Printing in icefaces - printing

I would like to print reports in icefaces, but could got find any proper method for it. Please guide me for implementation of the same in my project.

I've used the ice:outputResource tag to let the user download a PDF report file. The resource attribute of that tag should point a managed bean property that implements com.icesoft.faces.context.Resource.

after getting idea from JOTN I'm finally able to put it together.
We can use the outputresource tag to link to any type of resource, not only static ones but also dynamically generated files(on the fly).
Let us have a look at the following example:
JSF Page:
<ice:outputResource id="outputResource1" attachment="false" fileName="File1.pdf" label="Click to download attachment" mimeType="application/pdf" rendered="true" resource="#{ReportParam01.reportfilers}" shared="false"/>
Here I've observed that the outputresource link won't appear until the file is actually generated(i case of on the fly documents).
Let us assume we wish to generate a pdf file dynamically. The following steps will link it to the above mentioned outputrespurce.
Managed Bean:
public class....{
// This is the resource linked to the <ice:outputresource> tag.
// Encapsulation has been done to link it.
Reource reportfilers;
public void createDocument() {
Document reportDoc = new Document(PageSize.A4);
File file1 = new File("Report.pdf");
PdfWriter.getInstance(reportDoc, new FileOutputStream(f));
// writing to pdf code continues
reportfilers = new FileResource(file1);
Calling the above method (if it has no exceptions) will make the link to show up and the user can download the file.


Why data is not send by form submitting (zf2 forms + filters)?

I have problem:
When I fill in form and pressing add button page is reloaded, but no data is added to the database.
Code of NewsController, add action is below:
public function addAction() {
$form = new AddNewsForm();
$request = $this->getRequest();
if ($request->isPost()) {
if ($form->isValid()) {
echo "form is valid";
$objectManager = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager');
$blogpost = new NewsItem();
// Redirect to list of blogposts
return $this->redirect()->toRoute('news');
return array('form' => $form);
Class AddNewsForm is included as use \News\Form\AddNewsForm as AddNewsForm; above.
I tried to debug my code and realized, that $form->isValid() return false all time. I tried to fill in all fields of form — it says that form is not valid. If not all fields are filled in it false too.
The problem is with validation, I think, so I will add here how I assing filter to the form. This is how I assing filter to my form:
$this->setInputFilter(new AddNewsInputFilter());
Class AddNewsInputFilter is included by this:
use \News\Form\AddNewsInputFilter as AddNewsInputFilter;
I don't think it is good to paste there ~100 lines of code, so I will just give a link to files in my github repo (full code of controllers/files available here):
AddNewsForm.php — file, where I create the form
AddNewsInputFilter.php — file, where I set fil
NewsController.php — file, controller, where I call created form
Repository link — root dir of my module
So the problem is that $form->isValid(); doesn't show is form valid or not properly and I don't know why. Note, that request is getting properly and first condition is passed (but second is not passed). It is the problem, thats why I am writing here.
How I can solve it?
Thanks is advance!
try var_dump($form->getMessages()) and var_dump($form->getInputFilter()->getMessages()) in controller(after calling $form->isValid()) or in view . see what error you getting and on witch element ?
NOTICE : getMessages() will be empty if $form->isValid() has not been called yet,
UPDATE : do this in controller :

Create and download word file from template in MVC

I have kept a word document (.docx) in one of the project folders which I want to use as a template.
This template contains custom header and footer lines for user. I want to facilitate user to download his own data in word format. For this, I want to write a function which will accept user data and referring the template it will create a new word file replacing the place-holders in the template and then return the new file for download (without saving it to server). That means the template needs to be intact as template.
Following is what I am trying. I was able to replace the placeholder. However, I am not aware of how to give the created content as downloadable file to user. I do not want to save the new content again in the server as another word file.
public void GenerateWord(string userData)
string templateDoc = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/Template.docx");
// Open the new Package
Package pkg = Package.Open(templateDoc, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
// Specify the URI of the part to be read
Uri uri = new Uri("/word/document.xml", UriKind.Relative);
PackagePart part = pkg.GetPart(uri);
XmlDocument xmlMainXMLDoc = new XmlDocument();
xmlMainXMLDoc.Load(part.GetStream(FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read));
xmlMainXMLDoc.InnerXml = ReplacePlaceHoldersInTemplate(userData, xmlMainXMLDoc.InnerXml);
// Open the stream to write document
StreamWriter partWrt = new StreamWriter(part.GetStream(FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Write));
private string ReplacePlaceHoldersInTemplate(string toReplace, string templateBody)
templateBody = templateBody.Replace("#myPlaceHolder#", toReplace);
return templateBody;
I believe that the below line is saving the contents in the template file itself, which I don't want.
How should I modify this code which can return the new content as downloadable word file to user?
I found the solution Here!
This code allows me to read the template file and modify it as I want and then to send response as downloadable attachment.

How to Save Multipart Form in Grails; Text and File Upload

I'm trying to submit a form entry with an uploaded file, but I can't seem to get the controller to save the data properly.
Essentially, I want to post a caption and the uploaded source in one form.
An example of my domain class:
class Image {
String caption
Date dateCreated
Date lastUpated
String source
I don't how to store the source file and save the entry.
Here is what I've done so far:
def upload () {
def f = request.getFile('source')
f.transferTo(new File("/path/to/file.tmp"))
def save () {
def img = new Image(params) true)
...runtime exception...
File creation works, but obviously the details on saving the Image entry is incorrect.
Consider this question answered. The problem was not Grails, but the tiny detail of me failing to install the plug-in necessary to insert data into the database.
See this source code Grails file upload example or this presentation Uploading files with Grails.
Hope this helps

Grails: Replacing symbols with HTML equivalent

I'm reading a CSV file and one of the columns has text that contains symbols that is not recognized. After I read the file, symbols such as ' becomes � . I'm also saving this into a DB.
Obviously when I display this on a webpage, it shows garbage. How can I substitute HTML code (ex. &#180 ;) for this with Grails?
I am reading the CSV using the csv plugin. Code below:
def f = "clientDocs/testfile.csv"
def fReader = new File(f).toCsvMapReader([batchSize:50, charset:'UTF-8'])
fReader.each { batchList ->
batchList.each {
def description = substituteSymbols(it.Description)
def substituteSymbols(inText) {
Thanks for any help or suggestions. I've already tried string.replaceAll(regExp).
Grails comes with a basic set of encoders/decoders for common tasks.
What you want here is it.Description.encodeAsHTML().
And then if you want the original when displaying in the view, just reverse it with .decodeHTML()
You can read more about these here:
(Edited decode method name typo as per the comment)

Create tab/window with DOM document instead of URI?

I have a web service that requires special headers to be sent in the request. I am able to retrieve expected responseXMLs using an XMLHttpRequest and setRequestHeader().
Now I would like to create a new tab (or window) containing the response document. I would like the default XMLPrettyPrint.xsl file applied to it and when the source is viewed, I'd like to see the un-styled source as when viewing a normal .xml file.
Any ideas?
I ended up creating a protocol handler.
The biggest trick that I didn't find to be documented well was the fact that the XPCOM contract ID must start with ";1?name=". E.g.,:
/* as in foo:// . This is called the scheme. */
var thisIsWhatMyProtocolStartsWith = "foo";
var contractID = ";1?name=" + thisIsWhatMyProtocolStartsWith;
