I have an easy question, though I'm not sure if it's doable or not:
How can I add an "about" page to my settings.bundle in iOS?
I have seen it done before. Just have a look at the facebook application settings. When you tap "about", you get an entire page full of text.
How is this done?
Are they relying on internal API perhaps?
It is called a 'Child Pane'- From Apple Documentation;
"The child pane type lets the user navigate to a new page of preferences. You use this type to implement hierarchical preferences. For more information on how you configure and use this preference type, see “Hierarchical Preferences.”
The key for this type is PSChildPaneSpecifier."
This is my first ever question on here so please excuse if I don't provide something that is needed for you to answer the question.
Anyways. I'm currently implementing a roomle configurator in a web page, that uses the weglot translator. However, the iframe isn't translated, because it is in another window element.
I'm trying to update the language in the configurator, when the language is selected in the dropdown. I found, that i can change the "locale" attribute when loading the configurator, but coulndn't find if there was a way to update the locale attribute down the line.
Thanks in advance for your answers
Unfortunately it's not possible to change the language of the Rubens configurator during runtime.
It would be possible to reload the configurator when your user changes the language in the dropdown and re-open the current configuration again.
We have a scenario where we'd like to display a custom URL in an Excel JS Task Pane via an add-in. Specifically, we want to look at a configurable path setting that we'll allow the user to configure and then browse to the appropriate server's page.
From what I've seen, Office locks down the Task Panes pretty decently, I'm not even able to navigate to another page within a task pane and have it re-use the task pane even if I use an anchor tag with a target="_top" or target="_self" attribute.
I'm looking for a way to use JavaScript to perform a ShowTaskPane action or have a variable URL defined in the manifest so depending on some value of a property the user has configured I can route to a dynamically generated URL in the task pane that will then give me user / organizational specific data to insert into the document.
Any ideas?
If you'd like to navigate to a URL in the task pane, define an <AppDomain> element for the URL in the manifest. That should work. https://dev.office.com/docs/add-ins/overview/add-in-manifests#specify-domains-you-want-to-open-in-the-add-in-window
If you cannot define the domain in the <AppDomain> of the app manifest, you can IFrame in the content you want. As long as it supports IFrame-ing
Upadte: After reading the comments on the question I see that you are trying to provide authentication. If the authentication comes from a single set of domains just add them to your manifest and all will be sweet. If the domain changes per auth request you are pretty much out of luck until wildcarded domains are added.
I am writing code that capture hotkey after user press control-button in preferences of addon - I want to change the label when user push the button and change again when user push some keys (to display the new hotkey). Official documentation about simple-prefs not mention that I can change something visual in loaded preferences view and in debug I looked into object prefs and saw that my preferences is just a strings - only the values and types.
I do not think you can unless you hack the preferences page. I saw your other question and the example add-on from the answer. It's not using simple-prefs and I don't think it's a great user experience either. I have the same problem and was thinking to use a control button to bring up a panel on which you can listen to the keystrokes and print them there. A panel is all html so you can do whatever you like.
Calling window.navigator.getGamepads() returns a valid list of Gamepad objects, but the axes and buttons properties are always null.
The index and ID properties are all valid though. Am I missing something or does it just not work yet?
The Gamepad API works in dart, just not in the dartium browser (see Issue 15119).
If you need to use the API, either create a new browser launch, or right-click your html file and then click on 'Run as JavaScript'. Either of these solutions will launch in your standard browser.
I'm hoping someone can help me because this is driving me crazy.
I have a multilingual DrupaL 7 site set up with English being the main language and French being the secondary language. I have url aliasing set up and for the most part it works correctly.
The problem arises when I have pages that I don't want included in a menu, so I leave the "provide a menu link" box unchecked. Even if the "Generate automatic URL aliases" box is checked for those pages without a menu link, the page completely ignore any url alias patterns I have set up and the url always shows up as 'node/31' instead of 'my-content-page'. If I hardcode in a URL alias via the URL path settings on the page, it WILL take those, but this is not what I want. I want it to take the url alias pattern I've set up for it. I even installed the "Pathauto persistent state" module and forced the "Generate automatic URL aliases" to remain checked just in case, but my alias patters are still ignored.
Both English and French pages do this if the page is not provided a menu link.
Has anyone seen this behaviour before? Does anyone have any ideas what might be wrong?
This can happen when you have tokens in your URL alias pattern that doesn't work for any reason. In your case it sounds like you have a pattern including a "menu item" token, so when you save your node without a menu item, the URL alias is not created.
The solution would be to either include a menu item, manually add your URL alias, or change anything looking like [node:menu-link] in your URL alias patterns to something else.
I think I had the same problem, and the point was that the "Basic Page" content-type needed to have available the menus of the appropiate languages in its "menu settings" (in admin/structure/ then "edit" basic-page) .
Hope this will work for you too.
If your have a non english site, follow the issue: https://drupal.org/node/1847444 and patch or solution.
I had the same problem and I solved it, "I hope forever", by reading the comment written by enzipher:
This can happen when you have tokens in your URL alias pattern that
doesn't work for any reason.
I'm using a custom pattern and I solved it by following these steps:
I went to pattern page, deleted custom token and save
I went to node and edit, then saved the node and url alias had been created like domain/language/title_node
I went to pattern page, insert same custom token and saved
I went to node again and edited it, then saved and the correct node url alias has been created