Load page to a div jQuery Mobile - jquery-mobile

I want to load the content of a page that is in another folder (eg: "files/pages/example.html") for the div container by clicking on the button in jQuery Mobile!
How to do it?
<div data-role="page">
<div id="container" data-role="content"><button id="clickButton">Click me!</button></div>

The $.mobile.loadPage is the method you need. It allows you to load an external html file and insert it into the dom. Default for this method is to load it as an entire page, so you have to specify the options to load it into a dom element. This is an example (and untested) code:
$.mobile.loadPage("theURLofThePage",{pageContainer: $('#container')})
now, don't forget about the crossDomain security problem. I managed to make this work in firefox by adding:
$("#landingPage").live('pageinit', function() {
jQuery.support.cors = true;
Also, the page you are loading must be wrapped in a data-role=page div (let's say it has id='secondPage'). After the load, trigger on the data-role=page with id=secondPage div:


Change href attribute pointing to popup id jquery Mobile

How can I use jquery to change the id of a div acting as a jquery mobile popup as well as the href of the anchor pointing to the popup?
In my webapp I have an anchor that, when clicked, brings up a jquery mobile popup div all of which I'm inserting dynamically. In any instance of the webapp, I don't know how many times this code will be inserted. Therefore, my understanding is that I need to be able to dynamically create a unique id for the jquery mobile popup div and set the href of my popup icon.
I am not currently succeeding at dynamically changing the id and href. I've created the following test (JSFiddle Test).
Here is my sample html:
<div class="phone1">
<p class="textLeft"> <strong>Number: </strong><span>(555)555-5555</span>
Learn more
<div id="myPopup" data-role="popup" class="ui-content" data-theme="a" style="max-width:350px;">
<p class="flagText">This number has been flagged as incorrect</p>
Change href property
Here is my sample javascript / jquery:
$('#changeButton').click(function () {
alert("Handler for .click() called.");
$('.phone1 > a').prop('href', 'myNewPopup');
$('#myPopup').attr('id', 'myNewPopup');
Thank you for your help in advance!
As your anchor is not a direct child of .phone1 but rather a grandchild, the > selector does not work. Also the href needs the # symbol:
$('.phone1 a').prop('href', '#myNewPopup');
Technically you should also use prop to update the id as well:
$('#myPopup').prop('id', 'myNewPopup');
Updated FIDDLE
Are you sure you need to do this. After dynamically inserting the popup the first time, you could just update it each successive time by testing if it exists in the DOM first:
if ($("#myPopup").length > 0){
} else {

Append html to div not working on cordova iOS

I am using cordova 2.2.0 with Xcode 4.5.2. On one of my pages I have a select component and once a particular option is selected I want to display a table within a div. My html looks like this: <div class="hero-unit" id="#facprog"></div>
The javascript/jquery looks like this:
$(function() {
$('#selFaculty').change(function() {
var facultyName = $('#selFaculty').val();
var progDetails = app.fillFacultyProgramme(facultyName);
Note that #selFaculty is the id of the select object. However, when the select option changes, everything in javascript executes except for the append. Nothing shows up in the div. Is there a different way to add html element to a div in jquery under cordova 2.2.0 in iOS?
Thanks in advance,
With jquery you can refresh a div.
This is a good example:
var auto_refresh = setInterval(
}, 20000);
and now you need to put the div in the body section of your page
<div id="loaddiv">
from http://designgala.com/how-to-refresh-div-using-jquery/
and there is another example here:
refresh div with jquery
The first example is useful when you need to load a script and refresh and the second one is useful when you need to make a change, e.g. append html and then refresh as in your case.

jQuery UI tabs: How do I load a specific element from a different page?

I have jQuery UI tabs set up, but a problem that I'm having with links to different pages is that they load all contents of the page into the tab. This includes the footer, header, and other navbars that I don't want in the tab. What if I would only like to load a single ID from that page?
My tabs are set up this way:
<div id="mytabs">
<li>Awesome page</li>
Nothing much going on in the jQuery...
$(function() {
$( "#mytabs" ).tabs();
Let's say this is the html of "awesomepage" (that the first link targets):
<title>awesome page</title>
<div id="header">bla</div>
<div id="awesomeness">awesomeness!</div>
<div id="footer">fdsfd</div>
...And I only want the tab to load #awesomeness from the page. How would I go about doing this? I've read into some guides that do that by adding a data-target="#youridhere" attribute to the HTML, but I'm still confused on how to implement the javascript. It seems like this is a convenient solution, as I won't be targeting the same ID in every page. Any clues on how to get the javascript working?
Thanks in advance!
The function that allow to load partial code of the response is the $.load() function.
Unfortunately, the tabs() feature does not use this function but use $.ajax instead.
You can try this solution:
You can try to stop the default processing on the beforeLoad callback and manage your ajax call with the $.load() method.
(base on the 1.9 documentation, you may should adapt)
// Callback run when selecting a tab
beforeLoad: function(event, ui) {
// If the panel is already populated do nothing
if (ui.panel.children().size() > 0)
return false;
// Make your own ajax load (with fragment feature)
ui.panel.load(ui.tab.attr('href') + ' #yourFragment');
// stop the default process (default ajax call should not be launched)
return false;
NOTICE: I'm not sure about extracting the URL with ui.tab.attr('href'), check before what object is ui.tab, but it should be easy to retrieve the href parameter.
Good luck
Got the solution :) Using one of the answers as a reference point, the tabs can now load a single element specified in the data-target attribute. Here is the modified version:
$(function() {
beforeLoad: function(event, ui) {
if (ui.panel.children().size() > 0)
return false;
ui.panel.load($('a', ui.tab).attr('href') + $('a', ui.tab).attr('data-target'));
return false;

Jquery show if url contains

I have a simple jquery script that shows and hides div block:
<script type="text/javascript">'
<a class="show_hide" href="#">Show/hide</a>
<div name="gohere" class="slidingDiv">
It's working fine, but if the URL contains #gohere I want to automatically show this div and hide it only if .show_hide is clicked.
Set the divs ID to be gohere, then you can do:
since your href attribute will contain #gohere, the selector for the slidetoggle will end up being #gohere, which corelates to your divs ID.
for the first part of your question, you can get the current hash tag from window.location.hash.
if (window.location.hash.length > 0) {
You should probably put some better error checking in there, but it should work.

jQuery Mobile - back button

I am developing the application using jQuery Mobile 4.1.
In my app, I have two html pages like login.html and home.html. In the home.html have 3 pages. () like menupage, searchpage, resultpage.
The project flow is login.html ---> home.html. In home.html, menupage is displayed as a first page. If I choose the some option in the menupage it will move to searchpage and then resultpage. consider, currently I am in the resultpage. If I press the back button on the mobile browsers (iPhone-safari, Android-chrome) then it moves to the login.html.
But I want to display the searchPage. How to solve this one? is it possible to do this?
[Note : The pages should be in the single html page(home.html).
use the attribute data-rel="back" on the anchor tag instead of the hash navigation, this will take you to the previous page
Look at back linking: Here
Newer versions of JQuery mobile API (I guess its newer than 1.5) require adding 'back' button explicitly in header or bottom of each page.
So, try adding this in your page div tags:
<div data-role="page" id="page2" data-add-back-btn="true" data-back-btn-text="Back">
return false;
You can try this script in the header of HTML code:
$.extend( $.mobile , {
ajaxEnabled: false,
hashListeningEnabled: false
You can use nonHistorySelectors option from jquery mobile where you do not want to track history. You can find the detailed documentation here http://jquerymobile.com/demos/1.0a4.1/#docs/api/globalconfig.html
This is for version 1.4.4
<div data-role="header" >
try to use li can be more even
