Blackberry share application - blackberry

How to make support for both App World and the application being embedded?
What is the difference between OTA and App World?
If I will build applications for the web and will put a link to the Internet (eg via apache)
It will be OTA ?
How much is the official service OTA or App World?
Please give references for which I can read this issue.

OTA means "Over The Air". There are several ways of getting the app code installed on a BB device. One way is via USB cable + BB DesktopManager app, for instance. When you are talking about OTA and App World as if they are different things - this is not correct. The fact is to get an app from the App World you'll have to use OTA implicitly (you'll start the BB browser, it will make a remote request to RIM server, etc. - this means OTA is used).
I believe there is no difference on how AppWorld and your custom server would do this.
RIM provides a video tutorial on this:
BlackBerry® Smartphone Over The Air Download By User


Enterprise App Distribution from Iphone to Iphone via WIFI (No Web server, no local network)

I have noticed that there are walkie-talkie apps that communicate between 2 Iphones via WIFI.
Each Iphone searches for an available Iphone with the Walkie-talkie App. If this works then there must be a way to distribute an Enterprise App within the reach of the Sending Iphones WIFI to a second Iphone with its WIFI turn on and no app on board.
How it could happen:
Step 1 - First Iphone searches for Iphone within WIFI range.
Step 2 - Push Notification of Available App.
Step 3 - Second Iphone responds affirmative to request, asking for App.
Step 4 - First Iphone pushes .plist and .ipa files to second Iphone with install prompt.
Step 5 - Second Iphone installs app.
There of course could other features.
Can this be done?
Sometimes you have an App on your phone and meet someone who wants your app but they cant download it at that moment because the WIFI and Cellular networks are too slow where you are located. Many times the app is never downloaded by this person and the opportunity is lost. I have experienced this many times. Wouldnt this App above be a good solution for this problem. You could also add a feature in the downloaded app to in the future download the App Store version which is available.
If you know how to do this would you give your input? Thanks for your help, James Vernon
At least for an enterprise app this seems feasible. While there's no mechanism available to push a .ipa onto a device there are over the air installs which have been in use for years. (For example I used them to distribute as hoc builds from a continuous integration server:
If the host device can run a web server to serve te .ipa and a .plist then the client device just needs to visit the appropriate URL to fetch the app.
Of course this assumes that you are willing to allow enterprise app distribution out of your control. I'm not sure if that complies with the enterprise license agreements. It also depends on the wifi network in use allowing peer to peer traffic which is not always the case.
I don't know that the end result is useful to anyone but some parts of what you describe seem feasible.

iOS - Screen sharing in Perfecto Mobile

We were exploring various test suites for mobile automated testing and ran into this company called Perfecto Mobile. One of the features that blew me away was they are able to (without jailbreaking) effectively perform a "Remote desktop" on a physical iPad.
So, the iPad's screen is mirrored within a web application, it can register touch / swipe events on the web app and perform them on the device. The only relevant technical detail I have is that all this is being performed using commands sent over the USB cable.
I'm really curious as to how this is implemented and details on relevant Private APIs if any.
I'm not familiar with PerfectoMobile, but I can give you a few pointers on how this can be accomplished:
For the mirroring, one way would be to look at using AirPlay, the APIs are pretty well documented, but not to do what we're talking about which would require some serious reverse engineering, but it's definitely possible, these guys have done it. A different approach would be to run a background app that would periodically take snapshots of the main screen, and send them over a socket connection to a client. You could do this as a VNC server, and to incorporate the remote view in a web app, you could use noVNC. As far using a USB connection, in the case of the background app talking to a client over TCP, you could to a port forward.
To actually perform on the device the touch events sent from your remote viewer, most people have been using the GSEvent group of functions from the GraphicsServices private framework without needing to jailbreak the device. Again, a background app would receive over a socket an instruction such as "Tap there", instantiate the GSEvent, and inject it so it gets processed in the run loop of the most front app.
These few possibilities, at least, have been implemented successfully in different iOS apps up to iOS 6.1 (iOS7 is a different animal). You won't find any such app in the App Store, since Apple clearly prohibits the use of private frameworks in 3rd party apps, instead people deploy them in-house using Enterprise and ad-hoc provisioning profile. On Android however, there's VMLite available in the Play Store.
If you looking to share screen from ios / android, check out They have sample apps you can try out, also they provide libs for mobile app integration.

What are the various ways to host a Blackberry APP

I have developed a blackberry app, now i am confused on How to host, there are different answers available for this on Web
Some says it is ok to host it on a 3rd party server and some says I need to get a vendor portal account,
Please suggest what is the best way and what is the procedure to host a bb app?
There is an extensive paper on all deployment methods available from RIM:
A70 – How to Deploy and Distribute Applications For BlackBerry SmartPhones

Web Application iOS, Blackberry

I need my application to work with BlackBerry Smartphone and iOS (iPad).
Current I use BlackBerry web works to build and sign my application so it can be used standalone without an internet connection.
I want to do the same for iOS: Sign the application and deploy.
Many people are saying just navigate to the website where your app is and add to bookmark then home screen as described in the Dashcode User Guide "Testing and Sharing" and Safari Developer Library article "Safari Client-Side Storage and Offline Applications Programming Guide"
But I don't want to host the application on a web server, I just want to build and deploy as this is not public.
I guess what you are asking is, You want to develop an app using web technologies which requires no server for hosting DB.
Also, you don't want the user to user/distribute via bookmark/AddToHomescreen(webclip); you would like to sign the app and distribute via Appstore.
In such case you should look at which allows you to sign and distribute via app store.
If you want to install it on your device(it is called Adhoc install) you need to have a ios developer account from apple. And you can install using XCode, ios developer program limits no. of devices you can install (100 dev. max).
If you are eligible for Enterprise program, then you can install it on more devices.
In iphone and ipad copy all html resource on resource folder and you can all index.html page through webview. Now all html page is now local no need to server side because of it's local path not server path. Now you can build and distribute application on app world.
Let me know any doubt.

Remote Access a PhoneGap App

I wanted to make an application for the iPad that will be controlled from an iPhone-app. Is there a possibility to access the PhoneGap-App on the iPhone?
I don't want to use an external server because the app should run offline in an Ad-Hoc network.
First I thought of creating a local webserver on the iPad, but I couldn't find anything PhoneGap related. Any Idea?
You were probably on the right track with the web server idea.
I am not sure how well the various solutions are supported in PhoneGap, but I would think you could use some sort of WebSockets implementation for the bi-directional communication between the iPhone and iPad apps.
