IE weird characters showing on clicking back button - character-encoding

Currently I am working on a i18n project where users can switch languages.
Character encoding is utf-8
The problem happens only in IE8 when:
currently user is in a https page.
Going to a http page after any action - like clicking a static page link
Now clicking back button from the current (http) page
Weird characters showing up instead of original czech characters.
Working perfectly in all other browsers like chrome, firefox etc.
Anyone has faced this kind of issue ? Please help.

Have you verified that the character encoding in the page where you are seeing this problem is defined correctly?
How this should be done is described on this W3C page.

Abandon Internet Explorer 8 support?


Why does Firefox automatically add "%25/" to my URI?

In a Confluence page there is a link to an external html page like "". When I work with IE or with Chrome everything is ok. But when clicking this link in Firefox the result is "".
It seems that this is not a Confluence problem. I entered the url directly into the address field of the browser: the incorrect uri with the "%25/" occurs as well.
Does anybody know what happens and how to avoid it?
Best regards

IE8 shows 404 error message in ASP.NET MVC areas if "show friendly HTTP error messages" is checked

I have an interesting behavior in IE8 if "show friendly HTTP error messages" is checked in the advanced internet options. Maybe IE7 too, I didn't tested this dinosaur. But in works in all other browsers like IE9 and greater, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari...
The IE8 worked well with this ASP.NET MVC 4 Application expect in a single area, which is a separate password protected area in this application. The Authentication works really fine.
If I try to call an Action this area the IE8 shows the View for very short moment and than it shows the "friendly" 404 error message. If I uncheck the "show friendly HTTP error messages" in the advanced internet options, all works fine.
I don't know why IE8 is doing this. Maybe there is a HTTP header which the IE8 can't handle. What do you think? What is the possible reason for this behavior?
The solution is in the comment of asp_net (view the comments above)
remove anything from the page - stylesheets, images and especially scripts - till the call does not end in a 404 anymore
I checked all the resources and found a wrong linked behavior in one of my CSS files

Safari ignoring/removing anchors (or "hashtags") when clicking hyperlinks?

I need to point one page to another and then scroll to a particular section. In Chrome and Firefox, using an URL like does the trick. (#section1 can be an anchor or an element's id).
However, in Safari, the hash disappears when I click the link.
Why is this happening? Is it possible to do it on Safari? If not, how can I get around this problem?
When using hyperlinks that point to inside sections on other pages you must remember to add a slash (/) before the hashtag for cross browser compatibility.
doing isn't accepted by all browsers (apparently by Chrome and Firefox it is)
Case: I have parameters after '#' like url#myParam=123, when I changed params like
url#myParam=789 Safari sometimes loaded previous page based on myParam=123,
although in Address bar it showed myParam=789
Solution : Use url?#myParam=123, then Safari will everytime load new page.
Using '?' before '#' solved my problem.
I had a related problem with Safari (on iPhone/iOS) seemingly stripping off the hash/fragment when doing a:
var newHash = ...;
window.location.replace("#" + newHash);
The actually problem was a javascript error that only appeared on Safari. Since I could not easily assess a javascript console for the iPhone, I chose to download an old version of Window's Safari (related post, download).
Then, I could replicate the problem from the iPhone on my Window's desktop using the old version of Safari. At that point, I found a javascript tag had a missing ']'. This was a legitimate bug, but it was somehow ignored by Chrome, Firefox, and IE.
The window.location.replace() was not even being called, because the code was breaking out on the javascript error. So the problem wasn't that Safari was stripping the hashtag, even though it appeared that way from multi-browser testing.
I just experienced an issue like this. I was using a URL re-write in the web.config. With Safari, the hash and everything after was removed. After trying some of the things mentioned above I was still having problems. The issue for me was that this was all happening under HTTPS. Once I specified the full URL in the redirect and included the https:// scheme the redirect worked correctly and preserved the hash. Note this wasn't an issue with Chrome or Firefox.
For me it was the exact same issue like mrbinky3000 has stated above: The server mod-rewrite was killing the hash in safari.
The solution was to use a full absolute link like:

File not found hashtag problem

My JQM app has a page in it called "settings" which has three buttons serving as links to other pages. One of those pages is called "tracks" and the code for it is below.
Control your relaxation resources
When I click this button I get a "File not found" error and the browser is pointing to the "file:///C:/inetpub/wwwroot/SITES/jQuery%20Mobile%20Form/tracks#tracks" url rather than the "file:///C:/inetpub/wwwroot/SITES/jQuery%20Mobile%20Form/index.html#tracks" url. I'm using FF but it happens in all browsers and it also happens when running on the test website.
The navigation works for the other two buttons on the page.
The behavior occurs regardless of what name I give the page.
I know I've seen this problem discussed but can't find the answer to it, so my apologies in advance it this is a duplicate or triplicate.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Updating to beta 2 of JQM took care of this problem. Don't know why but it is resolved now.

Safari display question marks

I have a website that displays fine with IE and Firefox.
But the menus are replaced by question marks when using Safari (I have been told, not having Safari on my PC).
Here is the home page (get rid of spaces):
www.v u b r i d g
Any help welcome.
BTW, is there any Safari emulation for Windows based PC?
I don't see any question mark on your web page, even on the French version. If there is a problem, it's an encoding problem. Check that all your files are encoded in iso-8859-1 (the text encoding you declared in the meta html tag on your web page). If they are, then it could be your server that say the client the content is encoded in utf-8 or any other text encoding. In order to fix it, just configure the header content-type and charset to the correct value. (I've seen your website is made out of aspx which I don't know, but in php it would be header("Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1;");, to be placed before any output)
