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Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to have two methods calling each other?
I need to write 2 functions that call each other.
(with conditions inside - so they'd eventually stop)
let x () : int =
if (------) then
y num
let y () : int =
if (------) then
x num
The problem is that, as I understand it, F# evaluates functions by order of appearance.. so writing this will create compilation errors...
Is there a way to solve this problem?
So both functions will know each other?
You need the and keyword for mutually-recursive functions:
let rec x num =
if (------) then
y num
and y num =
if (------) then
x num
This is related to an old question:
How to consume BlockingCollection<'a>.TryTake in F#
where the answer is more or less that we can't use it because the byref part should be at the end of the parameter list to make it possible.
8 years have passed since this question: are there any similar blocking queues with a timeout that I can use in F#?
You can use TryTake from F# without issues, but you can't use it as tuple returns. For exmaple, in FSI, this code:
open System.Collections.Concurrent
let bc = new BlockingCollection<int>()
let mutable item = 0
bc.Add 42
let success = bc.TryTake(&item, 100)
Will work fine, and result in the following output:
val bc : BlockingCollection<int>
val mutable item : int = 42
val success : bool = true
Sorry for my question but I did not understand the answers that was related to this question so I hope someone can enlighten me further.
I am a new data science student and we are going to learn how to program in the functional language F#. We are learning about algorithms and I wanted to write the algorithms as F# functions to check if my calculations on paper were correct.
I get the following error saying:
"This value is not mutable. Consider using the mutable keyword let mutable n = expression"
My code looks like this:
let loop5( n ) =
let mutable x = 0
while n > 0 do
x <- x + 1
n <- n + 1
printfn "loop5(): x=%i for n=%i" x n
I'm trying to write a function looking like this (pseudocode):
x = 0
while n > 0
x = x + 1
n = n + 1
return x
Hope I made a clear question and someone can help me out here :-) Have a nice weekend
You're trying to mutate the loop's parameter n. The parameter is not mutable, so the compiler doesn't let you. That's exactly what the error tells you.
Now, normally, to make the error go away, you'd make the variable mutable. However, you can't make a function parameter mutable, so that's not an option.
Here you want to think what the meaning of your program should be. Does the loop function need to pass the updated value of n back to its caller, or is the whole mutation its internal business? If it's the former, please see #AnyMoose's answer, but from your example and explanation, I suspect it's the latter. If that is the case, simply make a mutable copy of the parameter and work with it:
let loop n' =
let mutable x = 0
let mutable n = n'
Separately, I want to point out that your program, as written, would actually loop indefinitely (or until it wraps around the max int value anyway), because instead of decreasing n at each step you're increasing it. If you want your program to actually finish before the next Ice Age, you need to make n decrease with each iteration:
n <- n - 1
Ref cells
Ref cells get around some of the limitations of mutables. In fact, ref cells are very simple datatypes which wrap up a mutable field in a record type. Ref cells are defined by F# as follows:
type 'a ref = { mutable contents : 'a }
The F# library contains several built-in functions and operators for working with ref cells:
let ref v = { contents = v } (* val ref : 'a -> 'a ref *)
let (!) r = r.contents (* val (!) : 'a ref -> 'a *)
let (:=) r v = r.contents <- v (* val (:=) : 'a ref -> 'a -> unit *)
The ref function is used to create a ref cell, the ! operator is used to read the contents of a ref cell, and the := operator is used to assign a ref cell a new value. Here is a sample in fsi:
let x = ref "hello";;
val x : string ref
x;; (* returns ref instance *)
val it : string ref = {contents = "hello";}
!x;; (* returns x.contents *)
val it : string = "hello"
x := "world";; (* updates x.contents with a new value *)
val it : unit = ()
!x;; (* returns x.contents *)
val it : string = "world"
Since ref cells are allocated on the heap, they can be shared across multiple functions:
open System
let withSideEffects x =
x := "assigned from withSideEffects function"
let refTest() =
let msg = ref "hello"
printfn "%s" !msg
let setMsg() =
msg := "world"
printfn "%s" !msg
withSideEffects msg
printfn "%s" !msg
let main() =
Console.ReadKey(true) |> ignore
The withSideEffects function has the type val withSideEffects : string ref -> unit.
This program outputs the following:
Assigned from withSideEffects function
The withSideEffects function is named as such because it has a side-effect, meaning it can change the state of a variable in other functions. Ref Cells should be treated like fire. Use it cautiously when it is absolutely necessary but avoid it in general. If you find yourself using Ref Cells while translating code from C/C++, then ignore efficiency for a while and see if you can get away without Ref Cells or at worst using mutable. You would often stumble upon a more elegant and more maintanable algorithm
Aliasing Ref Cells
Note: While imperative programming uses aliasing extensively, this practice has a number of problems. In particular it makes programs hard to follow since the state of any variable can be modified at any point elsewhere in an application. Additionally, multithreaded applications sharing mutable state are difficult to reason about since one thread can potentially change the state of a variable in another thread, which can result in a number of subtle errors related to race conditions and dead locks.
A ref cell is very similar to a C or C++ pointer. Its possible to point to two or more ref cells to the same memory address; changes at that memory address will change the state of all ref cells pointing to it. Conceptually, this process looks like this:
Let's say we have 3 ref cells looking at the same address in memory:
Three references to an integer with value 7
cell1, cell2, and cell3 are all pointing to the same address in memory. The .contents property of each cell is 7. Let's say, at some point in our program, we execute the code cell1 := 10, this changes the value in memory to the following:
Three references to an integer with value 10
By assigning cell1.contents a new value, the variables cell2 and cell3 were changed as well. This can be demonstrated using fsi as follows:
let cell1 = ref 7;;
val cell1 : int ref
let cell2 = cell1;;
val cell2 : int ref
let cell3 = cell2;;
val cell3 : int ref
val it : int = 7
val it : int = 7
val it : int = 7
cell1 := 10;;
val it : unit = ()
val it : int = 10
val it : int = 10
val it : int = 10
This question already has answers here:
How to choose between private member and let binding?
(3 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
Question in the title. Suppose I have:
namespace Namespace
module Module =
type public Type() =
let Z y = 2 * y
member private this.z y = 2 * y
What is the difference between Z and z?
One thing to consider is that with reflection, the private member becomes accessible.
Also, you can't call the code in z until after the constructor has completed
Is it possible to somehow create a pow function for measure types?
The pow function in f# only takes int as parameter, and then pow function in the Math class takes a float - but dosent allow float<cm>.
I first thought that:
let rec myPow(x:float<cm>,y:int) =
if y = 0 then x
else myPow(x*x, y - 1)
might work out, but its obvious that each time it come across the else line it will change the return type.
Any suggestions?
I don't think that is possible. You are asking the function to return <cm^2> in case the power is by 2 and <cm^3> in case of 3 and so on. Which makes the function to return different "types" based on the calculation which obviously not possible in a static type and type safe language. Unfortunately, I don't think units of measure can be made "generics" to try that to reach any further.
Your function can have only one static return type.
Ankur is correct - you cannot do this (without resorting to hacks that would break units).
Maybe a clearer description of the problem is that the type of pow function would depend on the value of the argument and F# doesn't allow you to do this. You could imagine this would work if were using just literals as the second argument, but it would become tricky if you used expressions:
pow a 3 // Assuming a = 1.0<cm>, the return type is float<cm ^ 3>
pow a n // Assuming a = 1.0<cm>, the return type is float<cm ^ n>
In the second case the value n would have to appear in the type!
You can use some nasty tricks (inspired by this Haskell article), but it becomes a bit crazy. Instead of using numeric literals, you'd use something like S(S(S(N))) to represent the number 3. This way, you can bring the number into the type. You probably don't want to do this, but here is an example:
[<Measure>] type cm
// Represents a number with units of measure powered to the
// number's value (e.g "(S (S O))" has type Num<cm, cm^3>)
type Num<[<Measure>] 'M, [<Measure>] 'N> =
| O_ of int * float<'N>
| S_ of int * Num<'M, 'N / 'M>
// Constructors that hide that simplify the creation
let O : Num<'M, 'M> = O_ (1, 0.0<_>)
let S n = match n with O_(i, _) | S_(i, _) -> S_(i + 1, n)
// Type-safe power function with units of measure
let pow (x:float<'M>) ((O_(i, _) | S_(i, _)):Num<'M, 'M 'N>) : float<'M 'N> =
// Unsafe hacky implementation, which is hidden
// from the user (for simplicity)
unbox ((float x) ** float i)
let res = pow 2.0<cm> (S (S O))
EDIT: I posted the source code to F# snippets, so that you can see the inferred types:
As said, you cannot. If y is not known at compile-time, it's not possible to type check the expression in F# type system.
I suspect you'll use myPow only with a few small and known constants. In this case, you could use the following functions instead and keep static typing:
let inline pow2 (x: float<'a>) : float<'a^2> = pown (float x) 2 * 1.<_>
let inline pow3 (x: float<'a>) : float<'a^3> = pown (float x) 3 * 1.<_>
let inline pow4 (x: float<'a>) : float<'a^4> = pown (float x) 4 * 1.<_>
let inline pow5 (x: float<'a>) : float<'a^5> = pown (float x) 5 * 1.<_>
In the following function, I've attempted to set up tail recursion via the usage of an accumulator. However, I'm getting stack overflow exceptions which leads me to believe that the way I'm setting up my function is't enabling tail recursion correctly.
//F# attempting to make a tail recursive call via accumulator
let rec calc acc startNum =
match startNum with
| d when d = 1 -> List.rev (d::acc)
| e when e%2 = 0 -> calc (e::acc) (e/2)
| _ -> calc (startNum::acc) (startNum * 3 + 1)
It is my understanding that using the acc would allow the compiler to see that there is no need to keep all the stack frames around for every recursive call, since it can stuff the result of each pass in acc and return from each frame. There is obviously something I don't understand about how to use the accumulator value correctly so the compiler does tail calls.
Stephen Swensen was correct in noting as a comment to the question that if you debug, VS has to disable the tail calls (else it wouldn't have the stack frames to follow the call stack). I knew that VS did this but just plain forgot.
After getting bit by this one, I wonder if it possible for the runtime or compiler to throw a better exception since the compiler knows both that you are debugging and you wrote a recursive function, it seems to me that it might be possible for it to give you a hint such as
'Stack Overflow Exception: a recursive function does not
tail call by default when in debug mode'
It does appear that this is properly getting converted into a tail call when compiling with .NET Framework 4. Notice that in Reflector it translates your function into a while(true) as you'd expect the tail functionality in F# to do:
[CompilationArgumentCounts(new int[] { 1, 1 })]
public static FSharpList<int> calc(FSharpList<int> acc, int startNum)
while (true)
int num = startNum;
switch (num)
case 1:
int d = num;
return ListModule.Reverse<int>(FSharpList<int>.Cons(d, acc));
int e = num;
if ((e % 2) == 0)
int e = num;
startNum = e / 2;
acc = FSharpList<int>.Cons(e, acc);
startNum = (startNum * 3) + 1;
acc = FSharpList<int>.Cons(startNum, acc);
Your issue isn't stemming from the lack it being a tail call (if you are using F# 2.0 I don't know what the results will be). How exactly are you using this function? (Input parameters.) Once I get a better idea of what the function does I can update my answer to hopefully solve it.