Web Application iOS, Blackberry - ios

I need my application to work with BlackBerry Smartphone and iOS (iPad).
Current I use BlackBerry web works to build and sign my application so it can be used standalone without an internet connection.
I want to do the same for iOS: Sign the application and deploy.
Many people are saying just navigate to the website where your app is and add to bookmark then home screen as described in the Dashcode User Guide "Testing and Sharing" and Safari Developer Library article "Safari Client-Side Storage and Offline Applications Programming Guide"
But I don't want to host the application on a web server, I just want to build and deploy as this is not public.

I guess what you are asking is, You want to develop an app using web technologies which requires no server for hosting DB.
Also, you don't want the user to user/distribute via bookmark/AddToHomescreen(webclip); you would like to sign the app and distribute via Appstore.
In such case you should look at http://phonegap.com/about which allows you to sign and distribute via app store.
If you want to install it on your device(it is called Adhoc install) you need to have a ios developer account from apple. And you can install using XCode, ios developer program limits no. of devices you can install (100 dev. max).
If you are eligible for Enterprise program, then you can install it on more devices.

In iphone and ipad copy all html resource on resource folder and you can all index.html page through webview. Now all html page is now local no need to server side because of it's local path not server path. Now you can build and distribute application on app world.
Let me know any doubt.


How to deploy and distribute ios flutter app among friends (not app store)

Hi so I made a basic flutter app on android studio on my windows system. How can I set it up so that my friend can download the app from a link and just keep it on her phone and open it whenever on her IOS device? I do have access to a Mac but no developer account. What's the easiest way I can do this?
Sadly there is no easy way for this.
For the "easiest" way to share an iPhone-build you need to build from a Mac itself (via XCode). You can upload and share internal builds of your app for download via Testflight, but that does require a developer-license.
Yes, there are alternatives, like building via a server and automating uploads, but those require considerably more knowledge, time & other tools to accomplish.

What are the ways to host iOS builds (ipa) except AppStore or any 3rd party tools?

We are developing a iOS app using react-native. We want to host the build file of app (.ipa) from a server without using AppStore or any 3rd party tool.
How can we do it? Is there any way to host the app like a web application hosting from cloud.
Use "Hockey App" , which is a microsoft certified and behave like App Store realise.
Follow the below link:

Titanium Appcelerator: iPhone Development without a Mac (like PhoneGap)

I am about to embark on some mobile development projects but I'm doing a little homework first. My primary goal is to deploy to Android and iOS, but the latter is posing some problems because I do not have access to (nor do I have any interested in acquiring) a Mac.
Phonegap offers a cloud service where you can upload your mobile development project and they will do the building for you - no Mac required. From the Phonegap Build FAQ:
Simply upload your web assets - a ZIP file of HTML, CSS and
JavaScript, or a single index.html file - to PhoneGap Build, point us
to your Git or SVN repository, or let us set up a git remote endpoint
that you can push to. Then we’ll undertake the compilation and
packaging for you. In minutes, you’ll receive the download URLs for
all mobile platforms.
I am leaning toward the development and native UI capabilities of Appcelerator, but since I do not have a Mac, is there any hope for me using Titanium for iOS development using something akin to PhoneGap's Build service?
If you dont have a Mac you will not be able to develop, test, deploy, or put in the app store applications for iOS, with or without using Titanium.
Regardless, even if you were able to use a cloud build technology with Titanium (which does not exist) you wont be able to deploy your final application to the App Store because you have to have XCode for that, the same goes for PhoneGap. Check this here:
Note: Since PhoneGap Build uses Apple's standard development process to build applications, >you will need to sign up for their developer program to build iOS applications on PhoneGap >Build. You will also need a Mac to configure your certificate and provisioning profile.
Bottom line, unless you use a mac, your not legally deploying to the App Store.
Don't be forgetting the registration fees that come with signing up as Both a google play & iOS developer.
I fear that using a remote service is going to cost you dearly in time, as you'll be significantly increasing your test cycle.
The cost of a second hand Mac mini is hardly going to impact any development budget, even charity work. And as the previous poster note, you can't legally deploy your completed build without a mac. If you made macs, wouldn't you do the same?
There are services cropping up like Mobundler.com and Foundry22.com which let you do end to end development without a Mac.
Foundry22 is a service similar to PhoneGap build, for Titanium SDK. Similar to PhoneGap build, it requires p12 bundle for iOS signing and Java keystore for Android. You can use service like Mobundler to create those using just your browser. You still need to pay to become part of iOS developer program.
The answer here is outdated.
There is an Icenium platform which will allow you to build and put your app on App Store without using Mac at all.

Problem signing BlackBerry apps

I'm making web based applications for BlackBerry using the PhoneGap Framework. I got 3 .CSI key files from the BlackBerry Dev-Center and signed my applications, but when I try to install an application in BlackBerry I get an error with information about signing.
Maybe I am having a problem with signing?
What is the best way to sign applications for Blackberry? Note that I'm not using Eclipse because it has some errors on my computer.
The instructions you were provided would've been the best way to do code signing. If you've lost them, they're on page 8 in How and when to sign.
You do not have to put your apps in App World to share them; however, you would lose the marketing and ease-of-access benefits that BB App world provides.

Blackberry share application

How to make support for both App World and the application being embedded?
What is the difference between OTA and App World?
If I will build applications for the web and will put a link to the Internet (eg via apache)
It will be OTA ?
How much is the official service OTA or App World?
Please give references for which I can read this issue.
OTA means "Over The Air". There are several ways of getting the app code installed on a BB device. One way is via USB cable + BB DesktopManager app, for instance. When you are talking about OTA and App World as if they are different things - this is not correct. The fact is to get an app from the App World you'll have to use OTA implicitly (you'll start the BB browser, it will make a remote request to RIM server, etc. - this means OTA is used).
I believe there is no difference on how AppWorld and your custom server would do this.
RIM provides a video tutorial on this:
BlackBerry® Smartphone Over The Air Download By User
