ShareKit Facebook Error After Integration... Not able to post the message - ios

I have been able to integrate the Facebook API using Sharekit.
But currently i am being displayed with the following error.
Can someone provide a lead to me on this that what is going wrong here.
The screen shot for the error is displayed below:

Enter the Facebook APIID in SHKConfig.h file


{"error":{"code":"RESTAPINotEnabledForComponentSharedMailbox","message":"REST API is not yet supported for this mailbox."}}

I dont know where to post this, so im posting it here.
So Im trying out the Office 365 API. I've been following a tutorial :
I downloaded the sample from:
I believe ive set everything up correctly as it compiles, runs and Im able to login - However when I click on the "My Contact" link, I get this error:
API is not yet supported for this mailbox."}}
Has anyone had any experience using this ?
The error means the user doesn't have the mailbox in EXO cloud. Can you verify where the users mailbox is?

Rails App runs well, but facebook gives me 500 error when I share the website link in facebook

My website is at, and it runs well without any error. However when I PASTE the link above on facebook page, the facebook gives me 500 error: "We're sorry but something went wrong (500)"
It is weird enough if i TYPE the link into the facebook comment box, there is no error at all.
Any suggestion? Thanks

Enable to post simple text twit using FHSTwitterEngine in IOS

My application having twitter login and post twit on twitter. so i am using FHSTwitterEngine github demo.
i am successfully login using FHSTwitterEngine. But facing problem to twit post on twitter.
At the time of twit , i am getting this error in my device “Twitter NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1012”.
Ao pls any one can give me solution for twit post using FHSTwitterEngine
And original demo is also not working for me in my device. original demo also give same error “Twitter NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1012”
Link of github demo : “”
Error code -1012 is kCFURLErrorUserCancelledAuthentication. This should mean that some code somewhere called [sender cancelAuthenticationChallenge:] in response to an authentication challenge. This is likely code inside of DMTwitterOAuth, but it's also possible it's Apple's own code inside the URL-loading system. If you're trying to post a tweet you'll likely need Read and Write access.

Twitter and Facebook for Socialize

I'm trying to get Twitter and Facebook to work on Socialize for my iOS app. I've followed the steps on Socialize's website up until the "Linking to existing credentials" area (Twitter:, Facebook: When I run the app, it successfully builds but Facebook and Twitter still do not show up as options for sharing. I have a feeling there's some small part I'm missing but can't figure it out. Does anyone know if maybe there is something that Socialize does not mention in the guide that may need to be done or some other possible answer?
you have to put the following in the app delegate, or another place, follow the documentation:
[SZFacebookUtils setAppId:#"YOUR FB APP ID"];
[SZTwitterUtils setConsumerKey:#"YOUR_TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY" consumerSecret:#"YOUR_TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET"];

iOS >> ShareKit: Twitter & Facebook & Email Doesn't Receive my App Store Link

I'm implementing ShareKit in my app;
I defined in the SHKConfig.h the following definitions:
#define SHKMyAppName #"MyAppName"
#define SHKMyAppURL #""
When I share a link on Twitter or Facebook or Email, it doesn't publish my App Store App link. instead it publishes the following:
Email - No link at all:
Facebook - There is no link/image within the message like I would expect; instead, it only shows the message the user is writing - and the access to my app is from the unintuitive Facebook Get AppName link at the bottom of the feed:
Twitter - here it gives a strange notification saying I'm missing some sort of APIKEY that I couldn't find any definition on the ShareKit files to set:
and then on Twitter Feed:
Can anyone refer me to what I'm missing here?
Dun know if u found an answer but just for future reference, it is caused because of sharekit trying to shorten urls for tweets using . just get an api key for and put it in the config file , this will go away.
