Visual Studio macro to navigate to T4MVC link -

I use T4MVC and I'm happy with it and want to keep it - it keeps down run time defects. Unfortunately, it makes it harder to navigate to views and content (a.k.a. Views and Links in T4MVC) though. Even using Resharper, I can't navigate to the referenced item:
T4MVC and Resharper Navigation
Can I get a hand building a macro to do this? Never having built a VS IDE macro before, I don't have a grasp on how to get at some things, like the internal results of the "Go To Definition" process, if that's even possible.
If you aren't familiar with T4MVC, here's generally what the macro might do to help:
Given the token: Links.Content.Scripts.jQuery_js in the file MyView.cshtml, '(F12) Go To Definition'. This behaves properly.
Having arrived at the the related assignment:
public readonly string jQuery_js = "~/Content/Scripts/jQuery.js"; in a file generated by T4MVC (which is very nice, thank you David, but we really don't ever need to see), capture the string assigned and close the file.
Navigate in Solution Explorer to the PhysicalPath represented by the captured string.
This process would also work for views/layouts/master-pages/partials, etc.
If you provide a macro or link to a macro to do this, or have another solution, wonderful. Otherwise, hints on how to do step 3 simply in a VS macro would be especially appreciated and receive upvote from me. I'd post the macro back here as an answer when done.

Here's a Visual Studio macro to help.
What it does
Now you probably use T4MVC references in places like this:
Layout = MVC.Shared.Views.MasterSiteTheme;
<link type="text/css" href="#Links.Content.Style.SiteTheme_css" />
return View(MVC.Account.Views.SignIn);
#Html.ActionLink("Sign in / Register", MVC.Account.SignIn())
F12 (Go to Definition) already works for the last bullet (actions), but this hack is intended to cover the other scenarios (resources).
Imports EnvDTE
Imports System.IO
Public Module NavT4Link
Sub NavigateToLink()
Dim navpath As String = Path.GetFileName(DTE.ActiveDocument.FullName)
Dim isContentLink As Boolean = navpath.Equals("T4MVC.cs")
If (isContentLink Or navpath.EndsWith("Controller.generated.cs")) Then
Dim t4doc As TextDocument = DTE.ActiveDocument.Object()
navpath = CurrentLinePathConstant(t4doc)
If isContentLink Then
navpath = Path.Combine(CurrentLinePathConstant(t4doc), navpath)
End If
If navpath.StartsWith("~") Then
Dim proj As Object = DTE.Solution.FindProjectItem(DTE.ActiveDocument.FullName).ContainingProject
navpath = Path.GetDirectoryName(proj.Fullname()) + navpath.TrimStart("~")
End If
End If
End Sub
Function CurrentLinePathConstant(ByVal t4doc As TextDocument) As String
Dim sa() As String = t4doc.Selection.Text().Split("""")
If sa.Length > 1 Then Return sa(sa.Length - 2) Else Return ""
End Function
End Module
In Visual Studio, press "Alt-F8" to open Macro Explorer.
Right-Click "My Macros", select "New Module...", and click "Add".
Replace all the text with the code shown here.
Save and exit the Macro Editor.
Open "Tools : Options".
In the left pane, select "Environment : Keyboard".
In the "Show commands containing" text field enter "T4".
In the "Press shortcut keys:" field press the "F12" key.
Click "Assign" and "OK".
On un-patched VS, this installation process doesn't result in a 'bindable' macro. A workaround was to (CTRL-SHIFT-R-R) to record an empty macro, and paste the code into it without renaming it. If someone knows of a more documentable approach to install a macro in VS, please comment.
It's meant to replace the current F12 functionality, so if it isn't a T4MVC link, it will do the usual, otherwise it continues on to open the resource. It handles the majority of cases, but not T4MVC-generated empty controller methods. Those you get dumped off at the same place you did before.
For Content/Asset/Link resources, navigating to it in Solution Explorer would probably be in order, for image files for example, but I didn't see that functionality in the Visual Studio docs.


How to prevent automatic hyperlink detection in the console of Firefox/Chrome developer tools?

Something that drives me nuts in the developper tools of Chrome (106) and Firefox (105) is the fact that whenever some text logged to the console via console.log(text) happens to contain a hyperlink, this link is not only turned clickable (I can live with it even when I usually prefer to have just plain text) but is abbreviated, if it is a long link. So when I want to control what precise link is in some variable, I cannot just write e.g. console.log(img.src), because some of the interesting information of the link is hidden.
You can try yourself with
var href = '';
In both, Firefox and Chrome, the output for me contains some '...', e.g. in Firefox I obtain as output:…link%5D+automatic+detection&someMoreStuffTomakeTheLinkLonger
thus hiding the part after "-devtools". (Chrome hides a slightly different part). The console is mostly a debugging tool. I log things because I want to see them, not hide them. I always need to either hover with the mouse and wait for the tooltip (doesn't allow me to copy fractions of the link) or to right click copy the link and paste it somewhere where I can see it completely. Or take a substring to remove the "https://" in the front. But note that the variable isn't necessarily a single hyperlink, but can be any text containing several such hyperlinks. I didn't find a way to force console.log to just print plain text all content. Did anybody meet this problem as well and find a workaround?
I made this a community wiki answer, because the main insight is not from myself but from the comments. Feel free to improve.
The console.log() function allows several arguments, which allows also a formatted output similar to printf in some languages. The possibilities of formatting can be found in the documentation of console.log() on MDN. In any case, this formatted output provides a solution at least for Chrome, as #wOxxOm pointed out in the comments:
console.log('%O', href) // works in Chrome
This is rather surprising, because %O is described at MDN as
"Outputs a JavaScript object. Clicking the object name opens more information about it in the inspector".
It seems there is no 'clicking' in Chrome when the object is a string.
There is also %s for string output, but this just gives the standard behavior of replacing links in both browsers. And for Firefox none of the above two formatting options works. There one really has to replace the protocol "https://" by something that is not recognized as link. A space behind ':' seems enough, so "https: //". It turns out, that one can also insert a formatting string "https:%c//", which can even be empty, and thus yield an output which is the complete link and can be copied as well:
console.log(href.replace(/(https?:)/, "$1%c"), ""); // works in Firefox
In particular the FF solution is cumbersome, and there might also be several links within one console-output. So it is useful to define one's own log-function (or if one prefers, redefine console.log, but note the remark at the end)
function isChrome() {...} // use your favorite Chrome detection here
function isFirefox() {...} // use your favorite Firefox detection here
function plainLog() {
const msg = arguments[0];
if (isChrome() && arguments.length == 1 && typeof msg == "string") {
return console.log("%O", msg);
if (isFirefox() && arguments.length == 1 && typeof msg == "string") {
const emptyStyle = ""; // serves only as a separator, such that FF doesn't recognize the link anymore
const reg = /(https?:)\/\//g;
const emptyStyles = []; // we need to insert one empty Style for every found link
const matches = msg.matchAll(reg);
for (let match of matches) {
return console.log(msg.replace(reg, '$1%c//'), ...emptyStyles);
return console.log(...arguments);
For browser detection isChrome() and isFirefox() see e.g. here on SO.
One can of course extend the redefinition also to the other console functions (, console.warn, etc.)
The downside of the redefinition of console.log is that usually every output of the console shows also the last entry of the call stack as a practical link to the source of the logging. But due to the redefintion, this link is now always to the same place, namely the file and line number where plainLog() is defined and calls console.log(), instead of the place where the new log command plainLog() was called. This new problem is described on SO here, but the solution (see comment) is again a bit involved and also not completely satisfying to serve as a replacement for the built-in console.log . So if links appear only rarely in the logging, it's probably better to switch to the redefined plainLog() only for these links.

How to Auto-Alignment Shortcut Key in Keil uVision?

I want to find Auto-Alignment Shortcut Key in Keil uVision. I tried some shortcut keys but I can not find. In Visual Studio I used to: CTRL + K + D , but in keil uVision I don't know how it is work.
For example :
When you type below ( usually copied from another text file which was not tabified correctly):
Use the shortcut key Auto Alignment with this block of code can auto formatting your code as below :
Stop searching. There is no such feature.
Was able to align in uVision5 with Astyle (
File must be saved so that this tool can do its work.
Instructions :
Copy the Astyle.exe file to the Keil installation directory (e.g. D:/Keil_v5/)
Then open Keil and under the Tools menu, open the Customize Tools Menu option.
Create a new Menu Content, the name can be casual .
Command selects the Astyle.exe file in the keil installation directory.
Fill in Arguments !E
You can add a shortcut key for the operation in Edit.
Cheers to this

How to add custom code snippets in VSCode?

Is it possible to add custom code snippets in Visual Studio Code? And if so, how? VSCode is based on Atom, so it should be possible.
Hit > shift + command + p and type snippets
Select Preferences: Configure User Snippets
Choose the language type for which you want to add the custom snippet in the vscode inputbox
vscode has comments to explain on how to add a snippet, as described on :> vsdoc or you can follow the next link with a short guide:
Lets say, we want to open custom snippets for the language GO. Then we can do:
Hit > command + p
Type: go.json + enter And you land on the custom snippet page
Snippets are defined in a JSON format and stored in a per-user (languageId).json file. For example, Markdown snippets go in a markdown.json file.
Using tools:
Snippet Generator extension (recommended)
Online snippet generator
Option 1 - Use the Snippet Generator extension.
It supports code to JSON conversion with optional scope support and space to \t conversion.
Option 2 - Another extension is snippet-creator (deprecated).
After installing it, all you have to do is to :
Select the code that you want to make a snippet.
Right-click on it and select "Command Palette"(or Ctrl+Shift+P).
Write "Create Snippet".
Choose the type of files needed to be watched to trigger your snippet shortcut.
Choose a snippet shortcut.
Choose a snippet name.
Option 3 - check this website. you can generate snippets for vs code, sublime text, and atom.
Once snippet being generated on this site. Go to the respective IDE's snippet file and paste the same. For example for a JS snippet in VS code go to File->preference->user snippet then it opens javascript.json file then paste the snippet code from an above site inside this and we are good to go.
As of version 0.10.6 you can add custom snippets. Read the documentation on Creating your Own Snippets.
You can find/create custom snippets by placing the json file in C:\Users\<yourUserName>\AppData\Roaming\Code\User\snippets.
For example, a custom javascript snippets would be in a \snippets\javascript.json
You can also publish you snippets which is a really neat feature as well. John Papa created a nice angular + typescript snippet you can download as an extension in the marketplace.
Here is an example snippet taken for the documentation on a javascript for loop:
"For Loop": {
"prefix": "for",
"body": [
"for (var ${index} = 0; ${index} < ${array}.length; ${index}++) {",
"\tvar ${element} = ${array}[${index}];",
"description": "For Loop"
For Loop is the snippet name
prefix defines a prefix used in the IntelliSense drop down. In this case for.
body is the snippet content.
Possible variables are:
$1, $2 for tab stops
${id} and ${id:label} and ${1:label} for variables
Variables with the same id are connected.
description is the description used in the
IntelliSense drop down
You can check out this video for a quick short tutorial
Go to File --> Preferences --> User Snippets. Select your preferred language.
Now type the following code to make a for loop snippet:
"Create for loop":{
"prefix": "for",
"for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)",
" //code goes here",
"description": "Creates a for loop"
You are done.
Type "for" in the editor and use the first prediction.
install snippet-creator extension (now deprecated).
Highlight the code that you need to make snippet.
press ctrl+shift+P and type "Create snippet" on the command palette and
press ENTER.
select language for which you want to create snippet(eg:-CPP), then type
snippet name, type snippet shortcut and then type snippet description.
You are now good to go.
Type the snippet shortcut in the editor that you entered in step 4, and select the prediction (if no prediction comes press ctrl+space) that comes first.
Hope this helps :)
Note: goto File->Preferences->User Snippets. Then select the language in which youcreated the snippet. You will find the snippet there.
You can add custom scripts, go to File --> Preferences --> User Snippets. Select your preferred language.
If you choose Javascript you can see default custom script for console.log(' '); like this:
"Print to console": {
"prefix": "log",
"body": [
"description": "Log output to console"
There's a VSCode Plugin called: snippet-creator (now deprecated).
After installing it , all you have to do is to:
Select the code that you want to make it a snippet.
Right click on it and select "Command Palette"(or Ctrl+Shift+P).
Write "Create Snippet".
Choose type of files needed to be watched to trigger your snippet shortcut.
Choose a snippet shortcut.
Choose a snippet name.
That's All.
Note : if you want to edit your snippets , you will find them in [fileType].json
Example : Ctrl+P , then select "javascript.json"
I tried by adding snippets in javascriptreact.json but it didn't worked for me.
I tried adding snippets into global scope, and it's working like charm.
FILE --> Preferences --> User snippets
here select New Global Snippets File, give name javascriptreact.code-snippets.
For other languages you can name like [your_longuage].code-snippets
This is an undocumented feature as of now but is coming soon. There is a folder you can add them to and they will appear, but it may change (its undocumented for a reason).
Best advice is to add this to the uservoice site and wait til its final. But it is coming.
On MacOS:
Open the VSCode
Code -> Preferences -> User Snippets
Search for "python" (or any language)
Write your snippet like this:
"Write pdb": {
"prefix": "pdb",
"body": [
"import pdb; pdb.set_trace()",
"description": "Write pdb.set_trace() to debug Python scripts"
Save the file with command + S.
VSCode introduce this in version 0.5, see here.
Snippet syntax follows the TextMate snippet syntax and can write in User Preferences.
If you'd rather not deal with writing your snippets in JSON, check out Snipster. It lets you write snippets as you would write the code itself - not having to wrap each line in quotes, escape characters, add meta information, etc.
It also lets you write once, publish anywhere. So you can use your snippet in VS Code, Atom, and Sublime, plus more editors in the future.
This may not be a real answer (as some have answered above), but if you're interested in creating custom code snippets for other people, you can create extensions using yeoman and npm (which by default comes along with NodeJS) . NOTE: This is only for creating snippets for other's systems. But it also works for you too! Except you need JS code for whole thing.
You can add custom scripts, go to File --> Preferences --> User Snippets. Select your preferred language.
Like mine code is go, I do it as below:
"channel code": {
"prefix": "make_",
"body": [
"${1:variable} := make(chan ${2:type}, ${3:channel_length})",
explanation: $1 will take your tabs & to give hints what are those tabs values, we make it like ${1:some_variable} which could give us hints what are those
I hope, it helps!

OpenCV 245 first building errors

I downloaded the sources of opencv-2.4.5 and I followed the tutorial (on the opencv site for windows) about the installing my own libraries everything. Ok. I created the opencv.sln file with cmake then I opened it with visual studio 2010 professional and I click the build solution but just 9 succeeded. Most of the 200 failed and most of the errors about tbbd.lib not found and opencv_core245d.lib not found with LNK1104 error. I'm trying to solve it for how many days. I've tried to show the ways of files... Anyone can help please? This is about my dissertation. (Build with No Common Language Support)
I spent a good 15 hours or so to get the homework finished using OpenCV. 14.5 of those hours were spent just getting it setup properly. I ran through about 7 tutorial videos, several set up guides, and read hundreds of posts containing resolutions to the same erros I was getting.So I understand that simply installing OpenCV is not a trivial task and there are several steps to do this. So here is a straightforward tutorial for setting it up if you want to use openCV.
It is important to understand how things work as far as linking goes. There are three types of files, your headers that you include, the .dlls that contain the functions, and the libraries that contain instructions for how to call the functions in the .dlls. So here, rather than add just the .dlls as dependencies in the input linker, we are going to add the lib files. We will then create a System Environment variable that will tell the machine where to look for the .dll files when their corresponding library files are referenced. We will be creating a Property Sheet so that when we create a new project, we can simply add the settings to our project by clicking "Add Existing Property Sheet" instead of adding a new one. This way, we never have to go through this again.
NOTE: When text is given in quotes with instructions to copy said text, do not include the quotes.
First of all, the easy part - download OpenCV 2.4.5 from their website. and click OpenCV for Windows. It will download OpenCV 2.4.5.exe.
Install OpenCV
When the download finishes, double click OpenCV-2.4.5.exe to run it.
When asked where to extract the files, type ino the text box: "C:\"
C:\opencv should have been created upon completion. Navigate there to make sure.
Setup Environment Variables
- Right click the bottom left corner of your screen when the start icon pops up.
- Click "Command Prompt (Admin)"
- Type "SETX -m OPENCV_DIR C:\opencv\build" and press enter to set the opencv build directory as a System Environment Variable. Wait for the console to give you confirmation that it is set.
- Right click the bottom left corner of your screen when the "Start" icon pops up. Click System -> Advanced System Settings -> Environment Variables
- In the "System Variables" list box, under the "Variable" collumn, find "Path".
- Highlight the "Path" row and click edit.
- Click in the "Variable Value" text box and hit the "end" key on your keyboard to scroll to the end of the line and add a semicolon.
- Type the following: "C:\opencv\build\x86\vc10\bin;C:\opencv\build\x86\vc10" and click "OK". This will add the openCV bin directory to the system path.
Follow the same steps. The only difference is how you get to the command prompt and the system settings. Google how to set up an environment variable on Windows 7 if needed.
Setup Visial Studio
NOTE: I highly recommend VS2012 Professional because of advanced syntax highlighting that makes life so much easier when programming C++. This version can be downloaded and installed for free from DreamSpark. Just make and account with your student ID. However, the steps for VS2010 and VS2012 are the same.
Open Visual Studio
Click "New Project" and under "C++" select "Win32 Console Application".
When the window opens click "Next", check "Empty Project", and click "Finish". It is very important that you start with an EMPTY PROJECT without a precompiled header.
Locate the "Property Manager." By default, it should be a tab that is sometimes hard to miss. Alternatively it can be accessed by clicking from the toolbar "View" -> "Property Manager".
Right Click "Debug | Win32" and select "Add New Project Property Sheet". Name it "OpenCVProps" and click "Add".
Right Click your new property sheet and select "Properties".
From the left column, go to "C/C++" -> "General" and in the listbox on the right, select "Additional Include Directories" and click "Edit".
Add the following THREE directories:
From the left column, go to "Linker" -> "General" and in the listbox on the right, select "Additional Library Directories" and click "Edit".
Add the following directory:
From the left column, go to "Linker" -> "Input" and in the listbox on the right, select "Additional Dependenies" and click "Edit".
Add the following .lib files to the depedencies. You may do this by copying and pasting these into that edit box. I have purposely not included a bulletpoint to make it easy for you to copy paste these.
NOTE: If building for release, these steps are the same. However, when copying and pasting these files, remove the 'd' from the end of each of them. The 'd' denotes that it is a release library and links to a release .dll.
Congrats! The difficult part is almost done! Click "OK" to close the Window.
Creating and Building a Test Project
Head over to our Solution Explorer. This can be focused from the toolbar via "View" -> "Solution Explorer"
Right click "Source Files" and select "Add" -> "New Item".
Select "C++ File (.cpp)" and name the file "main.cpp". Click "Add".
Copy and paste the following program and press "F7" on your keyboard and watch the bottom left corner of your screen to see if you get a "Build Succeeded" message. If so, only one step left before you compile and run! If not, please retrace your steps, or comment below and maybe I can help.
#include &ltopencv\cv.h&gt
#include &ltopencv\highgui.h&gt
int main(int argc, char* argv)
{ // openCV .image object
cv::Mat inputImage;
//Create a Window
// Initialize our image.
inputImage = cv::imread("Lenna.png");
// Always check to make sure that image has data.
std::cout &lt&lt "Image Failed to Load.";
return -1;
// All is well, display me.
// Wait for user to press a key to exit.
return 0;
If the build succeeded, then all that is left is to add the image to your folder. The placement is very important. I have copied the directoy that I have placed mine in. Follow the same directory pattern.
"C:\Users\Josh\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\ConsoleApplication3\ConsoleApplication3\Lenna.png"
Now hit "Ctrl + F5" To build, compile, and run to observe your image in the window!!
Copy and paste the following code to check if OpenCV is working without being required to add an image. This is useful because if the above code doesn't work, but this code does, then you know you put the image in the wrong folder.
int main(int argc, char* argv)
{ // openCV .image object
cv::Mat image;
//Create a Window
// Create the capture object.
cv::VideoCapture device;
// Open your webcam.;
while (1)
// Read data from your device and store it to the image frame.
device >> image;
// Always check to make sure that image has data.
std::cout&lt&lt "Image Failed to Load.";
return -1;
// All is well, display me.
// Wait for user to press a key to exit.
return 0;
Happy Coding!! Let me know if something didn't work so I can fix it!
Quick Answer
I have managed to compile OpenCV with TBB support using the tutorial here.
Specs: Visual Studio 2012/ Win 7 (64 bit)/ OpenCV 2.4.5/ CUDA 5
I have downloaded the latest TBB zip and extracted it to C:/src/OpenCV/dep (as suggested in the tutorial linked above).
You have to use the following TBB settings in CMake (adapt depending on your file paths):
TBB_LIB_DIR :: C:/src/OpenCV/dep/tbb41_20130314oss/lib/intel64/vc11
TBB_INCLUDE_DIRS :: C:/src/OpenCV/dep/tbb41_20130314oss/include/
TBB_STDDEF_PATH :: C:/src/OpenCV/dep/tbb41_20130314oss/include/tbb/tbb_stddef.h
WITH_TBB :: checked
BUILD_TBB :: unchecked
More Information
Initially, I also wanted to install OpenCV with CUDA 5 support, but it seems that CUDA 5 is incompatible with VS2012. This is the error I got when compiling
Building NVCC (Device) object modules/core/CMakeFiles/cuda_compile.dir/src/cuda/Debug/
nvcc : fatal error : nvcc cannot find a supported cl version. Only MSVC 9.0 and MSVC 10.0 are supported
The good news is that you are using VS2010, which can be used with CUDA, as suggested here.
VS2012 can be set up to create projects with CUDA, but there is currently no way (AFAIK) to compile OpenCV with CUDA support for VS2012 (read this for more info).
In conclusion, people that need CUDA support should compile and use OpenCV with VS2010.
Also, when compiling OpenCV, I got the following errors:
error C3859: virtual memory range for PCH exceeded; please recompile with a command line option of '-Zm118' or greater
fatal error C1076: compiler limit : internal heap limit reached; use /Zm to specify a higher limit
I used the instructions here to finally compile OpenCV. I created a Property Sheet which had /Zm130 as an additional option in Common Properties > C/C++ > Command Line and added it
to all of the generated OpenCV projects.
For your reference, I also attach the CMake configuration and CMakeCache.txt file that I've used (CUDA is disabled as I am using VS2012):
CMake configuration:
Hope this helps and please comment if you need me to elaborate on any step.
I installed again opencv-master, opencv-2.4.5 and opencv-2.4.7 both to my new laptop. OpenCV-2.4.7's imread function returned always null but C-cvImageLoad worked well and opencv-master's cvLoadImage didn't work cvImageLoad or I missed something. But TBB's dir must be .../bin/ia32 not intel64 my OS is 64-bit but VS201x 32-bit this was my error. And I've get stitching and gpu errors and visual studio is telling about the error and this is usually memory allocation limit error and I did same things like your said #dilgenter and now it's working well but just 2.4.5 well and the python_d.lib error can be occur this is not a problem at debug mode I've read about this from a lot of forum sites. I'll try to find why 2.4.7's imread returning null Mat element. But now I'm too busy and this is

Is there a DXL API to get the reference count of opened modules?

The "Manage Open Modules" dialog of DOORS 8.3 lists all open modules, their mode, if visible, etc. and the number of references. I want to use that reference count to decide if my script can securely close the module and to avoid closing if it is currently in use. I'm not sure what the "References" column displays exactly. I didn't find a description of it in the help or corresponding informations on the internet. Does anybody know if there is some undocumented DXL API which gives me access to that information?
Edit: I found the function refcount_ which returns an integer. But I have no idea what the return value means.
It looks like References refers to the number of open modules currently referencing that module. For example: when you open a module that has links, DOORS also opens in the background all of the Link Modules that the links use. So if I open a document that has links through LINKMOD_A, LINKMOD_A will show 1 reference. If I then open another document that has links through that same LINKMOD_A the number of references will increase to 2. I do not see the number of references ever higher than 1 on a Formal Module. Try this on some of your modules and see when you get more than one reference on a link module, then run your refcount_ function against that link module and see if you get the same number. I am not sure if that is the function you are looking for but it is certainly possible. Good Luck!
I assume your script is opening the modules, so all you need to do is check if it is already open first.
string sModuleFullName = "/Some/Module/Path"
Module oModule = module(sModuleFullName)
bool bClose = null(oModule)
if(null(oModule)) {
oModule = read(sModuleFullName, true,true)
// do stuff
if(bClose) {
Alternative method for closing modules opened by triggers, attribute or layout dxl
// Save currently open Modules to a Skip
Skip oOpenModulesSkip = createString()
Module oModule
for oModule in database do {
put(oOpenModulesSkip, fullName(oModule), fullName(oModule))
// do stuff
// Close Modules not in the Skip
for oModule in database do {
if(!find(oOpenModulesSkip, fullName(oModule))) {
close(oModule, false)
