Change href attribute pointing to popup id jquery Mobile - jquery-mobile

How can I use jquery to change the id of a div acting as a jquery mobile popup as well as the href of the anchor pointing to the popup?
In my webapp I have an anchor that, when clicked, brings up a jquery mobile popup div all of which I'm inserting dynamically. In any instance of the webapp, I don't know how many times this code will be inserted. Therefore, my understanding is that I need to be able to dynamically create a unique id for the jquery mobile popup div and set the href of my popup icon.
I am not currently succeeding at dynamically changing the id and href. I've created the following test (JSFiddle Test).
Here is my sample html:
<div class="phone1">
<p class="textLeft"> <strong>Number: </strong><span>(555)555-5555</span>
Learn more
<div id="myPopup" data-role="popup" class="ui-content" data-theme="a" style="max-width:350px;">
<p class="flagText">This number has been flagged as incorrect</p>
Change href property
Here is my sample javascript / jquery:
$('#changeButton').click(function () {
alert("Handler for .click() called.");
$('.phone1 > a').prop('href', 'myNewPopup');
$('#myPopup').attr('id', 'myNewPopup');
Thank you for your help in advance!

As your anchor is not a direct child of .phone1 but rather a grandchild, the > selector does not work. Also the href needs the # symbol:
$('.phone1 a').prop('href', '#myNewPopup');
Technically you should also use prop to update the id as well:
$('#myPopup').prop('id', 'myNewPopup');
Updated FIDDLE
Are you sure you need to do this. After dynamically inserting the popup the first time, you could just update it each successive time by testing if it exists in the DOM first:
if ($("#myPopup").length > 0){
} else {


how to transfer data from <a> tag to popup dialog in jquery mobile?

i dynamically generate this html code to delete an item with an id=3 for example:
"<a href='javascript:delete('" + + "')>";
when i click this, it will execute delete('3');i change it as:
<a href='#delete' data-rel='popup' data-position-to='window' data-transition='pop'>
and add a dialog for this tag:
<div data-role='popup' id='delete'>
<a href='javascript:delete(' data-role='button'>delete</a>
how to transfer the item's id to this popup dialog's tag, any suggestion?
I feel like you might be going through the wrong way to achieve this. Some things to change :
delete is a JavaScript keyword. You cant use it as a function.
Don't use the onclick attribute. It results in duplication. Instead, you could use a click event for repetitive actions.
You seem to have gotten the idea to create multiple popups (one for each click of the anchor tag). I think one would do.
Now, in correlation with whatever I've just put down, here's some sample code.
<a href='#' class='delete' data-num='" + i + "'>Delete me</a>
(Note the data-num attribute in the HTML, the addition of class attribute and the removal of onclick in your code)
It could be replaced by JS which looks like this :
$(this).on("click", ".delete", function (e) {
//prevent default action
//take the id value
var id = $(this).data("num");
//send that value to the popup
A demo fiddle for you to look at :

Remove hash id from url

I have a menu header and when you click one of the menu links it directs to another page half way down (which i want) as it finds the relevant div id name. I was wondering if there is a way to clean the url back up again so it doesn't include the #id in my url? Tried window.location hash and this breaks it from scrolling and leaves the # in the url. Here is what i have:
In my menu: <li><a href="about#scroll-to" ....
And on the about page, it scrolls down to a div called #scroll-to..<div id="scroll-to"></div>
Any suggestions would be great. Thanks!
Using jquery, you can make a POST call to the target page when menu is clicked.
The POST data will contain the id of the div where you want to slide to.
On your target page, use your server language (php, asp) to output that id in a js variable and on document ready slide using jquery to that id.
Then you will have a clean url, and the page scrolling to your div.
---- edit: here comes the code!
Lets use jquery to make a POST to the target page, when a menu item is clicked. We will add a class, lets say, "mymenuitem". We will add this class to our link in the menu. So we will have
<li>Information about us</li>
(the onClick stops link from redirecting manually)
and an empty form (put it after the < body >)
<form id="slidinganchorform" method="post" action="YOURTARGETPAGE.HTML"></form>
then we will create the neccessary jquery so when the < a > tag with class "mymenuitem" is clicked, we will make a POST to the target page.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(".mymenuitem").click(function() {
// we will split the clicked href's value by # so we will get [0]="about" [1]="scroll-to"
var the_anchor_id_to_scroll_to = $(this).attr("href").split('#')[1];
// lets do the POST (we WILL TRIGGER a normal FORM POST while appending the correct id)
$("#slidinganchorform").append('<input type="hidden" name="anchorid" value="'+ the_anchor_id_to_scroll_to + '">');
then in our YOURTARGETPAGE.HTML we will have something like (let's assume we use php)
<!-- make sure your jquery is loaded ;) -->
<script type="text/javascript">
// lets get the position of the anchor (must be like <a name="scroll-to" id="scroll-to">Information</a>)
var thePositiontoScrollTo = jQuery('#<?php echo $_POST['anchorid']; ?>').offset().top;
// Lets scroll
jQuery('html, body').animate({scrollTop:thePositiontoScrollTo}, 'slow');
be sure the correct id must exist ;)
<a name="scroll-to" id="scroll-to">Information about us or whatever...</a>
(remove your old code because i changed some variable names and it will be difficult to debug if there are parts from the previous version. write everything from the start )
You can do this when the new page loads
history.pushState("", document.title, window.location.pathname);
However it will also remove the query string. Although, you could play with it a little bit to keep it

Load page to a div jQuery Mobile

I want to load the content of a page that is in another folder (eg: "files/pages/example.html") for the div container by clicking on the button in jQuery Mobile!
How to do it?
<div data-role="page">
<div id="container" data-role="content"><button id="clickButton">Click me!</button></div>
The $.mobile.loadPage is the method you need. It allows you to load an external html file and insert it into the dom. Default for this method is to load it as an entire page, so you have to specify the options to load it into a dom element. This is an example (and untested) code:
$.mobile.loadPage("theURLofThePage",{pageContainer: $('#container')})
now, don't forget about the crossDomain security problem. I managed to make this work in firefox by adding:
$("#landingPage").live('pageinit', function() { = true;
Also, the page you are loading must be wrapped in a data-role=page div (let's say it has id='secondPage'). After the load, trigger on the data-role=page with id=secondPage div:

Jquery show if url contains

I have a simple jquery script that shows and hides div block:
<script type="text/javascript">'
<a class="show_hide" href="#">Show/hide</a>
<div name="gohere" class="slidingDiv">
It's working fine, but if the URL contains #gohere I want to automatically show this div and hide it only if .show_hide is clicked.
Set the divs ID to be gohere, then you can do:
since your href attribute will contain #gohere, the selector for the slidetoggle will end up being #gohere, which corelates to your divs ID.
for the first part of your question, you can get the current hash tag from window.location.hash.
if (window.location.hash.length > 0) {
You should probably put some better error checking in there, but it should work.

JQuery dialog for multiple rows

I have a list of objects. Each object has its own values. On webpage they are presented as rows. What I want to do is to add JQuery dialog that pops up when a link on a specific row is clicked. What is the best way to do that? Is is better to define a dialog in every row or just use one? Problem is I can't reach elements inside dialog to fill them with row data. Is there any good example concerning this? Thank you
Just use one dialog, it should be initially hidden anyway:
<div id="rowDialog" style="display:none">
<div id="rowDialogDiv">in here we are
<button id="rowDialogButton>Custom button</div>
initialize dialog, not showing it at first:
$('#rowDialog').dialog({ autoOpen: false });
put in an event handler for the row:
var rowClicked = $(this);
$('#rowDialogDiv).text('In the dialog, show we clicked row:' + rowClicked.index());
Strongly suggest you give the table and ID and then access the table rows from that for speed and, just in case you have multiple tables etc.
You can also have event handlers for the dialogs elements:
//do button stuff
something like this maybe?
<div id="myDialog">
<input id="myElementThatICanAccess" />
The jQuery Code:
$("#myElementThatICanAccess","#myDialog").val($(this).val()); // or whatever value you want
