File not found hashtag problem - url

My JQM app has a page in it called "settings" which has three buttons serving as links to other pages. One of those pages is called "tracks" and the code for it is below.
Control your relaxation resources
When I click this button I get a "File not found" error and the browser is pointing to the "file:///C:/inetpub/wwwroot/SITES/jQuery%20Mobile%20Form/tracks#tracks" url rather than the "file:///C:/inetpub/wwwroot/SITES/jQuery%20Mobile%20Form/index.html#tracks" url. I'm using FF but it happens in all browsers and it also happens when running on the test website.
The navigation works for the other two buttons on the page.
The behavior occurs regardless of what name I give the page.
I know I've seen this problem discussed but can't find the answer to it, so my apologies in advance it this is a duplicate or triplicate.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Updating to beta 2 of JQM took care of this problem. Don't know why but it is resolved now.


Umbraco 6 - Published page throws 404 in specific scenarios

I am running an instance of Umbraco 6.1.x and it has started throwing 404 on published pages.
My page structure is as follows,
Where component holds all resources and modules (HTML sections and stuff) for a page and using a partial view macro I dynamically load all components at runtime for a specific page.
We are facing an issue where we get 404 on every page after a full republish once we hit the HomePage. Before hitting home page they are all fine, but the moment we hit the homepage they are all throwing 404. By overriding the handlers I found out that they are hitting ~/umbraco/RenderMvc!
Any idea what can cause this?
Thanks in advance.
It is actually throwing:
No template exists to render the document at url '/'
considering the aforementioned scenario.
I have proper allowed template setup and property on nodes are showing the correct template associated with the respective items. Not sure why it's losing template info. I can force it to load under correct template using ?altTemplate=templateName.
Some pointers, we have a view in Views/Shared folder (apart from macro partials) tied to a surface controller.
One thing I would like to say is, we are using nested (library.RenderMacroContent with Umbraco markup) in our partial views and I have realized that the whole page throws 404 if there's a page with a link to the broken page which is broken (i.e. page got re-created and on t==e of the components is holding a link to the page with previous id). Suggestions?
did you get to the bottom of this? We're having exactly the same problem at the moment, on the same version of Umbraco.
I've noticed that when it happens, the umbraco.config becomes either corrupt or rolls back to a much, much earlier version, with all sorts of attributes missing. This lead us to believe it was a sync issue between the DB and umbraco.config.
We initially thought we had solved it by deleting App_Data > TEMP > ExamineIndex and recycling the app pool etc. Maybe give this ago, as it fixed it for a while for us, but alas, the demon has reared its ugly head once more. We are still in a full on dev stage though, so the constant changing may be complicating it further for us - perhaps it will be a fix for you.
If you have any more info, or even a fix, it would be greatly appreciated.
Ok, I think I've solved this now, but only time will tell. Try emptying your recycle bin & then republish entire site.
I managed to consistently recreate the bug using IIS SEO site analysis. Each time I did this, the log threw up an error 'cannot find node id xyz', turns out that (and other) nodes were in the recycle bin. Upon emptying it the errors stopped. Good luck!

Turning on SEO-Friendly URLs on Joomla makes all navigation show home page

Here is the site I'm working on:
If you try navigating with the 'Quick Links' menu, all pages show only the Home page, even though the URL is different. This only happens when I turn SEO-Friendly URLs on.
I've already got my host to do this , but the problem is still occurring.
Other info:
- This site is running on the 'Gavick Startup' template.
- I have another site running on the 'Gavick Boutique' template, but that has no problems with SEO-Friendly URLs.
Very puzzled by what's going on. I've done a lot of Googling but nothing comes up :\ Please help! Thanks!
Okay I found the problem.
The Gavick theme had plugins called "System - GK Cache" and "System - GK Extended Cache". The Extended Cache was meant as an alternative caching system. Turning both on at the same probably causes a conflict resulting in the problem above. Simply disabling the Extended Cache puts everything back to normal.

Pins on Pinterest link to 404 - yet link is valid

this is a really strange one.
I've set up a bunch of pins on Pinterest linking through to our services which all work fine. Then I decided to do the same on our blog articles (we use Wordpress), yet everytime I click the link (and I've done this on different computers) the link goes to a 404 page on our site. However the link is valid and if you right click the pin and open in new window it opens fine:
I have contacted Pinterest who are next to useless. I have also tried different browsers, different computers and different Pinterest accounts.
I can't see any weirdness in my htaccess files causing this so I'm a little stumped. Any suggestions?
I found this when I was searching for the same issue - so though it's an old question I thought I'd answer for anyone else who is searching!
My client was using a really old version of WordPress, when I upgraded to the latest version it fixed the issue. After a bit of digging it turns out you have to be on WordPress 1.5.2 and beyond in order to fix it - as they applied the fix in that update.

Rails 3 Links are broken after activescaffold update

I just updated active scaffold on my rails app, and now all the links are broken on the site. If I hover over the link in firefox, I can see http://localhost:3000/correct_link; however, when I click the link, I end up at http://localhost:3000/current_link#__1_. When the link is loaded all styling/javascript is messed up. Furthermore, the number after the two underscores increases every time I click another link, but I can never navigate away from http://localhost:3000/current_link__NUM_.
Interestingly, if I type the url that I want into the browser, all is well. There don't seem to be any errors in my logs or in my server console.
I'm not sure how to go about debugging this
Aha! The error was caused by my removing active_scaffold, which introduced some weird behavior from custom javascript that had hooked into it. After active scaffold was removed, the javascript started hijacking the links. Shuffling the javascript around fixed the bug

Search result not kept when browsing back

I have a search page that uses jQuery to populate a table with search results. Search.aspx is the main page and the data is added from SearchAdd.ascx.
I decided to recreate my project and so I manually copied everything from one project to the other. Everything works and looks the same in both projects except for this thing. When I've done a search, browsed to a search result and then hit the back button in the browser, I don't get the previous search results any more.
So my question is, what do I look for?
I've checked that these are exactly the same on both projects:
jQuery scripts
What else is there to look for? Could have anything to do with the virtual directory?
Any help is appreciated.
browser back button has nothing to do with what you have tested for. it is simply client side. it shows the thing from the browser's history, unless you have not altered the behaviour of the back button.
It had to do with the jQuery version.
In my old project I used jquery-1.4.4.min.js and in the new I used jquery-1.5.1.min.js. Switched back and the history is kept when hitting the back button.
I don't know why though?
