mediaelement.js dont work in ios after infinite-scroll - ios

I made some media items(video,audio) by mediaelement.js in a list page with infinite-scroll and isotope jquery plugin. I use the infinite-scroll for going next page. it's a ajax plugin. There is a viedo item(c1) in first page and a audio item(c2) in second page. When scroll to bottom, the second page(c2 audio item) will be loaded.
The problem is when the page is runing in ipad and iphone, when infinite-scroll the second page, the c1 video can't be played, it's always loading. It works fine in firefox and chrome of pc. Please help me to check the codes.
(This's the link.)

I got the answer.
this codes will be ok, hope to help somebody:


fancybox3 image button iframe youtube video

My client's site usesfancybox to load a lightbox for an embedded YouTube video. Clicking on the "play" image button in the middle of the video launches an embedded YouTube video.
This works fine on desktop, but will not work on my iPhone X (iOS 12). It will sometimes work for other iphone users after 3-4 clicks on the play button, but I cannot load it at all.
What should I be looking at to fix this on iOS? This is driving me crazy!
Page in question:
First, fancybox works fine, you can clearly see on the homepage or any other demo.
Secondly, in situations like this, you should start by checking output of browser console. There are a lots of JS errors on your page (not related to fancybox) and any JS issue can prevent further execution of the code. So, start by fixing them.
And last, I could not find fancybox on your page. It looks like you are using buggy custom JS code.

Why Safari on iOS is not showing my HTML5 video poster?

I have this webpage:
It have 10 <video> elements on it.
For some reason, when I load the page on an iPad, it is not showing the video posters.
Try the following:
load the page on a desktop browser
load it on an iPad or iPad simulator, and you get a big black box with a play button
please tell me why this is happening?
Here's what I've already ruled out:
Image Content-Type header.
I've validated that the image content-type header is properly set.
In the example above, the Content-Type header properly image/jpeg.
Interference with the video.js library
VideoJs is used to show that nice play button on desktop browsers and to customise the controls. This library doesn't interfere with the native player however.
Just to make sure, I've created a test video page which doesn't have the video-js class, so the library doesn't pick up and process that video. In fact, the test page doesn't even include any JS library, it's just
Usage of any video attributes that may not be supported on Mobile Safari
The test page above just has a plain video tag. I've tried removing every other attribute except for src and poster, it didn't help.
Most of the StackOverflow questions on the topic just say "Restart your iPad"
Here's where it gets weird:
If you google around on this, the answers on StackOverflow that have been accepted often say "Restart your iPad, that did it for me".
So I've tried doing the same thing, at first I just said that it doesn't work in my case.
Then, I tried this:
(all of the following on the iPad simulator)
Go to the site, video posters don't show
Go to the test page (, video poster doesn't show.
Click home to exit Safari (or Cmd+Shift+H mac shortcut for the simulator)
Double-Click home button to get the task switcher outside of Safari, tap and hold on the safari icon until the kill button shows.
Kill Safari
Open safari (restarted). At this point, if you load the test page (the one with just one video), the poster will show.
Now go to the multi-video page: ( Video posters don't show.
Go back to the single-video test page, the video poster for that one no longer works either.
Repeat steps 3 to 8 to see the process of when video posters stop working.
So apparently, at some point, Mobile Safari decides it will no longer show any video posters.
Also, apparently, my site triggers this condition.
When posters no longer work, it doesn't only occur on one domain, no video posters will be loaded for any other site, regardless whether or not it's on a totally different domain (e.g. the demo video from
In order to reset this behaviour, from what I've seen, you have to kill and restart Safari. Just closing and reopening it doesn't reset this state.
Does anyone have any idea why this is happening? Is there a way to work around it?
EDIT: looks like this no longer works. Not shocking given how much iOS has changed in the last 7 years.
I got this working by using a PNG instead of a JPG.
Weird thing is, the JPG worked in iOS Safari locally (via a POW server on local wifi) but when pushed to staging the poster image didn't load. Both the local and staging code were referencing the same file on S3.
Changed the file format to PNG and it loads fine.
I see the question keeps getting upvoted once in a while, though there's no answer.
So here's what I ended up doing:
On iOS, instead of showing the video player (even with autoload=false), I will just show the poster and a play button, two standalone <img> tags.
When they get clicked, I create the video player from javascript and tell it to play. Works fine, users don't see much difference.
I fixed it by adding preload="none" to my code.
<video width="344" preload="none" height="217" poster="/themes/custom/xxxxxx">
In Safari settings [iOS7] Block Pop-Ups turned "OFF" seemed to cure this for me, hope this helps.
Well if someone is still stuck on this is how I managed to get it done in React.js but the algorithm itself should be useful in any framework:
First I detect whether the browser is safari or not using the following in a useEffect:
var isSafari = /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
then I set it inside a state object.
If safari is true then instead of displaying the video i simply display an image with that poster as its source. Then I have an onClick handler on the image tag itself clicking on it will change the above state back to false and hence image component will stop showing and video will be shown instead. Now one more problem you would have to tackle here is that on image click the image will disappear and video will appear and you'll then have to click the video again for it to play. That's bad UX. so for that you can simply attach a ref to the video and inside the click handler for Image after you set the state simple do :
This will start playing the video as well.
I know this is a hacky solution so don't come at me but it was the only thing i could do to get it work.

Open specific page of a pdf in iFrame on iPad

I am trying to open a specific page of a pdf (for example, inside an iFrame. While it works on desktop browsers, it is not working on an iPad.
Also noticing that, this does not work on the iPad even without the iFrame if I want to go the page 14 by typing directly in the address bar of mobile safari.
Has any of you came across this problem? If so, how did you solve it?
Thanks a lot for any help!

UIWebView loading but not displaying content

UIWebView successfully loaded content, but is not displaying it. UIWebView is just white screen. BUT, if you click on this UIWebView it will process your click. For example, if you click at place where the link should be (but in fact the white space), the click processed and next page loaded and displayed OK.
The bug is unstable. I got it only with local HTML file (our homepage, it generated locally), web content loads OK. It happens in 20% cases. But in the same time, it is very sticky. Once got white screen, you can reload this page many times and see white screen (but if you click on invisible link, another page displayed successfully). Sometimes it occasionally appears without any reason. Your can "scroll" this blank screen up and down and it occasionally loaded. This local HTML has a lot of stuff, embedded images, javascripts, etc, and it could be javascript problem, but I can't explain how it can be, that content invisible, but still clickable.
It happens in iPod real device and iPhone simulator 4.3, but can't reproduce it on iPad or iPad simulator.
I spent a whole day trying resolve this. Any ideas?
I solved this!
This really weird behaviour of UIWebView was caused by javascript code. The javascript was like (simplified):
function onLoad() {
<body onload='onLoad();'>
The idea of this code was to inform app about the fact that page was loaded. In the app I catch request to xxx://pageLoaded and cancel it (in shouldStartLoadWithRequest). Because request cancellation, I didn't expect any problems here. Espesially, I didn't expect that content will become invisible, but still clicable. I added timer (setTimeout) between onload fires and location.href change. It solves the problem.
NOTE: I know about webViewDidFinishLoad event in UIWebView. This is very simplified example just to explain the problem and the solution. Real javascript is more sophisticated and what it is doing can't be reached by simple use webViewDidFinishLoad.

Youtube player can't be covered by any HTML element

I have a website which contains youtube flash player. Player's code was copied from Youtube and pasted to an HTML of my page.
When I'm opening the page in iPhone or iPad, the player can't be covered by absolute positioned DIV tag. The div tag has z-index 1000 and covers all elements (youtube flash player too) on the page if I use normal PC. But in iPhone or iPad I can't cover youtube player by this div element.
I used many tricks with OBJECT and EMBED tags of flash element (adding style="position:absolute; z-index:0" and etc.) but no results.
Please assist how can I cover Flash element in iPhone or iPad.
please use an iframe. That's the way I've done it.
I found that on the iphone there are certain things that dont work but will work on a pc. I believe however Iframes are quite versatile with stuff.
Try it out. Let me know if it works.
You just had to add ?wmode=transparent at the end of the url of the youtube embed code to fix the problem.
It should work!
