Run Powershell script that lives in TFS source control - tfs

I'm trying to run a Powershell script during my build process, but I can't figure out how to access the ps1 file which is checked into source control (TFS 2010). There is a similar SO question that exists, but I'm actually not sure if it's correct:
TFS 2010: run powershell script stored in source control
My TFS source control is setup as such:
I thought passing something like SourcesDirectory + "\..\..\MyScript.ps1" (to tell Powershell where the script is) would work, but I think I'm off somewhere.
Can someone help me figure out how to reference the ps1 file, and run it?

You will need to have a Workspace setup in your Build Definition that includes the directory with the Powershell script.
So your mapping might be like:
*Server* *Workspace*
$/Project/Code/Dir - $(SourcesDir)
You will need to add:
*Server* *Workspace*
$/Project/Code/Dir - $(SourcesDir)
$/Project/BuildScripts - $(SourcesDir)/BuildScripts
Your InvokeProcess can then pass Path.Combine(SourceDirectory, "BuildScripts", "MyScript.ps1") to the Powershell command line.
N.B. You could also set the $/Project/Code/Dir workspace to $(SourcesDir)/Code.


TF.exe label - Workspace mapping required when creating a label for a server item?

In my TFS release i added a script to create a label when a certain environment succeeds.
This label is apply on a given server item and for a specific Changeset.
The TF.exe command looks like this:
tf.exe label Main-Approved $/MyProject/Main /recursive /version:C124730 /comment:"Approved by Main Release" /collection:http://tfsserver:port/tfs/MyCollection
However when run from the release i get the following error message return by TF.exe:
Error: There is no working folder mapping for D:\Agent-Default_work\r144\a\by.
Running this exact command localy works fine and creates the label.
I don't understand why i would need to create a workspace and some folder mapping in order to apply a label on a Server item (using $/...) for a specific changeset?
Any help would be appreciated.
So i was using a Python script to run the command.
I tried changing it to a powershell script and it works.
My guess is that in python the strings were passed incorrectly someone. I feel like the workspace 'by' was in fact my command wrongly parsed by the intepreter and considered an argument in tf.exe.

How to use the Jenkins MSBuild plug-in in a Jenkinsfile?

I have Jenkins v2.60.3 with the MSBuild Plugin v1.27 installed on Windows.
I have configured the path to my msbuild.exe in Jenkins' Global Tool Configuration. I have also setup a Multi Branch Pipeline in Jenkins that picks up a Jenkinsfile from git repo successfully.
My question is: How do I invoke the MSBuild Plugin as a step in my Jenkinsfile?
Please note I know I can invoke msbuild.exe directly as a Windows batch step but I prefer to go through the MSBuild Plugin if possible.
It looks like MSBuild is not supported by pipeline yet
You can try this in the meantime.
Our teams need to migrate a ton of freestyle MSBuild jobs that were created in the UI. mjd's answer helped but still left me scratching my head. The examples just didn't work... until I figured out the disconnect.
Here's the secret sauce:
You have to call the "named msbuild configuration" directly using the
"bat" and "tool" commands.
go into the Config of one of your freestyle jobs that uses the MSBuild plugin
scroll down to the msbuild section and click the "MSBuild Version" drop down, take note of the exact names that are listed. This is your 'named msbuild configuration'. Choose one name that you will use in the next step.
open your jenkinsfile, locate the stage and step where you want to call msbuild, then add this line and replace 'MSBuild 15.0' with the name that you chose in step 2:
bat ""${tool 'MSBuild 15.0'}\\msbuild" SolutionName.sln /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform="Any CPU" /p:ProductVersion=1.0.0.${env.BUILD_NUMBER}"
like so...
(For Declarative Pipelines, you'll need to put this inside of a "script" block. If you don't know what a 'Declarative Pipeline' is, it is one of two styles of writing pipeline scripts in Jenkins using the "groovy" language. For more info here is a comparison of the scripted vs declarative styles.)
run the pipeline and examine the output - the code you added in step three won't build anything, you just want to use it to see if msbuild will actually get called before investing anymore time into my script.
(I usually use the Replay button which allows me to edit the script online in Jenkins rather than editing, committing, and pushing to remote repo... it just saves a bit of time debugging.)
examine the output of the pipeline job you ran in step 4. You should see something like below indicating that the correct version of MSBuild was called. If not, you either have a typo or your administrator needs to intervene.
workspace\Pipeline_Test>"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual
Studio\2017\Professional\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\msbuild" SolutionName.sln
/p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform="Any CPU"
/p:ProductVersion= Microsoft (R) Build Engine version
15.9.21+g9802d43bc3 for .NET Framework Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Congratulations you can now configure your build! Replace SolutionName.sln with your build file and pass the correct parameters to it.
I am surprised that all solutions doesn't work for me.
Platform : Window 10 Jenkins at latest version in 2020-11-05.
I am not sure if there's any reason that window & other OS will cause the pipeline script engine behaved differently.
Below are the possible encountered issues and solution finally combined with the above solution.
in my compiler, a single '' will cause error, '' must be escaped by replaced by '\'. which is similar to other char such as '"'
${tool 'MSBuild'} OR ${tool 'MSBuild 15.0'}\msbuild\ does not work, the error is the path cannot specified or cannot find the bat program. It must be an absolute path of the actual msbuild.exe
So this is the working solution for adding MSbuild in the pipeline script in window platform's jenkin
bat '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\msbuild" YourSolution.sln /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform="Any CPU" /p:ProductVersion=1.0.0.${env.BUILD_NUMBER}'

TFS build renaming the cspkg file

I currently use TFS build for my Azure cloud service project.
as a output of that .cspkg and .cscfg file is created after the successful build.
is there any way to add the $(Build.BuildNumber) to my .cspkg file
say for eg: currently my output file looks like
is it possible to rename like SchoolWebPortal_1.0.0.1.cspkg in the tfs build definition.
kind regards,
You could use the Run Command Line task or do it in a PowerShell script in build.
1). Add the Inline Powershell task from the marketplace before the copy task in build definition.
2).Enter the following Powershell in the text area
Param (
Rename-Item $pathToFileToRename Helloworld_$(Build.BuildNumber).exe
3). Enter any required arguments in the arguments text box (you could
use environment variables) e.g. -pathToFileToRename $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\somepath\CurrentName.exe
Then you will get the renamed file in the drop folder.

TFS Build: accessing custom MSBuild file within sequence control flow

I am having hard times attempting to perform the simplest operation: run the custom MSBuild script (placed within dedicated "BuildScripts" folder) from the Lab test running build definition. What it is supposed to do prior to test execution is to trigger the child build, get the built sources and perform the modification of the config file by the means of MSBuild script. And that is what I struggle with. Supposing I have specified the build scripts folder among source settings (mapped to $(SourceDir)) and I use the MSBuild activity for running the script, what do I specify in the path for project file location?
Would appreciate any hints you might share.
Thank you.
If I understand your requirement correctly, you can select the MSBuild script file in Build Process as soon as you have uploaded the file into Version Control.
Clicking the button below:
You will get a dialog to select the solution or project you want to build:
And then click "Add..." button, you will be able to select the file from Version Control.
Never heard the "MSBuild script". If you mean to run powershell script during the build. So where do you want to specify the path for project file ? In the script or the configuration of the build template ? Suggest you to provide a screenshot.
Moreover, you can use "invokeprocess" workflow activity to invoke powershell script during the build.

Jenkins - Run exe and check output

I am new to Jenkins, so my question is really simple.
I would like to run an exe and check if the output text file is as expected.
Grab the artifact the SVN (OK!)
Run and exe with some command line arguments (OK!)
Check the output text file (Don't know how to do it)
Any help?
Bonnus: Instead of running an .EXE located in SVN, is there a way to build the C# .NET code to generate the release .EXE ?
You can check the contents of the output file using any scripts. I used NAnt's loadfile to load the whole file. I am sure that there will be an ANT version of loadfile task too.
Regarding the second question, you can use the MSBuild plugin to compile your code and generate the Release exe. There are parameters which you can pass to MSBuild to do it.
