Lately I have seen many projects which have a web interface and backend in erlang (e.g. flash games on fb or similar).
I was wondering something like that (maybe simpler) could be implemented.
I believe they have an erlang application to provide authentication, and another one to provide routing to the actual game. But then, how do they start a new instance of the game application for each different user? Maybe they create a new node and start the application there? Can you provide me some insight?
Using the actor model you create a process for each connected player which reacts to messages from the Flash client, sends messages either directly to other player processes or to a central process handling global state. This player process reacts to messages from other players as well and send updates back to the client.
You may then build your system architecture upon this idea. Maybe you have multiple central processes which handles different parts of the game. Maybe you let players be split between different "rooms" where each room is its own process. Maybe you have one player process which is active even when the player is disconnected, or maybe you just queue messages and react to them when the player returns. The architecture will of course largely depend upon the type of game you are building.
For a game website, I want a player to contest either agains a human or an AI.
I am using Django + Channels (Django-4.0.2 asgiref-3.5.0 channels-3.0.4)
This is a long way of learning...
Human vs Human: the game take place is the web browser turn by turn. Each time a player connects, it opens a websocket connexion, a move is sent through the socket, processed by the consumer (validated and saved in the database) and sent to the other player.
It is managed only with sync programming.
Human vs AI: I try to use the same route as previously. A test branch check if the game is against the computer and process a move instead of receiving it from the other end of the websocket. This AI move can be a blocking operation as it can take from 2 to 5sec.
I don't want the receive method of the consumer to wait for the AI to return its move, since I have other operations to do quickly (like update some informations on the client side).
Then I thought I could easily take advantage of the allegedly already existing event loop of the channels framework. I could send the AI thinking process to this loop and return the result later to the client through the send method of the consumer.
However, when I write:
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
Django raises a runtime effort error (the same as described here: telling me there is no running event loop.
The solution seemed to be to upgrade asgiref to 3.5.0 which I did but issue not solved.
I think I am a little bit short of background, and some enlightments should help me to understand a little bit more what is the root cause of this fail.
My first questions would be:
In the combo django + channels + asgi: which is in charge to run the eventloop?
How to check if indeed one event loop is running whatever the thread?
Maybe your answers wil raise other questions.
Did you try running your event_loop example on Django 3.2? (and/or with different Python version)? I experienced various problems with Django 4.0 & Python 3.10, so I keep with Django 3.2 and Python3.7/3.8/3.9 for now, maybe your errors are one of these problems?
If you won't be able to get event_loop running, I see two possible alternative solutions:
Open two WS connections: one only for the moves, and the other for all the other stuff, such as updating information on Player's UI, etc.
You can also use multiprocessing to "manually" send calculating AI move to other thread, and then join the two threads again, after receiving the result (the move). To be honest, multiprocessing in Python is quite simple -- it's pretty handy, if you are familiar with the idea of multithreaded applications.
Unfortunately, I have not yet used event loops in channels myself, maybe someone more experienced in that matter will be able to better address your issue.
we are working on a game with real-time matches. 2 players. 1 against 1.
I have to define a list of items in common between the 2 players before the game start.
It's not really a problem in the case of 1 player invite another. In this case i can define the player receiving the invite as the "client". The app of the "server" player will generate the list.
But in the case of an "auto-match" not sure how i can define this kind of relationship between my players as the same code is going to run the same way on the two instance of the apps.
Will try this idea:
Will use a timeelapsed between beginning of the connection and the accepted connection. Exchange the data between users and determine which one should be consider as master/server.
Will post a detail example if the implementation working.
Meanwhile, still opened to any others suggestion.
In peer-peer networking, each device can function as the server. Make your networking client/server agnostic once the connection is made so that it doesn't matter.
I had that same problem and ended up defining my own network classes on top of AsyncSocket so that I could communicate in a middle layer. It's here if you're interested:
github link here
It suited my needs and it may give you some ideas.
I'm writing a FPS XNA game. It gonna be multiplayer so I came up with following:
I'm making two different assemblies — one for the game logic and the second for drawing it and the game irrelevant stuff (like rocket trails).
The type of the connection is client-server (not peer-to-peer), so every client at first connects to the server and then the game begins.
I'm completly decided to use XNA.Framework.Game class for the clients to run their game in window (or fullscreen) and the GameComponent/DrawableGameComponent classes to store the game objects and update&draw them on each frame.
Next, I want to get the answer to the question:
What should I do on the server side? I got few options:
Create my own Game class on the server, which will process all the game logic (only, no graphics). The reason why I am not using the standart Game class is when I call Game.Run() the white window appears and I cant figure out how to get rid of it.
Use somehow the original XNA's Game class, which is already has the GameComponent collection and Update event (60 times per second, just what I need).
I got more questions:
First, what socket mode should I use? TCP or UDP? And how to actually let the client know that this packet is meant to be processed after that one?
Second, if I is going to use exacly GameComponent class for the game objects which is stored and processed on the server, how to make them to be drawn on the client? Inherit them (while they are combined to an assembly)? Something else?
First of all, your game logic should be on the server.. Not only does that prevent cheating, but it also garantees consistency, especially over random operations. The clients should only be sending their inputs to the server
I'd recommend your keep the server's window visible to make it a debug console, you'll need it, to know what your server is doing exactly.
For a FPS, UDP is recommended. You'll be sending a lot of data and you don't really care if your packets are all received or ordered. While the packets are not garanteed to arrive ordered, you don't really have to worry about it. Most of the time, they will arrive in order anyway. Let's say you send 60 frames per second to your clients and one of your packet arrives in the wrong order: Your client will have erroneous information for 1/60th of a second, which is barely visible.
Finally, you should send a serialized representation of your game state multiple times per second to your clients. They should be able to retrieve that information and draw it the same way as your server. You could even serialize your gamecomponent and send it if you think that's appropriate. It's really up to you to decide.
Hope this helps!
I'm building a web game in Ruby on Rails that relies on a choose-your-own-adventure mechanic coupled with a time-waiting system (a la Zynga and the come back in 15m, 30m, 1hr, etc concept).
However, I need a game loop to run in the background to constantly run and check if the "quests" that players are waiting on are ready and if so, ping the user(email/smartphone push notification/whatever they want). I obviously need it to do more than just this, but this is the core functionality.
I don't want to throw this into a Rails controller because I don't need the game logic running on every single page view or for it to be hammered when tons of users are on, rather I just need a loop to run continuously (at a set interval) and handle all of the small tasks that will be necessary to run the backend of a multiplayer game.
What language/technique is best for this, or do I even need to leave my Ruby/Rails foundation at all?
EDIT: This game does not feature a "persistent" world and has no real need of persistent connections with clients. The game is spread out over many pages and it will feature some asynchronous functionality (a news 'ticker' at the top that has updates pushed to it, etc).
Sounds like you're looking for a background worker of some sort. Heroku supports a scheduler that you can set to run every ten minutes; documentation is here:
Otherwise, a system like Resque ( ) or DelayedJob ( ) would be good plugins for handling periodic introspection without tying up your controllers.
Check out either PusherApp or PrivatePub
My idea is that the player will conduct a movement, and then broadcast out (via pusher or private pub) to the other players that it is their turn.
Check on page load or by JS request if the event is finished already. In example when you show page that inform your user about time to end process then you will update it with JA, when time come to 0.0s then refresh page or use AJAX and show info that process is finished. If user leave the page and return back you will know that he finished that process.
I'm developing an application that processes a real time data feed across the internet. There are 2 fundamentally different things I want to do with it: one extremely simple but critical that it never is interrupted. Another much more complex but interruption is not such a horrible problem. Given that the second would have higher risk of the application crashing due to its complexity... I'm asking if there is some way that both can be receiving the data feed at the same time?
I could have both functions in a single application but if it crashes, that's very bad. I was thinking by separating the two functions into two applications, it might provide more robust handling for the critical simple processing.
But if I separate into two applications, is it possible for both of them to receive the identical data at the same time? Some type of OS networking voodoo or something?
It depends on the stream and on the way you want to implement it - some general ideas to achieve what you describe:
make a receiver app
this has the only purpose in receiving the feed and dispatching it to any apps/consumers who register to receive... if the receiving apps are on the same system you can use shared memory (MemoryMappedFile in .NET for example) which is really fast... this would help regarding future requirements - for example if you need to implement another processing app it just needs to register with the receiver app... another nice side-effect: the receiver app can capture the feed to some persistence and thus allow a "replay" for testing purposes etc.
make the "critical" one multiplex the feed
this would mean only your critical app receives the feed and sends a copy to the other app (for example on a different thread)