NSNumberformatter add extra zero - ios

I'm looking for a way to display "1" as "01", so basically everything below 10 should have a leading 0.
What would be the best way to do this?
I know I can just use a simple if structure to do this check, but this should be possible with NSNumberformatter right?

If you just want an NSString, you can simply do this:
NSString *myNumber = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%02d", number];
The %02d is from C. %nd means there must be at least n characters in the string and if there are less, pad it with 0's. Here's an example:
NSString *example = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%010d", number];
If the number variable only was two digits long, it would be prefixed by eight zeroes. If it was 9 digits long, it would be prefixed by a single zero.
If you want to use NSNumberFormatter, you could do this:
NSNumberFormatter * numberFormatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
[numberFormatter setPaddingPosition:NSNumberFormatterPadBeforePrefix];
[numberFormatter setPaddingCharacter:#"0"];
[numberFormatter setMinimumIntegerDigits:10];
NSNumber *number = [NSNumber numberWithInt:numberVariableHere];
I think this solves your problem:
[_minutes addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:i]];
return [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%02d", [[_minutes objectAtIndex:row] intValue]];

FIXED for Swift 3
let x = 999.1243
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.minimumFractionDigits = 1 // for float
formatter.maximumFractionDigits = 1 // for float
formatter.minimumIntegerDigits = 10 // digits do want before decimal
formatter.paddingPosition = .beforePrefix
formatter.paddingCharacter = "0"
let s = formatter.string(from: NSNumber(floatLiteral: x))!


convert NSString to long value [duplicate]

How can I convert a NSString containing a number of any primitive data type (e.g. int, float, char, unsigned int, etc.)? The problem is, I don't know which number type the string will contain at runtime.
I have an idea how to do it, but I'm not sure if this works with any type, also unsigned and floating point values:
long long scannedNumber;
NSScanner *scanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString:aString];
[scanner scanLongLong:&scannedNumber];
NSNumber *number = [NSNumber numberWithLongLong: scannedNumber];
Thanks for the help.
Use an NSNumberFormatter:
NSNumberFormatter *f = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
f.numberStyle = NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle;
NSNumber *myNumber = [f numberFromString:#"42"];
If the string is not a valid number, then myNumber will be nil. If it is a valid number, then you now have all of the NSNumber goodness to figure out what kind of number it actually is.
You can use -[NSString integerValue], -[NSString floatValue], etc. However, the correct (locale-sensitive, etc.) way to do this is to use -[NSNumberFormatter numberFromString:] which will give you an NSNumber converted from the appropriate locale and given the settings of the NSNumberFormatter (including whether it will allow floating point values).
(Note: this method doesn't play nice with difference locales, but is slightly faster than a NSNumberFormatter)
NSNumber *num1 = #([#"42" intValue]);
NSNumber *num2 = #([#"42.42" floatValue]);
Simple but dirty way
// Swift 1.2
if let intValue = "42".toInt() {
let number1 = NSNumber(integer:intValue)
// Swift 2.0
let number2 = Int("42')
// Swift 3.0
NSDecimalNumber(string: "42.42")
// Using NSNumber
let number3 = NSNumber(float:("42.42" as NSString).floatValue)
The extension-way
This is better, really, because it'll play nicely with locales and decimals.
extension String {
var numberValue:NSNumber? {
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .decimal
return formatter.number(from: self)
Now you can simply do:
let someFloat = "42.42".numberValue
let someInt = "42".numberValue
For strings starting with integers, e.g., #"123", #"456 ft", #"7.89", etc., use -[NSString integerValue].
So, #([#"12.8 lbs" integerValue]) is like doing [NSNumber numberWithInteger:12].
You can also do this:
NSNumber *number = #([dictionary[#"id"] intValue]]);
Have fun!
If you know that you receive integers, you could use:
NSString* val = #"12";
[NSNumber numberWithInt:[val intValue]];
Here's a working sample of NSNumberFormatter reading localized number NSString (xCode 3.2.4, osX 10.6), to save others the hours I've just spent messing around. Beware: while it can handle trailing blanks ("8,765.4 " works), this cannot handle leading white space and this cannot handle stray text characters. (Bad input strings: " 8" and "8q" and "8 q".)
NSString *tempStr = #"8,765.4";
// localization allows other thousands separators, also.
NSNumberFormatter * myNumFormatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
[myNumFormatter setLocale:[NSLocale currentLocale]]; // happen by default?
[myNumFormatter setFormatterBehavior:NSNumberFormatterBehavior10_4];
// next line is very important!
[myNumFormatter setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle]; // crucial
NSNumber *tempNum = [myNumFormatter numberFromString:tempStr];
NSLog(#"string '%#' gives NSNumber '%#' with intValue '%i'",
tempStr, tempNum, [tempNum intValue]);
[myNumFormatter release]; // good citizen
I wanted to convert a string to a double. This above answer didn't quite work for me. But this did: How to do string conversions in Objective-C?
All I pretty much did was:
double myDouble = [myString doubleValue];
Thanks All! I am combined feedback and finally manage to convert from text input ( string ) to Integer. Plus it could tell me whether the input is integer :)
NSNumberFormatter * f = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
[f setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle];
NSNumber * myNumber = [f numberFromString:thresholdInput.text];
int minThreshold = [myNumber intValue];
NSLog(#"Setting for minThreshold %i", minThreshold);
if ((int)minThreshold < 1 )
NSLog(#"Not a number");
NSLog(#"Setting for integer minThreshold %i", minThreshold);
[f release];
I think NSDecimalNumber will do it:
NSNumber *theNumber = [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:[stringVariable text]]];
NSDecimalNumber is a subclass of NSNumber, so implicit casting allowed.
What about C's standard atoi?
int num = atoi([scannedNumber cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]);
Do you think there are any caveats?
You can just use [string intValue] or [string floatValue] or [string doubleValue] etc
You can also use NSNumberFormatter class:
you can also do like this code 8.3.3 ios 10.3 support
[NSNumber numberWithInt:[#"put your string here" intValue]]
NSDecimalNumber *myNumber = [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:#"123.45"];
NSLog(#"My Number : %#",myNumber);
Try this
NSNumber *yourNumber = [NSNumber numberWithLongLong:[yourString longLongValue]];
Note - I have used longLongValue as per my requirement. You can also use integerValue, longValue, or any other format depending upon your requirement.
Worked in Swift 3
NSDecimalNumber(string: "Your string")
I know this is very late but below code is working for me.
Try this code
NSNumber *number = #([dictionary[#"keyValue"] intValue]]);
This may help you. Thanks
extension String {
var numberValue:NSNumber? {
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .decimal
return formatter.number(from: self)
let someFloat = "12.34".numberValue

Formatting a string containing a number separated by comma in ios

I have one double value. I have to display a double value separated by a commas in a UILabel. But instead of commas i got dot. Here is my code.
double totalCost = [abcCost doubleValue] + [defCost doubleValue];
NSNumberFormatter *numberFormatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc]init];
numberFormatter.locale = [NSLocale currentLocale];// this ensures the right separator behaviour
numberFormatter.numberStyle = NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle;
numberFormatter.usesGroupingSeparator = YES;
NSNumber *totalCostNum = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:totalCost];
NSString *totCostStr = [numberFormatter stringFromNumber:totalCostNum];
NSLog(#"%#", totCostStr);//123,345.46 prints
costLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"$ %#", totCostStr];
while display that value in UILabel it shows 123.345.46. I want to display the value in this format 123,345.46.
Thanks in advance.
The above code is correct. I had done a small mistake. UILabel height is small, that's why it seems to be a dot. When i increased the height it displays comma.

Is there any easy way to round a float with one digit number in objective c?

Yes. You are right. Of Course this is a duplicate question. Before flag my question, please continue reading below.
I want to round a float value, which is
56.6748939 to 56.7
56.45678 to 56.5
56.234589 to 56.2
Actually it can be any number of decimal precisions. But I want to round it to nearest value. (If it is greater than or equal to 5, then round up and if not, then round down).
I can do that with the below code.
float value = 56.68899
NSNumberFormatter *numberFormatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc]init];
[numberFormatter setMaximumFractionDigits:1];
[numberFormatter setRoundingMode:NSNumberFormatterRoundUp];
NSString *roundedString = [numberFormatter stringFromNumber:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:value]];
NSNumber *roundedNumber = [NSNumber numberFromString:roundedString];
float roundedValue = [roundedNumber floatValue];
Above code looks like a long process. I have several numbers to round off. So this process is hard to convert a float value into NSNumber and to NSString and to NSNumber and to float.
Is there any other easy way to achieve what I asked ?
I still have a doubt in the above code. It says roundUp. So when it comes to roundDown, will it work?
Can't you simply multiply by 10, round the number, then divide by 10?
CGFloat float1 = 56.6748939f;
CGFloat float2 = 56.45678f;
NSLog(#"%.1f %.1f",float1,float2);
56.7 56.5
float value = 56.6748939f;
NSString *floatString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%.1f",floatValue];
float roundedValue = [floatString floatValue];
NSString* strr=[NSString stringWithFormat: #"%.1f", 3.666666];
NSLog(#"output is: %#",strr);
output is:3.7
float fCost = [strr floatValue];
This works for me
NSNumberFormatter* formatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
[formatter setMaximumFractionDigits:1];
[formatter setMinimumFractionDigits:0];
CGFloat firstnumber = 56.6748939;
NSString *result1 = [formatter stringFromNumber:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:firstnumber]];
NSLog(#"RESULT #1: %#",result1);
CGFloat secondnumber = 56.45678;
NSString *result2 = [formatter stringFromNumber:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:secondnumber]];
NSLog(#"RESULT #2: %#",result2);
CGFloat thirdnumber = 56.234589;
NSString *result3 = [formatter stringFromNumber:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:thirdnumber]];
NSLog(#"RESULT #2: %#",result3);
You don't want float, because that only gives you six or seven digits precision. You also don't want CGFloat, because that only gives you six or seven digits precision except on an iPad Air or iPhone 5s. You want to use double.
Rounding to one digit is done very simply:
double x = 56.6748939;
double rounded = round (10 * x) / 10;
You can use
[dictionaryTemp setObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%.1f",averageRatingOfAllOrders] forKey:#"AvgRating"];
%.1f will give us value 2.1 only one digit after decimal point.
Try this :
This will round to any value not limited by powers of 10.
extension Double {
func roundToNearestValue(value: Double) -> Double {
let remainder = self % value
let shouldRoundUp = remainder >= value/2 ? true : false
let multiple = floor(self / value)
let returnValue = !shouldRoundUp ? value * multiple : value * multiple + value
return returnValue

Set UILabel character limit?

I have a UILabel that shows the outside temperature, the problem is, sometimes it shows it as a XX.XXº format instead of the normal XXº or XXXº format used to show temperature, is there anyway to force the label to only show the temperature without the decimals or at least force it to only be able to use 2 characters?
You can use this to eliminate the decimals:
NSString* numberString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%.0f", d]; // 0 means no decimals
Otherwise I believe this will work to limit the number of chars to 2:
NSNumberFormatter *formatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
formatter.usesSignificantDigits = YES;
formatter.maximumSignificantDigits = 2;
I have not really used NSNumberFormatter very much though.
NSString *temp = [galleryEntryTree objectForKey:#"description"];
if ([temp length] > 500) {
NSRange range = [temp rangeOfComposedCharacterSequencesForRange:(NSRange){0, 500}];
temp = [temp substringWithRange:range];
temp = [temp stringByAppendingString:#" …"];
coverView.label2.text = temp;
You may also use substring method
NSString *newformat = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#",[temperature substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(0,2)]];
In this case temperature is a string that you set for your label and you are only retrieving the 1st 2 digits only

Convert NSString to currency format

In Java we do this statement to have a $ currency format.
double num1 = 3.99 ;
double num2 = 1.00 ;
double total = num1 + num2;
System.out.printf ("Total: $ %.2f", total);
The result is:
Total: $4.99
Now in iOS how can I get same format if I have the following statement :
total.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"$ %d",([self.coursePriceLabel.text intValue])+([self.courseEPPLabel.text intValue])+10];
If I use doubleValue the output always is 0 .
You can do the same thing with NSString:
NSString *someString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"$%.2lf", total];
Note that the format specifier is "%lf" rather than just "%f".
But that only works for US dollars. If you want to make your code more localizable, the right thing to do is to use a number formatter:
NSNumber *someNumber = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:total];
NSNumberFormatter *nf = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
[nf setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle];
NSString *someString = [nf stringFromNumber:someNumber];
Of course, it won't do to display a value calculated in US dollars with a Euro symbol or something like that, so you'll either want to do all your calculations in the user's currency, or else convert to the user's currency before displaying. You may find NSValueTransformer helpful for that.
