Change this to use auto_ptr? - memory

I have been reading up on the c++ auto_ptr and unique_ptr and stuff and thought to try and use them in a class I am playing with... but I was having trouble getting it to work...
How would I convert these pointers to auto pointers or some equivalent so the deletion of the pointers is handled automatically?
Header -
Body -
At the moment it is working using normal pointers but I sometimes get a access violation error. I am pretty sure I know what it causing it.. but the "best" way might be to use the automatic deletion stuff recently added to c++11?
Thanks in advance.

Don't use auto_ptr. Try one of unique_ptr or shared_ptr. Here's Sutter explaining when to use which:
When in doubt, prefer unique_ptr by default, and you can always later move-convert to shared_ptr if you need it. If you know from the start you need shared ownership, however, go directly to shared_ptr via make_shared (see #2 below).
Also from his blog-post:
3. What’s the deal with auto_ptr?
auto_ptr is most charitably characterized as a valiant attempt to
create a unique_ptr before C++ had move semantics.
auto_ptr is now deprecated, and should not be used in new code. When
you get a chance, try doing a global search-and-replace of auto_ptr to
unique_ptr in your code base; the vast majority of uses will work the
same, and it might expose (as a compile-time error) or fix (silently)
a bug or two you didn’t know you had.
So, your member declarations change from:
sf::Texture * tSpriteSheet;
std::unique_ptr<sf::Texture> tSpriteSheet;
As for member functions which return a raw pointer you have but the obvious choice: You cannot return a unique_ptr if the class is not movable. So, you can either:
Keep the signature as-is
Return a const& unique_ptr<T>
Return a reference to the object
Choose the one that suits your needs the best.


D/Dlang: Lua interface, any way to force users to have no access to intermediate objects?

Status: Sort of solved. Switching Lua.Ref (close equivalent to LuaD LuaObject) to struct as suggested in answer has solved most issues related to freeing references, and I changed back to similar mechanism LuaD uses. More about this in the end.
In one of my project, I am working with Lua interface. I have mainly borrowed the ideas from LuaD. The mechanism in LuaD uses lua_ref & lua_unref to be able to move lua table/function references in D space, but this causes heavy problems because the calls to destructors and their order is not guaranteed. LuaD usually segfaults at least at the program exit.
Because it seems that LuaD is not maintained anymore, I decided to write my own interface for my purposes. My Lua interface class is here:
Usage examples can be found here:
And in case you need, the Lua script used by the example is here:
The interface works like this:
Lua.opIndex pushes global table and index key to stack, and return Top object. For example, lua["math"] pushes _G and "math" to stack.
Further accesses go through Top object. Top.opIndex goes deeper in the table hierarchy. Other methods (call, get, set) are "final" methods, which perform an operation with the table and key at the top of the stack, and clean the stack afterwards.
Close everything works fine, except this mechanism has nasty quirk/bug that I have no idea how to solve it. If you don't call any of those "final" methods, Top will leave table and key to the stack:
lua["math"]["abs"].call(-1); // Works. Final method (call) called.
lua["math"]["abs"]; // table ref & key left to stack :(
What I know for sure, is that playing with Top() destructor does not work, as it is not called immediately when object is not referenced anymore.
NOTE: If there is some sort of operator to be called when object is accessed as rvalue, I could replace call(), set() and get() methods with operator overloads.
Is there any way to prevent users to write such expressions (getting Top object without calling any of "final" methods)? I really don't want users to write e.g. luafunc = lua["math"]["abs"] and then later try to call it, because it won't work at all. Not without starting to play with lua_ref & lua_unref and start fighting with same issues that LuaD has.
Is there any kind of opAccess operator overloading, that is, overloading what happens when object is used as rvalue? That is, expression "a = b" -> "a.opAssign(b.opAccess)"? opCast does not work, it is called only with explicit casts.
Any other suggestions? I internally feel that I am looking solution from wrong direction. I feel that the problem reside in the realm of metaprogramming: I am trying to "scope" things at expression level, which I feel is not that suitable for classes and objects.
So far, I have tried to preserve the LuaD look'n'feel at interface user's side, but I think that if I could change the interface to something like following, I could get it working:["math", "abs"], 1); // call lua.math.abs(2)
lua.get(["table", "x", "y", "z"], 2); // lua table.x.y.z = 2
Syntactically that would ensure that reference to lua object fetched by indexing is finally used for something in the expression, and the stack would be cleaned.
UPDATE: Like said, changing Lua.Ref to struct solved problems related to dereferencing, and I am again using reference mechanism similar to LuaD. I personally feel that this mechanism suits the LuaD-style syntax I am using, too, and it can be quite a challenge to make the syntax working correctly with other mechanisms. I am still open to hear if someone has ideas to make it work.
The system I sketched to replace references (to tackle the problem with objects holding references living longer than lua sandbox) would probably need different kind of interface, something similar I sketched above.
You also have an issue when people do
auto math_abs = lua["math"]["abs"];;;
This will double pop.
Make Top a struct that holds the stack index of what they are referencing. That way you can use its known scoping and destruction behavior to your advantage. Make sure you handle this(this) correctly as well.
Only pop in the destructor when the value is the actual top value. You can use a bitset in LuaInterface to track which stack positions are in use and put the values in it using lua_replace if you are worried about excessive stack use.

"const" In Objective-C and Cocos2D: Is It Me, Or Does It Seem To Be Taboo?

I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this, since it's not really a technical question but more a question of style and coding practices...
I've always ben a fan of using "const" to define variables that will not be changing throughout their lifetime, most especially when they are parameters to functions/methods. This probably stems from my history with C++, where objects could be passed by reference rather than by pointer, but you wanted to ensure that the original value wasn't accidentally altered, either by you or by someone else on your team who was working on the same code snippet.
When looking through the headers for both Objective-C in general and Cocos2d specifically, I've noticed that there is a noticeable lack of use of this item. Now, I'm not against developing code as quickly as possible, and leaving off constraints such as these leave the developer the option to modify values as their code develops and evolves, but there are some instances where I believe that this laxity does not belong.
For example, in Cocos2D/UIKit, the "UIFont fontWithName" method takes "(NSString *)" as the parameter for the font name: does this method really need to reserve the right to alter the original string that was passed in? I personally like to define constant strings as "const" items, and I don't like the necessity of casting these as non-"const" when calling these methods.
Enough proselytizing: My question - Is the direction now moving towards less well-defined interfaces and more towards "lazy references" (which I do not consider to be a derogative term)?
Thanks in advance for any feedback....
Const wouldn't mean anything for Objective C class pointers, because it would have to be overloaded in a very confusing way for Objective C types. This is because there's no way to mark a method as const, as there is in C++, so the compiler could never enforce it.
That said, at my old company, we did declare global string constants using something like:
NSString* const kMyCoolString = #"Hello, world!";
The point being that it at least couldn't be reassigned to something else.
The closest analog in Objective C/Cocoa/Foundation are mutable/immutable versions of data structures, which doesn't really help your case.

Delphi Win32 Programming/Access Violation problems

I wasn't entirely sure how to name this, so apologies in advance.
You see, I'm trying to teach myself Win32/DirectX programming, utilizing Delphi (my language of choice) using this site -
Of course, the site being all in C++, I have to port it to Delphi. It seemed simple enough, at first. I'm on the second tutorial for DirectX 11 - setting up the framework and getting the initial window to show up.
Now for my actual problem. I was getting Access Violation errors. So I found and started to use MadExcept to try and find out what was going on. So it tells me the lines, but I'm clueless as to how to solve the issues at hand.
I have everything set up to mimic as well as I can the original source code. The only real difference being that in the instances where a pointer to a class for a variable, such as the case with m_input, m_grahics, and system, I made a type for those. So I have the TSystemClass, TInputClass, TGraphicsClass, and then I have PSystemClass, etc. that = ^TSystemClass, etc. I figured that this would make things a bit simpler and more neater. On a side note, I assume it should be said, but I for the construction of the copy constructors made the initial classes inherit from TPersistent so I could use it's Assign procedure.
So, back to the Access Violation errors. So first, the problem was in the main program with system being of type PSystemClass. So for a reason unknown to me, when I tried to use system.create, it was at that very instant, creating the access violation. I then realized however that I wasn't assigning system the system.create. So I tried this, and it said that, and rightfully so I suppose, at compile time an error that the two were incompatible since system.create is of type TSystemClass, and system is of PSystemClass. So I tried typecasting it, and that worked. but once again, still getting the dreaded access violations.
So then I had an odd idea, maybe I should call the regular constructor right from the TSystemClass itself. And I tried, needed to typecast again. So I did. And it worked! No longer an access violation error there! Now... New problem! Or rather in this case "problems". There's 3 things now listed in the call stack in MadExcept. The first one:
m_hinstance := GetModuleHandle(nil);
It's saying that this is causing an access violation error. Though why is this, exactly? From what I understand and have read, if GetModuleHandle is set to null/nil, it should retrieve the handle for the file that called it, right? And from what the documentation says, that should be executable.
However note: I'm not sure if the fact that I have the main program, the systemclass stuff, the inputclass stuff, and the graphicsclass stuff, all in different program/unit files to mimic the nature of the original source code. So is this possibly what's causing it? And if so how would I fix it? By putting all of the code from the unit files into the main program file? Though that, in my own personal opinion, would be quite messy and unintuitive.
The next one baffles me even more.
InitializeWindows(ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight);
I'm not dealing with anything other then a function to register the window class and set things up for the window and all here. So I'm not quite sure what the problem here is since it only deals with 2 parameters and they're defined and all already before it's called. So I'm not quite sure what the problem here is at all and what exactly is causing the access violation.
and then finally the final one is in the main program:
return := system.initialize;
Return is what I used in all instances of the result variable of the original source code, as result is of course a built in variable of all functions.
I suppose if system is never able to properly do what it's meant to do then something could/should happen here. Likewise, because I used TSystemClass.Create (typecasted to PSystemClass) earlier to create system would that do anything here? And is it possibly linked to the other two because they're not able to do their own thing properly?
And on a final note; there is one last thing actually on the call stack in MadExcept.
It says Kernel32.dll in the module section, but aside from the main thread, it lists nothing else. (If this information is needed I'll gladly put it up).
Thanks in advance to anyone who's read this far and I hope to find some help on this problem so I may further my studies.
You're instantiating your classes all wrong. Here's an example from TSystemClass.Initialize:
m_Input := PInputClass(m_Input.create);
That's a variable you declared as a PInputClass.
Earlier, in TSystemClass.Create, you initialized that variable:
m_Input := nil;
So, since you have a null reference, it should be clear that you can't call any methods on it. In particular, you cannot call Create on it. Instead, call Create on the class you want to instantiate: TInputClass.Create.
That constructor returns a value of the type you constructed, a TInputClass. It doesn't return a PInputClass, so your type-cast is wrong. As Cosmin's comment explains, Delphi object variables are already pointers. It's exceedingly rare to have to declare a pointer type based on Delphi classes. The correct code is this:
m_Input := TInputClass.Create;
After that line, you check whether m_Input is null. You never have to do that in Delphi; a constructor either returns a valid object, or it doesn't return at all. If there's a problem constructing an object, the constructor throws an exception and the assignment statement never executes. (The original C++ code does it wrong, too. The new operator hasn't returned a null pointer on failure for over a decade, long before anyone was in a position to start writing a DirectX 11 tutorial.)
You should first of all try to get rid of the TPersistent inheritance. If you want to pass an object to a library its interface should be exactly the same as the original that is used in C++. By inheriting from TPersistent you take a whole lot of load into your class that might be not needed or might even be the reason of your problems.
Additionally it would help if you posted the exact output of the exceptions. Or even the CallStack. That might help tracing down the error.

How do programmers practice code reuse

I've been a bad programmer because I am doing a copy and paste. An example is that everytime i connect to a database and retrieve a recordset, I will copy the previous code and edit, copy the code that sets the datagridview and edit. I am aware of the phrase code reuse, but I have not actually used it. How can i utilize code reuse so that I don't have to copy and paste the database code and the datagridview code.,
The essence of code reuse is to take a common operation and parameterize it so it can accept a variety of inputs.
Take humble printf, for example. Imagine if you did not have printf, and only had write, or something similar:
//convert theInt to a string and write it out.
char c[24];
itoa(theInt, c, 10);
Now this sucks to have to write every time, and is actually kind of buggy. So some smart programmer decided he was tired of this and wrote a better function, that in one fell swoop print stuff to stdout.
printf("%d", theInt);
You don't need to get as fancy as printf with it's variadic arguments and format string. Even just a simple routine such as:
void print_int(int theInt)
char c[24];
itoa(theInt, c, 10);
would do the trick nickely. This way, if you want to change print_int to always print to stderr you could update it to be:
void print_int(int theInt)
fprintf(stderr, "%d", theInt);
and all your integers would now magically be printed to standard error.
You could even then bundle that function and others you write up into a library, which is just a collection of code you can load in to your program.
Following the practice of code reuse is why you even have a database to connect to: someone created some code to store records on disk, reworked it until it was usable by others, and decided to call it a database.
Libraries do not magically appear. They are created by programmers to make their lives easier and to allow them to work faster.
Put the code into a routine and call the routine whenever you want that code to be executed.
Check out Martin Fowler's book on refactoring, or some of the numerous refactoring related internet resources (also on stackoverflow), to find out how you could improve code that has smells of duplication.
At first, create a library with reusable functions. They can be linked with different applications. It saves a lot of time and encourages reuse.
Also be sure the library is unit tested and documented. So it is very easy to find the right class/function/variable/constant.
Good rule of thumb is if you use same piece three times, and it's obviously possible to generalize it, than make it a procedure/function/library.
However, as I am getting older, and also more experienced as a professional developer, I am more inclined to see code reuse as not always the best idea, for two reasons:
It's difficult to anticipate future needs, so it's very hard to define APIs so you would really use them next time. It can cost you twice as much time - once you make it more general just so that second time you are going to rewrite it anyway. It seems to me that especially Java projects of late are prone to this, they seem to be always rewritten in the framework du jour, just to be more "easier to integrate" or whatever in the future.
In a larger organization (I am a member of one), if you have to rely on some external team (either in-house or 3rd party), you can have a problem. Your future then depends on their funding and their resources. So it can be a big burden to use foreign code or library. In a similar fashion, if you share a piece of code to some other team, they can then expect that you will maintain it.
Note however, these are more like business reasons, so in open source, it's almost invariably a good thing to be reusable.
to get code reuse you need to become a master of...
Giving things names that capture their essence. This is really really important
Making sure that it only does one thing. This is really comes back to the first point, if you can't name it by its essence, then often its doing too much.
Locating the thing somewhere logical. Again this comes back to being able to name things well and capturing its essence...
Grouping it with things that build on a central concept. Same as above, but said differntly :-)
The first thing to note is that by using copy-and-paste, you are reusing code - albeit not in the most efficient way.
You have recognised a situation where you have come up with a solution previously.
There are two main scopes that you need to be aware of when thinking about code reuse. Firstly, code reuse within a project and, secondly, code reuse between projects.
The fact that you have a piece of code that you can copy and paste within a project should be a cue that the piece of code that you're looking at is useful elsewhere. That is the time to make it into a function, and make it available within the project.
Ideally you should replace all occurrances of that code with your new function, so that it (a) reduces redundant code and (b) ensures that any bugs in that chunk of code only need to be fixed in one function instead of many.
The second scope, code reuse across projects, requires some more organisation to get the maximum benefit. This issue has been addressed in a couple of other SO questions eg. here and here.
A good start is to organise code that is likely to be reused across projects into source files that are as self-contained as possible. Minimise the amount of supporting, project specific, code that is required as this will make it easier to reuse entire files in a new project. This means minimising the use of project specific data-types, minimising the use project specific global variables, etc.
This may mean creating utility files that contain functions that you know are going to be useful in your environment. eg. Common database functions if you often develop projects that depend on databases.
I think the best way to answer your problem is that create a separate assembly for your important functions.. in this way you can create extension methods or modify the helper assemble itself.. think of this function..
ExportToExcel(List date, string filename)
this method can be use for your future excel export functions so why don't store it in your own helper assembly.. i this way you just add reference to these assemblies.
Depending on the size of the project can change the answer.
For a smaller project I would recommend setting up a DatabaseHelper class that does all your DB access. It would just be a wrapper around opening/closing connections and execution of the DB code. Then at a higher level you can just write the DBCommands that will be executed.
A similar technique could be used for a larger project, but would need some additional work, interfaces need to be added, DI, as well as abstracting out what you need to know about the database.
You might also try looking into ORM, DAAB, or over to the Patterns and Practices Group
As far as how to prevent the ole C&P? - Well as you write your code, you need to periodically review it, if you have similar blocks of code, that only vary by a parameter or two, that is always a good candidate for refactoring into its own method.
Now for my pseudo code example:
Function GetCustomer(ID) as Customer
Dim CMD as New DBCmd("SQL or Stored Proc")
CMD.Paramaters.Add("CustID",DBType,Length).Value = ID
Dim DHelper as New DatabaseHelper
DR = DHelper.GetReader(CMD)
Dim RtnCust as New Customer(Dx)
Return RtnCust
End Function
Class DataHelper
Public Function GetDataTable(cmd) as DataTable
Write the DB access code stuff here.
Do DB Operation
Close Connection
End Function
Public Function GetDataReader(cmd) as DataReader
Public Function GetDataSet(cmd) as DataSet
... And So on ...
End Class
For the example you give, the appropriate solution is to write a function that takes as parameters whatever it is that you edit whenever you paste the block, then call that function with the appropriate data as parameters.
Try and get into the habit of using other people's functions and libraries.
You'll usually find that your particular problem has a well-tested, elegant solution.
Even if the solutions you find aren't a perfect fit, you'll probably gain a lot of insight into the problem by seeing how other people have tackled it.
I'll do this at two levels. First within a class or namespace, put that code piece that is reused in that scope in a separate method and make sure it is being called.
Second is something similar to the case that you are describing. That is a good candidate to be put in a library or a helper/utility class that can be reused more broadly.
It is important to evaluate everything that you are doing with an perspective whether it can be made available to others for reuse. This should be a fundamental approach to programming that most of us dont realize.
Note that anything that is to be reused needs to be documented in more detail. Its naming convention be distinct, all the parameters, return results and any constraints/limitations/pre-requisites that are needed should be clearly documented (in code or help files).
It depends somewhat on what programming language you're using. In most languages you can
Write a function, parameterize it to allow variations
Write a function object, with members to hold the varying data
Develop a hierarchy of (function object?) classes that implement even more complicated variations
In C++ you could also develop templates to generate the various functions or classes at compile time
Easy: whenever you catch yourself copy-pasting code, take it out immediately (i.e., don't do it after you've already CP'd code several times) into a new function.

Usage of inline closures / function delegates in Actionscript

Why are inline closures so rarely used in Actionscript? They are very powerful and I think quite readable. I hardly ever see anyone using them so maybe I'm just looking at the wrong code. Google uses them in their Google Maps API for Flash samples, but I think thats the only place I've seen them.
I favor them because you have access to local variables in the scope that defines them and you keep the logic in one method and dont end up with lots of functions for which you have to come up with a name.
Are there any catches of using them? Do they work pretty much the same way as in C#.
I actually only just discovered that AS3 supports them, and I'm quite annoyed becasue I had thought I read that they were deprecated in AS#. So I'm back to using them!
private function showPanel(index:int):void {
_timer = new Timer(1000, 1);
_timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, function(event:Event):void
// show the next panel
The biggest gotcha to watch out for is that often 'this' is not defined in the inline closure. Sometimes you can set a 'this', but it's not always the right 'this' that you would have available to set, depending on how you're using them.
But I'd say most of the Flex code I've worked on has had inline closures rampantly throughout the code--since callbacks are the only way to get work done, and often you don't need the bring out a whole separate function.
Sometimes when the function nested is getting to be too much, I'll break it out slightly with Function variables in the function; this helps me organize a bit by giving labels to the functions but keeping some of the characteristics of inline closures (access to the local variables, for example).
Hope this helps.
One additional problem is that garbage collection is broken when it comes to closures (at least in Flash 9). The first instance of a given closure (from a lexical standpoint) will never be garbage collected - along with anything else referenced by the closure in the scope chain.
I found what originally made me NOT want to do this, but I had forgotten the details:
(This is what Mitch mentioned - as far as the 'this' keyword being out of scope)
So thats Adobe's answer, however I am much more likely to need to refer to local variables than 'this'.
How do others interpret Adobe's recommendation ?
