to run initialization script on starting a Rails server?

I have a simple shell script ( that I am currently running by hand (. ./ every time I restart a rails server. It sets some environment variables that I need because of various APIs I'm using. However, I was wondering if there's some way of having rails run the script itself whenever I run "guard" or "rails s"
If you use foreman, you can define all processes you needed started on application start into a Procfile. (including bbundle exec rails server -p $PORT)
By calling foreman start, all the process starts up.
More information can be gotten here on this cast
Proper way of setting ENV variables is putting them in bash_proflle or bashrc depending of linux distro.
vi ~/.bash_proflle
And then add something like
export MY_RAILS_VAR=123
Then you don't need to run any ENV initialization scripts on rails start.

how can i manually set GrailsUtil.environment variable in Bootstrap.groovy

At the time bootstrap.groovy is running GrailsUtil.environment is automatically switch to development.
Can any one explain,How can i manually change that variable before bootstrap starts..??
Where it is setting as default to development in grails framework..??
Your grails environment is specified on the command line when you type run-app, for example. I don't believe you can switch the environment setting within Bootstrap.groovy--or any file--at runtime. Instead, you can change it by how you execute the grails commands:
-Dgrails.env=production run-app-- you can create your own environments to run, just change the value for -Dgrails.env to your custom environment.
Some of the grails tasks will run in a given environment by default; you don't need to set it explicitly.
run-app -- defaults to run in the development environment
test-app -- defaults to test environment
war -- defaults to production environment
More info here:
