Since I've upgraded from delphi 5 to XE I'm struggling to use specific Dlls that were compiled a while ago. My blocking point seems related to the unicode/ansi character but I haven't found out how to solve the problem
Here is an example of procedure:
procedure GetFilename(Buffer: PChar; BufSize: Integer); stdcall;
In my code I'm calling this that way
procedure GetFilename; external 'myDll.dll' name 'GetFilename';
procedure myproc
buffer : Array [0..255] of Char;
GetFilename(buffer, length(buffer)-1);
Showmessage(buffer); //This gives me chinese character
Buffer contains this:
byte((#buffer[0])^); // 67 which is the ASCII for C
byte((#buffer[1])^); // 92 which is the ASCII for \
what I'm expecting normal is a string starting with "C:\"
Has anyone faced the same problem?
Because the dll was made using a non-Unicode version of Delphi you must change the declaration from
procedure GetFilename(Buffer: PChar; BufSize: Integer); stdcall;
procedure GetFilename(Buffer: PAnsiChar; BufSize: Integer); stdcall;
and the buffer variable from
buffer : Array [0..255] of Char;
buffer : Array [0..255] of AnsiChar;
Additionally to learn about the Delphi Unicode support take a look to the Delphi and Unicode Whitepaper from Marco CantĂș.
I have a DLL that was provided by a 3rd party company and when called from Delphi 2007, it worked perfectly fine. The following code is a sample of how the DLL was used in Delphi 2007:
Procedure XC_eXpressLink(hHandle: Hwnd; Parameters: pChar; Result: pChar); stdcall; external 'XCClient.dll';
Here is how the procedure was called:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
var Result: array[0..2000] of char;
sParams: String;
sParams := RemoveCRLF(memoParameters.Text); //Remove TMemo CR/LF
XC_eXpressLink(Handle, pChar(sParams), Result);
memoResults.Text := String(Result);
I'm not sure what the DLL was compiled in, but I'm assuming it is expecting ansi and not unicode. After converting the code to ansi in Delphi XE5, the code is now as follows:
Procedure XC_eXpressLink(hHandle: Hwnd; Parameters: pAnsiChar; Result: pAnsiChar); stdcall; external 'XCClient.dll';
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
var Result: array[0..2000] of Ansichar;
sParams: AnsiString;
sParams := RemoveCRLF(memoParameters.Text); //Remove TMemo CR/LF
XC_eXpressLink(Handle, pAnsiChar(sParams), Result);
memoResults.Text := AnsiString(Result);
memoParameters is a TMemo on the form which provides the parameters for the dll procedure. The RemoveCRLF is a function that removes any carriage returns and line feeds from memoParameters. MemoResults is another TMemo on the form that provides the return results of the dll procedure.
I'm getting access violations when the changed code is run in Delphi XE5. Since I changed all the parameters to use ansi, shouldn't the dll be getting the same parameter format as before? Am I doing something wrong? Will I be able to get this older compiled DLL to work in Delphi XE5?
I contacted the company, OpenEdge, which supplies the dll for X-Charge (for credit card integration). To resolve the problem, the Handle must have a value of 0 and you have to add /IGNOREHANDLEPARAMETER to the parameters list that is sent to the dll. Note, this parameter will only work with the full version XC8.1.1.6.exe installation or later.
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
var Result: array[0..2000] of Ansichar;
sParams: AnsiString;
sParams := RemoveCRLF(memoParameters.Text); //Remove TMemo CR/LF
XC_eXpressLink(0, pAnsiChar(sParams), Result);
memoResults.Text := AnsiString(Result);
How can I set a unicode font for console? I tried the following but I get an AV on the line GetCurrentConsoleFontEx.
program ConsoleVsUnicode;
COORD = record
X, Y: smallint;
cbSize: cardinal;
nFont: longword;
dwFontSize: COORD;
FontFamily: cardinal;
FontWeight: cardinal;
FaceName: array [0 .. LF_FACESIZE - 1] of WideChar;
function SetCurrentConsoleFontEx(ConsoleOutput: THandle; MaximumWindow: BOOL; ConsoleInfo: PCONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX): BOOL; external kernel32 name 'SetCurrentConsoleFontEx';
function GetCurrentConsoleFontEx(ConsoleOutput: THandle; MaximumWindow: BOOL; ConsoleInfo: PCONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX): BOOL; external kernel32 name 'GetCurrentConsoleFontEx';
procedure SetConsoleFont(const AFontSize: word);
ch: THandle;
if NOT CheckWin32Version(6, 0) then
FillChar(ci, SizeOf(TCONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX), 0);
ci.cbSize := SizeOf(TCONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX);
ch := GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
GetCurrentConsoleFontEx(ch, FALSE, #ci); // AV Here!
ci.FontFamily := FF_DONTCARE;
// ci.FaceName:= 'Lucida Console';
ci.FaceName := 'Consolas';
ci.dwFontSize.X := 0;
ci.dwFontSize.Y := AFontSize;
ci.FontWeight := FW_BOLD;
SetCurrentConsoleFontEx(ch, FALSE, #ci);
These functions use the stdcall calling convention. You'll need to add that the their declaration.
function SetCurrentConsoleFontEx(ConsoleOutput: THandle; MaximumWindow: BOOL;
ConsoleInfo: PCONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX): BOOL; stdcall;
external kernel32 name 'SetCurrentConsoleFontEx';
function GetCurrentConsoleFontEx(ConsoleOutput: THandle; MaximumWindow: BOOL;
ConsoleInfo: PCONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX): BOOL; stdcall;
external kernel32 name 'GetCurrentConsoleFontEx';
You should also check the return values of these API calls. For instance, using Win32Check would be appropriate.
As an aside, the call to CheckWin32Version is pointless. If the API functions that you import are not present in kernel32.dll then the program will not even load. You could use delay loading to get around that and support XP, if XP support is indeed desirable to you.
One final comment is that the struct parameter to these functions is not optional. In which case converting to const and var makes the function call a little more convenient.
function SetCurrentConsoleFontEx(ConsoleOutput: THandle; MaximumWindow: BOOL;
const ConsoleInfo: TCONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX): BOOL; stdcall;
external kernel32 name 'SetCurrentConsoleFontEx';
function GetCurrentConsoleFontEx(ConsoleOutput: THandle; MaximumWindow: BOOL;
var ConsoleInfo: TCONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX): BOOL; stdcall;
external kernel32 name 'GetCurrentConsoleFontEx';
A more fundamental problem that you will face is that Delphi's console output functions do not support Unicode. Changing fonts won't change that. Nothing is going to get Delphi to deal with Unicode text when you call Write.
To output Unicode text from Delphi, you'll need to go direct to the Windows console API. For instance, WriteConsoleW.
Even that won't help you with characters that require surrogate pairs, such as Chinese text. The console API is still limited to UCS2 and so if your text has surrogate pairs you are simply out of luck.
According to TOndrej's answer to another question, you can produce Unicode output from Write by:
Setting the console code page to UTF-8 with SetConsoleOutputCP(CP_UTF8), and
Passing UTF-8 encoded 8 bit text to Write by making use of UTF8Encode.
However, I believe that you will still not get past the lack of UTF-16 surrogate pair support for text outside the BMP.
I inherited some Delphi components/code that currently compiles with C++ Builder 2007. I'm simply now trying to compile the components with C++ Builder RAD XE. I don't know Delphi (object pascal).
Here are the versions of the 'Supports' functions that appear to be in conflict. Is there a compiler switch I can use to make RAD XE backward compatible? Or is there something I can do to these function calls to correct the ambiguous nature?
The error I'm getting is:
[DCC Error] cxClasses.pas(566): E2251 Ambiguous overloaded call to 'Supports'
SysUtils.pas(19662): Related method: function Supports(const TObject; const TGUID; out): Boolean;
cxClasses.pas(467): Related method: function Supports(TObject; const TGUID; out): Boolean;
procedure FreeAndNil(var Obj);
Temp: TObject;
Temp := TObject(Obj);
Pointer(Obj) := nil;
function Supports(const Instance: IUnknown; const Intf: TGUID; out Inst): Boolean; overload;
Result := (Instance <> nil) and (Instance.QueryInterface(Intf, Inst) = 0);
function Supports(Instance: TObject; const Intf: TGUID; out Inst): Boolean; overload;
Unk: IUnknown;
Result := (Instance <> nil) and Instance.GetInterface(IUnknown, Unk) and
Supports(Unk, Intf, Inst);
function Supports(const Instance: TObject; const IID: TGUID): Boolean;
Temp: IUnknown;
Result := Supports(Instance, IID, Temp);
You are using some devexpress components and the problem is that you are using versions of the code that pre-date C++ Builder XE. The particular problem is that the conditional defines declared in do not know about XE. Consequently, this cxClasses.pas file does not know which version of Delphi it is targeting.
In most circumstances you could simply add the necessary defines and the code would start working. However, your version of the devexpress code is for RAD Studio 2007 which uses ANSI strings, but you are trying to compile on XE which uses Unicode strings. This difference needs major changes to the rest of the source code.
Unfortunately, to get this code to work on XE you will need to get hold of the latest versions of all your 3rd party components. The updated versions have had the necessary changes to support Unicode text.
What's more, your code may also need some significant re-work to support Unicode but I am less sure on that point because my experience is with Delphi rather than C++ Builder.
I need to change the old Win98 short path names to long path names. I had a routine that worked fine with Delphi 4, but when I upgraded to Delphi 2009 and Unicode, it didn't work with Unicode strings.
I looked around and couldn't find a Unicode-compatible version of it.
It appears that the correct routine to use is GetLongPathName from the WinAPI. But it doesn't seem to be in the SysUtils library of Delphi 2009 and I have not been able to figure out how to declare it properly to access the WinAPI routine.
Also, it does seem that it may be tricky to call, because I've read the SO Question: Delphi TPath.GetTempPath result is cropped but that didn't help me get to first base.
Can someone please explain how to declare this function and use it properly passing a Unicode string in Delphi 2009?
Sure. You do need not a separate unit and can declare GetLongPathName anywhere:
function GetLongPathName(ShortPathName: PChar; LongPathName: PChar;
cchBuffer: Integer): Integer; stdcall; external kernel32 name 'GetLongPathNameW';
function ExtractLongPathName(const ShortName: string): string;
SetLength(Result, GetLongPathName(PChar(ShortName), nil, 0));
SetLength(Result, GetLongPathName(PChar(ShortName), PChar(Result), length(Result)));
procedure Test;
ShortPath, LongPath: string;
ShortPath:= ExtractShortPathName('C:\Program Files');
LongPath:= ExtractLongPathName(ShortPath);
I am working on a DLL in Delphi 2010. It exports a procedure that receives an array of variants. I want to be able to take one of these variants, and convert it into a string, but I keep getting ?????
I cannot change the input variable - it HAS to be an array of variants.
The host app that calls the DLL cannot be changed. It is written in Delphi 2006.
Sample DLL code:
Procedure TestArr(ArrUID : array of variant); stdcall;
i: integer;
s: string;
s:= string(String(Arruid[0]));
Using D2006 my DLL works fine. I have tried using VartoStr - no luck. When I check the VarType I am getting a varString. Any suggestions how to fix this?
You host application is sending an AnsiString and you dll is expecting a UnicodeString.
Unicode strings was introduced in Delphi 2009, it does not exist in Delphi 2006. How to fix it? Try [untested]:
Procedure TestArr(ArrUID : array of variant); stdcall;
i: integer;
s: AnsiString;
s:= Ansistring(VarToStr(Arruid[0]));
or maybe [also untested]:
Procedure TestArr(ArrUID : array of variant); stdcall;
i: integer;
s: AnsiString;
s:= Ansistring(AnsiString(Arruid[0]));
You can also check if theres is a function Like VarToStr that accepts AnsiStrings (maybe in the AnsiStrings unit?).
1/ How have you call the VarToStr() function ? VarToString(Arruid[0]) ?
2/ Does your Delphi2006 Application send AnsiString or WideString to the DLL ?
If so, and if (1) is not working, try to cast to AnsiString instead of string.