How to Save Multipart Form in Grails; Text and File Upload - grails

I'm trying to submit a form entry with an uploaded file, but I can't seem to get the controller to save the data properly.
Essentially, I want to post a caption and the uploaded source in one form.
An example of my domain class:
class Image {
String caption
Date dateCreated
Date lastUpated
String source
I don't how to store the source file and save the entry.
Here is what I've done so far:
def upload () {
def f = request.getFile('source')
f.transferTo(new File("/path/to/file.tmp"))
def save () {
def img = new Image(params) true)
...runtime exception...
File creation works, but obviously the details on saving the Image entry is incorrect.

Consider this question answered. The problem was not Grails, but the tiny detail of me failing to install the plug-in necessary to insert data into the database.

See this source code Grails file upload example or this presentation Uploading files with Grails.
Hope this helps


How do I save edited PDF file from PDFtron?

I have used PDFTron to update/edit PDF files. I have followed the documentation for opening the PDF file which came from server, but I am not sure how to save the edited PDF file with this SDK (PDFTron).
I have referred below links to save PDF, but did not succeed.
I want to send XFDF file formats to server.
PDFTron saves PDF with annotation automatically after some time interval, but I want it to be saved by save button press. I am stuck on this saving process.
I have below code to import annotation and I don't know how to import this XFDF file and where do to get this XFDF file.
// Import annotations from XFDF to FDF
let fdf_doc: PTFDFDoc = PTFDFDoc.create(fromXFDF: xfdf_filename)
// Optionally read XFDF from a string
let fdf_doc: PTFDFDOc = PTFDFDoc.create(fromXFDF: xfdf_string)
// Merge FDF data into PDF doc
let doc: PTPDFDoc = PTPDFDoc(filepath: filename)
I don't want it to be customisations by myself, I just want it to be saved by me on pressing button.
Below is my query
How do I save the applied annotation on PDF by myself?
Once you've applied changes to the document data you'll probably want to do something with the updated PDF like letting the user download it or sending it back to your server.
If you just want to let the user download the edited file then no extra changes are necessary as pressing the download button will save the modified PDF to the user's computer.
To add a custom save button, here is a code sample.
If you want to get the modified PDF as an ArrayBuffer then you can use the
getFileData function on Document.
For example:
.then(instance => {
const { documentViewer, annotationManager } = instance.Core;
documentViewer.addEventListener('documentLoaded', async () => {
const doc = documentViewer.getDocument();
const xfdfString = await annotationManager.exportAnnotations();
const options = { xfdfString };
const data = await doc.getFileData(options);
const arr = new Uint8Array(data);
const blob = new Blob([arr], { type: 'application/pdf' });
// upload blob to your server
I have followed the documentation for opening the PDF file which came from server
There are a few ways to do this - could you share which API you are using?
The main point of your question seems to be how to save the PDF via a button press (after you've merged in XFDF annotation data). Is this the case?
You can control where a remote document is shared by implementing the relevant delegate methods, likely specifically
You can then save the document using this method:

Grails file upload to file system

I can't find a good explanation of how to upload files to the file system in Grails. The tutorial books I've gone through "keep it simple" by uploading directly to the database using a byte[] field, but that wouldn't be ideal for my particular situation. The Grails documentation explains file uploading here: So I tried modifying this to fit my resource:
def save(Person personInstance) {
// ... a couple standard error checks
// Handle file upload
def f = request.getFile(params.thumbnail)
if (f.empty) {
flash.message = 'file cannot be empty'
def filename = "myfile.txt"
def webrootDir = servletContext.getRealPath("/") //app directory
f.transferTo(new File(webrootDir,"images/uploads/thumbnails/$filename")) flush:true
// ... response
Could not find matching constructor for:
I also tried using the name of the field, def f = request.getFile('thumbnail'), but got the same error. I made sure to add the g:uploadForm tag and set the <input name="thumbnail" type="file"/> within the form.
I would like to be able to upload an image to the file system and then use a String field in the database to store the name of that image.

Web server to save a file, then open it and save as different type, then prompt user to download

I have an MVC Razor application where I am returning a view.
I have overloaded my action to accept a null-able "export" bool which will change the action by adding headers but still returning the same view as a file (in a new window).
//if there is a value passed in, set the bool to true
if (export.HasValue)
ViewBag.Exporting = true;
var UniqueFileName = string.Format(#"{0}.xls", Guid.NewGuid());
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename="+UniqueFileName);
Response.ContentType = "application/ms-excel";
As the file was generated based on a view, its not an .xls file so when opening it, I get the message "the file format and extension of don't match". So after a Google, I have found THIS POST on SO where one of the answers uses VBA to open the file on the server (which includes the HTML mark-up) then saves it again (as .xls).
I am hoping to do the same, call the controller action which will call the view and create the .xls file on the server, then have the server open it, save it then return it as a download.
What I don't want to do is to create a new view to return a clean file as the current view is an extremely complex page with a lot of logic which would only need to be repeated (and maintained).
What I have done in the view is to wrap everything except the table in an if statement so that only the table is exported and not the rest of the page layout.
Is this possible?
You can implement the VBA in .net
private void ConvertToExcel(string srcPath, string outputPath, XlFileFormat format)
if (srcPath== null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("srcPath"); }
if (outputPath== null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("outputPath"); }
var excelApp = new Application();
var wb = excelApp.Workbooks.Open(srcPath);
wb.SaveAs(outputPath, format);
You must install Microsoft.Office.Interop and add reference to a COM oject named Microsoft Excel XX.0 Object Library
Sample usage:
//generate excel file from the HTML output of GenerateHtml action.
var generateHtmlUri = new Uri(this.Request.Url, Url.Action("GenerateHtml"));
ConvertToExcel(generateHtmlUri.AbsoluteUri, #"D:\output.xlsx", XlFileFormat.xlOpenXMLStrictWorkbook);
I however discourage this solution because:
You have to install MS Excel in your web server.
MS Excel may sometimes misbehave like prompting a dialog box.
You must find a way to delete the generated Excel file afterwards.
Ugly design.
I suggest to generate excel directly because there doesn't seem to be better ways to covert HTML to Excel except using Excel itself or DocRaptor.

Grails: Replacing symbols with HTML equivalent

I'm reading a CSV file and one of the columns has text that contains symbols that is not recognized. After I read the file, symbols such as ' becomes � . I'm also saving this into a DB.
Obviously when I display this on a webpage, it shows garbage. How can I substitute HTML code (ex. &#180 ;) for this with Grails?
I am reading the CSV using the csv plugin. Code below:
def f = "clientDocs/testfile.csv"
def fReader = new File(f).toCsvMapReader([batchSize:50, charset:'UTF-8'])
fReader.each { batchList ->
batchList.each {
def description = substituteSymbols(it.Description)
def substituteSymbols(inText) {
Thanks for any help or suggestions. I've already tried string.replaceAll(regExp).
Grails comes with a basic set of encoders/decoders for common tasks.
What you want here is it.Description.encodeAsHTML().
And then if you want the original when displaying in the view, just reverse it with .decodeHTML()
You can read more about these here:
(Edited decode method name typo as per the comment)

Printing in icefaces

I would like to print reports in icefaces, but could got find any proper method for it. Please guide me for implementation of the same in my project.
I've used the ice:outputResource tag to let the user download a PDF report file. The resource attribute of that tag should point a managed bean property that implements com.icesoft.faces.context.Resource.
after getting idea from JOTN I'm finally able to put it together.
We can use the outputresource tag to link to any type of resource, not only static ones but also dynamically generated files(on the fly).
Let us have a look at the following example:
JSF Page:
<ice:outputResource id="outputResource1" attachment="false" fileName="File1.pdf" label="Click to download attachment" mimeType="application/pdf" rendered="true" resource="#{ReportParam01.reportfilers}" shared="false"/>
Here I've observed that the outputresource link won't appear until the file is actually generated(i case of on the fly documents).
Let us assume we wish to generate a pdf file dynamically. The following steps will link it to the above mentioned outputrespurce.
Managed Bean:
public class....{
// This is the resource linked to the <ice:outputresource> tag.
// Encapsulation has been done to link it.
Reource reportfilers;
public void createDocument() {
Document reportDoc = new Document(PageSize.A4);
File file1 = new File("Report.pdf");
PdfWriter.getInstance(reportDoc, new FileOutputStream(f));
// writing to pdf code continues
reportfilers = new FileResource(file1);
Calling the above method (if it has no exceptions) will make the link to show up and the user can download the file.
